FEAR A project on the fearmongering about COVID-19. FEAR - Don’t buy it.

Last month, Prof. Sir Chris Whitty testified before the ongoing so-called ‘Covid Inquiry’, expressing concern that the g...

Last month, Prof. Sir Chris Whitty testified before the ongoing so-called ‘Covid Inquiry’, expressing concern that the government “overdid it” in warning the public about the dangers of Covid at the start of the pandemic. No kidding, Sir Chris. As England’s Chief Medical Officer, Witty knew that authorities overstated the virus’s risks based on the facts available at the time.

But thank you anyway, Sir Chris, for finally acknowledging the lies. Let’s hope there will be accountability for the unnecessary suffering and deaths caused by the lockdown measures. The truth will prevail.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣

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Earlier this week, the social media giant Meta admitted that it regularly “censored” content on Facebook and Instagram d...

Earlier this week, the social media giant Meta admitted that it regularly “censored” content on Facebook and Instagram during the so-called pandemic.

As recounted many times on this page, numerous eminent doctors and scientists were either shadow-banned or completely deplatformed. It is now clear that Meta also removed posts that contradicted the government’s fear-mongering narrative. For example, any posts critical of lockdowns, or those explaining that children were at virtually no risk from Covid-19, or those questioning the effectiveness of the ‘vaccines’ were deleted. As a result, the public was deprived of the truth, leading to widespread acceptance of the draconian lockdowns and coercion into taking a vaccine that was neither safe nor particularly effective.

Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg, for finally admitting to the widespread censorship. Let’s hope there will be accountability for the violation of the First Amendment and for the unnecessary suffering and death caused by the fear-mongering propaganda propagated by governments and enabled by companies like Meta. The truth will prevail.

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣

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Since March 2020, we’ve been called a lot of things: noncompliant, dangerous, crackpots, insane, anti-vaxxers, conspirac...

Since March 2020, we’ve been called a lot of things: noncompliant, dangerous, crackpots, insane, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, tin-foil hats, wappies, granny killers, and even far-right extremists.

Four years on, we don’t take any pleasure in saying that on almost everything we questioned, we have been proved right. Vindicated. So far, right.

We always questioned the fear-mongering propaganda – the relentless media coverage that sold the lie that Covid-19 was like the Black Death. Four years on, the IFR of Covid-19 is comparable to that of a bad flu season.

We always questioned the lockdown policies. Four years on, it is widely acknowledged that lockdowns had little impact on Covid-19 mortality and caused more harm than benefit, with substantial collateral damage that will be felt for years to come. This includes millions of non-Covid excess deaths, a devastated economy, impeded education, and harm to children’s development.

We always questioned the effectiveness of the so-called vaccines. Today, it is widely accepted that these jabs do not confer immunity or prevent the transmission of Covid-19. We also questioned the safety of these experimental mRNA vaccines, and sadly, one only has to look at the massive spike in excess deaths or the rise in strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, allergic reactions, skin conditions, Bell’s Palsy, menstrual irregularities, turbo cancers, and more to make the tragic link.

So far, right.

– off-guardian.org/2023/03/24/40-facts-you-need-to-know-the-real-story-of-covid/
– swprs.org/covid19-facts/

In the previous post, we highlighted how seasonal influenza (flu) had virtually disappeared in 2020/21 and questioned wh...

In the previous post, we highlighted how seasonal influenza (flu) had virtually disappeared in 2020/21 and questioned whether the flu had simply been rebranded as Covid-19.⁣

Here in the Netherlands, the official data from the RIVM (the Dutch Public Health research institute) on seasonal influenza mortality is clear. See the black bars on the graph.⁣

Remarkably, the RIVM reported that “there was no flu epidemic” in 2020/21 and published the figure of 600 deaths associated with the flu. From 2020 to 2023, the RIVM registered no deaths associated with influenza in the Netherlands. You read that correctly: zero deaths.⁣

Meanwhile, when one looks at the official data from the RIVM for deaths associated with Covid-19, it’s fairly obvious what happened to the flu.⁣

Just do the math – or “follow the science.”⁣

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣


(1) www.rivm.nl/griep-griepprik/feiten-en-cijfers⁣
(2) www.rivm.nl/publicaties/annual-report-surveillance-of-covid-19-influenza-and-other-respiratory-infections-in-0

While the world was riveted by the ‘novel’ coronavirus in 2020/21, the time-honoured seasonal virus known as ‘the flu’ d...

While the world was riveted by the ‘novel’ coronavirus in 2020/21, the time-honoured seasonal virus known as ‘the flu’ dropped to historic lows and virtually disappeared. Was this a coincidence, or was the flu simply rebranded as the more terrifying Covid-19?⁣

Three years on, it’s clear from the official data that Covid-19, with a median IFR of less than 0.15%, is comparable to a bad flu season. The data does not lie and shows that Covid-19 disproportionately affected the elderly and those with underlying health conditions — just like the flu...⁣

In fact, back in 2020, many eminent scientists with no conflicts of interest (i.e. not funded by Big Pharma) were already stating that Covid-19 was not a death sentence and that there were many cheap, safe, and effective treatments. Instead, these scientists were demonised and censored. Shamefully, the legacy media and governments continued to roll out a campaign of fear, terrifying the public into believing that Covid-19 was akin to the Black Death. This 24/7 fearmongering clouded people’s judgments and nudged the public into accepting the draconian lockdowns and the ‘miracle vaccine’.⁣

Today, public health advice is to treat symptoms of Covid-19 similarly to those of the seasonal flu…⁣

So again, was the flu simply rebranded as Covid-19?⁣

FEAR. Don’t buy it.⁣

Last week during the UK Covid Inquiry, it was revealed that the BBC “misrepresented” the risk posed by Covid-19 in order...

Last week during the UK Covid Inquiry, it was revealed that the BBC “misrepresented” the risk posed by Covid-19 in order to boost public support for lockdown.

Prof. Mark Woolhouse, a prominent epidemiologist and government adviser, slammed the broadcaster for having “repeatedly reported rare deaths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm”. He stated that this created a “misleading impression” among viewers at the start of the pandemic, suggesting that “we are all at risk” and “the virus does not discriminate”. In reality, he pointed out that at the time, it was known that the risk of dying from Covid-19 was 10,000 times higher in the over-75s than in the under-15s!

In 2021, we discovered that the UK government was employing teams of behavioural scientists to terrify the public and ensure compliance with regulations. It is now abundantly clear that the BBC conspired in this campaign of mass FEAR against the British public.

The BBC’s messaging, or brainwashing, was designed to instil the highest levels of anxiety about Covid-19. This fear ruthlessly stripped away rational thinking and the coping mechanisms of those with existing mental health conditions or those vulnerable to developing them. Consequently, we now have a generation of children and adolescents who grew up isolated and are still suffering from anxiety, grappling with eating disorders, or contending with thoughts of self-harm. We also have parents battling depression, often stemming from the debts incurred when their businesses were forced to close. Moreover, many elderly people still live in fear, reluctant to leave their homes or bin their face masks.

The BBC ought to be held accountable for disseminating misleading and harmful news – or ‘misinformation’, as it’s known these days. It is clear that the corporation is in violation of its own Royal Charter, which states that it “is to act in the public interest.” It went from being a public service news outlet to what the BBC notably has always insisted it is not: a state broadcaster. From Strictly Dancing to Pravda in a single move.

It is simply not ethical to create a level of fear that pushed many people to the very edge, and some over it. The BBC should be held accountable for the 360-degree campaign of FEAR that has left many of our fellow citizens debilitated with anxiety, fear, and worse, for years to come.

FEAR, don’t buy it.


UK Covid-19 Inquiry:

The Telegraph (25 January 2024):




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FEAR is here. It beams from our newsfeeds and TVs. It shouts from signs on the street and the warning tape in public spaces. FEAR points from under our feet and hangs over our head. FEAR is a big number. It’s hourly updates and statistics in bold red type. FEAR compares numbers with other countries, but never with the common flu. It’s a number that goes up to get us down. FEAR is inhuman. It doesn’t do hugs, high fives or smiles to strangers. It’s children not being children, and grandparents not being grandparents. FEAR is parties without friends and funerals without mourners. FEAR is irrational. It’s wearing a face mask in the sunshine. FEAR is freedom to shop, but no school. It’s sitting in an airplane, but not in a theatre. FEAR masks the truth. It doesn’t do question time. FEAR ostracises anyone with concerns, and calls them conspiracy theorists. FEAR promises a second wave, and a vaccine solution. FEAR is confusion. It’s not understanding that risk is part of life. It’s a new science that cannot be questioned. FEAR inverts truths and makes us double think. But what is there to FEAR? FEAR is hypothetical projections that have not materialised. FEAR rarely says that the whole population is not at risk, and that over 80 percent of those infected have mild or zero symptoms. FEAR should protect the vulnerable with targeted measures, instead of creating a human catastrophe from the shutdown. FEAR tells us to put our lives on hold and wait for the solution. Don’t buy it.
