A leader is a solution provider, he solved people's problems, he solved Community problems.
The problem you solve will create a path to leadership position.
Problems solvers are not crazy about position. They are focused on people, they want people to be happy, they want people to be fulfilled. Often they don't look popular, they just gradually bless people, impact lives.
Don't target leadership, don't seek leadership, don't canvas for leadership, don't beg people to make you their leader. Start impacting lives.
You can't be a problem solver and be neglected, ignored, abandoned, and be treated as a non-entity. Problem solving will turn you to celebrity.
Anywhere you are, solve problem for your Community, solve problem for your family, and solve problem for the masses.
In no time, no body will remember whether you are President, Governor, Commissioner Or Chairman in this world.
Politically they raise you up. Leaders are raised and cannot be erased.
To us the compatriots in struggle, who are supporting the growth, development and betterment of Lapai Community. Our vision is to become supporting hub to the growth and development of Lapai, protect it's interest and do more on community services and explore our potential in assisting the needs of people.
All our hardworkng, dedication and commitment shall surely paid off. Our rewards lies ahead, the sky shall be our limit.
Let's spread out our wing and soar high.
To those supporting the bad Government/Administration because of selfish interest, should incase remembered that the little previledge been given to them will come to an end, the little money will not be enough for them in the future.
They should be ashamed of them self by supporting the bad Government/Administration.
E-sign: Isah Aliyu Barwa