I went to meet UC Nation Uncle and his mother to talk to them so that they can release the document for his mother but they uncle refuse and started fighting me, I just thank God I escaped else I would have been De@d by now.
I went to meet UC Nation Uncle and his mother to talk to them so that they can release the document for his mother but they uncle refuse and started fighting me, I just thank God I escaped else I would have been De@d by now.
An agent came to UC mother house to come ask for where the land is so that he can look for buyer but I stopped him and ask him never to come there again. Hope I did the right thing?
An agent came to UC mother house to come ask for where the land is so that he can look for buyer but I stopped him and ask him never to come there again. Hope I did the right thing?
Ungrateful UC Nation stop me from entering his mother house all because I advice him not to sell his Land, Please did do wrong by telling him the truth as a brother.
UC Nation have started with another issues, Just because Nhasty said everyone should leave the house after what happened to Mazi so he now decided to sell his land just to rent house. Please you guys should better advise him?
UC Nation have started with another issues, Just because Nhasty said everyone should leave the house after what happened to Mazi so he now decided to sell his land just to rent house. Please you guys should better advise him?
A young girl cheated on her boyfriend whom they have been dating for 3years but the boyfriend never believed that the girl would cheat on him because he gives her money and anything she want?
A young girl cheated on her boyfriend whom they have been dating for 3years but the boyfriend never believed that the girl would cheat on him because he gives her money and anything she want?
Watch how a friend of mine pranked me for having affairs with his sister?
Watch how a friend of mine pranked me for having affairs with his sister?
Just imagine what zuko and other people did to me 💔
Just imagine what zuko and other people did to me 💔
Why will Smart AKA LaughDrip Comedies insult me because he is trying to make peace?
Why will Smart AKA LaughDrip Comedies insult me because he is trying to make peace?
You guys should just listen to what I'm saying, I'm just trying to help Bizzy Rexx and UC nation to get back on their fit.
I have been pleading with Mazi ibe on how we can find solution to Bizzy Rexx and UC nation problem but he is not listening to me?
Just Imagine what happened when we get to where NhastyJee was treated. I think they all plan it?😡
Just Imagine what happened when we get to where NhastyJee was treated. I think they all plan it😡?
Please you guys should thank nhastyjee for allowing us back to the house despite our behavior And I apologise for my behavior and action toward nhastyjee, Just doing all this for the healing of Bizzy rexx and UC nation?
Please you guys should thank NhastyJee for allowing us back to the house despite our behavior, And I apologise for my behavior and action toward NhastyJee Family, Just doing all this for the healing of Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation
I Called Comedian muna to bring Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation to the house so that we can take them to where NhastyJee was treated?
I talk to Comedian muna this morning on how we will bring Uc Nation and Bizzy Rexx back to the house So that can take them to where they will heal them?
I talk to Comedian muna this morning on how we will bring Uc Nation and Bizzy Rexx back to the house So that can take them to where they will heal them?
I was trying to make peace but MAZI IBE tv don’t want peace? And am happy NhastyJee is back to his feet
Did you guys see the reason why I don't like allowing Eneh Unusual to the house, instead of them to allow settle, they are busy fightingComedian muna I pray God will help us heal NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation OG Berry Comedy
Did you guys see the reason why I don't like allowing Eneh Unusual to the house, instead of them to allow settle, they are busy fightinComedian munaa I pray God will help us heal NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation
OG Berry Comedy
Why will MAZI IBE tv chase the man of God Comedian muna Brought to the house to pray for NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation because we refuse accept the man of God He Brought yesterday 💔
Why will MAZI IBE tv chase the man of God Comedian muna Brought to the house to pray for NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation because we refuse accept the man of God He Brought yesterday 💔
Just imagine MAZI IBE tv went to bring a fake man of God who is demanding for 5million naira to treat NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx rexx and Uc Nation
Just imagine MAZI IBE tv went to bring a fake man of God who is demanding for 5million naira to heal NhastyJeestyJee Bizzy Rexx rexx and Uc Nation
I’m not really happy about what’s going on, NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation we are trying to help thought we are wicked,is it a crime to take them to where they will be treated? OG Berry Comedy Bizzy Rexx NhastyJee Uc Nation Eneh Unusual
I’m not really happy about what’s going on, NhastyJee Bizzy Rexx and Uc Nation we are trying to help thought we are wicked,is it a crime to take them to where they will be treated?
OG Berry Comedy
Bizzy Rexx
Uc Nation
Eneh Unusual
We went to apologize to odogwu Malaysia and this is what he did to Nhastyjee, Guys pray for Nhastyjee, he have been taken to hospital for treatment, why will odogwu Malaysia do this kind of thing?
We went to apologize to odogwu Malaysia and this is what he did to Nhastyjee, Guys pray for Nhastyjee, he have been taken to hospital for treatment, why will odogwu Malaysia do this kind of thing?
Uc Nationn
Bizzy Rexx
OG Berry Comedyy