Jibichris consultz Ltd

Jibichris consultz Ltd We give life comfort....



A simple smile has the remarkable ability to brighten someone's day, and being the reason behind that smile is a powerful and fulfilling experience. In a world often filled with challenges and stress, becoming a source of joy for others can have a profound impact on both their well-being and your own. Let's explore the ways in which you can be a reason for someone's smile and create a positive ripple effect in your relationships and community.

Acts of Kindness:
Small acts of kindness can go a long way in bringing joy to someone's life. Whether it's holding the door for a stranger, offering a genuine compliment, or helping a friend with a task, these gestures can leave a lasting impression and bring a smile to someone's face. The beauty lies in the simplicity of these acts, demonstrating that even the smallest efforts can make a significant difference.

Genuine Connections:
Taking the time to connect with others on a personal level can be incredibly rewarding. Listening attentively, showing empathy, and being present in conversations create a sense of understanding and support. Sometimes, a friendly conversation or a thoughtful message can be all it takes to lift someone's spirits and evoke a genuine smile.

Spread Positivity:
Positivity is contagious, and being a beacon of optimism can have a profound impact on those around you. By maintaining a positive outlook and encouraging others, you contribute to a more uplifting and joyful atmosphere. Share uplifting stories, focus on solutions, and celebrate the successes of others to create an environment that fosters happiness.

Surprise and Delight:
Surprising someone with unexpected gestures or gifts can bring immense joy. Whether it's remembering a friend's favorite treat, leaving a heartfelt note, or planning a surprise celebration, these thoughtful actions show that you care and appreciate the people in your life. The element of surprise can turn an ordinary day into a memorable and smile-worthy moment.

Be Supportive:
During challenging times, offering support can be a significant source of comfort. Being there for someone in times of need, offering a shoulder to lean on, or providing words of encouragement can make a world of difference. Knowing that they have someone to rely on can bring a genuine and appreciative smile to their face.

Being the reason for someone's smile is a powerful and rewarding endeavor. Through acts of kindness, genuine connections, spreading positivity, surprising and delighting others, and offering support during difficult times, you can create a positive impact on the well-being of those around you. In cultivating a culture of joy and kindness, you not only contribute to the happiness of others but also enhance your own sense of fulfillment and connection in the process.

Share the LOVE💝


Be the reason for someone's smile today

A Cigarette smoker without money can leave his house with faith that when He gets to the joint his Friends will buy for him and for sure even without begging, his friends will say guy take one stick. That's Love.

A guy who loves Beer without money can leave his home for a Beer Parlour with faith that his Friends will buy for him and for sure even without asking, his Friends will say guy take one bottle. That's love.

A Drug addict can leave his home without money and go to their joint with the faith that his Gang Members will buy for him and for sure even without asking, his Gang members will say have a spiff. That's love

But can a hungry/jobless person leave his home for a Religious Organisation with faith that someone will give him money with which to eat??? ABSOLUTELY NO!

Where is the love that we preach everyday?

Have you bothered to ask a member of your Church/Mosque or Religious Organisations how life is treating them? People go through a lot of difficulty and only a few will voice out for the fear of being labelled.

Someone will sow ₦1 Million seed in a Religious gathering, but beg him for ₦1,000 outside, he will say no money.

This is why it's easy for the devil to convince young minds and grown-ups to join bad Gangs because they show more love than most people that preach love.

We, the Religious people really have to step-up and start practising this love that we preach🗣🗣

Food for thought.


Be the Judge....



Nigeria is FINISHED😭😭😭 Nigerians are dead PEOPLE in the GRAVE of insensitivity 😭😭😭 Fuel is now more precious than dying Nigerians 😭😭😭 The terrible state of NIGERIA is a perfect REFLECTION of the miserable state of this country called NIGERIA. People are more interested in fetching fuel than to save human lives. 🙆🏼🙆🏼😭😭😭


***Learn to live***
*In 1923, nine of the wealthiest people in the world met at Chicago's Edge Water Beach Hotel*.

*Their combined wealth, it is estimated, exceeded the wealth of the Government of the United States at that time*. These men certainly knew how to make a living and accumulate wealth. *Attending the meeting were the following men*:

1. The president of the *largest steel company,*

2. The president of the *largest utility company,*

3. The president of the *largest gas company,*

4. The president of the *New York Stock Exchange,*

5. The president of the *Bank of International Settlements,*

6. The *greatest wheat speculator*,

7. The greatest *bear on Wall Street,*

8. The head of the *World's greatest Economy*

9. A member of *President Harding's cabinet*.

*That's a pretty impressive line-up of people by anyone's yardstick.*

Yet, 25 years later, where were those nine industrial giants?

*Let’s examine what happened to them 25 years later*.
1. The President of the then largest steel company (Bethlehem Steel Corp), *Charles M Schwab, lived on borrowed capital for five years before he died bankrupt.*

2. The President of the then largest gas company, *Howard Hubson, went insane*.

3. One of the greatest commodity traders (Wheat Speculator), *Arthur Cutten, died insolvent.*

4. The then President of the New York Stock Exchange, *Richard Whitney, was sent to jail.*

5. The member of the US President’s Cabinet (the member of President Harding's cabinet), *Albert Fall, was pardoned from jail just to be able to go home and die in peace.*

6. The greatest “bear” on Wall Street, *Jesse Livermore committed su***de*.

7. The President of the then world’s greatest monopoly, *Ivar Krueger, committed su***de*.

8. The President of the Bank of International Settlement, *Leon Fraser, committed Su***de.*

9. The president of the largest utility company, *Samuel Insull, died penniless.*

*What they forgot was how to "make" life while they got busy making money!*

*Money in itself is not evil;* it provides food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, clothes for the needy. *Money is only a medium of exchange.*

*We need two kinds of education*:

a) One that teaches us *how to make a living,*


b) One that teaches us *how to live*.

*There are many of us who are so engrossed in our professional life that we neglect our family, health and social responsibilities.*

If asked why we do this, we would reply that *"We are doing it for our family"*.

Yet, *our kids are sleeping when we leave home*. They are sleeping *when we come back home*!! *Twenty years later, we’ll turn back, and they’ll all be gone, to pursue their own dreams and their own lives*.

*Without water, a ship cannot move*. *The ship needs water, but if the water gets into the ship, the ship will face existential problems*. What was once a means of living for the ship will now become a means of destruction.

Similarly we live in a time where earning is a necessity but *let not the earning enter our hearts, for what was once a means of living will surely become a means of destruction for us as well.*

*So take a moment and ask yourself, "Has the water entered my ship?"*
I hope not!

Hope the above story will drive all of us in a better direction in life.

''Alone I can 'Say' *but*
together we can 'talk'.

'Alone I can 'Enjoy' *but*
together we can

'Alone I can 'Smile' *but*
together we can 'Laugh'.

That's the BEAUTY of
Human Relations.

We are nothing *without*
each other.

Let's be careful with life. It is too short to misbehave and get away with it.

One day it will be a story.
We will be left with our good or evil work to face our creator.

Stay Blessed🙏🏾

I've received 500 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I've received 500 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉


All men above 40 should hear this📢📢📢


I am looking for someone to help me answer these questions

WHY 40!!!!!!!

1. Why Noah built the Ark in 40 days.

2. Why the rain/storm lasted for 40days.

3. Why the Israelites walked through the desert for 40 years.

4. Why the tower of barbel was built in 40 days.

5. Why Jesus Christ fasted for 40days.

6. Why Jesus Christ ascended to heaven after 40 days,

7. Why Moses had to spend 40 days with God, and fasting before he got the 10 Commandments Tablets

8. Why it took 40 days threat from Goliath against the Army of Israel before he was killed by David

9. Why David later had a total reign of 40 years over the nation of Israel

10. Why Elijah had to trek and fast for 40 days running away from Jezebel

40 days and 40 years in the Bible is HIGHLY SYMBOLIC

11. Why life begins at 40.

12. Why even Pass mark starts at 40.
What's so special about 40???

If you don't have an answer, please send it to at least one group you belong to. We might get an answer from a wise researcher.👁‍🗨
Jibichris consultz Ltd Olaogun Jibi Mozez


There's always a time zone... Be patient 🤏

SHE DIED JUST BECOS SHE WANTS TO TRAVEL OUTFor the sake of those that haven’t read thisLet me start by introducing mysel...


For the sake of those that haven’t read this

Let me start by introducing myself.

My name is Faith, an indigene of Oyo state.
Came from a very poor background, my dad died and left the three of us in this wicked world

( my mum, me and my only brother)

I have been willing to be the one to break the curse of poverty in my family.

I heard of an opportunity that can change my life for good. This agency claimed to sponsor us to Germany 🇩🇪.L

Immediately, I hopped on the opportunity and started following up the agency.
I introduced my friend Rebecca, who also fell in love with this great opportunity and desperate to leave the country.

Rebecca also came from a poor background but not as poor as mine, and she has been eager to travel out of the country.

I sold my properties so I can raise money for myself.
Rebecca on the other hand also sold some of her properties to raise funds.

We left Nigeria 🇳🇬 on a Friday Night, and we were told we would be travelling by water 💧.
I was so scared cause I had deep fobia (fear) for water.

Friday Night around 10:30pm, we left the sea shore in Lagos island and the journey began.

Four hours later, we encountered a massive sea storm that almost capsized our boat 🚤, we were told to offload the boat a little and this made some of us empty our luggage’s inside the water just to relieve the boat and make it float normally.

We almost emptied the boat cause it seems the storm won’t stop, we were all scared at this juncture, cos all hope was lost.

That was when the boat driver asked us:

Driver: is anyone of you wearing any bead of such? Be it wait bead or wrist or leg bead.

Everyone: 🙄

Then the officials with us in the boat was forced to search us. After thorough search, we noticed, my friend Rebecca was the only one wearing a waistbead.

Officials: Madam pls remove this bead and throw it inside the water

Rebecca: Am sorry I can’t do that, this bead was given to me as birthday gift and I can’t remove it just like that.

Me: Rebecca pls just do as they say, so we won’t die here cause am scared as hell and if throwing the bead away is the only solution. Pls do what they say pls.

After few minutes of argument, still Rebecca won’t remove this bead.
The official were left with no option than to push Rebecca inside that raging and angry looking water.

I was shocked 😳 and dumb for few minutes, my mouth was stiff and couldn’t move.

I had no choice than to keep mute and never reveal the incident to anyone.
We finally reached our destination (Germany) and guess what, live goes on.

I started working and making money, also sending few Euros 💶 to my family here in Nigeria.

It’s been 1 year since the incident happened and Rebecca’s mum at the other hand has been trying to reach her daughter for a year, she has been trying to reach my mum also but she can’t, since I already relocated her to Abeokuta.

She finally got my number from my mum, and tried calling me.
I refused to pick the call because I was feeling guilty and scared.

(Oh you were wondering how I know it’s her number? thanks to truecaller app on my phone)

I saw her name instantly and was forced to reject the call ☎️.

After three years of my stay in Germany 🇩🇪, I decided to travel down to Nigeria just to say hello.
I came back and spend just 2 days and left for Germany again. Because I was so scared Rebecca’s mum could visit at any time.

Flashed back to Thursday night, a day before we traveled, when Rebecca’s mum gave her the spiritual bead to wear.
Her motive was to travel to Germany and whoever she sleep with while wearing the bead will spend all his money on her and she can live a good and expensive life in Germany.

What people don’t know is that, water attract or hates anything diabolical or Charm, mostly when it comes to beads, there are goddess that are always attracted to stuffs like that.

And they sensed someone inside the boat wearing something that belongs to them, and they tried to claim it back by all means but capsizing the boat because that’s the only option to get rid of that.

So let’s be careful when travelling with anything diabolical in any form.

This is a true life story from Paul Odofin.



The presidential Committee Consider N-power to be return back to Vice President Office as NEMA and NAHCOM return back to Vice Presiden office...

Good News loading.....


Within 2 hours from now, The phone that you're holding will ring for good news....


Nigeria 🇳🇬 evolving.....
The renewed hope is here👏😁


Yoruba History ( The fall of Kurunmi)

The story of Kurunmi is one that draws tears from the eyes of people who feel pity for a man who stood firm for tradition.

There was a time in the history of Yoruba where the heir to the throne is killed whenever the king dies. This tradition came about because it was discovered that a lot of princes killed their fathers so they could ascend the throne and become king instead.

It was believed that if the heirs were killed alongside their fathers, kings would live longer on the throne.

During this period, Alaafin Atiba was the paramount ruler of the Oyo empire, and he appointed Kurunmi, the son of Esiele as the Aare-ona-Kakanfo ( the generalissimo of the whole Yoruba warriors).

As it was with tradition, a king and an Aare-ona-Kakanfo cannot stay in the same town because their wield similar powers, so Kurunmi was assigned to Ijaiye, where he was given the power to lord over.

One day, Alaafin Atiba summoned the kings and lords of the neighboring towns and told them he wished to change tradition. Present at the meeting were kings like the Timi of Ede, Balogun Ibikunle of Ibadan, and Kurunmi himself.

When they were seated, Atiba came down from his throne and held the sword of Ogun (the Yoruba god of iron) in his right hand, and the bolt of Sango (the Yoruba god of lightning and thunder) in his left. He charged the royalties present to swear by the sword and bolt that after his death, his son Aremo Adelu will be made king after his demise.

Kurunmi disagreed immediately, and he reminded Alaafin Atiba that according to the tradition, the moment Atiba does, his son Adelu must follow suit. Other royalties tried to persuade Kurunmi, but he was adamant. When he couldn't convince them, he walked out in anger and headed for Ijaiye.

The other kings and chiefs went home to their people to inform them of the latest developments. When Balogun Ibikunle of Ibadan told his chiefs the news, one of the chiefs Basorun Ogunmola took the matter up and suggested they wage war against Kurunmi.

Kurunmi had once captured Ogunmola who had a secret affair with his wife. He captured him, tied him to a stake like a goat and fed him ashes as food. As a form of revenge, Ogunmola proposed war against Kurunmi.

Alaafin Atiba sent emissaries to Kurunmi to change his mind, but he remained adamant, and when Alaafin Atiba saw that he would not change his mind, he sent two calabash bowls to Kurunmi. One of the calabashes contained an effigy of a pair of twins (Yoruba symbol of peace), while the other calabash contained gunpowder (Yoruba symbol of war).

Kurunmi immediately chose war and sent the emissaries back to Atiba. Immediately, Kurunmi summoned his chief warrior Balogun Ogunkoroju and told him to prepare for war.

As part of the preparations for war, Kurunmi consulted the oracle, and the oracle warned him not to go to war with Ibadan because he would lose the war. Kurunmi was not going to have any of it, and he pestered the oracle to tell him what to do to win the war.

The oracle then told Kurunmi that in order for him not to lose the war, he must not cross the River Ose, which was the boundary between Ijaiye and Ibadan. Kurunmi agreed, and went ahead to plan for the war against Ibadan.

While Kurunmi was making preparations, the Ibadan warriors, led by Ogunmola went to meet the people of Ęgba who were said to possess very powerful charms.

The Ęgba people then prepared a potent charm called Eedi (a charm that causes someone or a group of people to ignore warnings or dare something that will harm them). The Eedi was set out to the River Ose so that the Ijaiye warriors will be tempted to cross the river.

When the war came, Kurunmi sent his five sons to war to fight the Ibadan people. During the face-off, Ijaiye warriors soundly defeated the Ibadan warriors, and the remaining Ibadan warriors fled back, crossing the River Ose.

Unfortunately for Kurunmi, his warriors fell to the potency of the Eedi, and they crossed the River Ose, believing that they had momentum, and that they could chase the Ibadan soldiers far away.

Immediately they crossed the river, their charms failed them, and they were killed in thousands by the warriors of Ibadan who had set a trap for them. Kurunmi suffered heavy losses, and lost all his five sons in the war.

Basorun Ogunmola mocked him and sent a message to him that he was coming for his head. On hearing the news of the death of his sons and his men, Kurunmi became very devastated and suicidal, but while he grieved, he held on to his belief that tradition remains tradition, and that he does not regret standing firm in the face of corruption.

Kurunmi committed su***de by taking poison, and he was thrown into the river Ose according to his wishes so that Basorun Ogunmola won't have the luxury of cutting his head and hanging it in shame.

From today's presidential inauguration @ Eagle square Abuja.. God bless Nigeria 🇳🇬

From today's presidential inauguration @ Eagle square Abuja..
God bless Nigeria 🇳🇬


This is serious 😁😝🤣
Kindly follow this page for more updates.....


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A group of tourists was visiting a crocodile farm, and they were in a floating structure in the middle of a crocodile lake. The farm owner shouted: "Whoever jumps into the water and swims to shore will receive 10 million dollars. The silence was deafening.

Suddenly, a man jumped into the water. He was chased by crocodiles, but with great luck, he was unharmed. The owner announced: "We have a winner!!!".

After receiving their reward, the man and his wife returned to the hotel room. The man tells his wife: "I did not jump in myself ... Someone pushed me !!!"

His wife smiled and said coldly: "It was me!"

Moral of the story: "Behind every successful man, there is always a woman to give him a little push."

Have a great weekend.

We give life comfort....


Good News: FG Authorized Npower/NSIP Beneficiaries Outstanding Payment

See details here npowerdg.com/2023/05/fg-aut…

Npower discussion group is created by NPower Volunteers for Beneficiaries to share updates, work experience and other jobs information


Advice for Responsible Men


***Cyber fraud Alert***

Ladies and gentlemen, this was posted by a friend at other group and I wish to share it. Please read to the end:


Good morning everyone.
I am writing this message after I had encouraged myself, as the experience was not palatable, and will wish that none of you fall a victim.

I happened yesterday, the 11th day of May, 2023.

I was on my way to my office, and decided to branch Polaris Bank ATM machine, to get some money for the day.
As I got to the cubicle, there were three ATM machines there, I noticed some guys around and I asked if the machines were dispensing cash, they said they were trying them out too.

I decided to use the last one that was alone.
When I inserted my card, it gave me a red alert "SCAM FRAUD ALERT" then my card was ejected.

Suddenly a guy came from the other side of the two other machines towards the machine that just ejected my card to use the Machine. Innocently, I told him not to because this was what the machine revealed. He said it could be network issue.
Just in a split of seconds, he collected my card and rubbed it on his head and inserted it, and immediately he inserted my card, everything went blank, and my card couldn't get out of the machine.

I complained that my card was swallowed and before I said Dick and Harry, the guy disappeared into the thin air.

The other guys were like, that was the experience that had that I should just input my PIN and click on Reject.

This I innocently did severally to no avail as those guys stylishly left the scene.

Meanwhile, I noticed that time was not on my side, then I decided to send a message to my Bank to block my account since I couldn't have access to my ATM card anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen, immediately I witched on my data, I received a DEBIT ALERT.
All my savings were gone. Gone and Gone.

Little did I know that the ATM Machine was programmed. It only needed my PIN, and that's all.

I went straight to my bank and blocked the account. Sympathy everywhere. However, sympathy was not enough, I needed my money back.

I was asked to go straight to Polaris Bank, which I did.

Getting there and laid my complaints, all I received was "Sorry Sir, there's nothing we can do because those guys are there at the ATM machine to do their illicit job. You're the 4th person to complain of such"

The question is, what measures have you put in place to circumvent this matter? NO ANSWER.

This means that those guys have an insider at the Banking hall who is a staff member that aids and abates their illicit acts.
I should be there today with a CID to do a thorough investigation, hopefully, I MAY recover my money.
The question is, "How possible could that be?" NIGERIA FACTOR

*My Advice*
Do not talk to anybody or allow anybody to talk to you when you're in any ATM Machine Cubicle. These guys are everywhere.

When ATM machine gives you a Red Alert of "Scam fraud alert", please, RUN. Don't dare use it, RUN for your precious life.
Nigeria is not a place to lose even a Kobo talk more of hundreds of thousand.

*Pray for me for a full recovery*


Tell it everywhere to stop these hoodlums...


Today's sport update....

Today's sport update....


No 2, Segun Bewaji Street, Federal Government Housing Estate, Oke Oniti, Osogbo


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