
chezpatrickettherese chezpatrickettherese ( o) ( o) – – – – – – (__(__) Salon des Arts •|龴◡龴|• Patr

chezpatrickettherese ( o) ( o) – – – – – – (__(__) Salon des Arts •|龴◡龴|• Patrick Koster ☚ (


Family Constellation | Familieopstelling, 2021, h 200cm x b 150cm (h 78.74in x w 59.06in), collage of adhesive film on drawing polyester on lightbox


Agnes tells it like it is in ‘Samurette In The Castle Garden’.


It's as scathing and gorgeous an artwork as there ever was.


The network of social, psychological, creative, existential and somewhat conjuncture situations. The human being as argument and motive. The interweaving of various morphologies of the line and the mixture of chromatic tones in the same composition.

The selection of strongly chosen degrees from grammatical and morph-syntactic levels; are some of the issues present in: “The Parable of the Soil”, (collage, maker on paper); of Dutch artist . This work is made it from a symbology and a somewhat apocalyptic visual discourse. A singular worldview of its creator.


New collage artwork on lightbox by contemporary visual artist Patrick Koster.

The Parable Of The Sower XIV, series #14, The Guard, 2020, h 50 cm x b 37,5 cm (h 19.7 in x w 14.8 in), collage of adhesive film on drawing polyester mounted on a lightbox



New collage artwork on lightbox by contemporary visual artist Patrick Koster.

The Parable Of The Sower XIII, series #13, 2020, h 50 cm x b 37,5 cm (h 19.7 in x w 14.8 in), collage of adhesive film on drawing polyester mounted on a lightbox



Happy New Year everybody!
On this first day of the year I share my first collage artwork of 2020.

The Parable Of The Sower XII, series #12, 2020, h 50 cm x b 37,5 cm (h 19.7 in x w 14.8 in), collage of adhesive film on drawing polyester mounted on a lightbox



New artwork by Patrick Koster. I have just completed this collage work.

The Parable Of The Sower IX, series #9, Watchman, 2019, h 50 cm x b 37,5 cm (h 19.7 in x w 14.8 in), collage of adhesive film on drawing polyester mounted on a lightbox



In het Joods Museum van België opent vrijdag 8 november de nieuwe tentoonstelling 'Superheroes Never Die. Comics and Jewish memories'.



The Parable Of The Sower VIII, series #8, Sower and Reaper, Pastor Talking To The Devil In Front Of The Entrance Of A Church, 2019, h 96,5 cm x b 72,4 cm (h 38 in x w 28.5 in), collage of adhesive film on drawing polyester mounted on a lightbox, Patrick Koster


Sopraan Claron McFadden spreekt over haar veelzijdige werk als zangeres. 8 juli 2019 van 19:00 tot 21:00 uur, Locatie: O...

Sopraan Claron McFadden spreekt over haar veelzijdige werk als zangeres. 8 juli 2019 van 19:00 tot 21:00 uur, Locatie: OBA Oosterdok, Oosterdokskade 143, 1011 DL Amsterdam.

Sopraan Claron McFadden spreekt op 8 juli 2019 over haar veelzijdige werk als zangeres.


Deze week is in onze hal een kleine tentoonstelling te zien over de veelbewogen geschiedenis van de doopsgezinden in Nederland. In de zestiende eeuw werden zij om hun geloof vervolgd, zoals Dirk Willemsz op de afbeelding. Hij redde zijn achtervolger, die hem wilde arresteren en toen door het ijs zakte. Deze heldendaad kostte hem het leven. Hij werd alsnog ter dood veroordeeld. De tentoonstelling is ingericht door Nina Schroeder van de VU in het kader van de International 2nd Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival’.

Super! 🍃🍀🌱🌿☘️

Super! 🍃🍀🌱🌿☘️


Laurierstraat 107--E


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