I saw a tweet on X some days ago; it was about some specific pastors.
According to the tweet, they are always right and can never be wrong about anything.
Quite funny!
To be clear, I'm not implying that they did anything wrong or that they have done anything wrong, but to think this way is quite dangerous.
For you to think that a human being, no matter how good, wise, or righteous they are, can do no wrong, is dangerous.
This mentality has made people vulnerable and gullible.
This is why some people don't even have faith for themselves.
Some people have even placed their pastors before God, unknowingly.
That is why the fake ones (and the ones who have conformed to carnality) can feed on people's fear and manipulate them easily.
You should: respect them, honour them, believe in them, pray for them, seek their counsel, acknowledge them, listen to them, be a source of blessing to them, sow into their lives/ministries, and pray for them, too; but it is dangerous to follow them (ANYBODY at all) blindly, without allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you, because you think they can never be wrong.
This is why you should always pray for them; it is extremely important!
They could innocently make mistakes without even realizing oh!
They could say their mind and their views in different contexts, and it could make you confused.
They may not cover all perspectives at times, not on purpose.
They may dislike a thing as a person, but that doesn't mean that thing is wrong/sinful.
They are also human beings with feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes.
They could make a judgement or conclusion wrongly, even when they mean well.
This does not mean they are fake or not genuinely called by God.
It means they are humans, too; and we must not follow any human being blindly.
I'm not implying that they want to mislead us or are misleading us, but because I want you to have the mentality that God is the only one who can do no wrong.
It is just like saying a person is always right; no, nobody is always right!
Sometimes, they could convey their opinions (not what God told them) to their audience/congregation, without meaning any harm; and it could be just one man's perspective, and contextual.
They could be wrong about a fact and talk about it based on their understanding of the subject.
As human beings, no matter how educated and exposed we are, we have limited understanding of certain things; and if we are not very careful, we could conclude or judge wrongly, based on our understanding of the subject.
I want you to know that this applies to everyone; teachers, lecturers, professors, pastors, parents, experts, coaches, specialists, consultants, Nobel prize winners, etc.
Filter every information you receive.
So, allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you; He is the only one who always right.
I hope you understand.