About Us
ITRealms is an international multiple award-winning broad online news platform with robust bias for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-inclined news since 2004, because we believe strongly that everything in 21st century and beyond, including autos, banking and finance, entertainment, politics, telecoms, trade & investment, arts, sports, fashion and entertainment and even gi
st among others have elements of technologies that drive them, nowadays. ITRealms, a member of DigitalSENSE Africa Media group, is a new media platform for the sharing and dissemination of relevant updates in Nigeria’s socio-economic activities. So, we bridge the gap for Nigerians and our teeming audience by way of simplified information analytics with thousands of visitors
While the United States has the highest score of visitors to ITRealms, Nigeria and United Kingdom follow very closely. This means that aside the fact that investors are consistently seeking information from ITRealms, they also share same, even as Nigerians are not left out. ITRealms was in 2010 adjudged a veritable online news source by the Deutsche Welle Radio and Free and Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSFA). In addition, ITRealms has covered several both local and international events.