dj 4way

dj 4way Techno, House, Afro-House, Minimal, Tech-House and Melodic Techno During that period he played at some squats and illegal raves.

Started djing back in the 90's, back then he played for 14 years in a pirate radio station ( Radio 100), the music styles were: hip-hop,dub,lounge,trip-hop, drum'n'bass and dubstep. In 1998 he become one of the residents Dj's at Dj Cafe KashmirLounge, where he played for many years. In 2017 a big change in music style happened. April 1st, 2017, he was invited (by LBM12) to play on FullAudio live s

tream at KashmirLounge, an all new experience for him. Tech-house and Techno the new challenge for him, and an all new world open to him. During 2,5 years together with LBM12, they hosted a live stream KashmirLounge powered by FullAudio at Dj Cafe KashmirLounge. During ADE 2017 and 2018 performed at Dj Cafe KashmirLounge and Conestudio. Meanwhile, he has performed with Lots of other Dj's:Lbm12, Esmo, Cover, Miss L, Carlos del Moral, Rick Dyno, Pat Baker Jaydee, Dj Slave, Miss tech, D.Noyse, Javier Rodriguez and many more.


This is amazing…..the best weather to spend NYE. Happy new year to you all!!!


last set of this year (2024) enjoy it!!!

Brasil here we come!!!! Thank you Rosangela Tanabe to make a dream of mine become truth 🤗❤️

Brasil here we come!!!!
Thank you Rosangela Tanabe to make a dream of mine become truth 🤗❤️


Feel The Beat-Back in Februari!!!


Broadcast live to your community of fans and tune in direct to creators from every genre

Ik wil mijn nieuwste topfans bedanken! 💎Atelier Veld, Yiannis Tsesmetzis, Ton Losscher, Steve PersynPlaats een opmerking...

Ik wil mijn nieuwste topfans bedanken! 💎

Atelier Veld, Yiannis Tsesmetzis, Ton Losscher, Steve Persyn

Plaats een opmerking om hen in onze community te verwelkomen,





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