Kingdom Culture Hub

Kingdom Culture Hub A Reforming platform; saddled with the burden of unraveling the mysteries of the kingdom; to edify th

DEY FOR WHO DEY FOR YOU? This 2025 slogan, as you can imagine, is SPONSORED from the PIT OF HELL and NEGATES THE NATURE ...


This 2025 slogan, as you can imagine, is SPONSORED from the PIT OF HELL and NEGATES THE NATURE OF GOD.

God is usually the FIRST LOVER, meaning that, He is the One that would first reach out in love and for love irrespective of who is involved and what their response to His love would be:

We love, because He FIRST LOVED us. 1 John 4:19 AMP‬‬

But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ‭‭Romans 5:8 AMP‬‬

How can we express this nature of God with our current 2025 hell-sponsored slogan?

How can our PERSISTENT GOOD WORK convert the world around us with this kind of mindset?

Since the incidence of my vehicle accident, for example, right from the scene till now, those that I NEVER DEY FOR , NA THEM DEY FOR ME. If they followed this slogan, I would have died! If it is about payback, then I wouldn't be qualified for any good deeds!

YOU DEY FOR SOME, OTHERS DEY FOR YOU, this is the formula of God! You reap WHAT YOU SOW but not necessarily from WHERE YOU SOWED! God determines the WHERE of the harvest!

The world would have you become more self centered but understand that the language of God is SACRIFICE:

‭‭Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may SEE your GOOD DEEDS and MORAL EXCELLENCE, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 AMP‬‬

DEY FOR WHO DEY FOR YOU will prevent the glory due to our God!

In as much as it is hard to see that some people you can die for would not be there in your most trying times, DEY FOR WHO DEY FOR YOU is not christlike.

You will actually look stupid in the eyes of the world to be a Christian but that shouldn't be a problem! You are operating with a different set of principles!

There is a love and nature of God that you can not spread with this slogan. There are souls you will keep out of God's invitation with this slogan too! As God's children, we must be ALWAYS be ready to give without receiving! It is hard but true Christianity is not easy!

[32] If you [only] love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. [33] If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. Luke 6:32-33 AMP‬‬

Whose instructions will you follow? The teachings of Christ or the dictates of men?

May God grant us understanding!

With prayers,

Apostle Michael Idu



The greatest pushback that you would get when you challenge religious falsehood will come from those who benefit from it, especially those who reap economic benefits from it.

When Paul delivered the girl that followed Paul and Silas around in Philipi of her fortune-telling demons, the people who championed the fight against them were those with economic stake in her bo***ge.

Up until that time, the girl had been prophesying with razor-sharp accuracy but by a spirit of divination and because of this uncanny ability to predict events and know supernatural phenomena, her owners made fortunes from using her for predictions.

At the instance of her deliverance, what did they do?

‭‭Acts‬ ‭16:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[19] But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities.

Similarly, when Paul's gospel campaign in Asia turned people away from idol worship in large numbers, the man (Demetrius) who instigated the city into a riot against Paul and his team was a silversmith who was making a kill from constructing silver shrines for worshippers of goddess Dianna. He knew he was facing bankruptcy and needed to desperately protect his business. Acts 19:21-end

Friends, whenever people fight to retain a religious tradition that hurts God and man, they often pretend to do so for the love of God but in actually fact, they do it for pecuniary gains and self-preservation.

Friends, there is so much money to be made under the cover of religious falsehood which often masquerades as piety. The son of a leading elderly pastor in this country once confessed that he made his "first million" from selling wrist bands... If you never got people to believe in wrist bands, no one would have made a dime from it...

Do not be deceived! Their trick is simple. Teach people the wrong things or make them believe wrongly and use this belief system to extort them. Make them believe contributing their January salaries saves them from financial hardship all year long and they will bring their January salaries to you. Many religious empires have been built this way, especially in the African continent.

Friends, be bold. Fear not. Stand your ground. In nothing be terrified. God is with you. Don't be a victim of ecclesiastical extortion in this new year.

It is a new day!

(A repost from 2024)

Kingdom Culture Hub


“Walk softly before Me.”

I keep hearing this word sounding off and echoing in my spirit.
Friends, let us be alive to the fact that one of the critical things we as professing believers will have to do in this year, is to revisit the FEAR of the LORD and to walk Circumspectly before Him.

There is a squeeze in chronological time that will, as it were, no longer will we seemingly have the latitude to live in sin without repercussions.

No longer will God tolerate the “Sin Now, Repent Later” attitude and approach to our walk with Him.

A cleansing and a purifying is coming into the Priesthood that will require FEAR and TREMBLING in service and a need to ensure accurate alignment with Heaven’s calendar and agenda.

No longer will we get away with self-titling and operating as rogues in offices and assignments God hasn’t authorized. Before calling yourself something or someone this year in God’s Name; be absolutely certain that you're called for it and have ascertained the grace for it.

Choose well and think carefully before you speak; for a hardening is coming that will set the course of men’s lives in an irreversible trajectory.

A light will shine in dark and concealed corners of offices in and out of the Kingdom. Hidden creatures, sacrifices, and gimmicks that have been the secret of men will be laid bare and their skirts will be lifted for their arrogance and exhaustion of the time of grace extended to them.

Many purporting to be His are already under the banner of “Ichabod,” and they know it not, for their worldliness and the applause of men has blinded them.

2025; Make full proof of your ministry because there are many that will arise to replace those who have dragged their feet, compromised their calling, or persisted in disobedience and sin for years.

The Word of the Lord...

Genesis 17:1 KJV
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

Compliments of the New Year, beloveds.

4th Jan., 2024

Kingdom Culture Hub


According to one of the major Gospel revolutionists of his time, John Knox, "God! Give me Scotland or I die." He was not referring to the wealth or material things of Scotland, but the souls.

This is almost no longer the heart for the Gospel in our contemporary Christianity! The Gospel's call remains that of SUFFERING and ENDUREMENT and not enjoyment as falsely projected.

We have become more interested in mere numerical growth than in spiritual growth, forgetting that, mere numerical projection without evidence of souls conversion, is not the ideal justification for kingdom expansion.

Many of our ecumenical men and women are being economical with the truth, because they have gone materialistical. Our messages and drive today, are bizarre as compared to that of Jesus and the early Apostles.

Our preachings are carnality and banality that cannot provoke spirituality in people. Sadly, Most of our churches have become entertainment and fashion showing centres, but only RELIGIOUSLY BRANDED.

Heaven is currently recruiting... Men whose only obsession is the possession of souls for the Kingdom, are rising!

Indeed, 2025 is the year of the LORD. Christ-like Disciples shall rise; the Zeal of the Lord shall bring this to pass... .




Prosperity Gospel preachers and lovers like to quote 2 Corinthians 8:9 to justify their false belief without paying attention to the context.

See how it goes:

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich( 2 Corinthians 8:9).

I keep telling people that whenever we are doing a scriptural analysis, we just don't take a verse and interpret it without looking at its context. If we keep doing this, we would go about with a wrong interpretation and theology.

Now let us analyse it from verse 1. Paul has been talking about the liberality of the Macedonian brethren. Despite the fact that they are poor, Paul says they are sacrificial givers

In verse 7, he says this to the Corinthians:

"Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also."

Paul recognises that the Corinthians are "rich" in other Christian virtues, so he encourages them to emulate the Macedonians in sacrificial giving.

In verse 8, he says he is not compelling them to be like the Macedonians but only challenging them to learn from them.

Then in verse 9, he says:
"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich."

If you connect this to what Paul has been saying, he is actually teaching that Jesus, the Lord who is rich in all things, made Himself of no
reputation( became poor) so he can make us rich in real Christian virtues such as showing love and giving sacrificially among other saintly acts.

Prosperity preachers lack depth of scriptural knowledge. They just cherry-pick scriptural passages and bend them to suit their false theology.

The truth is that there is no single verse in the New Testament that says Jesus died to make us wealthy. Some of the wealthiest people on earth don't claim to be Christians.

The wealthiest man in Africa and Nigeria, Dangote, is a Muslim.

What God guarantees us is provision for our basic needs( Matthew 6:33). God can make specific believers rich in His sovereignty. But Material and financial affluence is not a Christian doctrine.

Throughout the New Testament, the teaching is that of contentment( Philippians 4:12-13, I Timothy 6:10).


Kingdom Culture Hub



Brothers/Sisters, think about this.

You on your own decided to build a beautiful structure. You meet there a few hours several days in a week to pray, sing and listen to sermons, and you call it the house of God.

When does God live there? Does He come there only when you have your meetings? Or do you leave Him to stay there permanently even on the days you are not meeting?

What is He doing there when there is no church meeting? He sleeps, eats or just stays idle waiting for your next meeting day?

Sorry to say, but you don't understand the New Testament. You don't know who you are if you are truly children of God. In this era, God is not worshipped in a fixed place( John 4:21-24). A believer is the house of worship. Each believer is God's temple.

So wherever you go as a believer, you carry God's presence with you. When you are asleep at home, God is with you and in you. When you are at work or school, He is with you and in you. When you are driving or commuting in a public transport, He is with you and in you. When you are pooping or peeing in the restroom, He is there.

And when you are having fellowship with other believers, He is present.

The church building is just a meeting place. All your musical instruments and equipment are not special or sacred. If you give your church microphone and sound system to an Imam in a mosque, they would still work fine. If you give your musical instruments to rock musicians who are high on drugs, they would still play well.

It is the believers that are special, not buildings or instruments and equipment( 1 Peter 2:9). If denominational leaders and members understood this truth, they would spend less on buildings and more on the spiritual welfare and physical well-being of God's real temples ( the believers). They would empower the poor but saintly widows among them. They would raise scholarship for indigent students. They would set up free hospitals, free schools, etc to help the poor and needy saints. They would stop placing heavy levies on God's people to build eye-catching architectural masterpieces.

Look, this post is for the New Testament Christians. If you are a Mosesan, Davidian, Solomonian or Nehemiahan, you would have a problem with this post.😃😃😃

Kingdom Culture Hub


What Does God Look Like?

Does God have the same physical body structure as we do? Does He have two eyes, two ears, two, legs, two hands, a nose, a mouth, a neck and other organs as we do?

God is often depicted in pictures as a huge and hazy figure sitting on a throne. But Does God literally sit on a real throne? Is Jesus perpetually literally standing beside the throne of His father?

It is necessary to ask these questions because the lack of the knowledge of the use of anthropomorphism, has affected the understanding of many a believer about the nature, attributes and power of God.

I will explain shortly what anthropomorphism implies. But let me first reiterate that God is Spirit ( John 4:24). And this means He has no human body. It also means you can't confine Him to the human shape you have conjured in your mind. It means He is invisible ( John 1:18).Nothing can really explain God. That is why anthropomorphism is deployed in the Bible.

Biblical anthropomorphism is assigning human characteristics to God so that limited, finite and frail human beings can understand His message. For example, Genesis 6:6 says God was sorry that He created man. If you have no understanding, you'd think God has regrets. No, that passage is just to show how much man's wickedness is displeasing to God.

In Leviticus 20:6, it is said the Lord sets His face against evil. Does this necessarily mean God has a face like you and me? No, it is a figurative expression to show that God hates evil.

When you read in Exodus 7:5 and Isaiah 23:11 that God stretched out His hands or in Psalm 89:10 that He scattered His enemies with His mighty arm, just know it js about God's intervention and show of power.

Psalm 34:15 says the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears set toward their cry. Never think it means God has physical eyes and ears. It simply means God watches, loves, protects and and hears the prayer of the righteous.

Isaiah 66:1 says the earth is God's footstool. Does this mean God is literally placing His legs on the earth? It means God is sovereign over the earth.

When you read anywhere in the Bible that God is on the throne in heaven, it does not necessarily mean God is sitting on a literal throne like the kings of your town, it implies that He rules over heaven and the earth.

And when you read that Jesus is at the right hand of God( Romans 8:34) it simply refers to His intercessory role for the saints. But if you read in Acts 7:55 that He is standing at the right hand of God, it means He shares the Father's authority and honour.

You see, no one can see God exactly the way He is in the flesh. You may only glimpse a representation of His presence. This representation is known as theophany. And people who experienced the theophanies of God in the Bible didn't remain the same.

Isaiah saw it in Isaiah 6:1-5, and He got convicted of his sin. Peter, John and James saw it on the mount of transfiguration as recorded in Mathew 17:1-6, and were afraid and confused. John saw it in Revelation 1:17, he lost his physical strength and fell down like a dead man.

Ha! I am in awe of God.

But here is some good news; a time is coming when we shall be like Him and see Him as He is ( I John 3:2). And this is why we must live pure on earth ( I John 3:2) in preparation for what we are destined to be.

Kingdom Culture Hub


Listen, friends! Whenever I use the term "local church", I do not have denominations in mind.

I will never endorse any denomination even if it appears to be teaching sound doctrines.

Here are some of the reasons:

1. Jesus founded the church and He did not say it should be broken into sects.

2. The Apostles planted local churches which were simply expressions of the one church founded by Christ. They didn't start different church brands.

3. The apostles condemned anything that resembled denominationalism, e.g, the factions in the Corinthian church was condemned by Paul the Apostle

4. God wasn't responsible for the split of the church into denominations. Ego, false teachings, lust for power, worldliness, among others were responsible. You may d well to read about the Great Schism of 1054 which led to the split of the Western "church" and the Eastern "church".

5. Denominations give professed Christians different identities rather or in addition to unifying Biblical labels such as Christian and disciple

6. Many denominationalists become more loyal to their sect or religious brand than the word of God

7. One-man founded denominations turn the proprietors into deities or demigods.

Kingdom Culture Hub



In Revelation 2:9, Jesus through John told the church in Smyrna that He knew about her works, tribulations and poverty. But the Lord said to her, "but thou art rich."

The Lord knew that the church was a suffering church. This church suffered persecution and poverty, yet God saw her as rich. This church was definitely blessed with spiritual churches. It was certainly a church filled with people who were enabled by grace to do righteous deeds. The brethren in Smyrna were rich in virtues. The Lord promised this church an eternal reward if they would stay faithful during tribulation.

Like this church, true believers ought not to be obsessed with working for wealth. Poor believers should not live in anxiety. Even in their poverty they should seek, work and grow in spiritual riches.

There are however individuals who claim to be Christians but whose hearts are suffused with the cares of this life and their temporary wealth. They are like the church in Laodicea who was told by Jesus in Revelation 3:27 that she reveled and was boastful about what may have been her worldly wealth, she was ignorant of wretchedness, miserableness, poverty, blindness and nakedness.

This church was probably more about carnal prosperity than real spiritual progress. She thought she was making progress in the Lord but she was self-deceived. People may have admired and become even envious of the brethren in this church because of their financial and material success, but God saw that they were poor and blind.

We need to warn preachers, churches and professing believers who are infected with the virus of the prosperity gospel to get from God spiritual gold and silver that they could be spiritually rich.

This love for materialism makes churches and professing Christians to be lukewarm. They had better repent lest they face God's eternal judgement.

Kingdom Culture Hub


Dust your Bible. Yes, that Bible that's been on the shelf for decades, while you busied yourself with what this pastor said, and that pastor said, without you having a personal relationship with God or searching the Scriptures for yourself.

It's time!!

Examine to see whether you are even in the faith to begin with. Are you born again? Then, decide that you will KNOW this God. Put aside the beehives of activities now.

Go to church. Fellowship. Desire to know Him. Spend time in prayer and study.

There are believers who can tell when their pastor is speaking as a HUMAN and when he is speaking the MIND of God. Such believers are called DISCIPLES not fans.

But you can choose to be among the 5000 always waiting to be SPOONFED and remaining on the fringes, being blown around by every wind, without ever coming to the knowledge and maturity of the faith.

Your G.O or pastor is not the problem. It's YOU who won't find God for yourself.

Don't use them as an excuse for your spiritual apathy or willingness to keep living in sin, and going about life your own way.

Pastor said, pastor recanted. Ok, we've heard. What revelation of God do YOU have to live by and share?

Merry Sunday y'all.
I had a great time in church today, how about yours?

Kingdom Culture Hub.

UNDERSTAND GOD'S CURRENT MOVECharles H.Marson and Charles Price Jones founded Church of God in Christ in 1897. They were...


Charles H.Marson and Charles Price Jones founded Church of God in Christ in 1897. They were ostracized by Baptist Church for embracing the Wesleyan Holiness doctrine of sanctification. By 1906, COGIC had grown into a small network of churches in the south and southwest. Starting a new church in those days was not based on rebelliousness or financial gain. It was purely based on issues of doctrinal differences and different understanding of the movement of God per generations.

When Marson heard about the Azusa revival, he decided to visit for on the spot assessment. He spent five weeks in Los Angeles, he joined prayers at Azusa street, and one day, he burst into song " He brought me out of the miry clay" according to him " The Spirit came upon the saints and upon me. Then I gave up for the Lord to have His way within me. So there came a wave of Glory into me and all of my being was filled with the glory of Lord. So when He had gotten me up on my feet, there came a light which enveloped my entire being above the brightness of the sun. When I opened my mouth to say Glory, a flame touched my tongue which ran down me. My language changed and no word could I speak in my own tongue. Oh I was filled with the Glory of the Lord. My soul was then satisfied".

When he returned to Memphis and reported what happened, he encountered much opposition. His partner and congregation could not believe in the new move of God. There was a split, and Marson and those who believed his encounter story founded another church and retained the old name, Church of God in Christ, whose constituency is primarily African Americans, as Marson himself. Today, it's the largest Pentecostal Denomination in USA, with a population of almost 6 million membership.

There is no limit to what God can do through an individual who understands God's trans generational move. Don't be dogmatic, static, religious and so glue to your denominational limitations that you miss out God's program. It's not bad to follow mentors, fathers and generals, but none of them embodies the totality of God's revelations and power. Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit, follow the cloud where it leads and be generationally current and up to date in God's agenda.

©Kingdom Culture Hub





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