
Raeelizabethwallacetoo Welcome to my ENGL Page! I'm survivor deep state MKultra; for voice of freedom, love, uniquely united


My Todays', Mrch.23. 2024 Live stream : first 2 hrs. In Dutch, past 21:30 approx. in english for as long as i have energy. πŸš€πŸ“’ next Sat. march 30. 2024: Full english Live stream !

Hi lieve allemaal ! Even n berichtje, dat ik vanavond Live ga - 1e 2 uur min. in geheel t Nederlands gesproken ! vanaf 19:30 u. A'dam time.

Ik heb vanwege drukte ( heel positief allemaal ) en slapeloze nachten, dat ik mijn energie-huishouding moet managen en minder actief ben op mijn social media..

Vanavond ga ik t uitgebreid hebben over verstoorde nachtrust innerlijk proces ivm connectie 'Columbo' en 'This ole man' nursery rijm en Hummingbird..
Kleine teaser voor vanavond πŸ™‚

Kzie je graag vanavond of elders op mijn platformen.

Rae Elizabeth πŸ’«βœ¨β˜€οΈ

Ben live op meerdere platformen: via https://bio.link/raeelizabethwallace


today, Sat. 16. 2024, 19:30 pm A'dam timezone.

Normally i promote my weekly live stream at least a day ahead and.. this week was another intense one on so many levels !

I look forward in updating you on my inner healing proces from MKultra and monarch programmming.

Todays' topics are: Barbie-, Princess- ( also partly Disney connected ), motherhood, my presidential MKuktra experiences & theme P.P. / mini-'world' / playmobil / inner and connection to mentioned themes in the world, having been a presidential slave, chatting.

Hope to meet you in few hours in one of the chatrooms.
Much love, peace & joy ( very important too ! )

Oh, forget to mention, Livestream is first 2 hrs, in ENGlish spoken. For my dutch friends, will now and then and at end of live stream, explain in Dutch language , in the flow of my talk.
***NOTE: Facebook is interfearing stronger last couple of weeks, so please, check out, subscribe to my Rumble ( has honest view counts ), Youtube and Twitch. All free accounts, Twitch no phone nr. needed, only email address.

Rae Elizabeth https://bio.link/raeelizabethwallace

Much love, Rae Elisabeth



live,life,MKUltra,talk,englishspoken,worldwide,livestreaming,MKUltraMindControl,deprogramming,creativity,freedom,mindcontrol,spirituality ,world,christian,Dutch,humor,bloopers,fail,laughter,presidents,space,blackops,stars,pyramids,skull&bones,us,amerika,vice-president,enslavement,reptilians,moon,AI,micdrop,shorts,youtube,truth,nederlands,humanrights,god,nederlandinnood,dutchfamers,dutch,nederland,belgie,vrijheid,journalist,mindcontrol Welkom,Amsterdam,nuclear,danadurnford,english
Much love, peace & joy ( very important too!)

Hello friends here and around the world ! Hi allemaal !  I will go live today, Sat. 16. 2024, 19:30 pm A'dam timezone. N...

Hello friends here and around the world ! Hi allemaal ! I will go live today, Sat. 16. 2024, 19:30 pm A'dam timezone.
Normally i promote my weekly live stream at least a day ahead and.. this week was another intense one on so many levels !

I look forward in updating you on my inner healing proces from MKultra and monarch programmming.
Todays' topics are: Barbie-, Princess- ( also partly Disney connected ), motherhood, my presidential MKuktra experiences & theme P.P. / mini-'world' / playmobil / inner and connection to mentioned themes in the world.

Hope to meet you in few hours in one of the chatrooms.

Much love, peace & joy ( very important too ! )

Oh, forget to mention, Livestream is first 2 hrs, in ENGlish spoken. For my dutch friends, will now and then and at end of live stream, explain in Dutch language , in the flow of my talk.

***NOTE: Facebook is interfearing stronger last couple of weeks, so please, check out, subscribe to my Rumble ( has honest view counts as well ), Youtube and Twitch. All free accounts, Twitch no phone nr. needed, only email address.

Rae Elizabeth https://bio.link/raeelizabethwallace


Expressing and updates & why i skip tonights live stream !


Hi there, friends ! Hi lieve allemaal ! Vandaag, 2 Mrt. 2024: Xtra long: EERST Zat. NL** uitzending & from 22:00 pm* See Timer countdown below! for ur timezone) ENGLISH spoken , MK-ultra, Mind Control, Chatting, some Music

Very handy all timezones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

Topics: Healing process MK-ultra & 'Barbie' - Presidents Monarch programmering, Interactive Chats.

**Till 22:00 pm. A'dam time in DUTCH, from 22:00 pm. i'll continue Live streaming in ENGLISH SPOKEN: Welcome ! Welkom!


To all my live-streams : bio.linkraeelizabethwallace

Streams on my multiple channels simultaneously &
on page: Check out this cool streamer too!

for all my social media platforms.
Live broadcast i talk in detail about my front life and how the for me then, hidden deep mind control layers were embedded.

As well i love interactive chatting with you and questions are always welcome !

You can also reach me via Email: [email protected]



Hi there, friends ! Hi lieve allemaal ! Vandaag, 2 Mrt. 2024: Xtra long: EERST Zat. NL** uitzending & from 22:00 pm* See Timer countdown below! for ur timezone) ENGLISH spoken , MK-ultra, Mind Control, Chatting, some Music

Topics: Healing process MK-ultra & 'Barbie' - Presidents Monarch programmering, Interactive Chats.

**Till 22:00 pm. A'dam time in DUTCH, from 22:00 pm. i'll continue Live streaming in ENGLISH SPOKEN: Welcome ! Welkom!


To all my live-streams : bio.linkraeelizabethwallace

Streams on my multiple channels simultaneously &
on page: Check out this cool streamer too!

for all my social media platforms.
Live broadcast i talk in detail about my front life and how the for me then, hidden deep mind control layers were embedded.

As well i love interactive chatting with you and questions are always welcome !

You can also reach me via Email: [email protected]


MK-ultra Talkshow, 1rst 2 hrs NEDERLANDS, Barbie-doll/pop & Presidents, Monarch MK-ultra

I like to share Ex. of how music industry trigger, via hidden way but in clear sight, Monarch programming, often via una...

I like to share Ex. of how music industry trigger, via hidden way but in clear sight, Monarch programming, often via unaware artists and video imaging.. Tonight, Vanavonds LIVE uitgebreid praat ik erover vanuit mijn eigen MKultra ervaringen. ***SEE event on my timelines and below ! Voorbeeld, Example Music Video Clip which was supposed to trigger my Barbie, Presidential programming: https://youtu.be/vLg62sMnDa8?si=_9gz0STht2OGrxJt NOTE: the artists, performers themselves in this clip are mostly not aware of that they send out trigger and hidden Monarch codings to MK-ultras !

link to Event, details: https://fb.me/e/3pa93h5jb


Hi dear friends ! Hi lieve allemaal !  I was this week busy, next to taking steps into the world on several - and very e...

Hi dear friends ! Hi lieve allemaal !

I was this week busy, next to taking steps into the world on several - and very exciting ! one- levels, taking care of a 8 year old visitor in the house here. Which is a lot fun !

Though, sadly have to cancel tonights, Dutch spoken Live stream, of Sat. 24. feb 2024.

From next , mid- , week i will do an extra Live, probaly on Tuesday coming. And of course Saturday March 2d 2024, the next Saturday live stream.

I always find it very hard, when i have to skip a live stream, but since many of you know, i stream in the living room here. And when, crowded, its simply impossible to go live.

Let me know in the comments if you prefer the Dutch spoken live stream for coming Tuesday or next Saturday.

Then i will schedule this, from Monday via posts here and on my social media.

Wish you all an amazing, wonderful, for you fitting weekend.
And hope to see you soon in my
next Live broadcast or on one of my channels via

Much love, peace & Joy ( very important too ! )

Rae Elizabeth

survivor deepstate military/monarch/MK-ultra/Presidential slave


Hi there, friends !
Today, My Weekly Saturday MKultra Live: ENGLISH spoken.

To watch live in your timezone, go to: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ On the left you see Amsterdam, from where i stream & add your timezone.

Welcome ! Welkom!

To all my live-streams & social media platforms : bio.linkraeelizabethwallace

Streams on my multiple channels simultaneously &
on page: Check out this cool streamer too!

** Dutch / NL in chats totally fine of course: i'm happy to translate your question, comment.
As well i love interactive chatting with you and questions are always welcome ! Cause i looooove questions (:

Please, don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, abonneer, duim omhoog, it will make my channels more discoverable in the algorhythm-jungle. Thank you for all your support !

You can also reach me via Email: [email protected]

Look forward in meeting you ! Much love, Peace & Joy ( very important too ! )
Rae Elizabeth



Wekelijkse Zaterdag avond Live Broadcast: vandaag geheel Nederlands, vanaf 19:30 pm.

Topics: Prinses- & Disney world-MKultra ervaringen,
de wereld & Mk-ultra, Kind delen NL naar Monarch-/ MK ultra, Chats.

Al social media links: https://bio.link/raeelizabethwallace
& ook live hier op Indevini FB.

Voor timezone zie link voor wereld klok: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Ik stream in A'dam Time zone.


Subscribe, follow, like, comment wordt enorm gewaardeerd: mijn kanalen worden geshadowbanned. Dank voor je support !

NOTE* past 22:00 pm. / na 22:00 pm i will talk ENG/DUTCH mix, ga ik over op Engels NL mix. For English Live stream, next week Tue. Febr. 13. 2024 . I will notify on my FB social media timelines.

Welcome ! Bienvenu ! Willkommen !



Survivor Deep state Talks: My SA / MK Experiences movie-industry/-Disney & My view on 'Woke', My Healing JourneyπŸš€ in ENGLish

Hello friends here & worldwide : i'd like to invite you to my English spoken Saturday Talkshow Today, feb 3. 2024, 19:30 pm A'dam timezone::

World clock as Timer: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
very handy from wherever timezone you are, to be able to join the interactive chatrooms ! Welcome Wlkom Willkommen Bienvenue !

Topics todays' live are:
My SA / MK Experiences movie-industry/-Disney & My view on 'Woke', My Healing Journey,

* See Timer countdown below! for ur timezone) ENGLISH spoken , MK-ultra, Mind Control, Disney, Movie Industry from my Monarch, MKultra past, My healing journey & own view on the whole Woke topic, Chat.

To all my live-streams : bio.linkraeelisabethwallace

Streams on my multiple channels simultaneously &
on page: Check out this cool streamer too!

As well i love interactive chatting with you and questions are always welcome !

NOTE: if u subscribe(-d) to youtube: also smash the 'all notifications' section, Youtube automatically is not giving you the notifications if i am going live !

You can also reach me via Email: [email protected]

Thank you so much for helping my channels grow !
Much love, Rae Elisabeth




SPOKEN: Welcome ! Welkom!

for all my social media platforms.

Live broadcast i talk in detail about my front ( dutch overall ) life and how the for me then, hidden deep mind control layers were embedded.
As well i love interactive chatting with you and questions are always welcome !

You can also reach me via Email: [email protected]


for more info about me and or please join me by subscribing here on Youtube or go
To all my live-streams : bio.linkraeelisabethwallace
( i was formerly Monique Wallace: i changed to my original names Rae Elisabeth )

Streams on my multiple channels simultaneously &
on page: Check out this cool streamer too!

In the chatrooms respect towards eachother & balanced moderation, be aware of now & then graphic content.

Please like, subscribe, follow, share to help grow my channels & voice my MKultra truths. Thank you so much ! πŸ™

Hope to see you there and or on one of my channels !

As always,
much love, peace & joy ( very important too!) πŸ•ŠοΈβœ¨

This special song to me - put it on repeat, day & night - which started my recall, rollercoaster of my MK ultra past deprogramming, from the Netherlands: Michael Jackson - For All Time (Demo Version) [Studio Quality] https://youtu.be/uQDTKKxMMlM?si=pbHsoXXOd2dHZWi9 via

live,life,MKUltra,talk,englishspoken,worldwide,livestreaming,MKUltraMindControl,deprogramming,creativity,freedom,mindcontrol,spirituality ,world,christian,Dutch,humor,bloopers,fail,laughter,presidents,space,blackops,stars,pyramids,skull&bones,us,amerika,vice-president,enslavement,reptilians,moon,AI,micdrop,shorts,youtube,truth,nederlands,humanrights,god,nederlandinnood,dutchfamers,dutch,nederland,belgie,vrijheid,journalist,mindcontrol Welkom,Amsterdam,nuclear,danadurnford,english
Much love, peace & joy ( very important too!)


Deep state MKultra Chatting, Knitting dress finished, process πŸ™βœŒοΈπŸ•ŠοΈ invite for Sat. Jan. 20.2024 Live !

all links https://bio.link/raeelisabethwallace




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