It will, I think, help to give a clearer idea of children’s hidden tendencies if I pause to speak of certain profound forms of sensitiveness, which their minds possess. We come to something like a psychoanalysis of the infant mind. In Figure 8 I have used symbols to show the child’s development of language. This will help to make our ideas clear. Black triangles are chosen to represent substantives (the names of things), red circles stand for verbs, and the remaining parts of speech are as in the key – Figure 8. If, now, we know that the child uses some two or three hundred words at a particular age, the method I offer enables us to show this pictorially, and so we are enabled to see at a glance how language develops, for whether the child’s language be English, Tamil, Gujarati, Italian or Spanish, the parts of speech are always represented by the same symbols.
On the extreme left of our diagram are some nebulous patches, which show the baby’s first efforts to speak: exclamations, interjections, etc. Then comes the stage when two sounds are joined to produce a syllable; then three sounds leading to words. Later still, toward the right hand side of the diagram, we see various groups of words. These consist of certain nouns often used by the child, then come phrases of two words each – phrases which have a diffused meaning, each word standing for many. Soon after this an immense “explosion” occurs, in which a multitude of new words comes into use. I have shown the actual number estimated by psychologists.
Just before this we see in the diagram a group of words, mostly nouns, and near them various other parts of speech scattered about at random; but immediately after the age of two, a second phase is shown in which the words form orderly groups. This is an explosion into sentences. The first explosion is therefore one of words, the second explosion is one of thought. Page 115 from the book The Absorbent Mind: https://montessori-pierson.com/vol-1-the-absorbent-mind.html ; https://montessori-pierson.com/sp-3-mente-absorbente-del-ni-o.html ; https://montessori-pierson.com/nl2.html