Yesterday we had a great recording session at D-recording with Natty Bo & the Savoys for upcoming Tardam Records 45, this gonna be a killer-diller!! 🎵🎶
'Recording your music
in acoustically balanced rooms
to tape recorders and Pro Tools
with the greate Old school studio recording in Amsterdam.
Nieuwpoortkade 2a
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Stuur een bericht naar D-recording:
'Recording your music in acoustically balanced rooms to Pro Tools or tape with the greatest vintage mics & preamps'
‘Great collection of analog synths. Bring your midi-tracks and get the real synth sound’ Moog Model D, Prophet 6, OB-6, Juno 106, Arp Odyssey, Moog Sub Phatty, Critter, various drum-machines
‘We bring your production to the next level with hybrid mixing: high end outboard compressors, EQ’s and such make your digital tracks come alive’