*Dear Pastor,*
*It is a great sacrifice how much you labor in the vineyard...*
*And all of them sometimes seem not to be yielding fruit...*
*Sometimes, instead of the work growing, people are leaving...*
*Sometimes, the ones you're praying for, gossip you.*
*Sometimes, the ones you taught, fight you, claiming same knowledge you taught them..*
*Sometimes, the ones you gave your all, leave you for being local, but you were not local when they came to you in need....*
*Sometimes, they are under your leadership team, but also in Absalom's camp...*
*Sometimes, you go hungry and none of them notice the dimness in your eyes, because you keep smiling....*
*Let's not even talk about what some other men of God did to you..... In jealousy, envy and bitterness...*
*A lot that Pastors go through without complaining....*
*When you see a pastor shout or make mistakes, it's not often because he does not know the truth, but the strain of this work is beyond human capacity...*
*(Don't be quick to judge a pastor)...*
*Beloved, He that called you knows all you are going through...*
*He factored all these in when He called you....*
*Even that struggle within, He factored it in and still called you.*
*I just want to encourage a Brother Or a Sister in ministry....*
*He Who called us is faithful and He will help us...*
*He will keep you from falling!*
*He will supply your needs,*
*He will be there when you cry in the night.*
*I know your pain Sir/Ma.*
*I have experienced them too....*
*But hear the Lord this day; "I will not leave you nor forsake you "*
*He will show up for you even if everyone walks away.*
*How many of us pray for our Pastors?*
*Most times we neglect them and we think they dont have challenges.* *This is a new year, please let us form the habit of praying for our Pastors always.*
*IF you know a Pastor or a Minister of God, please send this to them and encourage them... Don't ever think they don't need it, they do.*