Outdoor Republic began as a self published magazine by Babajide Fagade popularly known as Babs Fagade. However, the publication remains self financed; with an experienced editor while employing the use of freelance reporters, writers, photographers as well as contributors. The magazine, which was initially issued in March 2007, is directed at all marketing communications enthusiast at all levels o
f business throughout Nigeria and beyond by extension. With barely two years in circulation the publication became a known brand, gradually growing as the acceptable vanguard voice for the Out of Home advertising community. The publication target is a total combined circulation of 240,000 its debut year, increasing to 520,000 by the end of year three. Outdoor Republic became a monthly issued publication in year 2008 after debuting as a bi-monthly issue through the second half of year 2007. The Publisher, Babs Fagade is also a marketing communications practitioner, Out-of-Home media specialist and a resource person in the industry.