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Thoughtful thinwt

Thoughtful thinwt




SCRIPTURE: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Life issues out of thought. Thought quality affects life quality.

Kenneth Hagin, in one of his books said that after 15 years of Ministry, God told him to get ready to enter the first chapter of His plan for his life. He was shocked and said to God, “If I have not entered the first step of your plan for my life, what have I been doing with my life these past 15 years?” And God made him to understand that what he had done before this time was just introduction to the real Ministry.

So, it is easy for people to live and die without fulfilling the purpose why they were born. This happens because there are hindrances to purpose fulfilment.

Now, what are the hindrances to a life of purpose? Here is a list of some of them:

1. Lack of thought (Prov. 4:23).

Life issues out of thought. Thought quality affects life quality. Lack of thought is a hindrance to a purposeful life.

2. Lack of a sense of value for Life and Time

A lack of understanding of what life is all about hinders destiny fulfilment. When people live at random, they live without meaning.

3. Lack of self-control (Luke 9:23)

When a person’s life is enslaved by the flesh, he cannot fulfil God’s Purpose for his life.

4. The lack of quality association:

A person whose life is surrounded by unprofitable people cannot fulfil God’s Purpose.

Beloved, make up your mind to fulfil God’s purpose by avoiding the hindrances to a purposeful life.

Remember this: Life issues out of thought. Thought quality affects life quality.

1. Thoughtfully go through today’s message again.

2. Reject every hindrance to a purposeful life.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Purpose for my life. I receive the grace to fulfil Your purpose for my life Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Where a man is lazy, his life and destiny decay. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: 2 Corinthians 4-6

REFLECTION: What is most important is not what you think is right; it is what God thinks; what is most important is not the applause of men. It is the verdict of God. Be in touch with what matters.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord deliver you from the tragedy of a wasted existence.


At the middle stage of his career, at age 35. There was a man who lived a life of boring and impoverished. He was hopeless and he become a devout drunkard.

On one sad winter morning of November. The young man contemplated and entertained su***de. He thought there is no point in his life. A few years back, in 1940, his mother had died.
At the age of 35, he was broke, and hopeless, with no right direction to his life. What could he do? He decided to spend his last bill on su***de guns to end his misery once and for all.

At the last moments, fate propels him to wander around a local library. He found a classic book that impressed him. A book titled, “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the book was a rare commodity at the time, written by Clement Stones. The young man couldn't believe his good fortune.
He sat down and began reading the book, from line to line, from chapter to chapter. Through this reading, he slowly absorbs and internalizes the details. His paradigm and the way he views the world begins to change. In general, the book influenced his thoughts and change his way of thinking. He couldn't help but cry.

Time went on, he started wandering around several book's library in the United States. He falls in love with books that are based on self-improvement. He selected some titles, went to a table, and began reading. Likewise, he followed his visit to the library with more visits to many other libraries around the States.

A few years later, the young man's sense of proportion has been restored. He has unlocked a new way of thinking.
He remarried and quit drinking. The young man was a salesman, and he focuses more on his business.
He eventually became a successful Author after several years of self-recreation. He went ahead to write his groundbreaking book titled”The greatest salesman in the world.” A very thought-provoking and powerful book that gained administration. Published in 1988. His books have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over 25 languages.

And the man's name is OG Mandino, born in December 1923. He is an American Author, whom his work has influenced aspiring, entrepreneurs and salesmen.

AWARENESS: Regardless of what we are going through in life, su***de is not an option. If we are all going to die eventually, why the hurry? Relax, you will be fine in the end. Sometimes, all you need is a change of perspective to see things differently. Stay strong...
And finally, under any circumstances, under any condition. Never inadvertently lose your presence of mind.

✍✍Deep history



Do you want to know what a scam is?

A scam is having the Bible translated into Swahili, Igbo, Yoruba, Zulu, Tswana, Ndebele and every other African language, but having zero scientific book translated into a single African language. That, is a conspiracy. That, is a trap. And that, is a scam. Someone who can be scammed with the same trick over and over again for decades upon decades, is considered a fool and their gullibility and lack of critical thinking make them willing participants in their own demise.

I have walked into different libraries and I've seen University Science Books translated into Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, French, German, Spanish and so forth. I've seen, Think And Grow Rich by Napolean Hill translated into French. I've seen the Japanese version of A Man's Search For Meaning. I've seen a Spanish version of The Alchemist. I've seen the Korean version of The Art of War. All of these books, I've seen them in various languages but NOT in any African language.

You will never find a church in Africa where the English speaking preacher would not have a native translator next to them doing the translation.

Here's where the scam comes in: you also will never find a school in Africa where the English speaking teacher WILL be having a native translator next to them translating Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography, Economics etc to the students.

I've seen many Science Books translated into various languages but NONE in any African language. The Chinese are taught Mathematics in Chinese. The Japanese are taught Engineering in Japanese. They're all taught Finance, Astrophysics, Medicine, Accounting, Geology, Management, Government and so on in their languages. The ONLY book that Africans have in their language IS THE BIBLE. And the ONLY time Africans have something translated to them in their language IS IN A CHURCH.

Important Historical Facts


The Black African, the wretched of the earth, is the only member of the human race who has been brainwashed to think that his ancestors bequeathed him with a curse that has prevented him from attaining aspired goals and life desires. Almost every misfortune he encounters on earth is the fault of some ancestors... who must be bound and cast with the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

The white people don't have terrible ancestors who have done terrible things. No. It's only the black ancestor. Over the years, the black ancestor has been so vilified by Christians they pay tithes, stay up all night, fast and pray to destroy the African ancestor in the name of Jesus. The black ancestor is so wicked he cursed his own kids.

Having cursed his ancestor who gave him life, the black man is roaming around the world like a tortoise without a shell. He has no backbone. Zero identity. Thus no race respects him. He's lynched in Malaysia, incarcerated in Cambodia. He's shot like a dog in the streets of America. In Europe, he cleans the white man's s**t. And they spit on him. Why won't they? A man who hates himself and despises his roots deserves no respect whatsoever.

John Hawkins was a foremost English slave trader, a thief, and by contemporary moral standards he can as well be called a terrorist. John Hawkins made three trips to West Africa in the 1560s, and stole Africans whom he sold to the Spanish in America. On returning to England after the first trip, his profit was so handsome that Queen Elizabeth I became interested in directly participating in his next venture; and she provided for that purpose a ship named JESUS. Hawkins left with JESUS to steal some more Africans, and he returned to England with such dividends that Queen Elizabeth made him a knight. Hawkins chose as his coat of arms the representation of an African in chains.

Today the generations of Hawkins and Queen Elizabeth I are alive and enjoying life from the proceeds of their Evil ancestors. They don't demonise their ancestors despite their active involvement in the greatest evil humanity has ever witnessed. Both individuals sanctioned r**e, kidnapping and mass murder, but their children don't bear "ancestral curses" like black Africans. You'd be hard pressed to see a member of the British elite publicly denounce slavery.

Isn't it time to emancipate yourself from mental slavery oh ye Negro? If ancestral curse exists, who should suffer from it? The ancestor who kidnapped and r**ed and murdered and pillaged and stole and enslaved his fellow man, or the man whose freedom was taken from him? Surely, the man who threw pregnant Negro women to sharks at Sea because they were too weak, deserves his future generations to suffer and not the man whose society was so pure they had no prisons to punish offenders.

Do these Black Africans who will go to church today binding and casting "ancestral curses", know that almost all the top British politicians from the 17th century till the 19th century were proud slave merchants? It is on record that 15 Lord Mayors of London, 25 sheriffs and 38 aldermen of the City of London were shareholders in the Royal Africa Company (RAC) between 1660-1690. The RAC alone was responsible for trafficking over 1.5million Negroes to Britain and twice that number to the Caribbean.

David and Alexander Barclays were active participants in the kidnapping and enslavement of millions of black Africans. As was standard practice at the time, the risky and long-term nature of transatlantic slave trading required new banking houses that could offer credits to prospective slave traders, for periods of between one and a half to three years. One bank that provided this service was run by Alexander and David Barclay. Their bank still carries their name. The Barclay's Bank is also a proud sponsor of the English Premier league that me and you are fanatical fans of Chelsea and Arsenal and Man United today.

Their children don't bind and cast their ancestral evil, rather it is the Negro whose ancestors were dehumanised and tortured and enslaved, that keeps praying against "ancestral curses."

The Bank of England was also involved in the slave trade. Sir Richard Neaves, who was the director of the bank for 48 years, was also the chairman of the Society of West India Merchants. A group of vile men who stole Africans and made handsome profits by selling them on to farmers who needed them to work in their sugar and to***co plantations in the West Indies.

Today Liverpool Football club will be playing Tottenham Hotspur in the Barclay's premier League. Pay attention. How many of you who are Liverpool supporters today know that the initial founders of that football club were retired slave traders, whom in 1892, with slavery outlawed, decided to invest their money in a football club that will reap future rewards for their generations to come via a bank called Arthur Heywood and Sons & Co.. That bank would be absorbed in turn by the Bank of Liverpool, Martin’s Bank and Barclay’s Bank.

You watch them and shout in ecstasy when they score. But a pastor somewhere will tell you the reason you're poor is because your ancestors committed evil, hence the reason you experience ill luck. And you will believe and start casting and binding rubbish!

For your information, Liverpool was a major port for the transatlantic slave trade. Slave ships were often built or repaired in Liverpool. Nearly one and a half million Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic in Liverpool ships. The 'Liverpool Merchant' was the first recorded slave ship to sail from Liverpool. She set sail on 3 October 1699 and arrived in Barbados on 18 September 1700 with a cargo of 220 enslaved Africans. Part owner Sir Thomas Johnson is known as the 'founder of modern Liverpool'.

Liverpool city wouldn't be what it is today without the trade in black Africans. The personal and civic wealth gained from slaving cemented the foundations for the Liverpool's future growth.

The children and grandchildren and great grand children of the perpetrators of this monstrosity against the black Man enjoy heaven here on earth, and live in more stable environment. They have managed to stabilise their society and solve their problem and live in relative peace.

But the Negro ancestors, the wretched of the earth, who was kidnapped and his freedom forcefully taken away from him; he was sentenced to a plantation for the rest of his life. It is this ancestor an bed many others who is demonised by Christians as having bequeathed their offsprings with "curses".

Via Jackie Kay


List of Top 20 Traditional Rulers Dethroned in Nigerian History

1. Ooni of Ife – Ogboru

Ogboru is 19th century Ooni of Ife dethroned mischievously by Ife Palace Chiefs who got tired of his 70yrs long reign. He was deceived by trick to come out of his place to come and see something at the Atiba square of the ancient Ile-Ife town and wasn’t allowed to return to the palace again. He angrily left for another aboard where he founded a little town called Ife-Odan and he settled there. Successive Ooni of Ife like 6 installed after him died in succession under 6months like a sort of throne bewitchment and Ife Chiefs had to search for him at Ife Odan to return back, but he resisted the attempt and gave them his daughter Moropo to make some sacrifices at the palace after which his son Giessi became the next Ooni after him.

2. Emir of Bauchi – Umar Mohammed

Mohammed was deposed on 16th of February, 1902 by Lord luggard’s second in command – William Wallace for an allegation of slave dealings and insubordination against the British government and misrule of his people. His son was installed as the new Emir.

3. Emir of Kano Aliyu Ibn Abdullahi Maje Karofi

He became the Emir of Kano in 1894 following the death of Emir Muhammad Bello, and a rebellion war of “Bassa” called the 3rd Kano Civil War was kickstarted by him, along with his elder brother, Yusuf when the Sultan of Sokoko announced another prince called Tukur as the new Emir of Kano. The war lasted for a year when Aliyu popularly called the Sango of zaki (the gun runner) or Ali Balads, for his heavy use of explosives in most wars conquered Kano and became the Emir in 1894. He was dethroned in 1903 following an homage visit to the Sultan in Sokoto when the British -French forces attacked Kano and brought an end to his reign. He first exiled to Yola and later Lokoja, the seat of new Northern Nigerian government where he died in 1926.

4. Emir of Ningi – Dan yaya

Dan yaya was deposed by British Temple months after Umar Emir of Bauchi was sent away in July 1902, for terrorizing his people leading to the killing of a mallam, and taking sides with Emir of Bauchi. A new Sarkin Ningi was enthroned who was the heir, by the name Mammadu. Dan yaya escaped to bura town where he was eventually killed by the Bura people for his continued terrorizing acts in 1905. See the article the British in Bauchi, to read more.

5. Olu of Warri – Erejuwa I

Erejuwa was the traditional ruler of Itsekiri at two different times between 1951-1964 and 1966 – 1989. A Senior Officer with UAC before becoming a king, was unfortunately removed and deposed by NCNC eastern party in 1964, because of his support for Awolowo’s Action group, which is the party of many Prominent Itsekiris. The result of the political rivalry lead to the creation of Midwestern States then. Erejuwa was exiled to a town called Ogbesse, after he was returned by a military government of David Ejoor in 1966 and he reigned till 1989.

6. Alaafin of Oyo – Oba Adediran Adeyemi II

84yrs old Oba Adediran Adeyemi II (the father of the present Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi) was dethroned for political rivalry with Chief Awolowo lead Western government of Nigeria when he gave his political will and support for an opposition party called NCNC lead by Chief Nnamdi Azikwe which was heightened by a disagreement and conflict with the then Awolowo Action group leader, Bode Thomas. Oba Adediran was sent away from Oyo town in July 1955 and was exiled in Lagos where he was housed by Alhaji N.B Soule a wealthy NCNC member , after which Gbadegesin Ladigbolu was enthroned as the new Alaafin of Oyo till 1970.

7. Timi of Ede – Abibu Lagunju

Timi Abibu Languju was acclaimed to be the first muslim Yoruba king in history who reigned between 1855 to 1892 and was deposed and exiled by the British government to Ibadan where he lived with Sunmonu Apampa, the Asipa of Ibadan at that time and he died in 1900. One of his children Raji Lagunju, birthed by an Ile-Ife wife was taken back to her home town, to become the second Chief Imam of Ile-Ife. Read more about the accounts of Timi Lagunju here.

8. Awujale of Ijebu-Ode Oba Adenuga 1892 -1925

Awujale Adenuga Folagbade was made an Awujale of Ijebu Ode on November, 1925. He was 33yrs and was living with his mother in Igbeba, a small village near Ijebu Ode. He was the choice of the “Odi”, (Ijebu kingmakers) for the Tunwase ruling house but his choice didn’t go down well with some local chiefs who felt he was too young and prematurely for the exalted stool. He was eventually deposed in 1929 and exiled to Ilorin, for corruption around forestry fees and influencing the choice of the selection of Oba Onipe of IBU. Oba Ogunnaike succeeded him who also died in 1933.

9. Akarigbo of Remo – Oyebajo

Oba Oyebajo was the traditional head of Ijebu remo, in his mid twenties and reigned between 1811 to 1915. He was deposed by the British for being a de-facto ruler who refused to regard his principal chiefs (Bademowo – The Lisa of Remo & Awofala, the Losi of and denied them their shared parts of the duly entitled stipends to them, as part of 1914 amalgamation rule that local rulers should be part of native courts. Akarigbo Chief levied many allegations of corruption against him and the British Officer in charge of the Administrative district, H.F Ducoumbe not only deposed him but also sentenced him and two others in prison with hard labour at Ijebu Ode and was released 6months later, after which he later settled in Sagamu.

Alase of Remo, High Chief Awolesi was made the new Akarigbo in a flamboyant coronation ceremony attended by the British Officer, Ducoumbe. Awolesi died shortly on 25th of February 1916 and the British made Oba Oyebayo’s clerk and an educated public writer the new Akarigbo of Remo. With increased disturbances of Oyebajo factions for his reinstatement, he was arrested with another supporter called Ali and banished to Calabar in 1918 where he lived for only just 3months. Ali died in 1922 after his plea of clemency was rejected the Governor. See accounts of Tunde Oduwobi: The careers of Akarigbo Oyebajo and Awujale Adenuga under the British government & read more.

10. Osemawe of Ondo – Oba Adekolurejo Jimosun II (Otutubiosun)

The Oba whose reign was from 1918 to 1925 was removed and banished to Ile-Ife in 1925, where he lived and died. It was during the reign of Oba Jimosun that Ondo town had its first secondary school, called Ondo boys high school.

11. Osemawe of Ondo – Oba Adenuga Fidipote II

Oba Adenuga was reported to be a wealthy king of Ondo town and was on record to be the one who built the first modern Palace for ondo town. He reigned for 7yrs after which his deposed and chased him away from the town to Ibadan in 1942. Read more about Ondo Obas here

12. Oba of Lagos – Ibikunle Akintoye & Kosoko

Akintoye reigned twice as Oba of Lagos, first between 1841 to 1845, when he was deposed to Badagry town for his Anti-Slave trade advocacy. He was succeeded by Oba Kosoko who was equally deposed for having a rift with the British government when he resisted submitting Lagos colony to the British and ordered, the British government to meet the Oba of Benin. In retaliation for his gut, the British government brought back Ibikunle Akintoye who had been on exile in Egba and Badagry in 1851. He reigned for the second time till September, 1853 when he died and Oba Dosumu took over. The deposed was later recalled back to Lagos, where he was made an high chief Oloja of Eleko, a salaried title in Oshodi tapa Epetedo. Where he lived and died in 1872.

13. Emir of Gwandu – Mustapha Jokolo

The Ex -Emir was deposed in 2005, by the Kebbi State government following different allegations levied against him by his Chiefs and was exiled to Kaduna. He was immediately replaced by June 2005 by one Muhammadu Illyasu Bashar, a retired major, who served as a military governor in the old Gongola State between 1976 & 1978. 15yrs, deposed Jokolo is still challenging his dethronement in Court.

14. Emir of Kano – SIR Mohammodu Sanusi I

Reported to be a powerful Emir of Influence in the colonial days of Northern Nigeria, Sanusi I was the Emir of Kano between 1954 to April 1963, when he was deposed by Alhaji Ahmadu Bello, a distant cousin, after an allegation of financial misappropriation in the emirate. He was deposed to Azare in 1964 and died in Wudil in years after. Sanusi I is the grandfather of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the recently deposed by Emir of Kano who reigned from 2014 to 2020, in a similar instance as his grandfather.

15. Olofa of Offa – Oba Wuraola Isioye

Oba Isioye was enthroned on the 5th January 1957, and reigned as Offa District head for 2yrs, when he was deposed by Northern Regional Government following, a successful move for Offa Local Court to be recognised and the long used Ilorin’s Alkali Court was abolished. This promoted the Late Saurduna to instigate him being deposed and exiled to Ogbomoso- Kogi Area, where he lived till he returned in 1964. He was reinstated as Olofa till he died in 1969, even though his district title wasn’t returned.

16. Sultan of Sokoto – Ibrahim Dasuki

The dethronement of Late Sultan Dasuki is probably the most widely reported case of removal of a king in Nigeria by the military government of Abacha in 1996, as almost everyone in late 20’s in Nigeria are aware of the development. There were even songs recorded by musicians to that effect on the continued change of traditions, that the usually saying that a new king can not be crowned while another is alive “T’oba kan o Ku, Oba kan o je”, as waxed by Yoruba Fuji Singer Abbass Obesere. Ibrahim Dasuki removal was rumoured to be related to issues between him and Abacha, on mismanagement of the late Abacha’s relative’s properties. There were also speculation that it was due to reports of his modernist style of rulership and many preferred Sultan Maccido, who later succeeded him.

17. Olowo of Owo – Oba Olateru Olagbegi II

Unarguably the richest and most influential Olowo of Owo town in Ondo state, Oba Olateru became Olowo in 1941 and reigned till 1966 when he took side with Chief S.L Akintola against Chief Awolowo who was his ally. Of a fact, Awolowo Action Group party was founded right inside Olowo palace and Owo for years experienced political and kingship battle, which came to a climax in 1966 following a cold blooded coup with many properties and lives lost in the course. The people of Owo revolted their King and sent him away on exile where he lived for another 27yrs, and his stool was taken over by Oba Ogunoye. At the demise of Ogunoye, Olateru was reappointed as the new Olowo of Owo in 1993 and spent another 5yrs on the throne till he died in 1998. His eldest son, took over from him in 1999 and reigned for 20yrs.

18. Deji of Akure – Oba Oluwadamilare Adesina Osupa III

The inglorious exit of Oba Oluwadamilare as Paramount king of Akure is another reminder of the importance of carriage and conduct in kingship, as they are seen as leaders and role models. The king was deposed on 10th of June, 2010 following the beating of his estranged wife at her home in Akure, in what the Ondo state government referred to as, a dishonorable, condemnable and disgraceful conduct unexpected of a king which invoked a section of the state chieftaincy law of 1984 as amended. With an immediate action, a new Deji of Akure Adebiyi Adeshida Afunbiowo II was announced on 13th of August 2010.

Other Kings dethroned are;

19. Oba Awujale Sikiru Adetona was deposed in 1981 after suspension by a panel of inquiry set up by the then Ogun state governor, Olabisi Onabanjo after which he was found guilty of the charge. He was luckily reinstated by Col. Diya, following a military coup. Read more on Onigegewura’s blog.

Onojie of Uromi Kingdom – Anslem Aidenojie was suspended and later dethroned in 2016 by Former Gov. Adams Oshiomole for abusing a woman and total disregard for constituted authority, for failure to apologize within 2weeks he was given. Gov Obaseki however reinstated the former king in 2018.

20. Olupoti of Ipoti Ekiti – Oba Oladele Ayeni

The king Oba Isiah Oladele who was alleged to have been wrongly selected in 1987, was thrown out in 2012 after 25yrs of reign.

Eleruwa of Eruwa, Oba Samuel Adebayo Adegbola, sacked by the Supreme court in November 2019 after 21yrs of Reign. He was first dethroned in 2011, after which he filed an appeal but lost the throne 8yrs later.



Not many people know that the name, NIGERIA, came from the girl friend of our colonial Master, Governor-General, Lord Legend in those good old days before we got independence. It was Flora Shaw who gave Nigeria its name. She suggested it to the man who later became her husband and he accepted it. How did the name come to be?

The name Nigeria, was minted in the 19th century, in the year 1897. It happened during the colonial era when most African countries had not been in existence. As of then, Nigeria was referred to as merely geographical and not a country.

“The word Nigeria is a mere distinctive appellation to distinguish those who live within the boundaries of Nigeria and those who do not” Obafemi Awolowo.

The origin of the name “Nigeria” lies within the river Niger. Niger is the British way of referring to Blacks. Before the naming of Nigeria, it used to be called The Royal Niger Company Territories. The naming of my former country was done by a woman who isn’t a Nigeria, not even an African. Her name was Flora Shaw.

Lady Shaw was a British journalist and activist; fighting against Slavery. She worked as an editor of The Times.

In an essay that first appeared in The Times on 8 January, 1897, by “Miss Shaw”, she suggested the name “Nigeria” for the British Protectorate on the Niger River. In her essay, Shaw made the case for a shorter term that would be used for the “agglomeration of pagan and Mahomedan States” to replace the official title, “Royal Niger Company Territories”. She thought that the term “Royal Niger Company Territories” was too long to be used as a name of a Real Estate Property, under the Trading Company in that part of Africa. She was in search of a new name, and she coined “Nigeria”, in preference to terms, such as “Central Sudan”, which were associated with the area by some geographers and travellers.

She thought that the term “Sudan” was associated with a territory in the Nile basin, the current Sudan. In The Times of 8 January, 1897, she wrote: “The name Nigeria applying to no other part of Africa may without offence to any neighbours should be accepted as co-extensive with the territories over which the Royal Niger Company has extended British influence, and may serve to differentiate them equally from the colonies of Lagos and the Niger Protectorate on the coast and from the French territories of the Upper Niger.”

She died of pneumonia on 25 January 1929, aged 76, in Surrey.


Igbo People That Denied Their Igboness And Why They Acted That Way:

When talking about Igbo people, most people often referred to the people of South Eastern Nigeria which includes Abia, Anambara, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo states.

But Igbo is like "akwụkwọ ụkpaka" they spread throughout southern Nigeria to the Niger-Delta and northern Nigeria.

Experts on the origin and origins of the area explain that Igbos have a population across the Naija River where more than 25 percent of Delta State's population is said to be Igbo.

Similarly in Rivers, Cross Riva, Akwa-Ibom and Bayelsa are among where you can find Igbo people, Igbos in those areas share many things in common with Igbos in south east, these include language, culture and fashion. This simply means that "ọbara anaghị agha ụgha". these show that blood does not lie.

These are people with Igbo identity and beliefs, that include circumcision, reincarnation and celebrating of Kola nut:

In Delta State, ethnic Igbo include:


2. Ndokwa

3. Ukwuani

4. Aniocha

5. Ika


7. Agbo

8. Asaba

In Rivas state, Igbo people in Rivas include;

1. Ikwerre

2. Opobo

3. Omuma

4. Ndoni

5. Obigbo

6. Egbema


8. Ọmụma

10. Etche

11. Ọgba

In Bayelsa, people with Igbo blood in Bayelsa state mainly Sagbama region include;


2. Eke Okpokri

3. Abuetor

In Edo state

It sounds like a myth, but there are Igbo there

1. Igbanke/Igboakiri

That's why you can see some people from Edo state bearing Igbo names .

In Akwa-Ibom state

The Igbo people there included people of

1. Ikot Udo Ika is under the Ika local government, in Akwaibom State.

In Cross Rivas

1. Isobo in Abi LGA

2 Umuezekaoha numbering more than 300 village.

In Benue state

Are you among the people that regard all Benue people as "Ndị Ugwu"’? Note that there are Igbos in Benue state. Igbo communities there can be found in these LGA

1. Okpoku

2 .. Obi

3. Oku

4. Adọ

5. Oju

In Kogi State

Igbo-speaking communities in Kogi state especially in Ibaji and Igalamela/Odolu LGAs such as the Eke Avurugo community (which speaks Igbo as first language and Igala as second language).

These are igbo communities in kogi state : Ugwuebonyi, Ebokwe, Ozara, Amaeke, Amankpo, Amauwani camp, Amaokwu, Amadiefioha, Amaufulu, etc. all in Igalamela/Odolu LGA. The Odolu community in Igalamela/Odolu LGA is said to speak Igala as first language and the Nsukka Igbo dialect as second language. In Ibaji LGA, we can see some town names such as Nwajala, Umuoye, Ubulie-Umueze which are, most definitely, Igbo community names. One obvious distinguishing factor between Igbo language and Igala is the lack of 'z' in Igala alphabet which is present in Igbo, which possibly rules out an Igala origin for some towns such as Ozara, Umueze etc.

Akpanya is an Igbo-speaking community located deep in the heartland of Igala land. Very little is known about this town. About 95% of the people speak Igbo/are Igbo natives.

Reasons why some Igbo people say they are not Igbo

1. The Biafra war

Some Igbo denied their Igbo root because of loosing of civil war.

We loose the war, despite it was declared no Victor no vanquish.
The war claimed the lives of over three million people. As people who loose the war,is hardly for people to identify with you.
"Onye dara ada enweghị onye na-ekwe na ọ bụ nwanne ya"

"After the war, the Igbo people suffered a lot and contracted a disease that caused them to be ostracized."

2 The creation of a state

It is during creation of the state that federal government use the opportunity to split Igbos and ceded them in other regions, with these act and removal of history from Nigeria schools,it makes many igbos to denied their origin.

Examples: Some towns like Amaezekwe, Umuoghara, Amaekka, Umuezeokoha, Umuezeoka, Oriuzor, Umuoghara are not eligible to be in Benue state but are assigned to Benue state.
The Ado, Oju, Obi sub-igbo Towns in Benue state is an independent Towns before whites came to Nigeria

Recall that to ensure that Ojukwu was weak at the beginning of the Biafran War, then-Nigerian President Yakubu Gowon created 12 states and three regions in Nigeria, on May 5, 1967.
Through this creation of States.
The way in which the Igbos used to live together as brothers in the "Eastern Region" are divided.

3. Legend Story

Many Igbo people in Rivers do not believe in the sacraments associated with the Igbo people because of their ancient stories.

But some Igbos in the Rivers and some Delta states say that, they migrated from Bini in Edo state to where they now live.

"If your region has nothing, in common,with Igbos,then Igbo people will not say we are brothers." Remember Igbo have Igala in their State and as their neighbours but they have never claimed that Igala are Igbos.”

South East Nigeria



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