Goed interview!
Emotions are used to reinforce what you believe to be true. Because the physical reality isn't a real place, it's a projection of consciousness, it's a simulation. So you have to be able to feel that it's real, you have to be able eto think that it's real, you have to behave as if it's real. So belief systems use emotions, thought sand behaviours to reinforce the idea that what you believe to be true is actually a solid fact.
Without the emotional component, without the thought patterns, without the behaviours, we wouldn't really have a solid experience of physical reality. It would be as it really is, it would be like a transparant projection that we wouldn't necessarily have any commitment to, we wouldn't have any stake in.
So the emotions, the thought patters, the behaviours create the stakes of forcing us to focus on physical reality a a real solid place, as a real solid experience so that our should can take advantage of that projection of consciousness in a way that allows us to grow, to allow us to experience process and change and creation.
Other than that it wouldn't be real, it would just be a timeless void, a timeless experience where there's no change, no growth and we wouldn't be able to expand and the Universe wouldn't be able to expand, creation wouldn't be able to expand in that way, metaphorically speaking.
So it's about the changes in our perspective, in our relationship and in our experience of the structure of existence that causes creation to expand. The structure of existence never changes, it is what it is. It's a very basic foundational structure. But our relationship to it constantly changes. And that's what physical reality as an experience allows us to do.
NO GOING BACK: Bashar's Predictions & CRITICAL Galactic Events Coming in 2025! | Darryl Anka
Darry Anka, channel for Bashar, join the podcast to reveal the key things we need to know to avoid a path of destruction and move towards a golden age (New ...