1 slide : When she's young.
I don't need a man, I want to build my career, I want to be an independent lady, I can't settle for less, I still have time so let me have fun, my body my choice no body should tell me what to do with it, I know my worth, I can't marry a man that don't have 33 mansion in U.k., he must be richer than Elon musk, I can't build with a man etc.
2 Slide : When she finally wants to settle down.
At this point she's 33+, all she ended up achieving with her youthfulness is body count higher than the population of china and Brazil put together.
She's a retired but not tired bed to be midfielder, she has seen more ceiling design than a carpenter, she has handled more c***s than the owner of the largest poultry farm in Egypt, she has seen more wall design than an interior decor, she has handled more microphone and minister in hoeship to the c**k more than Dusin and Selman has ministered in worship to the lord.
She has seen it all, been through a lot, carrying little exhibits for countless men sperms in her womb, murdered more unbořn children than Hi**er has ever kīlled in world wars.
And now she wants to settle down WITH YOU.
Kings, I know I don't have the right to make a choice for you but let me ask you.
Why will you be the one to choose the slide 2??
Stay putinized