O Precious Father, I know my heart can be deceitful. At times I can even fool myself. But when I kneel in your presence and am convicted by your Word, I find myself reminded of those areas I have not yet fully submitted to your control and Jesus' lordship.
Please, dear Father, use the Holy Spirit to gently show and convict of my self-deception so that I may be wholly lost in your will.
In the name of Jesus, Lord of lords, I pray.
Amen.O Precious Father, I know my heart can be deceitful. At times I can even fool myself. But when I kneel in your presence and am convicted by your Word, I find myself reminded of those areas I have not yet fully submitted to your control and Jesus' lordship.
Please, dear Father, use the Holy Spirit to gently show and convict of my self-deception so that I may be wholly lost in your will.
In the name of Jesus, Lord of lords, I pray.