We connect the Pan-Asian diaspora by highlighting its own modern and complex identity. We aim to be a change agent that goes beyond identity – we explore cultural issues while tackling what is the Asian Dutch diasporic experience by accident, by tangent or by happenstance. We go beyond celebrity interviews and essays about discovering our roots.We connect the seemingly unconnected, question the se
emingly taken-for-granted and keep our eyes open for the raw and uncut in all corners of the public domain. By tackling issues of culture and community with substance and sass, East West aims to become a media must for the savvy Asian Dutch. East West is thus not an ethnic celebration, but intends to give birth to a new flock of change agents. East West thus, does not only show a cultural exchange of continents, it renders the shift in the way one views the world and reflects that “the times they are a-changin’”: the world has changed completely.
East West exploreert, kunst, nieuwe media, culturele issues en tackelen identiteit bij toeval of per ongeluk. East West initieert, stimuleert, cureert en faciliteert creatieve projecten op het raakvlak van oost en west, identiteit, creativiteit, sociaal bewustzijn, stedelijke cultuur en kunst. East West wordt gedreven door de wens voor een meer complexere representatie van de Aziatische diaspora in Nederland alsmede Azië als continent.