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The word "literature"was derived from the word literate which means able to read and write, in this sense literature many denote all printed materials which give instruction information e.t.c
However and a field of study, literature is a form or act of expression and thus it concerns its expressions of so.Therefore literature palaces emphasis on aesthetics or elegance of expression.
Literature as one of the art subject of study at the secondary schools levels it is concern with the study of the three genres,prose, poetry and drama with all their artistic significance.
The word literature has different meaning depending on how one look at it.It could be applied broadly to mean "Any symbolic record encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters" In a more narrow sense the term could means only text composed of letters or other examples of symbolic written language (Egyptian hiooglyphist for examples) An even more narrow interpretation is that text have physical forms such as on paper or some other portable forms to the exclusion of inscription or digital media the Muslim scholar and philosopher Imam ja'afar Alsadiq(702-765AD)Defined literature as"literature is the garment which one puts on what he says or writes" So that it may appear more attractive.He also Stated that "literature is slice of life that has been given direction and meaning.An artistic interpretation of the word According to the percipient point of view.
The researcher are only trusted to find out the problems associated with teaching and learning of literature in some selected senior secondary school within Daura local government katsina state of Nigeria.
This research work is designed or intended to find out the problems militating against the teaching and learning of literature at senior secondary schools level in Daura local government katsina state.
The research work is intended to cover the whole Daura local government area.However due to insufficient time and fund the researchers have thought it wise to Limit their study to the following schools;
Federal government college Daura F.G.C, lajuma secondary school Daura L.S.S.D And Excel college Daura E.C.D.
Very many students are in chided to think that the study of literature is a kind of ordeal which involved having to grapple with battle texts and endless memorization of q***r language usage.
Literature is not that abstract its embodies people perception of their immediate environment, Literature has also been found to have certain kinds of value for human being. Many people tremble with the question why do we teach literature?
Professor L.C knights has attred the answer so that as many people as possible share share the imagination that is stored in the great master pieces so that their own imagination may quick ended.
Most teachers of English would accept this as a general justification for teaching literature just the great master pieces which tend to be studied after along training in literacy appreciation, but also the less renewed works good writers which can be studied at any stage.All gammies chars business to see that his student can share it.
The impulses that lead people toward literature emotional response and so on present in ever one irrespective of age and ability. It is teacher's concern to direct these impulses toward the work rather than the tribal.This involves talking account of how the mass media compete with literature to the student attention. There are few homes worthy of childness attention that cannot be treated by literature thus it is a constant and illuminated source of teaching materials for many purpose.
Also the values of literature for mental growth can not be ignored.whatever the particular medium be it poetry, drama or prose literature properly taught enlarge, the student knowledge and understanding of human behaviour it after the student/pupils insight to value different from those they have required in their norms culture and by so doing it may leans to eminence moral sensitivity.just as the study of history is claimed to give student greater understanding of personal values and the choices of action we are all called upon continually to make.
It is important realize that literacy study is not necessary the same kind of activity as reading; One of the teachers chief task is to extend the pupils reading activity by making the activity more pleasant and purpose full and by controlling their effect in various ways. For such purpose a piece of literature may not always be just materials. An existing poem or story may help to for their reading ability since carries its over motivation with it.
Moreover it is often unwise equate the enjoyment of literature with the act of reading. Literature can be enjoyed and yield value to the student without having been read in this sense. Literature is not merely what is read but something that is experienced it may be a story. Heard a poem recited a play excited. It's main characteristics are that is given pleasure that is verbal that has form that its form and its content nourish the mind e.t.c.
Daura local government is one of the oldest local government in katsina state it was covered from former Daura native Authority (NA).
Daura local government is located from the northern part of Nigeria it lies from latitude 10'n and longitude 6'CE, Daura local government in the north is bounded by mai'adua local government 7km away. In the west by Dutsi local government 30km away while in the east and south by Zango and Sandamu local government 7km and 5km away respectively.
Daura local government is the origin of the seven Hausa state Daura,kano,katsina, zariya,rank,gobir and queen up to the end of 18th century. There was only one well in the centre of the town which people fetched drinking water from and for other domestic use in the well there was a big snake name sarki that usually prevented the people of the town drawing water every day except on friday's.
The objective of this research are to;
To find out the problems associated with teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools.
To serve as away of correction to the sampled schools toward the improvement of teaching and learning of literature in English in these schools.
To improve teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools.
To find out the solution of the problems related to teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools.
What are the problems associated with teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools?
What are the cause of the problems associated with teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools?
What are the solutions of the problems related to teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools?
How does the teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools improved?
the significance of this study definitely lies on the hope that an early identification of the existing problems in teaching literature in English in secondary schools.
Measure to be adopted to eradicate them from the grassroots. This will not doubt place the student on the right state with other areas to studies.
It would serve as a reference point for further research also assist the government and the people in design future educational policies to meet the need of the people.
1- teachers of English literature in senior secondary schools level of Daura are available.
2- there are enough and comprehensive text books of literature in the schools?
3- The teachers not read literature text to their student?

In the previous chapter discussed, we made mentioned of the problems, the scope and the limitation of our research work and hypothesis.
In this chapter we are going to critically discuss the concept of literature, its history as well as the role of the literature in Nigeria, from the perspective of its teaching and learning in secondary schools.
Literature has three major genres namely; prose,poetry,and drama. These genres are often referred to as literature genres.
GENRES:- is a term used literacy criticism to show the distinction literary works are grouped according to form content of technique or some time subject matters.
A.PROSE:- the term applied to all form of written or spoken expression, which do not have a regular rhythmic pattern. It is most often together of vocabularies, a listing of ideas or a catalogue of objects.
1-it is with out sustained rhythmic regularly.
2- it has some logical grammatical orders and its idea.
3- it is character stated rather than merely listed
4- it secures a variety of expression through distinction and sentence structure.
Prose is the commonest and probably the most popular of prose in the language news business administration and instruction. It is the language may be said to be the everyday language.
B.POETRY:- Is a spontaneous over flow of powerful felling it is an emotion recollected in tranquility of few wards used to express deep through, passionate or felling. It is an arrangement of best words in the best order
Poetry has to do with a literary composition, characterized by the presence of imagination, emotion tough sense and language expressed rhythmically and within an orderly arranged best with it self.
Furthermore, poetry express experience of intense felling and thought which are written. Traditionally,the lines are begin which a such. This form of arrangement is described as verse?
C.DRAMA:- According to Aristotle is the only genres of literature that is associated with stage performance
Drama also refers as a play, however, the above genres of literature mentioned above is the area where most of the problems associated with teaching and learning literature because of prose and drama.

Nigeria has a literary history; it has produced many influential writes who and what. Nigerias farmours writers include Whole Soyinka(the first African novel leurate in literature)and chinua Achebe, best know for his prose writing is, things fall apart, and his controversial critique of Joseph correct. Other famous writer, who are well known internationally include clerk-ben okri Emochets, item Habila, Chinamans ngozi and ken saro wiwa who was executed in 1995 by the military regime.
Nigeria is a country which has the greatest literary out put in the whole Africa. There are over fifty notable literary artists, currently active and the sheer volume of the literary produced, far exceeds that of any black African country.
Political independence in 1960 brought with it a wake of great awareness of the problem of building a nation out of the diverse ethnic entities which make hope the huge conglomerate called Nigeria. This intact has dominated a sizable of independence.
At present, Nigeria literature in English is the one which attracts greater attention and has greater influence nationally and internationally. This pronounced is due to the literature often have greater literature competence in English than in indigenous language. Although, some literate Nigerians (for example, professor Akin isoki)have chosen to write in their indigenous languages rather than in English. The number of writers who have made a such choice is very small indeed.
Nigerian literature in English has raised more leisures relevant to our contemporary situation than the literature in indigenous where as a latter has a largely been anchored to the past images and symbols of our rich cultural heritage, literature in in English aligned it self more forcefully and with greater artists profit to the wise and more diverse literature of the world. Thus it is the Nigerian literature in English, for more than its indigenous language counterparts that has raised issue of cultural and culture conflict, the place of tradition in the modern policy, as well as nation of sexism and the place of the women felt in our new reality. It is concern with the way forward for the Nigerian nation, how to recover from present problems, realized it full potential and become a member of the community of prosperous nation. Nigerians have cultivated virtually every know genre of literature including prose,fiction,poetry and drama the travelogue, biography and autobiography nevertheless the emphasis here well be on prose, fiction, poetry and drama in which they have made very significant literature achievements.
Nigerian literature in English has witnessed an impassive expansion in the past decade and a help the a word of the Novel prize of literature to whole Soyinka(arguably black Africa foremost literary artists) in 1986 firmed the eminence of this literary proves of a late Ben. Okiri and nayi osundare who have helped to consolidate this eminence.
Nigerian literature manifest the struggle people whose country is under going the painful processes of transformation from colonialism to neocolonialism to wholly determining nation. After a blood fratricidal war (Biafra-war1964-70) immediately followed by an ill-manage oil boom that, integrated social and political disloesctrans that the nation is yet to recover from, it was inevitable that Nigerian wonderful fill the pre-colonial definition of the artists as" town crier" to Barrow that fine expressing from the late poet Christopher okigbow.they have Nigerian literature in its many forms as social act against the wantonness of the new society.
Nigerian literature is constantly drawing from the realistic of protest art.
Literature performs certain function both for society and its individuals. Among those are:-
1.Literature servers as a means of education:As stated earlier literature is not concerned with that is expressed alone but how it is expressed it still performs important function in education the people and certain literary works provide good source of political education. Ngugis works such as petals of the blood and the river between similarly literature helps in education the society on such issue like family planning, education of children and on social economic problems.
2. Literature performs the role of entertainment:-aparts its works as farce and memory.
3. A means of propagation of history culture and politics of the people. There by making it possible to have reference to such typication as Apro-American literature, English and American literature, French literature e.t.c
Through this literature widens the(scope of experience of its audience about different people and culture of world.
4. It serves as a means of informing the society:- literature comments on society and in this regard it points out the bad aspects of the institution of society so as to pave way for reformation it is in this regard that the work of writer like Nagugi.iwathiongo, sembebe osusmane. Ayikwei Armah. Whole Soyinka e.t.c are important commentaries and criticism of the society. For the benefit of its people.
5. Moral teaching:- it is act of literature in its didactics essences to reach moral lesson point to the people, folklore and moonlight tale in African society the way of the deviant and the possible repercussions for deviation.
6. Improved Audience use of language:- Literature served the tremendous purpose of improving the linguistics granary of its audience little wonder that in the qualifying requirements for admission into Nigerian universities that literature is accepted as substitute to English. It is a sink quanon for people who want to study English language or low to have a good grade in literature so as to be proficient in language the instrument with which to be successful. The purpose stated above thus could be considered as the functions of literature.
In planning a literature class for secondary schools the students and the teachers would need a number of device to utilized in helping the students to learn and when we remember that, students are naturally very imaginative creative we should then realizing that discussing literature with them could be really interesting if only one utilized the options sufficiently.
Planning literature lesson requires that the teachers should be very knowledgeable on the subject.
He should know all the characters, all the events, the plot he should also be able to discuss the concept in other disciplines relating to literature study. For example in drama, his story, scriptures and economics e.t.c.
A good teaching takes time to develop and requires a broad range of experience. So students are to be function so much at this stage. How many books have they read and they should the history know the author or of the authors other works beside. They usually do not have the capacity to perceived the related concepts,the related works the stench and weakness of the books e.t.c.

Teaching and learning in our secondary schools have a lot of problems. Awobuiliyi(1992) edited by ipaye(1992)mentioned that the problem facing teaching and learning of literature in English are:-
1. Lack of qualified teachers of literature in English.
2. He also mentioned that other problem which related to texts books in availability.
3. Student he also goes onto the most teachers have no training in contrastive linguistics and therefore are unavailable to understand the pedagogical strategies.
4. The students are not paying maximum attention and necessary attention whenever, they are having literature lesson
5. The teachers of literature are not provided with enough teaching and learning materials such as texts books e.t.c.
6. Some of the teacher of literature in secondary schools are not well equipped because they lack pedagogical (methodology) knowledge.
7. The books that are being used by respective teachers of English literature are not relevant to their background.
1. The government as well as teachers should ensued that literature books to be used in teaching students are relevant to their background.
2. Teacher also, should encourages their students to read other un-recommended texts. Such as short stories,news papers as well as magazines regularly.
3. The government should makes sure that qualified literature teachers are employed and workshop, seminars should also be organized for enhancing their teaching skills.
4. The government should established libraries in our secondary schools.
5. According to Dr.Aliyu kamal, some factors are responsible for in effective teaching and learning of literature" natural" such as the language and environmental factors. However. With regard to the fore mentioned solutions to the problems in teaching and learning of literature.
both the government as well as the schools authority concerned should endeavour to make provision for enough facilities for effective teaching and learning of literature. According to him he(Dr.Aliyu kamal) or quad that it is through the provision of these materials that the students gets encouragement, teachers improve their teaching methods by using materials e.t.c.
Parents and teachers should provide proper guidance and counselling to their children/students. This will encourage both the children/students to learn the subject well.

In the fore going chapters we have discussed critically what literature is, history of literature in Nigeria, its roles as well as teaching and learning process in our secondary schools. By the grace of God in this chapter we will discuss the methodology of research work, and sampling procedure research instrument as well as data treatment.
The population of the research work comprises of the teachers and students of federal government college Daura(F.GC.),Lajuma secondary school Daura,Excel Academy secondary school Daura.katsina state.
Also some parents were selected for the research work. The research obtained from the above mentioned schools at the end, be equally applied to others schools in the northern part of the country particularly katsina state.
the only research instrument that be used in the collection of data a simple questionnaires, which the respondents room to answer the question as well as to say their view freely.
The method that adapted in the treatment of the data when collected. The formula ad:number of the response (100) total of responses.
The data collected from the responded are going to tabulated, analized and be presented in the next chapter and together with a brief discussion under each, in order to be comprehended easily by the readers

Dear Respondents,
We are students of college of Arabic and Islamic studies, (Department of English education, Diploma section) Daura, conducting a research on the topic" The problems associated with Teaching and learning of literature". A case study of some selected post-primary schools in Daura local government Area, Katsina state. It's purely for academic purpose and all information given will be treated with almost confidentiality.
Do respond to the items as sincerely as you could tick [√] appropriately where
applicable and respond where necessary.
1. Name.................................................................................
2. S*x: Male [ ] . Female [ ]
3. Marital status: single [ ] . Married [ ]
4. Age: 18-25 [ ] 25-30 [ ] 30- to above [ ]
1. do you have library in your school? Yes [ ] No [ ]
2. If yes, do the texts have any relevance to your background? Yes [ ]
No [ ]
3. Does your community encourages you to read literary texts? Yes [ ] No [ ]
4. Do your teachers read literature texts to you? Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. If yes, what kind of literature texts do they recommended you to read?
a. Drama [ ]
b. Short story [ ]
c. Novels [ ]
d. All of the above [ ]
6. Do your teachers always teach you literature? Yes [ ] No. [ ]
7. What language do they use?
a. Hausa. [ ]
b. English language [ ]
8. What class are you?
a. SS 1 [ ]
b. SS 2 [ ]
c. SS 3 [ ]
9. What personal advice would you recommend to the students of literature?

Dear Respondents,
We are students of college of Arabic and Islamic studies, (Department of English education, Diploma section) Daura, conducting a research on the topic" The problems associated with Teaching and learning of literature". A case study of some selected post-primary schools in Daura local government Area, Katsina state. It's purely for academic purpose and all information given will be treated with almost confidentiality.
Do respond to the items as sincerely as you could tick [√]appropriately where applicable and respond where necessary.
1. Name of school:---------------------------------------------
2. S*x: Male [ ] Female [ ]
3. Marital Status: single [ ] Married [ ]
4. Age: 18-25. [ ] 25-30 [ ] 30 to above. [ ]
5. Qualification
a. NCE. [ ]
b. Diploma [ ]
c. Degree. [ ]
d. Others specify.....................................,..........................................
1. Do you teach literature as a subject? Yes. [ ] No. [ ]
2. If yes, do you have interest in teaching it? Yes [ ] No [ ]
3. What method do you use in teaching it?
a. Demonstration [ ]
b. Drama. [ ]
c. Discussion. [ ]
4. What type of books do you use?
a. Local texts [ ]
b. Foreign texts. [ ]
c. All of the above [ ]
5. Do you have enough texts books in your schools? Yes. [ ] No [ ]
6. Do you encourage your students to read literature texts extensively?
Yes. [ ] No.
7. If yes, what type of materials do you recommend to your students to read?
a. Children play [ ]
b. Story books. [ ]
8. How many years have you spent in teaching profession?
a. 1-4 years. [ ]
b. 5-9 years. [ ]
c. 6-10 years [ ]
9. What personal advice would you give to the students of literature?.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


4.1 in the previous chapter we critically discussed the population of the research works,sampling procedure, research instrument and finally the treatment of the data collected.
InshaAllah,in this chapter we are going to present the data collected, discussed and analyse them.
the two( 2)questionnaires consists of two parts part 'A' which the deals with personal data and part'B' which deals with information for the research work. The research work will only make use of the part 'B' (see appendix)
Ninety (90) questionnaire were distributed to the students of Federal Government College Daura (F.G.C), Lajuma secondary school Daura(L.S.S.D),Excel Academy secondary school Daura (E.A.S.S.D). Therefore the work will make brief discussion on.

Item one: Do you have library in your school?
From the above table we can see that 88.9% of the total response said they have libraries their respective schools. The remaining 11.1% of the total response said they do not have library in their school.

Item two: if yes, do the texts have any relevance to your background?
The table above shows that 85.6% of the total response said that the books were relevant to their background,while the remaining 14.4% said the texts have had no relevance to their background

Item 3: Does your community encourages you to read literary texts?
ReepondentsFrequencyPercentageYes6066.7%No3033.3%Total90100%The table above indicate that 66.7% of the total response said that they were encouraged by their parents, while the remaining 33.3% were not encouraged at home.

Item 4: Do your Teachers read literary texts to you?
From the above table shows that 47.8% texts were read, while the remaining 52.2% said they do not read.
Item5: if yes, what kind of texts do they recommended for you to read?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageDrama3033.3%Short story2932.2%Novels2123.3%All of the above1011.2%Total90100%The above table indicates that 33.3% Drama books were recommended to read, 32.2% short story 23.3% Novels while the remaining 11.2% All of the above to be read in their respective schools.

Item6: Do your Teachers always teach you literature?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageYes4347.8%No4752.2%Total90100%The above table shows that 96.7% the total response indicate that their teachers used English language while the remaining 3.3% were Hausa to teach them.

Item 7: What language do they use?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageEnglish8796.7%Hausa33.3%Total90100%The above table shows that 96.7% of the total responses indicate that they teachers used English language while the remaining 3.3% were Hausa to teach them.

Item8: What class are you?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageSS I3437.8%SS II3538.9%SS III2123.3%total90100%The above table indicates that 37.8% are in SS I, 38.9% students in SS II. while the remaining 23.3% SS III students

Item9: What personal advice would you recommended to the students of literature?

Some of the respondents suggested that whenever a teacher is teaching literature, some students did not pay maximum attention to the lesson.
Some of the respondents suggested that the Government should solved this problem by employing qualified teachers of literature, in order to improved literature study in the field of education.
My advice is that the society should encourage the students studying literature it is sometimes not taught in an appropriate way..

4.3 Teachers Questionnaire
Ten(10) questionnaire were distributed to the teachers of literature to the schools mentioned.
Item one: Qualification
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageN.C.E3033.4%Diploma2022.22%Degree4044.44%Other specify00.00%Total90100%The above table shows that 33.4% of the total response were N.C.E holders, 22.22% were Diploma holders 44.44% Degree holders while the remaining 0.00% others specify.

Item two: Do you teach literature as a subject?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageYes6066.7%No3033.3%Total90100%It is clearly indicate that 66.7% of the total response teach literature as a subject, while the remaining 33.3% said they didn't teach it as a subject.

Item three: if yes, are you interested in teaching it?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageYes8088.9%No1011.1%Total90100% The above table shows that 88.9% said they were interested in teaching literature, while the remaining 11.1% were not interested.

It emf four: What method do you use in teaching it?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageDemonstration3033.3%Discussion2022.2%Drama4044.5%Total90100%Above table shows that the respondents use demonstration method, 33.3% while discussion takes total percentage of 22.2% the remaining 44.5% drama matisation method.

Item Five: What type of book do you use?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageLocal texts7077.8%Foreign books1011.1%All of the above1011.1%Total90100%The above table shows that the total response of 77.8%use local texts, 11.1%use foreign books, while the remaining 11.1% said All of the above.

Item six: Do you have enough literature books?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageYes3033.3%No6066.7%Total90100%The above table shows that 33.3% of the respondents said that they have enough literature books in their school while the remaining 66.7% said do not have enough literature texts books in their school.

Item seven: Do you encourage your students to study literature?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageYes7077.8%No2022.2%Total90100%From the above table shows that 77.8% said that they encourage their students to study literature, while the remaining 22.2% said that they do not encourage their students to study literature.

Item eight: if yes, What type of material do you recommended to your students to read?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentageChildren play3033.33%Story books3033.33%All of the above3033.34%Total90100%The above table shows that 33.33% of the total response said that their students used children play. 33.33% said story books while the remaining 33.33% story books. 33.34% said All of the above.

Item Nine: How many years have you spent in teaching profession?
RespondentsFrequencyPercentage1-4 years5055.6%5-9 years1011.1%6-10 years3033.3%Total90100%The above table shows that 55.6% of the total response said that they spent 1-4 years. 11.1% spent 5-9 years, the remaining 33.3% spent 6-10 years in teaching profession.

Item ten: What personal advice would you give to the students of literature?

One of the respondents said "As i understand it, those feeling are not uncommon. The difference for me, though (as compared to some other people i known). Is that I grew out of them. I started really looking at rhetorical device, and the use of language. I started to see that although it still was not science, it was art and arts in the greatest expression of that which is human


In the previous chapter, the presentation and analysis of data collection was made.
InshaAllah in this chapter the work summary as well as recommendation are going to be discussed.
the aim of the research work is to find out the problems that are hindering the smooth teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools at Daura L.G.A The whole research work,statement of the problems the scope and limitation of the work, the hypothesis followed, as well as assumable research questions which came last.
In the second chapter, the review of related literature the chapter critically discussed the Genres of literature, and the history of literature in Nigeria followed. Others are the roles/advantage of literature in Nigerian secondary schools. And the last but not the least, the problems of literature teaching in secondary schools at Daura L.G.A. third chapter, the methodology of the research work, population of the research work, sampling procedure of the research instrument as well as the treatment of the data were discussed.
In the fourth chapter, presentation and analysis of the data research work critically presented the data collected. In chapter three and as well as made comprehensive discussion on them.
during the research work we were able to come up with the problems that were hindering the smooth teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools with particular reference to Daura Local Government of Katsina state. The problems encouraged in the process of research work include:
• a. The students were not given maximum and necessary attention whenever they were having literature lesson.
• b. Some of the teachers in the secondary schools were not well equipped, they lack the pedagogical (methodology) knowledge.
• c. The teachers of literature were not provided with adequate teaching materials such as text books e.t.c
• d. They did not encourage their students to read other un-recommended texts such as novels, news paper and magazines e.t.c
• e. Not all the schools have libraries in the respective schools, which also hinders the development of reading culture in the students, thus English language in general.
Some of the recommendations that the research work wishes to give to the students, the teacher the parents and the Government in general include; The students try as much as possible to pay maximum attention to their teachers, whenever they have literature lesson because English is the medium through which all other subjects were taught in schools, with the exception of Hausa, Arabic and French language. Student should try also as much possible to speak English language whenever they are, so as to develop their vocabulary of English language. The teachers should make sure that the books of literature to be used by the students are relevant. The Government should similarly established equipt libraries in the secondary schools. The Government should equip the texts books, it should also provided more classrooms.
the government should make sure that the teachers employed are qualified, armed with pedagogical knowledge, especially in literature and they should be sent for further training, seminars, work shops should be organized for them.

This research work title "The problems Associated with Teaching And Learning literature" in senior secondary schools was carefully supervised, read and approved as having satisfied one of the necessary requirements for the award of national Diploma (ND) in the school,College of Arabic And Islamic studies, Daura Affiliated to the institute of education Ahmad Bello University Zaria (A.B.U)




We here by declare that the contents of this project are true reflection of research work through the guidance of our supervisor Malan Dalladi Danjuma Daura.

This project work is dedicated to our parents who assisted us morally, financially and with prayers, May Almighty Allah bless them abundantly Ameen.

Our sincere gratitude to Almighty Allah who protected our lives, enable us to reach this level of academic pursuit despite all the challenges and for helping us to carry out this research work successfully.
Grateful acknowledgments are made to our parents for their kind and extreme support given to us during our study. May Allah (S.W.T) reward them the best here and hereafter.
We would like to acknowledge the advice of our supervisor, Malan Dalladi Danjuma Daura for his endurance and kind support, who make sure that throughout the duration of our study,he imported knowledge served, and guided us.

This project "problems Associated with Teaching and Learning of literature" A case study of some selected senior secondary schools in Daura local Government. The research is devided into five(5) chapters introduction, Historical background, Statement of the problem and Hypothesis, importance of literature History of literature were also discussed.
The methodology of how the research was written and the data collected were analyzed and at the end the summary and recommendation of the problems Associated with Teaching and Learning literature in Daura senior secondary schools were also discussed.

Ameachi M.I(2005) comprehensive of literature in English A Johnson publishers Ltd.Ibadan Nig.
Awobuiligi ipaye(1998) principles of practice teaching. Spectrum book Ibadan Nig.
Folorunsho femi(1993) world press literature Evans press Ltd. http//eng.Wikipedia. org/wiki/literature.
Obanya par (1982)Teaching and Learning literature in English language MacMillan Nigeria publishers Ltd.


Title page.

approval page
Tables of content

1.0 Introduction.
1.1 Statement of the problems.
1.2 Scope and limitations.
1.3 Historical background of the study.
1.4 Background of the study Area
1.5 The objectives of the study.
1.6 The research questions.
1.7 The significance of the study.
1.8 Hypothesis.
2.1 The genres of literature
2.2 History of literature
2.3 Role/ Advantage of literature
2.4 Teaching and learning literature
2.5 Problems Associated with Teaching and learning of literature
2.6 Solution to the problems
3.0 Introduction
3.1 population of the research work
3.2 Research instruments
3.3 Treatment of the data
4.1 Presentation and data analysis
4.2 Student questionnaire
4.3 Teachers questionnaire
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation












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