The destruction of Quirimbas Park
By @estaciovaloi
The Quirimbas National Park in Cabo Delgado, Mozambiqe, is a UNESCO heritage site described on its website as “a hidden gem in Africa’s crown, with beautiful costal forest, secluded islands, and turquoise waters.” It has supposedly received significant amounts in “green” funds from France, Italy, the EU, the World Bank, and other donors to ensure its continued existence as a pristine biosphere. But rapacious logging inside the park is devastating the area. Culprits are said to be a Chinese timber business in collaboration with park agency officials. The partnership is reportedly supported by highly placed connections in the justice system and the ruling party government – the same government that is raking in the green funds..
Read the full story online by clicking the link in our bio.
Video:Estacio Valoi
#zammag #mozambique #deforestation #quirimbas #investigation
Into the Woods II
The destruction of Quirimbas Park
An investigation by Estacio Valoi @estaciovaloi
Available on ZAM Magazine
Stay tuned.
New investigation online this thursday September 12th 2024.
Stay tuned!
Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013)!
Today, International Nelson Mandela Day is celebrated worldwide with events, speeches, screenings and many, many efforts that contribute to creating a world with no us and them, no racism, no suppression, no war. Long live the spirit of Nelson Mandela!
ZAM joined this movement on the day we were born. Later, in 2019 we launched the first ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture. This event in the International Theatre Amsterdam brings together speakers, hosts, performing & visual artists and many, many visitors.
ZAM continues to study the important lessons of the struggles against racial oppression and explore their value for today’s challenges.
@internationaaltheateramsterdam @sisonke_msimang @elnathan.john @flamboyant_tree @mardesa1 @panashechigumadzi @therebelthepoet @gregmaqoma @vuyanidancetheatre_official @sitesofmemory @burgemeesterfemkehalsema @touria_meliani @jennifer_a_tosch @cbkzuidoost @afrovibes_festival @sindiso_nyoni @mari_ann @adriaanvandisauteur @annetzondervan @melaniescholtz officialsamanamini