FEAR A project on the fearmongering about COVID-19. FEAR - Don’t buy it.

Earlier this week, the social media giant Meta admitted that it regularly “censored” content on Facebook and Instagram d...

Earlier this week, the social media giant Meta admitted that it regularly “censored” content on Facebook and Instagram during the so-called pandemic.

As recounted many times on this page, numerous eminent doctors and scientists were either shadow-banned or completely deplatformed. It is now clear that Meta also removed posts that contradicted the government’s fear-mongering narrative. For example, any posts critical of lockdowns, or those explaining that children were at virtually no risk from Covid-19, or those questioning the effectiveness of the ‘vaccines’ were deleted. As a result, the public was deprived of the truth, leading to widespread acceptance of the draconian lockdowns and coercion into taking a vaccine that was neither safe nor particularly effective.

Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg, for finally admitting to the widespread censorship. Let’s hope there will be accountability for the violation of the First Amendment and for the unnecessary suffering and death caused by the fear-mongering propaganda propagated by governments and enabled by companies like Meta. The truth will prevail.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣

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Since March 2020, we’ve been called a lot of things: noncompliant, dangerous, crackpots, insane, anti-vaxxers, conspirac...

Since March 2020, we’ve been called a lot of things: noncompliant, dangerous, crackpots, insane, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, tin-foil hats, wappies, granny killers, and even far-right extremists.

Four years on, we don’t take any pleasure in saying that on almost everything we questioned, we have been proved right. Vindicated. So far, right.

We always questioned the fear-mongering propaganda – the relentless media coverage that sold the lie that Covid-19 was like the Black Death. Four years on, the IFR of Covid-19 is comparable to that of a bad flu season.

We always questioned the lockdown policies. Four years on, it is widely acknowledged that lockdowns had little impact on Covid-19 mortality and caused more harm than benefit, with substantial collateral damage that will be felt for years to come. This includes millions of non-Covid excess deaths, a devastated economy, impeded education, and harm to children’s development.

We always questioned the effectiveness of the so-called vaccines. Today, it is widely accepted that these jabs do not confer immunity or prevent the transmission of Covid-19. We also questioned the safety of these experimental mRNA vaccines, and sadly, one only has to look at the massive spike in excess deaths or the rise in strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, allergic reactions, skin conditions, Bell’s Palsy, menstrual irregularities, turbo cancers, and more to make the tragic link.

So far, right.

– off-guardian.org/2023/03/24/40-facts-you-need-to-know-the-real-story-of-covid/
– swprs.org/covid19-facts/

In the previous post, we highlighted how seasonal influenza (flu) had virtually disappeared in 2020/21 and questioned wh...

In the previous post, we highlighted how seasonal influenza (flu) had virtually disappeared in 2020/21 and questioned whether the flu had simply been rebranded as Covid-19.⁣

Here in the Netherlands, the official data from the RIVM (the Dutch Public Health research institute) on seasonal influenza mortality is clear. See the black bars on the graph.⁣

Remarkably, the RIVM reported that “there was no flu epidemic” in 2020/21 and published the figure of 600 deaths associated with the flu. From 2020 to 2023, the RIVM registered no deaths associated with influenza in the Netherlands. You read that correctly: zero deaths.⁣

Meanwhile, when one looks at the official data from the RIVM for deaths associated with Covid-19, it’s fairly obvious what happened to the flu.⁣

Just do the math – or “follow the science.”⁣

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣


(1) www.rivm.nl/griep-griepprik/feiten-en-cijfers⁣
(2) www.rivm.nl/publicaties/annual-report-surveillance-of-covid-19-influenza-and-other-respiratory-infections-in-0

While the world was riveted by the ‘novel’ coronavirus in 2020/21, the time-honoured seasonal virus known as ‘the flu’ d...

While the world was riveted by the ‘novel’ coronavirus in 2020/21, the time-honoured seasonal virus known as ‘the flu’ dropped to historic lows and virtually disappeared. Was this a coincidence, or was the flu simply rebranded as the more terrifying Covid-19?⁣

Three years on, it’s clear from the official data that Covid-19, with a median IFR of less than 0.15%, is comparable to a bad flu season. The data does not lie and shows that Covid-19 disproportionately affected the elderly and those with underlying health conditions — just like the flu...⁣

In fact, back in 2020, many eminent scientists with no conflicts of interest (i.e. not funded by Big Pharma) were already stating that Covid-19 was not a death sentence and that there were many cheap, safe, and effective treatments. Instead, these scientists were demonised and censored. Shamefully, the legacy media and governments continued to roll out a campaign of fear, terrifying the public into believing that Covid-19 was akin to the Black Death. This 24/7 fearmongering clouded people’s judgments and nudged the public into accepting the draconian lockdowns and the ‘miracle vaccine’.⁣

Today, public health advice is to treat symptoms of Covid-19 similarly to those of the seasonal flu…⁣

So again, was the flu simply rebranded as Covid-19?⁣

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣

Last week during the UK Covid Inquiry, it was revealed that the BBC “misrepresented” the risk posed by Covid-19 in order...

Last week during the UK Covid Inquiry, it was revealed that the BBC “misrepresented” the risk posed by Covid-19 in order to boost public support for lockdown.

Prof. Mark Woolhouse, a prominent epidemiologist and government adviser, slammed the broadcaster for having “repeatedly reported rare deaths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm”. He stated that this created a “misleading impression” among viewers at the start of the pandemic, suggesting that “we are all at risk” and “the virus does not discriminate”. In reality, he pointed out that at the time, it was known that the risk of dying from Covid-19 was 10,000 times higher in the over-75s than in the under-15s!

In 2021, we discovered that the UK government was employing teams of behavioural scientists to terrify the public and ensure compliance with regulations. It is now abundantly clear that the BBC conspired in this campaign of mass FEAR against the British public.

The BBC’s messaging, or brainwashing, was designed to instil the highest levels of anxiety about Covid-19. This fear ruthlessly stripped away rational thinking and the coping mechanisms of those with existing mental health conditions or those vulnerable to developing them. Consequently, we now have a generation of children and adolescents who grew up isolated and are still suffering from anxiety, grappling with eating disorders, or contending with thoughts of self-harm. We also have parents battling depression, often stemming from the debts incurred when their businesses were forced to close. Moreover, many elderly people still live in fear, reluctant to leave their homes or bin their face masks.

The BBC ought to be held accountable for disseminating misleading and harmful news – or ‘misinformation’, as it’s known these days. It is clear that the corporation is in violation of its own Royal Charter, which states that it “is to act in the public interest.” It went from being a public service news outlet to what the BBC notably has always insisted it is not: a state broadcaster. From Strictly Dancing to Pravda in a single move.

It is simply not ethical to create a level of fear that pushed many people to the very edge, and some over it. The BBC should be held accountable for the 360-degree campaign of FEAR that has left many of our fellow citizens debilitated with anxiety, fear, and worse, for years to come.

FEAR, don’t buy it.


UK Covid-19 Inquiry:

The Telegraph (25 January 2024):

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic. At first, ...

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic. At first, the strategy to “frighten the pants off everyone” encouraged maximum compliance with the restrictions. By 2021, the campaign of fear created maximum desire for the so-called vaccine and regular boosters.

This is the biggest scandal of our lifetime.

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic. At first, ...

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic. At first, the strategy to “frighten the pants off everyone” encouraged maximum compliance with the restrictions. By 2021, the campaign of fear created maximum desire for the so-called vaccine and regular boosters.

This is the biggest scandal of our lifetime.

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic. At first, ...

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic. At first, the strategy to “frighten the pants off everyone” encouraged maximum compliance with the restrictions. By 2021, the campaign of fear created maximum desire for the so-called vaccine and regular boosters.

This is the biggest scandal of our lifetime.


The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm, amongst other things, how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-call...

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ confirm, amongst other things, how the UK government weaponised fear during the so-called pandemic.

This exchange between Matt Hancock (Health Secretary) and his media advisor Damon Poole shows how new variants of Covid-19 propelled the campaign of fear. At first, “frighten(ing) the pants of everyone” was about maximum compliance with the restrictions. By 2021, the excessive use of fear was used to create maximum desire for the so-called vaccine and regular boosters.

This is the biggest scandal of our lifetime.


The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ (the leaked WhatsApp messages from Matt Hancock) confirm what many of us knew to be tru...

The Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ (the leaked WhatsApp messages from Matt Hancock) confirm what many of us knew to be true.

It was all a charade and our so-called leaders knew it. They wilfully destroyed people’s lives, health and businesses and colluded with Big-Media/Tech/Pharma to justify and roll out a campaign of Fear. They censored and ridiculed eminent scientists, like those from The Great Barrington Declaration who called for ‘Focussed Protection’, and demonised those of us who called them out.

This is the biggest scandal of our lifetime.


Almost three years of relentless fearmongering propaganda has made much of society incredibly afraid of Covid-19. Paraly...

Almost three years of relentless fearmongering propaganda has made much of society incredibly afraid of Covid-19. Paralysed with fear, the majority of people enthusiastically backed the draconian restrictions – and then welcomed with rolled-up sleeves the miracle ‘vaccine’, that was advertised as ‘safe and effective’.

Tragically, more and more people are reporting severe adverse events, and death, from these so-called vaccines.

Last weekend, a major protest from the vaccine-injured took place outside the headquarters of the BBC. Thousands of people marched to raise awareness of Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ injuries and deaths – and to demand an investigation into the truth. Speakers included Andrew Bridgen MP, Dr Aseem Malhotra and Mark Sharman. The protest was organised by ‘Truth Be Told’, and is part of a month-long awareness campaign in the UK.

If you were watching the BBC News, or reading the Guardian, you would have missed this massive campaign. As usual, MSM didn’t report it. The ‘Ministry of Truth’ decided that it didn’t happen. The protest, along with recognition for the vaccine-injured, disappeared and was flushed down some memory hole.

Last Saturday, the campaigners shouted ‘Shame on You’ at the BBC HQ, and all its media conspirators, for not reporting and investigating the very serious harm caused by these novel medical products.

When will journalists stop participating in the Government propaganda machine and start looking for the truth?

FEAR. Don’t buy it.

More info:
Truth Be Told Twitter
Mark Sharman: uncut.substack.com/p/jab-victims-reveal-their-horror-some


Three years on, since the start of the so-called pandemic, a new campaign of fear interrupts the Dutch public’s nightly TV viewing. These ads – styled like a soap opera and complete with cheesy theme tune and graphics – deliver a direct emotional message: ‘the deadly virus is back in circulation, get a self-test, go into isolation, get the booster’ and do this now to ‘protect yourself and others’. The ads are punctuated by the slogan ‘Samen Verder’ (or ‘Together Further’). WTF.

This new public health messaging, by the Dutch government, is yet another example of where the threat of Covid-19 is exaggerated without putting the risks in sufficient context. These ads seek to scare, manipulate and shame us by appealing to a collective conscience. If you don’t agree, you are a bad, uncaring citizen. The ads never inform us, and are not interested in telling us the facts: such as Covid-19 is not a death sentence, the risks of dying are dependent on age and comorbidities, self-tests are basically useless, and that the jab comes with risk, etc…

Anyway, congratulations to the advertising agency that created this campaign! Perhaps there’ll be a new Cannes Lions Award for ‘The Best Fearmongering Propaganda?!

FEAR. Don’t buy it.


In March 2020, the WHO made the alarming claim that the infection mortality rate (IFR) from Covid-19 was 3.4%. In other ...

In March 2020, the WHO made the alarming claim that the infection mortality rate (IFR) from Covid-19 was 3.4%. In other words, 3.4% of people who got Covid-19 had died.

Yet, during the same period, data from real-world transmission studies, not models, was showing a less terrifying situation. In fact, any scientist, doctor or critical mind who questioned the fearmongering science and pointed to real-world data was vilified as a ‘Covid denier’ and dangerous conspiracy theorist who would get people killed by not taking the virus serious. The alliance of Big-Media/Tech/Pharma ensured that these people, including us, were censored, shadow-banned or simply deleted from social media.

Two and half years later, the truth is finally coming out and more people are beginning to wake up and see through the lies, and the fearmongering propaganda…

Last month, a new research paper entitled ‘Age-stratified IFR of Covid-19 in the non-elderly, informed from pre-vaccination national seroprevalence studies’ confirmed that Covid-19 was never a mass killer, and that the risks of dying are dependent on age and comorbidities.

For those aged 0-69, (which covers 94% of the global population) the IFR of Covid-19 was 0.095%, meaning the survival rate for nearly 7.3 billion people was 99.905%. The researchers broke down the data into different age groups, showing the increase in risk amongst older populations, and conversely, how infinitesimal the risk was amongst younger age groups. This survival rate is staggeringly high, and makes one wonder why blanket restrictions were imposed on all age groups.

Once again, this data proves that Covid-19 is no less dangerous to the vast majority of people than a common flu. So, as we and many others were saying since the start: Why were eminent scientists (like those behind the Great Barrington Declaration) silenced and vilified? Why the campaigns of mass fear waged by governments? Why the draconian lockdowns? Why the face masks? Why the experimental, so-called vaccines?

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‘Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly informed from pre-vaccination national seroprevalence studies” – by Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Cathrine Axfors, Despina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Alexandre Apostolatos, John P.A. Ioannidis (13 Oct, 2022)

‘A Closer Look at the Covid Mortality Rate’ – by Ian Miller (23 October 2022)

Icke Ben Vrij. 💛

Icke Ben Vrij. 💛

We thought that we lived in a city famed for freedom and tolerance? But, not anymore. It’s just been announced that Davi...

We thought that we lived in a city famed for freedom and tolerance? But, not anymore. It’s just been announced that David Icke is banned from entering the EU, never mind speaking at the ‘Peace’ rally at the ‘Freedom’ monument in Amsterdam this coming Sunday. How ironic – and shameful.

According to Mayor Femke Halsema “the dignity of the monument on Dam Square is at stake if Icke speaks because of his previous anti-Semitic statements.” What!? Has Ms. Halsema ever read one of Icke’s hefty tomes? Or, attended one of his 12 hour lectures at the nearby RAI?

No, of course not. She is simply regurgitating the lazy anti-semite slur and, ironically again, propelling the hate campaign against David Icke who simply wishes to speak at a ‘Peace’ rally.

By now, we’re well used to seeing eminent, courageous and compassionate people like David Icke being ridiculed, demonised and ostracised simply for joining-the-dots and asking the difficult questions. Surely, that’s what a free and democratic society is about?

George Orwell once wrote: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

See you all this Sunday!

Samen Voor Nederland Het Parool

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” tweeted the FDA about a certain drug* in June 2021....

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” tweeted the FDA about a certain drug* in June 2021. This is ‘health’ advice. Supposedly.

But this is the same drug that’s on the WHO list of essential medicines, has been given over 4 billion times to people around the globe, and has won the Nobel Prize. Numerous studies have shown that this drug prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure, speeds recovery and lowers risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19 patients. And for real world data just ask India! But since March 2020 it’s been relegated to a horse dewormer. A joke. It’s a lie.

Numerous eminent doctors such as Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Peter McCullough have told us that this drug could have saved lives, but they were told not to use it. ‘Google’ it (and these brave doctors) and you’ll get shameful ridicule and suppression of information. Or in other words: lies.

When Melissa Fleming, a UN Official, recently told us that the United Nations ‘owns the science’ through a partnership with Google, then well, there’s your answer. We’re not allowed to talk about it.** No discussion. No debate. All we get is censorship and lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.

People are being lied to and there should be uproar. But it’s not on the BBC, or in the NYT, so it’s not happening. There’s nothing to see here, move along please… In fact as we speak, the FEAR industry is ramping up the fear-mongering for another season of mask mandates, lockdown and ‘vaccine’ tyranny.

Joseph Goebbels once told us that “if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Let’s doublethink about that.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣

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* Clue: It’s 10 letters long, begins with an ‘I’ and ends with ’n’.
** Are we not allowed to talk about it because it would threaten the emergency use authorisation of the Covid ‘vaccine’ (thus impacting Pharmas profits)? If so, did millions of people needlessly take an unknown risk with this experimental jab?


Joe Biden told us in July 2021 that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”, and then a year late...

Joe Biden told us in July 2021 that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”, and then a year later even though he was double vaccinated and double boosted he tested positive for Covid. This is just one of the many Covid lies*.

As a result of the lies millions of people were coerced into taking the ‘vaccine’. And those who refused the ‘vaccine’ were stigmatised. Biden told us that the unvaccinated were hindering economic growth, costing jobs and putting unnecessary strain on the health-care system.

People were lied to and there should be uproar. But it’s not on the BBC, or in the NYT, so it’s not happening. There’s nothing to see here, move along please… In fact as we speak, the FEAR industry is ramping up the fear-mongering for another season of mask mandates, lockdown and ‘vaccine’ tyranny.

Joseph Goebbels once told us that “if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Let’s doublethink about that.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣
– – –⁣

* The big lie is that the ‘vaccine’ is ‘safe and effective’, when it clearly isn’t:
– To date there have been more than 11 million reports of adverse effects and more than 70,000 deaths co-related to the inoculation of the products known as Covid ‘vaccines’. We are also currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so-called Covid ‘vaccines’.
– Real world data is repeatedly showing negative effectiveness of the Covid jabs in a matter of weeks – meaning that you are more likely to catch Covid if you are vaccinated than unvaccinated.



Last week, a Pfizer director admitted the company never tested whether its Covid ‘vaccine’* prevents transmission prior ...

Last week, a Pfizer director admitted the company never tested whether its Covid ‘vaccine’* prevents transmission prior to its approval for emergency use.

This was evident from trial data at the time of roll-out, but it was purposely ignored. As a result of the lies millions of people were coerced into taking the ‘vaccine’. And those who refused the ‘vaccine’ were stigmatised (anti-social! granny killers! far-right!).

People were lied to and there should be uproar. But it’s not on the BBC, or in the NYT, so it’s not happening. There’s nothing to see here, move along please… In fact as we speak, the FEAR industry is ramping up the fear-mongering for another season of mask mandates, lockdown and ‘vaccine’ tyranny.

Joseph Goebbels once told us that “if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Let’s doublethink about that.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣
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* If it doesn’t do what it says on the tin, why do we call it a ‘vaccine’?

Rob Roos MEP – twitter.com/rob_roos/status/1579759795225198593
“Pfizer Exec Admits COVID Vaccine Was Not Tested for Preventing Transmission”


Just like clockwork, a new, more contagious, deadlier, vaccine-evading variant of Covid-19 arrives. But this time, those...

Just like clockwork, a new, more contagious, deadlier, vaccine-evading variant of Covid-19 arrives. But this time, those pesky Russians are to blame.

Shame on those individuals who dare to call themselves journalists or media professionals for peddling this fearmongering propaganda!

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣
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“New Covid-like virus discovered in Russian bat may infect humans and evade vaccines, study finds.”


Here we go again with a new round of fearmongering, but now it’s combined with the common flu.*Shame on all journalists ...

Here we go again with a new round of fearmongering, but now it’s combined with the common flu.*

Shame on all journalists and those in the communication industries who continue to promote this propaganda.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣
– – –⁣⁣
“UK could face ‘twindemic’ if winter flu surge combines with new Covid wave.”

*As the flu basically disappeared the last two winter seasons, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that COVID-19 is just a ‘rebranded’ version.


Just like that. It’s over. Two years of fearmongering switched off.Two years since the start of the so-called pandemic. ...

Just like that. It’s over. Two years of fearmongering switched off.

Two years since the start of the so-called pandemic. Two years of dictatorial press conferences. Two years of Government and Public Health officials curtailing fundamental freedoms under the guise of public safety. Two years of an advertising blitz to propel the fear of COVID-19, and encourage compliance with the draconian measures. Two years of ideological intimidation and incessant lies. Two years of 24/7 fearmongering propaganda. Two years of FEAR.

The FEAR tactics of the last two years changed everything. Our lives, our business and our relationships with family and friends. The FEAR also changed forever our trust in the government and the mass media.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣


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Two years on the facts are clear.
1 - COVID-19 is not as dangerous as previously thought. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) varies with age (0.002% at age 10 compared to 1.4% at age 65).
2 - The median age of covid deaths is over 80 years.
3 - The reported number of ‘COVID-19 deaths’ has been inflated (i.e. deaths recorded within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test in the UK, etc…).
4 - In many Western countries, about 50% of all covid deaths occurred in nursing homes.
5 - Early medical treatment for COVID-19 works. (So why are existing proven medical treatments banned?)
6 - The vast majority of people hospitalised for COVID-19 were overweight or obese.
7 - Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
8 - PCR positive does not mean contagious.
9 - Cloth masks have been near useless for prevention of COVID-19 spread. And despite the growing evidence of harms people have been forced to wear them.
10 - Lockdowns are ineffective and costly.
11 - Vaccine passports are unscientific and unethical.
12 - There are over 60,000 reported deaths and millions of adverse events related to the ‘vaccine’…

Just like that. It’s over. Two years of fearmongering switched off.Two years since the start of the so-called pandemic. ...

Just like that. It’s over. Two years of fearmongering switched off.

Two years since the start of the so-called pandemic. Two years of ideological intimidation and incessant lies. Two years where fundamental freedoms were systematically destroyed. Two years of disproportionate force against peaceful anti-lockdown protests. Two years of the reframing and demonisation of any individual who questions the mainstream narrative. Two years of FEAR.

The FEAR tactics of the last two years changed everything. Our lives, our business and our relationships with family and friends. The FEAR also changed forever our trust in the police forces and government.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣⁣


- - -

Two years on the facts are clear.
1 - COVID-19 is not as dangerous as previously thought. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) varies with age (0.002% at age 10 compared to 1.4% at age 65).
2 - The median age of covid deaths is over 80 years.
3 - The reported number of ‘COVID-19 deaths’ has been inflated (i.e. deaths recorded within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test in the UK, etc…).
4 - In many Western countries, about 50% of all covid deaths occurred in nursing homes.
5 - Early medical treatment for COVID-19 works. (So why are existing proven medical treatments banned?)
6 - The vast majority of people hospitalised for COVID-19 were overweight or obese.
7 - Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
8 - PCR positive does not mean contagious.
9 - Cloth masks have been near useless for prevention of COVID-19 spread. And despite the growing evidence of harms people have been forced to wear them.
10 - Lockdowns are ineffective and costly.
11 - Vaccine passports are unscientific and unethical.
12 - There are over 60,000 reported deaths and millions of adverse events related to the ‘vaccine’…

Two years on the state- and corporate-controlled mass media still has not reported and communicated the above facts clearly to the public.




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FEAR is here. It beams from our newsfeeds and TVs. It shouts from signs on the street and the warning tape in public spaces. FEAR points from under our feet and hangs over our head. FEAR is a big number. It’s hourly updates and statistics in bold red type. FEAR compares numbers with other countries, but never with the common flu. It’s a number that goes up to get us down. FEAR is inhuman. It doesn’t do hugs, high fives or smiles to strangers. It’s children not being children, and grandparents not being grandparents. FEAR is parties without friends and funerals without mourners. FEAR is irrational. It’s wearing a face mask in the sunshine. FEAR is freedom to shop, but no school. It’s sitting in an airplane, but not in a theatre. FEAR masks the truth. It doesn’t do question time. FEAR ostracises anyone with concerns, and calls them conspiracy theorists. FEAR promises a second wave, and a vaccine solution. FEAR is confusion. It’s not understanding that risk is part of life. It’s a new science that cannot be questioned. FEAR inverts truths and makes us double think. But what is there to FEAR? FEAR is hypothetical projections that have not materialised. FEAR rarely says that the whole population is not at risk, and that over 80 percent of those infected have mild or zero symptoms. FEAR should protect the vulnerable with targeted measures, instead of creating a human catastrophe from the shutdown. FEAR tells us to put our lives on hold and wait for the solution. Don’t buy it.


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