Martijn Oostra, image creative-2d/photography

Martijn Oostra, image creative-2d/photography Martijn Oostra works as a graphic designer, photographer, artist and publicist. His projects vary from video art to lettertype design. The reality about reality.

There’s a continuous thread in all his activities, whether it’s a graphic design or an article that he has written, it’s made with the ‘tools’ by which he communicates. He finds his tools in the media or in public areas (the street). One shows how daily life is coded. What is banal in one context becomes meaningful in another. He is always looking for the beauty in triviality, but his work does ha

ve meaning, it’s about what surrounds us. Martijn Oostra looks for the details that say as much as the whole and sometimes more.


P. O. Box 17356


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