Explore with Sally

Explore with Sally Graphic Designer
Voice-over Artist
Digital creator
Fashion designer
Jack of many things 😄

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Israel Chibueze Chidera, Enor Obi

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Israel Chibueze Chidera, Enor Obi

Mrs B learnt during pregnancy that she has a skin condition called Vitiligo.Was it caused by pregnancy? No. But it was t...

Mrs B learnt during pregnancy that she has a skin condition called Vitiligo.
Was it caused by pregnancy? No. But it was triggered by it. Pregnancy can make this skin condition worse for those who already have it visibly on their skin or make it appear for the first time on the skin of those who already had this skin condition as a pre-existing disease without knowing. The later was the case for Mrs B.

Is Pregnancy the only trigger for Vitiligo? No. stress, childbirth, severe sunburn or skin trauma, such as contact with a chemical are other trigger events.

What then is the cause of this skin condition?.Vitiligo is skin disorder caused by the lack of a pigment called melanin in the skin.Melanin is produced by skin cells called melanocytes, and it gives your skin its colour. In vitiligo, there are not enough of these skin cells to produce enough melanin in your skin. This causes white patches to develop on your skin or hair.

This ailment seems to be more common in people who have a family history of the disorder or who have certain autoimmune diseases(disorder of the immune system).

There is currently no cure for vitiligo and no way to prevent the condition.Sometimes patches go away on their own.However, when this doesn't happen, doctors can prescribe treatments that might help even out skin tone. Some of these treatments are things you can try at home, others are done by a doctor. These treatments and measures can help prevent depigmentation from affecting more areas of the skin.

I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

It has been noticed lately, that invisible pornographic videos are published in people's profiles without their knowledg...

It has been noticed lately, that invisible pornographic videos are published in people's profiles without their knowledge. The owner of the page doesn't see them, but others do, as if it were an authentic publication that you had made! They post their comments as if they were you... Please, if something as such happens on my page, notify me immediately. Out of respect for EVERYONE, as well as my exposure, personality, and intergrity, i distance myself from such publications.
Copy and paste on your page.
It is high time this phenomenon stopped.

A very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen and mo...

A very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen and most prevalent in women is cellulite.

You can check to see if you have cellulite by pinching the skin around those areas mentioned above. If it looks a bit lumpy, you probably have it.

It is more prevalent in people who have excess fat, but slim and fit people can have it too(This is because the fat itself is not the primary cause).The main contributing factors of cellulite are things you can't control, including skin structure, hormones, genetics, and age. It is more likely to happen after the age of 25 years, but it can affect younger people as well, including teenagers.

We have 3 grades of cellulite. Grade 1 is mild, Grade 2, moderate and Grade 3, severe.
Exercise does not guarantee cellulite reduction. However, research suggests that certain exercises may help reduce cellulite for some people. Some medications and cream and some medical techniques may help reduce it's appearance. The techniques may remove it for some years and then you start to notice it again (this means you have to keep repeating the process). It cannot be totally eliminated.

People who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, and salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.

Would like to know some exercises you are do to reduce the appearance of your cellulite?, You can chat me up.
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Ever heard of love handles?😀 It's different from hip dips and belly pooch.Skin that extends out from the hips is referre...

Ever heard of love handles?😀 It's different from hip dips and belly pooch.

Skin that extends out from the hips is referred to as love handles. Love handles can be more noticeable when accompanied with tight clothes. They are signs of excessive fat buildup around the hips and abdomen.

One of the main differences between hip dips, belly pooch and love handles is that hip dips are caused by bone structure rather than body fat.

There are majorly two ways to get rid of love handles: Exercise or Cosmetic surgery.

Do you need tips on some exercises to do?. Chat me up.

Ever heard of hip dips? Hip dips refer to the slight indentation of either side of the outer thigh, which makes it look ...

Ever heard of hip dips?
Hip dips refer to the slight indentation of either side of the outer thigh, which makes it look like there's a dip that curves inward at the top of the thigh and below the hips as seen in the picture below. They are completely normal.

It is much harder to fix it by engaging in certain exercises but it's possible. The fastest and simplest way to improve the shape of the hips is through fat grafting, BBL surgery, or another form of body contouring. But we can all learn to love ourselves the way we are... However, it’s up to individual to decide what they do and don’t like about their own body.

The most important thing to remember is that hip dips tare not an indication of being overweight or inactive. Even though the amount of body fat held in that location can make them more obvious, decreasing body fat in that area won’t necessarily make them go away since they’re primarily due to bone structure that you can’t modify.

Some women have them, some don’t, and some wish they didn’t. Some people’s hip dips are very subtle, while others are more pronounced like the one in the first picture below.

In a nutshell, heredity is to blame for hip dips. Interested in exercises you can do to minimize the appearance of your hip dip or that of your woman/daughter, friend or sister?. Chat us up. We can help you with a list of best hip exercises and how you can do them at home and guide you throughout the journey.

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Sambo Kufre Kufmania, Winifred Asemiah

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Sambo Kufre Kufmania, Winifred Asemiah

BELLY POOCH, WHAT IT IS, CAUSES, AND HOW TO GET RID OF IT.Tummy pooch is that stubborn fat in your lower belly. Not only...


Tummy pooch is that stubborn fat in your lower belly. Not only does it reduce your vibe but also is harmful for your health.

One common way to determine excess belly fat is by checking your waist circumference. use a tape to measure your belly fat. Stand straight and breathe out. Place the tape around your middle tummy, and note the measurements. If it is greater than 35 inches for women and greater than 40 inches for men, you may have excess belly fat.

CAUSES: 1)Poor diet: Consuming too many processed foods and not enough vegetables and fruits. Avoid food high in calories, salt, preservatives, and additives. Avoid food that may cause bloating.

2)Too much alcohol: Alcohol causes dehydration which leads to weight gain. It gets stored as fat in the body if you don’t drink enough water and workout regularly.

3)Lack of exercise: To keep your body healthy and active, you have to exercise every day.

4)Stress: Stress increases the chances of accumulating fat in the lower belly region.

5) Pregnancy: The hormonal and physical adjustments your body went through during pregnancy are now showing up in various forms. One of those signs is belly pooch.
Note: It may take months to get rid of the post-pregnancy belly pooch. Trying to get rid of it too quickly may affect breast milk production.

6)Genetics: Various issues like obesity, anxiety, depression, stress, diabetes, heart disease, hormonal ups and downs, etc. are hereditary.You cannot do much about it. However, you can counteract the effect of your genes and get rid of that tummy pooch.

7)Avoid Being Constantly Seated: Posture can most definitely cause a lower belly pooch. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 150 minutes of walking every week to stay active.

8)Avoid eating late: You should have had your dinner latest 7p.m before going to bed.

Below are some pictures with exercises to help you lose tummy pooch.

Do you know that registering your business name provides legal protection for your brand, gives you credibility, and can...

Do you know that registering your business name provides legal protection for your brand, gives you credibility, and can help you secure financing and partnerships?

Think about two businesses trying to apply for a government contract - who do you think gets the job?.Probably the one with the right paperwork, right?.

When you officially register your company with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), you are more eligible to receive loans and grants from both financial institutions and government initiatives.

Think about that brand name your customers have come to know you as, and trust you have built over the years. If another person uses that your brand name to register his/her business, you lose legal right to that name. That would be a nightmare right?.

When you register your business with CAC, you can open a business bank account in your company's name which allows you to keep your business funds separate from your personal money, this makes your money management easier and helps you keep a better record of your business transactions.

Lastly, Did you know that your CAC certificate can grant you visa approval to travel out of Nigeria along with other documents?. Yes, because it serves as proof of ownership of a business in Nigeria which ascertains that you have strong ties to your home country and will increase your chances of getting your visa application approved by the embassy.

So there you have it, friends! Business registration in Nigeria isn't just paperwork. Ready to level up? Get that registration done.

I did my business registration myself and i have been helping many businesses get registered under CAC. Would you like to register your business name?. We can help you make the process seamless and deliver your certificate within 7-14 working days with little charges. Just send us a direct message.
Below is a CAC business name certificate successfully registered by us this week.

76 new followers76 new posts Within the last 90days.This means i probably earned one new follower, for each post i made....

76 new followers
76 new posts
Within the last 90days.

This means i probably earned one new follower, for each post i made.

Lesson: You might really not be seeing the growth, but there's growth going on. Don't give up!.

Some studies shows that coconut oil might help prevent and treat rashes. It also has been shown to help treat eczema.It ...

Some studies shows that coconut oil might help prevent and treat rashes. It also has been shown to help treat eczema.

It improves skin hydration so it is a good moisturizer. You can mix coconut oil with your body cream. You can mix with Vaseline too.Using coconut oil can boost the production of collagen which helps to firm your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Coconut oil repels moisture which is essential for you hair.

However, for people with oily or acne-prone skin, using coconut oil on a daily basis especially on the face and legs may not be advisable, as it can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Using coconut oil on the hair on a daily basis can make your hair dry and brittle and can cause breakouts. Do not use coconut oil on natural hair type(4C) as they are usually dry and coarse.

Consistently applying coconut oil to the skin, either alone or with other oils, may help reduce the occurrence of stretch marks or speed their healing. It may also help to diminish their appearance.

The best coconut oil for the face is one that is unrefined and cold-pressed. This means that it hasn't been processed with heat or chemicals, which can strip away some of the beneficial properties. Unrefined coconut oil also has a natural, pleasant scent that can be soothing and calming for the skin.

What other benefits of coconut oil do you know?. Please share in the comment section.
Do you need an unrefined coconut oil?. You can also send a d.m



SKIN PEELING ON HANDS, CAUSES AND HOW TO TREAT THEM 👇Does your hand peel sometimes? Do you worry about what the cause ma...


Does your hand peel sometimes? Do you worry about what the cause may be and how you can get rid of it?

Check the pictures below (especially the first slide) and the comment section

It's very common to hear people tell a woman who is breastfeeding a child that is a year older "Why are you still breast...

It's very common to hear people tell a woman who is breastfeeding a child that is a year older "Why are you still breastfeeding this big baby?. There's no milk in that breast again. Your breast will sag due to prolonged breastfeeding" 😔. If you are still breastfeeding for more than a year, don't feel discouraged by statements like this.

1) BREASTFEEDING isn't the only thing that makes your breast sag. From the moment you get PREGNANT, your breast increases in size, it stretches, and the more it does, it loses elasticity gradually. So whether you abort the child, have miscarriage or give birth, whether you breastfeed or not, whether you decide to breastfeed for just few months, it doesn't change the fact that your breast is gradually losing elasticity. And the NUMBER OF PREGNANCIES affects it more.
GENETICS also plays a role. Your breast as a single person could even sag earlier than that of a breastfeeding mum, depending on your gene. This can happen whether you've been pregnant or not.
AGE is another factor. The older you get, the ligaments that makes up the breast tissue stretch and lose elasticity. This happens whether you've been pregnant, have breastfed before or not.
Not using BRAS or SUPPORTIVE BRAS regularly plays another role in breast sagging for some especially ones with bigger b***s and in breastfeeding mums especially as your breast stretches over milk supply.
So if you are afraid to breastfeed/breastfeed for long because you don't want your breast to sag, kick that off completely from your mind. It should either just be your choice, time factor or medical reasons, don't associate it with breast sagging because breast wey go sag, go still sag 😀...

2)As long as you keep breastfeeding, you will always have milk supply except medically you have an issue preventing your supply of breastmilk. Aside this, you can only have low/inadequate supply. Which is why Doctors recommend that you can breastfeed along with giving formulas if you don't have enough milk supply or they prescribe certain kind of food, drinks, fruits or medications to help with your milk supply. Thus if you've always had adequate milk supply, if you keep breastfeeding even up to the second year of your baby's life, there will always be milk untill you stop breastfeeding completely.

3) According to WHO(world health organization) recommendation, if possible, a child should be breastfed exclusively for 4 or 6 months before introducing solid gradually up untill at least the first year and the mother can continue breastfeeding even up to the second year of the baby's life and beyond,because breastmilk is safe, clean and contains antibodies which help protect against many common childhood illnesses. Breastmilk provides all the energy and nutrients that the infant needs for the first months of life, and it continues to provide up to half or more of a child’s nutritional needs during the second half of the first year, and up to one third during the second year of life. So if a mother chooses to breastfeed her child till age 2 or beyond, you shouldn't need to let that bother you. As long as both the child and mother are still okay with it and medically it's still advantageous.

Note: Every mother wants what is best for her child, whether she breastfeeds or breastfeeds exclusively or not. Thus, just as you are in no position to persuade a mother to breastfeed or breastfeed exclusively, a mother who decides to breastfeed up to the first year of her baby's life and beyond, should not be persuaded to stop either.
Also waiting until around 6 months before introducing solids to babies gives them and their organs time to develop so they can cope fully with solid foods.
From 6 months, breast milk alone no longer provides enough nutrients for their growth and development especially zinc and iron.

The only disadvantages that comes with extended breastfeeding for some is:
*Shame and judgement from society
*Breastfeeding takes time and efforts
*Workplace issues
*Fertility: Breastfeeding can suppress ovulation, but the likelihood of this decreases as the baby grows older. People whose periods have not returned and who want to conceive may need to decrease breastfeeding.

Do you know some babies are born with teeth?.Are you shocked?. I was as surprised too when i first found out. So yes, so...

Do you know some babies are born with teeth?.

Are you shocked?. I was as surprised too when i first found out. So yes, some babies are born with one or more teeth, but this happens rarely. They are called Natal teeth.

You don’t need to worry or take action if your baby is born with it, unless the teeth interfere with feeding, causes injury to the tongue or to the mother's breast or are a choking hazard (choking from accidental swallowing of the loose tooth).

There are four types of natal teeth:
1)Fully developed, though loose. Fixed to a few root structure
2)Loose teeth that don’t have any roots at all
3)Small teeth just emerging from the gums
4)Evidence of teeth about to cut through the gums
The exact type of teeth your newborn has will determine the risk for complications and will also help your doctor determine if treatment is necessary.
Natal teeth that aren’t loose are usually left alone. But if your baby is born with loose teeth that have no roots, your doctor might recommend surgical removal (Number 2).
Even if your newborn’s teeth aren’t considered an immediate concern, it’s important to monitor them to prevent any complications.

About 15 percent of babies born with teeth have close family members that had natal teeth when they were born, too. These include siblings and parents. Females seems to be more likely to be born with teeth than males.

Certain conditions in addition to the one mentioned above, an some underlying medical issues may cause natal teeth. Malnutrition during pregnancy is another possible risk factor...

Note that Natal teeth are teeth a child is born with. This is different from Neonatal teeth (teeth developed within a few weeks after birth or within the first month of life).

Have you seen a case of a child born with a teeth or more?

What you should know about giving honey to children and its benefits:Though nutritious, honey should never be given to c...

What you should know about giving honey to children and its benefits:

Though nutritious, honey should never be given to children under 1 and it’s not recommended for children under 2 years old except in very moderate amount and with certain precautions. This is because children younger than 24 months old should limit and if possible avoid added sugars totally.

For babies younger than 1, it totally not advisable to give them honey because, it contains toxic bacteria that may cause infant botulism(an illness that can happen when a baby takes in toxins from a type of bacteria that may be happen to be in the honey) that can cause muscle weakness, a weak cry, and trouble breathing and if not quickly and properly treated can end in death. There is also a risk of pollen allergies developed from honey.

While this is scary there are plenty of health benefits your child can get from honey. Whenever possible, opt for certified organic honey instead of local honey or commercial honey. Local honey comes with a greater risk of pollen allergy. Commercial honey usually contains pesticide and other chemicals. Be sure to check the labels.

Once your toddler is two, it is recommended they have no more than 25 grams, or 6 teaspoons, of added sugars daily. For a child under 2, added sugars isn't recommended, if at all, it should be very less than the recommended amount for age 2 upward.
The sugar could be a problem for the child's teeth. Make sure to brush well after the milk/honey. raw honey is a sweetener, so it can affect developing teeth.

So, what are the health benefits of honey for your kids?

1. It gives them long lasting energy
2. It contains needed vitamins and minerals
3. It protects their liver from damage
4. It helps wounds heal faster
5. It calms down coughs or sore throat
6. Brain benefits
7. Antibacterial and antifungal properties
8. Help with digestive issues
9. Helps a child get a soothing sleep when taken at night
10. Acts as antioxidant

Honey should not be mixed with hot food or water. The meal or water should be let to get cool a bit as this can be a slow poison...
Milk and honey can together make for a healthy combination.







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