We are looking for talented *Data Scientists*, *Web Developers*, *Game Designers*, and *Hackers* to work on creative projects for the Digital Society School. The 20-week-program is a chance to work with top companies and partners such a *Vodafone*, *ING*, *GGD* and *Police*. You will be presented with a unique opportunity to work with a creative team of designers, researchers and other senior creators. You will be trained on exciting new technologies such as blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning and AR/VR.
- Are passionate about trying out new technology ✨
- Have an open mindset 🤯
- Wish to develop digital solutions to solve social issues 🔰
- Are proficient in Web development frameworks (Angular, React, Express, Laravel, etc) and/or Machine Learning ( R, Python, WEKA, etc), game development (Unity, UnReal Engine)🛠
- Are creative and fun-loving 👻
- A monthly stipend of 400 Euros 💸
- An international, multicultural atmosphere🌍
- A 20-week creative Bootcamp ✊🏽
- Space dedicated at personal development 📈
- Daily Energizers, weekly snacks, and biweekly massage. 🤺
- A chance to organize your own workshop 💡
- Networking opportunities with the DSS community 🤝
If that's you, we'd love to have you on board. The program starts in September 2019. Apply now: digitalsocietyschool.org/20-weeks-programme/