
Dimples All round Gist

NANCY'S TEARSChapter 10 πŸ™ŒNancy and Melissa wore the same outfit black ,while doctor Charles wore blueThey waited patient...


Chapter 10 πŸ™Œ

Nancy and Melissa wore the same outfit black ,while doctor Charles wore blue
They waited patiently for the police to join them
Within thirty minutes the police arrived and they left
Eno said them first and stood her ground, Nancy and Melissa came down from the car Eno went closer to confirm if it was Nancy, she shifted back and ran to call Jacinta and her husband. Jacinta ignored Eno and sent her out

Why not go outside and check first..Mr Christopher said

What are you doing there? Go outside and find out if it's true

Mr Christopher stood up and left the room,he stood staring at Melissa and Nancy
Jacinta peeped from the window, she got frightened and ran inside the room she dumped immaculate the room was smelling badly she covered her nose and hid at the back of the door

Where is your wife? Doctor Charles asked

My wife? Melissa, Nancy how come two of you are alive? Mr Christopher questioned with confusion written all over his face

Melissa pushed him aside and entered the room, the room had a bad odour she covered her nose and searched for her mum couldn't find her she pushed her dad again he fell down bruising his knee

He r***d me.. Nancy voiced out

My dad r***d you? Melissa asked still shocked

Yes he did,where is his wife?

I've searched the rooms she isn't inside.. Melissa replied

Nancy dropped her hand bag she entered the parlour, the smell was too much she ran outside vomiting everything she ate that evening, doctor Charles helped her to sit down

Melissa check inside that room you escaped from.. Nancy told her touching her hair

Melissa went in again, the smell was horrible this time around she went inside the room and screamed calling everyone to come
The police were the first to rush in followed by doctor Charles while Nancy sat outside waiting for them
They dragged immaculate's dead body outside, Melissa was about coming out when she felt someone's leg she went to the back of the door and saw her mum who knelt down begging her to keep quiet

I would have asked you to escape from the back door but you are evil.. Melissa told her

Please my daughter, remember I'm your mother help me please.. she cried

You killed immaculate right? Melissa asked

Yes I'm sorry my daughter please forgive me

Where is my brother? What have you done to him? Melissa shouted
Hearing her shout the police came inside the room and dragged jacinta outside she was sweating and begging them to forgive her

She killed Immaculate and I can't even find my brother.. Melissa said crying

I'm here big sister.. Bethel said coming in and looking tattered
I have evidence of everything,I have evidence of my dad ra**ng sister Nancy and how my mum tried to strangle my sister here, she also killed sister Immaculate this woman here is very wicked.. Bethel said crying

Everyone was speechless, Jacinta pointed accusing fingers at her husband telling them how he killed Annie
Melissa went and dragged Eno out slapping her several times on the head

She's also a wicked being, she tried killing Nancy.. Melissa exposed

Your mother asked me to do that, don't accuse me wrongly madam..Eno said

Jacinta was already weak, the police watched them rang up and down accusing each other
Jacinta, her husband and Eno were handcuffed,they were taken to the police station

Husband and wife chose to be murderers what a nice couple,why didn't you train your children to be murderers too? A police officer asked torturing them

They didn't respond,Eno kept on begging the police to release that she is innocent

Who dash you innocence? She is a murder too infact we learnt to kill from her.. Jacinta said as Nancy walked in

She dropped her hand bag on the table and faced them

I guess you're happy here.. she said to them smiling

You maltreated me did all sorts of nonsense to me gave me spoilt food to eat let me tell you all those things weren't bothering me the only that bothered me most was the way you insult my mum,you call her all sorts of names in my presence I bet you, especially you jacinta you will rot in jail you intentionally pushed me to the main road so as to end my life, you didn't want my progress your instincts didn't tell you that one day you will find yourself inside this place right?

I'm sorry Nancy please forgive me.. She begged

Nancy paid deaf ear to them and faced the almighty Eno
Madam Eno, you contributed in making my life miserable always trying to poison me I never knew you were evil ooo,you and your evil partner even paid assassins to kill me while I was asleep,I'm just grateful to God I guess you like your new home,you will rot here.. Nancy said and faced Mr Christopher
She bursted out crying, she couldn't talk anymore she picked her bag and left them

She got home, she didn't talk to anybody she went straight to bed sobbing silently
Doctor Charles came inside the room sat beside her and started consoling her the consolation made her cry the more she felt like the earth should open and swallow her
Melissa and bethel came inside the room begging her stop crying

"I saw hell, allow me to pour out my heart" she said still crying

Doctor Charles brought out a diamond ring,he knelt beside her

" please marry me " he said smiling

Nancy turned, she wiped her tears and screamed jumping and screaming "Yes"

You ain't crying again? Melissa asked laughing

Nancy hugged them tightly and danced round the bedroom

Don't hurt my baby please.. Doctor Charles said laughing

' Wow we have a wedding to plan ' bethel said clapping

THE END πŸ˜©πŸ€—

NANCY'S TEARSChapter 9What happened Nancy? I thought they said you were not alive anymore? Her mum dusting her bodyIt's ...


Chapter 9

What happened Nancy? I thought they said you were not alive anymore? Her mum dusting her body

It's a long story mum everything is okay now.. she replied
She introduced Melissa and doctor Charles to her parents "you have grown ooo I couldn't even recognize her" her mum said laughing

What about Jacinta and her family,why didn't they come with you? Her dad asked

Mum I'm not staying with them any longer, your sister is a wicked human being and once I go back to Lagos I'm going to arrest her

Why? What did she do? Her mum questioned

Nancy told her parents how Jacinta maltreated her even abandoned her in the hospital and tried to kill Melissa she went ahead to tell them how Mr Christopher r***d her.
Nancy's mum was heartbroken she asked her daughter for forgiveness and promised to deal with jacinta

Don't worry mum,I'll deal with her myself.. Nancy said

Mum you haven't upgraded oooo,where are my siblings? Where's my big sis? She asked going round the compound

They're in school, uchechi has gone to work I'm really happy,I'm the happiest Nancy.. her mum said

She went inside the kitchen to continue with her cooking

Nancy and doctor Charles left the compound leaving Melissa behind " I just feel like we should surprise your mum" doctor Charles said driving out of the compound

What do you want to get for her? Where are we going? She asked looking at him

We are going to the market,I want to get her a gas cooker and other things.. replied doctor Charles

Nancy smiled "so how sure are you that the route you took now leads to the market"?

I don't even know... he replied still driving

You don't know and you're still driving,crook...

They got to the market bought cooking utensils, food stuffs and gas cooker
Nancy's parents thanked him they danced round the items singing praises

Mum this one you're dancing like this don't touch the gas until uchechi comes back she will teach you how to use it.. Nancy said

Her mum stopped dancing and started blessing Nancy and doctor Charles

Mum ogini Kwa? She asked laughing

I thought he is your husband to be...

Who told you that one, it's Melissa.... Nancy accused

Mum I wanted to see my siblings before going back but they ain't back from school yet we will be coming next month.. Nancy said dropping money for her siblings

Her mum nodded putting the money under her armpit

My regards to them.. she said hugging her dad

God bless you doctor Charles, Melissa and Nancy safe journey.. her parents said and bade farewell to them

They got home safe but late, Nancy was already tired and hungry she rushed to the kitchen she didn't bother to warm the food

Take it easy madam.. Melissa told her going to warm the food

We are going to your place next week...he told Melissa

To arrest her parents? Nancy asked

Okay but we will have to go in the evening.. Melissa said

In the evening, evening will be better.. replied doctor Charles

Rumors got to jacinta that Nancy was still alive, Jacinta promised herself to find Nancy
Her husband warned her to let the poor girl be but she refused

Don't tell me that oga, you want her to arrest us with the police if I don't kill her she will arrest us, life imprisonment for that matter.. Jacinta said

You want to kill her again better we go to jail than touching that innocent girl..

But you r***d her, innocent girl shift abeg.. she replied

Continue murderer..he said and turned to leave

You are also a murderer you killed Annie... Jacinta blasted

I didn't kill her you did..he defended

Annie was their second housemaid who was also a victim of Mr Christopher
She was killed by Mr Christopher the day she promised to expose him to his wife and the public Mr Christopher begged her till no avail, Jacinta found out Annie was r***d by her husband she drugged her and stabbed her many times on the chest Mr Christopher also went to kill her that same night not knowing that she has been killed already he stabbed her two times and dragged her body outside,he dumped her body inside the gutter as dirty water from the gutter carried her to an unknown destination
Mr Christopher came inside the room already drained his wife stared at him from head to toe and asked him where he was coming from "You killed Annie" she accused
Let this s**t just be between us Jacy let no one hear about it please..he begged


NANCY'S TEARSChapter 7Nancy boarded a cab and left the school premises without anybody's knowledge Nancy went inside the...


Chapter 7

Nancy boarded a cab and left the school premises without anybody's knowledge Nancy went inside the kitchen and dished out food for Melissa, Melissa finished the food within a twinkle of an eye

You still need more? Nancy asked

Yes Nancy.. she replied smiling

I got you Lissa.. she replied and ran to dish another food for her
When she was done eating Nancy took her to the bathroom where she had her shower, Nancy discarded her disgusting uniform and socks she gave her one of gowns to wear

It doesn't look good on me Nancy.. she said stretching herself

Because you are more than slim I'm sorry for what you might have passed through in your madam's place.. Nancy said adjusting the gown

It fine πŸ˜”..

Ready? Nancy asked

Yes Nancy.. she replied

My mum held me tightly on the neck I pretended to be dead she saw I wasn't breathing anymore she dumped me inside one of the empty rooms, my brother bethel came in and begged me to jump from the window and leave the house I did as I was told I left the house to an unknown destination I didn't even know where I was heading to I slept in an uncompleted building for one week,I left the building because I was r***d I begged for aims on the street before my madam picked me I was very happy hoping to live my life to the fullest not knowing that it was the beginning of my suffering my madam would always beat me if she doesn't hit me with the mopping stick she hits me her husband's belt she made me eat sour meals her husband managed to register me in a school, every day once it's 10 o'clock she will rush to the school and pick me up framing up lies against me, she will pick me up during lesson hours and send me to hawk oranges if I should come home without selling the entire oranges I won't eat that day, she slaps anyhow she likes Nancy that woman really delt with me,you see this mark here she gave me the mark the day I broke her plate my madam made life miserable for me...

Karma.. Nancy said silently

What did you say? Lissa asked

Nothing,you will be staying here for now.. she replied

Can you remember the day I mistakenly poured your food away? Lissa asked

Yes I remember..

My mum poisoned the food, she gave it to Eno to pass to you assuming I wasn't there you have been dead.. Melissa said

You saved me Lissa thank you very much..

They were about to hug when doctor Charles came in, Nancy rushed to hug him

You came home early today what happened? He asked

I met my cousin in school today so I decided to bring her home.. she replied

Hi dear cousin.. doctor Charles greeted


You came home early today too any problem? Nancy asked freeing herself from his chest

I actually forgot something so I came to pick it,see you guys later..he said and went inside his room

That's the doctor that saved me,I owe him my life.. Nancy told Melissa

That's nice, he's such a nice person.. she replied

But I love him Lissa

Go ahead and tell him nah...Lissa replied laughing

Jacinta waited patiently for Eno at the backyard she was about going inside when Eno showed up Eno apologized for keeping her waiting

Please pull off let's be fast before someone comes here.. Jacinta said dragging Eno to herself
Eno freed herself immediately and shifted back

I don't want to continue doing this s**t..I'm tired

What do you mean Eno? Don't dare me or else

Or else what I said i am tired what don't you understand? Eno interrupted

Jacinta landed a hot slap on her cheek and a fight ensured between the two ladies, the two striped themselves naked as people gathered to watch them some were busy videoing them Mr Christopher rushed to the scene and separated them he dragged his wife inside
Within thirty minutes after the fight the videos were uploaded on social media Mr Christopher was ashamed as he watched his wife's nakedness on social media

What caused this useless and God forsaken fight? He barked

Please let me be.. she replied

Dad I know what caused the fight.. immaculate said

Shut up she goat.. Jacinta said shutting her up with a slap

Dare me and I'll strangle you here right now.. her mum shouted

Strangle me? That's how you strangled... another slap landed on her cheek she left the parlour to her room

Mum is not fair oooo.. bethel said

You want to receive yours too?

Jacinta your nakedness is everywhere in the internet what the hell is all these why are you bringing shame upon this family what sort of a human being are you what have I done to deserve all these punishments from you? Mr Christopher kept shouting at the top of his voice

Jacinta didn't say a word her mind was somewhere else, Melissa she strangled was nowhere to be found "What if this girl comes back to arrest me, life imprisonment" she murmured to herself

I'm talking to you and you are murmuring right now problem I'll come for you.. Mr Christopher said leaving the parlour

Immaculate was crying and sniffing she vowed to expose her mum, she was meditating when he mum came in with a dagger.


NANCY'S TEARSChapter 6Nancy gave birth to a premature baby girl, she died immediately she was born Nancy was ever gratef...


Chapter 6

Nancy gave birth to a premature baby girl, she died immediately she was born Nancy was ever grateful likewise the doctor
She lay on the doctor's laps telling him how she felt like giving up the ghost both of them laughed out loud

What next Nancy? He asked touching her hair

What next how? You wanna chase me out? She asked laughing

Not that,I think you should go back to school...he said scratching his hair

School? I've always wanted to be a lawyer but my aunt deprived me of that, she always picks me up from school by 10 o'clock everyday to hawk pure water and cold drinks.. Nancy said smiling

Doctor Charles didn't say anything,he was silent for awhile and then said his mind
"By next term you will go back to school Nancy" he replied

Nancy stared at him hugged him tightly jumping up and down

Take it easy Nancy,you are not yet strong..he said laughing

I'm strong Charles, even much stronger than you.. she said laughing

Doctor Charles laughed and swinged her round the room...

Eno went to market to get something for her madam, she was about paying for the meat when she saw someone who looked like Nancy
Eno went closer to her and screamed

Nancy! She screamed

I'm not Nancy but uchechi... Nancy lied

It's a lie, Nancy it's you..

Nancy turned and left the place still looking back to see if she was tracing her

Eno got home and called Jacinta out "I saw Nancy at the market today"

Are you okay,dead Nancy..

Nancy is not the dead, she is alive I even saw the mark you gave her with knife...

Lies,you saw Nancy's ghost please I'm busy inside.. she replied and left
Eno held her nylon tightly,bit her lips and went inside
Jacinta's husband came back from work in the evening, Jacinta told him what Eno said earlier

She must be insane...Mr Christopher said swallowing his food

I think so, she really scared me today and even my Melissa nobody knows where she is..Jacinta said and bursted out crying

Mum enough of all these, can't you see we are eating? Immaculate shouted

You're talking to your mom immaculate.. her dad warned

A murderer? A murderer can't be my mum... Bethel said and dropped his fork

Hold your son Christopher.. Jacinta shouted

Bethel stood up and left the dinning table followed by immaculate

That's what you brought up.. Mr Christopher told his wife

Jacinta looked at him and sighed, she left the dinning

Nancy got home and told doctor Charles what occurred "She must have told your aunt everything by now" he said

Their business.. Nancy replied serving his meal

I got something for you..he said bringing out something
He brought out a nylon and dropped it on the floor asking her to open it, Nancy didn't hesitate to open it, the nylon bag was filled with clothes and her new school uniform

Thank you very much Charles my youngest doctor.. She praised

You're always welcome..he replied

Doctor Charles was already falling in love with Nancy while Nancy was also hiding her feelings

Doctor Charles dropped Nancy in front of her new school, she was about entering the school compound when she collided with Melissa

Jesus Christ! Melissa screamed

Lissa! Nancy exclaimed

Nancy you are alive..Lissa said touching her

Of course Lissa, what are you doing here? Nancy asked overwhelmed

It's a long story Nancy I'll follow you to wherever you are staying my madam wants to kill me.. Melissa said yawning

You look tattered and unkempt please let's go.. Nancy said and dragged her inside the classroom

What is it Melissa, how come you now stay with someone else? What happened?

My mum strangled me and I pretended to be dead, she dumped me inside one of the empty rooms

Gosh! Your mum is wicked Melissa, she strangled her own daughter.. Nancy said

My mum sleeps with Eno...

What do you mean? Your mum sleeps with Eno? Nancy asked

Yes Nancy,Eno isn't a good person I'll tell you everything when I've eaten.. Melissa replied yawning


"To my guy, Ay, I don't know if my apology is still valid right now, but if it is, please forgive me..." β€” Prominent sta...

"To my guy, Ay, I don't know if my apology is still valid right now, but if it is, please forgive me..." β€” Prominent stand-up comedian, Basketmouth buries the hatchet as he apologizes to his colleague, AY Makun after 17 years of beef

NANCY'S TEARSChapter 5Nancy was recovering faster, her head was badly injured she begged the doctor to help her call her...


Chapter 5

Nancy was recovering faster, her head was badly injured she begged the doctor to help her call her mum
Who knows what that woman is going through now because I'm sure my aunt might have told her that I'm dead.. Nancy said

The doctor did as he told and Nancy's mum picked up

Hello.. Nancy said smiling

Hello uchechi.. her mum said thinking it was her first daughter

Mum is not uchechi..mum I'm not dead I'm still alive.. Nancy said

You are not dead? Who are you? Nancy,Nancy, Nancy

Yes,I'm not dead mum.. she replied

Nancy what happened? Why did you take the abortion pills? Her mum asked

Abortion pills? I didn't do anything like that I swear with my life,I know your sister might have fed you up with lies but believe me mum

Nancy you went to Lagos to disgrace me, instead of focusing on your education Nancy you went around sleeping with chew gum boys and you got pregnant for one of them Nancy, Jacinta said they buried you how come you're still alive?

It's a long story mum but I wasn't pregnant for anyone.. She replied

Whenever you are ready to tell me what happened you let me know don't ever you call my line again,it will never be well with you for rubbing shame on my face God will judge you, your aunt gave you whatever you wanted you just chose to live a wayward life.. her mum said and ended the call

Nancy handed back the phone to the doctor and started crying

How old are you? Asked doctor Charles

I'll be 21 in the next one month.. she replied still sobbing

I'm sorry for whatever that's happening now, don't worry I'll work on your aunt never knew she is heartless.. the doctor consoled

You are pregnant Nancy...

I know, her husband is responsible for it her husband r***d me he took my virginity away.. she sobbed

It's fine you don't need to cry I'll take care of you and the baby..

Nancy looked at him "What baby,I want to terminate the pregnancy" she said

Hahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ don't try it, the baby might not even stay because he/she isn't even in the womb this might cause you miscarriage so don't think of terminating it..he said laughing

Nancy shook her head, stood up and left the parlour

Immaculate came out one morning vomiting and messing everywhere up, she quickly ran to the toilet to wash off her mouth not knowing someone was inside
She was done rinsing her mouth when she turned to look at the mirror and saw her mum with Eno

Mum! Le***an? Since when? Eno.. immaculate screamed

It's not what you think Immaculate.. Eno said picking up her clothes

Mum! You're bisexual? Immaculate asked going close to them

Her mum didn't respond, she picked up her wrapper and left immaculate and Eno

Eno since when? You have been sleeping with my mum huh..

Please don't tell anyone, your mum forced me into doing this she promise to pay me whenever we meet I'm sorry please..Eno pleaded

Why were you always acting like a good person each time you are with Nancy,thank God she didn't fall in your trap.. immaculate said laughing

Immaculate went close to her and started kissing her "I've missed you" immaculate said

After some minutes Eno left the toilet to her room she was lying down when Jacinta called her out

What were you doing with my daughter? She yelled

Your daughter? I did nothing with her oooo.. Eno denied

Jacinta landed a slap on her face and warned her never to go close to her daughter next time

Don't ever in your life smell my daughter again...

What if I do? She asked rubbing her cheek

Are you trying to challenge me or what? Don't even dare..

And what if I dare? Madam Jacinta or whatever your name is don't even dare me because if you do I'll show you what I'm made of..Eno said and left

Jacinta bit her finger and entered inside her room almost crying, she ran to warn immaculate

Immaculate was busy staring at her and mimicking her, she warned her mum never to go close to Eno again or else she won't only tell everyone she's bisexual

"I will go further to tell everyone how you killed Melissa and dumped her inside that room" immaculate said

Jacinta widened her eyes and began to stammer

Don't try it immaculate...

Stay away from Eno she is mine... Immaculate warned and left her

Jacinta didn't know what else to do, she ran to the room where she dumped her daughter she was nowhere to be found, she raised her hands up and left the room crying like someone who has been attacked


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NANCY'S TEARSChapter 4Nancy was two weeks gone but didn't know, she was outside vomiting when Eno tapped her What's wron...


Chapter 4

Nancy was two weeks gone but didn't know, she was outside vomiting when Eno tapped her

What's wrong? She asked

Nancy turned and faced her holding her stomach with her two hands

Have you eaten? Eno asked

I'm not hungry,I'm just craving nonsense this days..Eno I think I am pregnant,I'm pregnant.. Nancy told her crying

How sure are you? You know what I'll buy a pregnancy test strip for you okay..

Nancy nodded looking tired, she sat on the corridor weeping silently when her aunt shouted her name
She ran to answer the ranting woman who gave her a thunderous slap that resetted her brain

Why did you allow this rice to spoil eh? Carry that rice and eat right now.. Jacinta commanded pointing at the spoilt food on the floor

Nancy carried the rice, she covered her nose and left with it.. she kept the rice in front of her and cried out her eyes..her aunt came out staring at her

Auntie I want to go back to the village.. Nancy said blowing off her catarrh

Village my foot,you will rot here Nancy..why is that rice still there? Jacinta asked pouring the rice on her
Nancy ran away, calling her evil and wicked woman

Haven't I suffered enough? Ain't you done maltreating me? You beat me anyhow you like,you feed me with rotten food ain't you tired? I hate you,I hate you.. Nancy cried

This is just the beginning of your suffering,you even have mouth to talk when you're done talking make sure you don't near this compound

Nancy held her hair and cried calling God to come to her rescue she slept outside that night
The next morning she woke up and rushed to prepare her cousins for school, she was in the kitchen when immaculate sneaked inside

Where is she coming from? Nancy asked

I'm coming from heaven, stupid question.. don't face what you are doing useless human being.. immaculate said dropping her heel on the floor

Nancy Continued with what she was doing, she was washing the dishes when Jacinta came slapping her mercilessly, she tore her clothes and sent her packing

Where do you want her to go? Leave this girl alone please..Mr Christopher said holding Nancy
Nancy freed herself from Mr Christopher's grip and rushed to carry her bag,Jacinta dragged her back pushing her out with full force

Nancy stood outside the rain holding her gown, Jacinta chased her and she fell on a moving vehicle
Jacinta's heart raced faster, she threw away the cane and rushed to carry the helpless Nancy who lay unconscious on the ground she screamed and called her husband

Nancy was rushed to the hospital Jacinta panicked, she held her husband tightly and prayed feverntly

If anything should happen to Nancy eh,I warned you,let this girl be you refused.. Mr Christopher said

Jacinta didn't respond, she saw the doctor coming out from Nancy's ward and sprang up

She's dead.. The doctor said and left them

Jacinta held her head and yelled, she couldn't stand her husband she ran out of the hospital crying and regretting why she chased her
She thought of what to tell her sister, how her sister would feel

Mr Christopher stood looking around the hospital, thinking of what else to do..he planned to abandon her (Nancy in the hospital)

Where are your parents? The doctor asked Nancy who explained everything to him, she was the one who asked the doctor to tell her aunt that she's gone

My parents are in the village sir,I can't go back to that house..I don't wish to suffer anymore.. Nancy cried

You will stay with me then, don't cry.. the doctor consoled
Nancy thanked the doctor and went back to her ward

After three weeks, Jacinta and her husband travelled to the village
Nancy's mum sitted outside with her husband when Ruth and her husband came in with moody faces

Nancy's parents welcomed them Nancy's mum didn't hesitate to ask about her daughter

We are sorry sister, Nancy is dead.. Jacinta said crying

My Nancy is dead,is this a sort of joke or what..where is my daughter.. Nancy's dad roared

Please calm down Nancy killed herself, she got pregnant for a guy and the guy forced her to take some abortion pills.. Jacinta lied
Her husband nodded, Nancy's mum laughed and started crying calling the neighbors and laying curses on Nancy

Jacinta calmed her down

Where is my daughter's co**se? Nancy's dad asked

Her co**se? Jacinta asked scared

Yes her co**se,where is it?

We buried her.. Jacinta lied, her husband stared at her with surprise written all over his face

Jacinta leave my house this minute, leave here Jacinta..Her sister shouted chasing her and her husband out of the compound

Neighbours came out to console the unconsolable mother her husband and children tried their best to calm her down but all proved abortive

You are a liar..Mr Christopher said to his wife

Please don't get me angry this evening,Ruth embarrassed me can you imagine that...

You killed her daughter so don't feel entitled murder..Mr Christopher said

Meaning what? Don't even say that outside.. she replied

Mum so it's true,you killed Nancy.. Melissa said with her hands akimbo

Shut up and leave here...

You killed her, the evidence is clear,you killed her and abandoned her in the hospital I'll make sure I report you to the police.. life imprisonment

Jacinta chased Melissa and caught her by the arm, she strangled Melissa to death and dumped her inside one of the empty room not knowing that her Son Bethel recorded everything
Melissa was declared missing after some days


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NANCY'S TEARSChapter 3Hello mummy.. Nancy said as she collected the phone from JacintaMy daughter! How are you? Her mum ...


Chapter 3

Hello mummy.. Nancy said as she collected the phone from Jacinta

My daughter! How are you? Her mum asked

I'm fine mum just that.....

Talk, just that what happened? You want to go back? Talk let me skin you alive... Jacinta shouted and collected the phone from her

Nancy stared at her with teary eyes, turned and left for school with her oversized sandals, she was about to write her waec

She entered a shop (Call center) to call her mum, she had no money on her she stood staring at the guy

How may I help you young lady? Asked the man

Nancy bit her fingers, swallowed a lump of spit and started talking

Sir please I want to call my mum but I don't have any money

Why are you looking tattered? Where does she live? The man asked looking at her from head to toe

Nancy frowned, waved at him and left

Nancy sat in class thinking, she bent her head and started crying silently when a hand tapped her

My friend let's go..Jacinta told her

Nancy picked up her bag immediately and followed her the gate keeper stopped them from leaving the school premises

This is 10 o'clock ma, students don't leave before closing hour.. The gate keeper said

I know but we need to go, she needs to see the dentist now.. Jacinta lied

Dentist? I'll advice you to go meet the school principal first before taking her out of here

Jacinta stared at him and dragged Nancy to the principal's office
The principal gave them a letter and they left,Jacinta handed the letter to the gate keeper, the gate keeper stared at Jacinta for awhile and unlocked the gate for them to go
She brought out a bowl she bought,tore a bag of pure water and arranged them inside the bowl

"Make sure you sell them all before returning to my house" she ordered

Nancy nodded, dropped her bag inside the car and left still on her school uniform
She came back home after selling the entire pure, her aunt's husband Mr Christopher was sat in the parlour pressing his phone when Nancy entered

Good evening sir.. she greeted

Where have you been Nancy? We have been searching for you..Mr Christopher said

Nancy didn't respond, she hid the bowl at her back waiting for her aunt to come out, she came out looking at her "Go drop that thing in the kitchen,wash those dishes and start making dinner" Jacinta said sitting beside her husband
Nancy dragged herself to the kitchen, she dropped the bowl and sat down meditating.. her stomach was rumbling badly, she stood up and started washing the dishes
Melissa came in

Hi Nancy..

Hey Lissa..

Where have you been? Lissa asked

Don't worry about me okay,I'm fine.. Nancy replied rinsing her hands

Let me assist you

Immaculate came inside the kitchen, she dressed up and left from the back door

That's her life Nancy.. she will be coming back very early tomorrow morning..Lissa said smiling

Where is she going to?

Club of course..Lissa replied

Nancy breathed in and out looking at her Lissa with her mouth widely opened

Nancy ate the little meal she was given that night, she tried hard not cry but couldn't hold the tears
She sat on her mat sobbing when a palm rubbed her laps, she looked up and saw Mr Christopher trying to pull off his trouser

Do you want me to do anything for you? She asked shivering

No my dear Nancy,you know I have always loved you right from the day you came into my house

What do you want from me?

Christopher didn't respond,he forcefully had his way and warned her never to disclose what happened between them to anybody
Nancy was sweating and crying, she was in deep pains.. she crawled to the bathroom and washed off the blood
She regretted ever coming to Lagos, she didn't sleep throughout the whole night.. she cried out her eyes

She was still sleeping when Jacinta poured a bucket of water on her, she sprang up stretching herself and yawning

Will you get up from there fool.. she shouted

Nancy picked up her mat and wrapper, she stared at her aunt for seconds before leaving the passage
She entered the kitchen still in pains she picked up the compound broom and went outside to sweep

You are awake Eno..

Yes,saw you coming..why are you limping? Eno asked looking at her legs closely

Nothing,I think I sustained an injury yesterday night while fetching water.. she lied

I know when you are lying, what is it talk to me..
Nancy stared crying she dropped the broom and told Eno what transpired between her and Mr Christopher

Eno didn't know what else to say, she shook her head and consoled Nancy patting her back gently

Haven't I suffered enough? Eno I need to leave here,I don't want to die.. Nancy cried

You will not die Nancy, take heart.. Eno consoled

Nancy wiped her tears, picked up her broom and began sweeping the compound
She dropped the broom after she was done and went inside the kitchen to wash the dishes and make breakfast, she was going out to throw the kitchen dirt away when she collided with Mr Christopher who intentionally fondled her breast and pretended to be mad at her

Can you please stop molesting me? She asked looking at him

Mr Christopher snubbed her and went to the fridge to get something


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