If you are a content creator, either using a professional profile or you own a page and you want to share my videos or writeups (or that of any other content creator), please do not do so directly as this may affect you if your account is growing towards monietization and especially if you have monietized your account already.
I will teach you how to do it properly in the video below so you will not have issues now or later...
I stumbled over a post where someone said she can never have anything to do with someone who uses AI photos as their profile picture. That she sees them as deceptive and not being confident about their real body.
I saw someone else comment on a different post but related, where she said she sees it as being childish and immature and she's among the few that will never try editing her photos with AI effect.
And i say make all of una rest with maturity.
I understand most persons use the AI editing because they want to appear attractive on social media to catch the attention of guys especially when they are not confident about their body. But the truth is, some just use it for fun and others to sharpen their editing skills and thus they do not hid their real pictures.
Now, the main gist of this post:👇
Let me shock you. AI(Artificial Intelligence) has been added as a new tech skill you need to learn in 2023. Dey play🤣. Just dey play 🤣.Check the picture below 👇:
Please share your thoughts/opinions on this:
Except for customized services or products in which the price is based on customer's needs, personally, i think it's better to attach prices or at least a price range:
Some customers believe (perhaps incorrectly) that if the price is not shown, then it must be a very high price. So they won't bother asking. Most feel like they can’t afford you(so they might not chat you up to avoid embarrassment). But by seeing the prices or price range you attach, they now know what they are to pay or have a price-point from which they can negotiate or can start savings towards working with you if they don't have immediately..
Your customers are busy and time-constrained too. They need information at the moment when they have time to do their research. Don’t make them jump through hoops. Having to text you and you are not online, they now have to call and all that, and at the end, they might not be okay with the price after spending so much time already trying to have a conversation with you and you too will be disappointed that you had to leave what you were doing behind to attend to them...
However, whether you put your prices on your status or not is a personal decision. It depends on your business and marketing strategy. But just make sure you make your decision based on what’s helpful to your customer and right for your marketing plan and brand.
You can put your prices on your status for four weeks, and compare the results. If you get more inquiries, more sales, easier conversations, then you know your audience found it helpful.
Instead of boiling chicken, meat, fish, and seafood in water, many chefs have recommended steaming (adding little water or even no water) to keep the natural sweetness of the food and preserve its nutritional values..
Meat/chicken especially produce their own water while cooking, but if this feels odd to you, you can add very very little water.
N/B: If you are buying meat and poultry products from grocery stores, it might be better to add water (to reduce concentration) as some grocery stores are now adding flavouring solutions (a solution of water, salt and sodium phosphate) to enhance meat flavor and add moisture to leaner meat.
My very easy DIY makeup
Please follow my TikTok page @explorewithsally
200g of milk( 200 mililiter)
16 tablespoonful of flour
4 eggs
Green pepper
Fresh tomatoes
Fresh pepper(optional).
Gives you 3-4 pancakes.
Please for those persons who sent messages to my inbox that they can't see the follow button on my page or those who might have been having same issues but couldn't reach out, i made this video to help you know how to go about it. Please watch to the end.
Note too that it is possible to be on my friend's list here without actually following my page. You can only be following my page when you click the follow button. Please endeavor to do so. Your girl will be grateful.
The Joy you get when you order a dress from us 😊🤗😄
One is never overdressed or underdressed with a little black dress. I am a designer.