Text: Proverbs 11:21, Numbers 32:23.
Minister: Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide) [Before Message Prayers]
1. Before the break of the day, powers, pursuing me, fall down and die, in the name
of Jesus.
2. My glory, kept in any idol, I recover you by fire, in the name of Jesus
3. Owners of evil load, I am not your candidate, carry your load, in the name of
Jesus. 4. Power, of evil carry-over, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus. "Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the
righteous shall be delivered." Proverbs 11:21. Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished.
No matter:
- the intelligence
- the conspiracy
- your background
- how you can calculate - how smart you are
- your ancestry
- where you come from
- the university you went
- your clever profession
- your planning skill - your strategic knowledge
- how wise you are; NO SINNER WILL GO UNPUNISHED. Numbers 32:23 "But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord:
and be sure your sin will find you out." • The Sin is that great detector. TWO THINGS HAVE EXPRESSWAY TO HELL FIRE.
1. The Voice of the blood: unrighteous blood shared.
2. Sin and iniquity. - sin will weaken the senses
- sin will damage the way you think
- sin will injure your conscience
- sin will take your mind off spiritual things
- sin will increase the authority of the flesh over your life. • Whatever God has put a full stop, when you put a question mark and you go
further; the Bible calls it wickedness, abomination. • Sin is addictive. A sinner in one aspect of sin is an all-round sinner. The problem
of a little sin is that sin don't remain little. • Sin is sin. Sin has found many people out this year (2016) and that sin too will
found you out unless you do seven (7) things.
1. Repent
2. Repent
3. Repent
4. Repent 5. Repent
6. Repent
7. Repent • Many sins are generational. Ensure you sort out yourself with the Lord. "Thou hands may join in hands, no sinner will go unpunished" He didn't say "...no
sinner will go unforgiven." No! He may forgive you but the consequences are still
there to face. • Your worst enemy is your sinful act. If you sin for profit, you will not profit for sin.
Sin will make the cup of joy to break. The sin of one person can affect many. • Samson's hair grew again but his eyes never came back. God may forgive you but
you will bear the consequence. - Man calls SIN accident but God calls it abomination
- Man calls it blonder but God calls it blindness
- Man calls it defect but God calls it disease
- Man calls it chance but God calls it choice
- Man calls it error but God calls it enmity against heaven.
- Man calls it infirmity but God calls it iniquity - Man calls it a luxury but God calls it a leprosy
- Man calls it liberty but God calls it lawlessness
- Man calls it mistake but God calls it madness
- Man calls it weakness but God calls it willfulness. • Tonight, make your mind to repent before we enter the new year (And also after
entering the new year) PRAYER POINTS
- I plead the blood, the blood of Jesus
- There is power mighty in the blood.
- There is power, there is power, there is power in the blood.
- The blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus that conquers Satan. PRAY:
1. O God arise, and let my enemies be scattered, in the name of Jesus.
2. Embargoes of my father's house, embargoes of my mother's house, I am not your
candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Glory killers, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus. Prayers For Breakthrough
4. Utterances of the elders, assigned to demote me, backfire, in the name of Jesus
5. Cage of witchcraft, holding my breakthrough, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise, and let my story change, in the name of
1. Alle-luia, alle-luia. Alle-luia, Amen!
2. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest.
3. He is the King of kings, He is the Lord of lords. 4. He has broken the gate of brass and the cut the bars of iron in sunder.
5. Tura yaya nma nma.
6. Ebami gbe Jesu ga, Oba nla, Oba to da. PRAY:
1. My dream and my blood, shall not be bewitched this year, in the name of Jesus
(FIRST PRAYER POINT IN 2017) Prayers For Nigeria
1. Every enemy of Nigeria, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
2. Every rage of the enemy in Nigeria, we destroy you now, in the name of Jesus.
3. (Point one finger to the heavenlies) Powers, against the peace of this nation,
your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
4. Environmental witchcraft, my habitation is not your dwelling place, therefore, scatter, in the name of Jesus. DESTROYING SATANIC POWERS
1. (Lay your hand on your head) Arrows fired against my head this year, backfire, in
the name of Jesus.
2. SAY TO 7 PEOPLE: My friend, your luggages of joy will not scatter, in the name
of Jesus.
3. SAY TO 12 PEOPLE: Your God shall arise and your enemies shall scatter, in the name of Jesus. PROPHETIC PICTURE OF THE YEAR 2017 In this particular year, human beings are divided into three (3) categories. You
either manifest as SALT, SUGAR or ACID. But the one He wants you to manifest is
the SALT because the Bible says, "Ye are the Salt of the earth" and once the salt
has lost it potency that is it. He didn't say you are sugar of the earth or He didn't
say you are the acid of the earth. Some have become the acid of the earth now, Some have become the sugar of the
earth trying to please everybody but the Lord said you are the salt. Too many
Christians are fallen short of this and because we refused to be salty, we are being
spoiled by the world. Jesus said Ye are the salt of the earth, if the salt have lost its
taste, it has lost its strength and quality. He says how can the saltiness be
restored? He says its not good for anything again except they throw is away. This year, be the SALT of the earth because SALT:
- preserves
- purifies
- flavours
- penetrates
- walks quietly (It doesn't make noise on everything; naming ceremony noise, wedding, everything)
- cleanses
- when put in a place, it has a lingering effects
- has value and holds water.
- heals and at the same time it irritates when necessary (You can full your mouth
with sugar and it will react in your body but you cannot put salt in your mouth the way you put sugar)
- persists
- is inexpensive
- is universally available
- shoes no bias. 40 PROPHECIES OF THE YEAR 2017
1. In this year, don't hate anybody. Hatred is like digging a gravs and carrying your
2. This is a year of confused noises and meaningless storms.
3. This year, there will be heavenly final whistle to those who are attacking
genuinely God's people. 4. This year is a year of fighting between the road and the road users.
5 This is a year of incredible energy sapping battles.
6. This is a year of disgrace of popular international serpents and scorpions.
7. This is a year of incredible victory and supernatural intervention and triumph for
so many people. (You know the year is 2017; seventeen (17) is a number of victory
but there is no victory without a battle and no triumph without war) 8. This is a year of fantastic new beginning for many people.
9. This is a year where the sword will attack the holder of that sword.
10. This is a year and mark my words, all those who are investing in corruption,
wealth, money and accumulating things by corruption, it will yield them multiple
sorrow this year.
11. This is a year that will favour the givers. A year of mysterious uncommon blessings for givers.
12. This year, many foundational oppression and bondages will expire.
13. This year is a year of thanksgiving for divine deliverance.
14. This is a year of great and intensive confrontation between the kingdom of
darkness and the children of God but the children of the Almighty God will be
victorious. 15. This is a year of great confrontation between; morality and immorality, purity
and perversion, light and darkness, truth and falsehood.
16. This is a year of great challenges but also of achievements for those who are
ready to fight the good fight of faith.
17. This is a year of extraordinary victory for individuals, institutions and nations
who will use their spiritual weapons. 18. This is a year of redemption for many lands that are in contention.
19. This is a year of breakthroughs for those who have decided to be fishers of
20. This is a year where heavens will honour prayers targeted towards divinely
orchestrated victory.
21. This is a no nonsense year monitored by Herod slapping angels. 22. This is a year where the last laugh over your enemies will be secured.
23. A lot of prayers are needed for nations that show no respect for the
commandments of the Holy Bible and the Words of Scriptures.
24. This is a year where those who deeply love the Lord will not be moved by the
political, social and economic instability of the time.
25. If you have sowed into the things of God, this is a year where blessings will chase you and also overtake you.
26. This is a year that will witness the release of angels of abundant harvest.
27. God will begin to raise what we called powerful children ministers, anointed
young children because the adults have started to fail God.
28. Serious prayers are needed to avoid what is known as unprecedented
convulsion of the earth (By convulsion, we mean manifestation through earthquake, volcanoes, tsunamis, extreme weather, terrible winds)
29. This is a year of double edge divine vengeance.
30. This is a year you must restructure and embrace spiritual revival or you perish.
31. This is a year where warfare mentality is a prerequisite for survival. Many who
have been laughing at praying warfare prayer before; they will be the greatest
prayer warriors now. 32. Under-obedience will attract very strict heavenly sanctions this year.
33. This is a year of huge surprises both pleasant and unpleasant.
34. And I say this with all seriousness, the Lord said its a year of very deep sorrow
for the wicked.
35. This is a year that many who are being mocked shall rejoice.
36. This is a year of satanic recruitment to cage young girls, teenagers; serious prayers are needed.
37. This is a year of great awaken also a year of great shaken.
38. This is a year of the kind of showers of blessings that will change many
people's story forever.
39. This is a year of the aggressive rage of sexual demons and sexual perversion in
order to kill destinies (This is a very bad year for fornicators and adulterers no matter how clever they are, some will go on that journey and they won't come back
home, some will be destroyed along the way, the enemy will not give some of them
time to repent again).
40. This is a very rough year for "Jonah Christians". TEN (10) KEYS TO HOLD ON TO THIS YEAR 2017; WAYS TO SURVIVE. 10
1. Live a holy life.
2. You must stop unbelief.
3. Have a goal this year. (Learn to day NO to laziness)
4. Be persistent: ability to take repeated or in different ways of doing things. (Never surrender to discouragement)
5. Always seek divine directives.
6. Be filled with the Holy Ghost.
7. Disengage yourself from unprofitable friends.
8. Be generous toward God.
9. Locate your weaknesses and address them. 10. Become a prayer addict and a Bible addict: be a Word and Prayer addict. The Working Scripture For Us In The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries. Our
Watchword For Us This Year. 1. Psalm 18:37 "I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I
turn again till they were consumed." 2. Isaiah 29:8 "It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he
eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth,
and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath
appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion." 3. Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to
preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to
preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
DELIVERANCE. ===> This year will not swallow you and any power that wants you to be swallowed
this year, shall fail, in Jesus' name.