Food Science and Nutrition

Food Science and Nutrition Elsevier Food Science/Nutrition - Connect with fellow researchers, share insights, and keep in touch with the latest news, books & journals in your field.

The field of food science is highly interdisciplinary, spanning areas of chemistry, engineering, biology, and many more. Researchers in these areas achieve fundamental advances in our understanding of agriculture, nutrition, and food-borne illness, and develop new technologies, like food processing methods and packaging material. Against a backdrop of global issues of food supply and regulation, t

his important work is supported by Elsevier’s catalog of books, eBooks, and journals in food science, considered essential resources for students, instructors, and health professionals worldwide.

Formulating Chayote-Enriched Gummy Candies: Balancing Nutrition and Taste for a Delightful AlternativeRead Food Chemistr...

Formulating Chayote-Enriched Gummy Candies: Balancing Nutrition and Taste for a Delightful Alternative

Read Food Chemistry Advances study >

Egg-derived bioactive peptides IQW and IRW alleviate Escherichia coli diarrhea based on the CaSR-mediated NF-κB/MAPK pat...

Egg-derived bioactive peptides IQW and IRW alleviate Escherichia coli diarrhea based on the CaSR-mediated NF-κB/MAPK pathway

Read the Food Bioscience study >

Comparative analysis of antioxidant flavonoids in wild and cultivated soybean using integrated ion-filtering strategy-co...

Comparative analysis of antioxidant flavonoids in wild and cultivated soybean using integrated ion-filtering strategy-combined LC−HRMSn analysis

Read the Food Bioscience study >

Impact of Microwave Processing on Phytochemicals, Antioxidant Status, Anti-Nutritional Factors and Metabolite Profile of...

Impact of Microwave Processing on Phytochemicals, Antioxidant Status, Anti-Nutritional Factors and Metabolite Profile of Maize Flour

Read the Applied Food Research study >

Preventing lifestyle disorders: The diet shift in IndiaRead the Food and Humanity study >

Preventing lifestyle disorders: The diet shift in India

Read the Food and Humanity study >

Development of an in vitro triculture model of intestine inflammation to assess the immunomodulatory properties of cassa...

Development of an in vitro triculture model of intestine inflammation to assess the immunomodulatory properties of cassava and roselle, two African green leafy vegetables

Read the NFS Journal study >

Essential oils as antibacterials against multidrug-resistant foodborne pathogens: Mechanisms, recent advances, and legal...

Essential oils as antibacterials against multidrug-resistant foodborne pathogens: Mechanisms, recent advances, and legal considerations

Read the Food Bioscience study >

Production and characterization of powder from drone brood of honeybees (Apis mellifera)Read the Applied Food Research s...

Production and characterization of powder from drone brood of honeybees (Apis mellifera)

Read the Applied Food Research study >

Exploring the in vitro prebiotic potential of two different freeze-dried apple pomace cultivarsRead the Food Bioscience ...

Exploring the in vitro prebiotic potential of two different freeze-dried apple pomace cultivars

Read the Food Bioscience study >

Odor-Active Aroma Compounds in Traditional Fermented Dairy Products: The Case of Mabisi in Supporting Food and Nutrition...

Odor-Active Aroma Compounds in Traditional Fermented Dairy Products: The Case of Mabisi in Supporting Food and Nutrition Security in Zambia

Read the Current Research in Food Science study >

Submit your research on new materials for energy generation and storage, catalysis, separations, buildings, foods, cloth...

Submit your research on new materials for energy generation and storage, catalysis, separations, buildings, foods, clothing and packaging to the 14th International Colloids Conference. Abstract submission open until 14 Feb

Quality of bread rolls fortified with date fruit pomace: Structure, proximate composition, staling, and sensory evaluati...

Quality of bread rolls fortified with date fruit pomace: Structure, proximate composition, staling, and sensory evaluation

Read the NFS Journal study >

An eco-extraction procedure for solvent free extraction of plant phenolics using microwave hydro diffusion and gravity (...

An eco-extraction procedure for solvent free extraction of plant phenolics using microwave hydro diffusion and gravity (MHG) model

Read the Food and Humanity study >

Exploring Millet Proteins: Extraction Techniques, Post-Processing, and Modification using novel approachesRead the Food ...

Exploring Millet Proteins: Extraction Techniques, Post-Processing, and Modification using novel approaches

Read the Food and Humanity study >

Unlocking fungal fortunes: Cutting-edge extraction techniques and therapeutic possibilities of mushroom bioactive compou...

Unlocking fungal fortunes: Cutting-edge extraction techniques and therapeutic possibilities of mushroom bioactive compounds

Read the Food Chemistry Advances study >

Evaluation of a palletized modified atmosphere packaging system to extend the shelf-life and maintain quality of Green B...

Evaluation of a palletized modified atmosphere packaging system to extend the shelf-life and maintain quality of Green Beans stored at cooling temperature

Read the Applied Food Research study >

Estimating decision-making factors for locally produced and imported rice using consumer modelsRead the Food and Humanit...

Estimating decision-making factors for locally produced and imported rice using consumer models

Read the Food and Humanity study >

The difference between young and older ducks: Amino acid, free fatty acid, nucleotide compositions and breast muscle pro...

The difference between young and older ducks: Amino acid, free fatty acid, nucleotide compositions and breast muscle proteome

Read the Food Chemistry: X study >




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