
PublishingLab PublishingLab is an Amsterdam based ‘hybrid publisher’ working at the intersection of publishing and digital technology.

The world of digital publishing has been growing steadily for several years. The arrival of tablets and smartphones has accelerated the developments, and today it is impossible to imagine a media landscape without e-books, newspaper apps, and digital magazines. Digitalization is turning the field upside down! The PublishingLab is a ‘hybrid publisher’ working at the intersection of publishing and d

igital technology, both in print and digitally. The entire publishing chain is influenced by these developments: technology is changing the creation, production, distribution, marketing and end use of publications. The PublishingLab researches into the impact this will have on the branch as a whole. PublishingLab activities are directed towards the following three groups:

1 makers (authors, designers);
2 intermediaries (publishers);
3 end users (readers / students). The PublishingLab conducts applied research by doing innovative experiments in the field of (digital) publishing. This can be research on the impact of developments on the branch as a whole, conducting small experiments in the field of EPUB3 such as research/work on user interfaces for collaborative online editing environments, research/work on conveying hybrid publishing concepts and workflows to a non-expert audience or just looking into interesting design problems to tackle. In collaboration with the Institute for Network Cultures, the lab also builds on existing research into digital publishing. A two-year project works together closely with four publishers as well as developers and designers in order to carry out research into multichannel publishing. This project has already resulted in various tools and a publication. The PublishingLab is part of the Amsterdam Creative Industries Network.



We are looking for talented *Data Scientists*, *Web Developers*, *Game Designers*, and *Hackers* to work on creative projects for the Digital Society School. The 20-week-program is a chance to work with top companies and partners such a *Vodafone*, *ING*, *GGD* and *Police*. You will be presented with a unique opportunity to work with a creative team of designers, researchers and other senior creators. You will be trained on exciting new technologies such as blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning and AR/VR.

- Are passionate about trying out new technology ✨
- Have an open mindset 🤯
- Wish to develop digital solutions to solve social issues 🔰
- Are proficient in Web development frameworks (Angular, React, Express, Laravel, etc) and/or Machine Learning ( R, Python, WEKA, etc), game development (Unity, UnReal Engine)🛠
- Are creative and fun-loving 👻

- A monthly stipend of 400 Euros 💸
- An international, multicultural atmosphere🌍
- A 20-week creative Bootcamp ✊🏽
- Space dedicated at personal development 📈
- Daily Energizers, weekly snacks, and biweekly massage. 🤺
- A chance to organize your own workshop 💡
- Networking opportunities with the DSS community 🤝

If that's you, we'd love to have you on board. The program starts in September 2019. Apply now:


Our colleagues at the Making Public project we are working on together with the Institute of Network Cultures are making a survey on reading preferences.
Consider giving 5 mins of your time to give us some valuable insight on what and how you read!

Do you feel a sense of dread when you open Adobe InDesign™ or Microsoft Word™? If so, Publish or Perish! is the Desktop ...

Do you feel a sense of dread when you open Adobe InDesign™ or Microsoft Word™? If so, Publish or Perish! is the Desktop Publishing tool that's right for you. Created by PublishingLab (Silvio Lorusso, Stef Kors) for Fundació Foto Colectania.

Desktop Publishing Made Challenging


Algologs = a 1 + 1 day dialog with algorithmic practices. This two-day event is an extention of Algolit, a workgroup where text-based practices and algorithms meet.

Reminder PublishingLab's LabFest

Reminder PublishingLab's LabFest

Nice opportunity with one of our partners ARIAS;

Nice opportunity with one of our partners ARIAS;

Aangeboden: STAGE bij ARIAS, Amsterdams platform voor kunst & wetenschap Deadline sollicitatie: 29 december 2018 ARIAS – Amsterdams platform voor kunst & wetenschap – zoekt een stagiair(e) op het gebied van programmering en communicatie Sollicitatiegesprek: 4 januari 2018 (in nader overleg) P....

Last change to register for an internship / graduation project PublishingLab Apply befo...

Last change to register for an internship / graduation project PublishingLab Apply before the 8th of December

A laboratory with a hybrid attitude: we conduct publishing experiments that mix diverse practices, skills, tools, and methods.


Voor het tweede achtereenvolgende jaar organiseert het Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI) van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam een zogenoemde SweatShop.

We are looking for creative talent! Join us for the coming semester of 2018.

We are looking for creative talent! Join us for the coming semester of 2018.

A laboratory with a hybrid attitude: we conduct publishing experiments that mix diverse practices, skills, tools, and methods.

Still some time to apply for an internship at the PublishingLab. (sept 2017 - jan 2018) Join us!

Still some time to apply for an internship at the PublishingLab. (sept 2017 - jan 2018) Join us!

A laboratory with a hybrid attitude: we conduct publishing experiments that mix diverse practices, skills, tools, and methods.

Awesome master!

Awesome master!


Don't miss the presentation by Serena Planarity, Claudia Giralt Monedero Nicola Romagnoli about 'the growing influence of social media in the fashion industry' IFFTI Conference 2017 - Amsterdam at 16.30 in Room 2.18-2.22. See you soon!

Preparing a little-data analysis on the engagement with the personal/public sphere of fashion bloggers. Stay tuned!

Preparing a little-data analysis on the engagement with the personal/public sphere of fashion bloggers. Stay tuned!


Rhijnspoorplein 1 Room 04A09 Amsterdam Creative Industries Network Benno Premsela Huis


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