Irae's Magazine

Irae's Magazine

Humanizing people through stories.

Chats with Revy the Explorer, a creative nomad.—[We had this conversation a couple of months ago, and as I edited the dr...

Chats with Revy the Explorer, a creative nomad.

[We had this conversation a couple of months ago, and as I edited the draft to share days back, and I realized that so much growth has happened in the space of three months. I'd definitely love to bring her back eventually, but for now, enjoy this episode. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.]

iRae: What do you do, currently?

"I write—Ghostwriting novels and erotica is my main job. Then I'm a virtual assistant for one of my friends, and most of what I do for her is writing articles or copywriting."

iRae: That's a lot of remote worker energy, if I'm correct. What's it like?

"You're correct. It requires a lot of time management, which I'm bad at. I like to be outside but finding places to work outside without spending money is hard nowadays. I didn't want a 9-5 and now I work 24/7 lmao."

iRae: I know, right. The irony.
How do you manage to not run mad when you're working? I mean, nothing like 'go home, we've closed for today', coupled with the fact that you're working multiple jobs.?

"One thing about me? I will sleep. Any small stress, I don carry pillow."

iRae: Onsite workers can't relate.😂😭


iRae: Let's talk about a bit of adventure. What's the best place you've enjoyed going, so far?

"Uyo—It's my favourite city. There's not much to do there, but there are a lot of free parks and I like that."

iRae: Ouu. You've been to Uyo? I've only seen their aesthetics through the internet, and it's a calm city.

"Very calm, yes."

iRae: Books. Movies. Music. Choose one, delete one.

"Choosing music and deleting movies, sadly."

iRae: Does music help you destress?


iRae: Asides your current jobs, do you have other creatuve interests?

"A lot. Reading, drawing, crocheting and YouTubing."

iRae: Do you plan to pursue any of these in the nearest future?

" YouTube, most likely. I don't intend to monetize any of my hobbies like that again."

iRae: That's okayy, I look forward to your YouTube. And by the way, I saw some of the fits you made by yourself, they're really cool and beautiful.

"Thank you."

iRae: One place you plan to visit or travel to?

"New Orleans. The black culture and history there, plus the architecture is amazing."

iRae: Ouuu. I don't even know so much about New Orleans. Edit: I didn't even know New Orleans existed.😩

"Got interested in it after watching The Princess and The Frog."

iRae: Speaking of travels, would you prefer a staycation solo travel or travel with friends?

"I don't have any friends who are as interested in travelling as I am, but if I did, I'd pick the latter."

iRae: Have you ever traveled with a friend?

"Not yet."

iRae: Okayy, so, if you were to recommend a place in Lagos to newbies for camping, where would it be and why?

"Camping ke? For this Nnewi?

iRae: 😂

"It's picnic spots I know of like Johnson Jakande Tinubu (JJT) park. Although it used to be free, now I heard they're charging 1k and you need to show taxpayer ID to enter. Idek when we started paying taxes in Nigeria."

iRae: Like they haven't already taxed our lives.

"Real af, I don't even get it "

iRae: Sadly, there's little to what we can do about it.

"Only to sit inside our houses and marinate in sadness."

iRae: Do you live alone?

"No, I have a roommate. I stay in a hostel."

iRae: What's the hardest part of having a roommate?

"I can't DJ in peace."

iRae: You also love loud music? [Edit: I know, I know I fu**ed up at this moment.😭]

"If you see any girl talking about DJing on the internet, she means masturbation.💀—Unless she's an actual dj."

*sends voice message in mortification and receives one in consolation.

iRae: Do you stress cook?

"Not at all. If I'm stressed I'm buying food asap"

iRae: Fair, fair. How would you describe your mental health presently—Better than it was at the beginning of the year, or it's in the hands of God?

"A lot better than it was at the start of the year, it was in shambles before.😂"

iRae: Like we don't always have to build it from scratch. Anyways, wrapping up, give me two truths and one lie. I'll guess which is which—othing too deep, abegg.

"My hair is blonde at the moment, I have one piercing, and I'm left-handed."

iRae: Oh, God. *goes off to check recent posts. Okay, your hair is blonde atm, you have one piercing, and you're not left handed. How am I even supposed to know.😭😂

"It's not deep na, and you're correct."

iRae: Eiii. I was prepared to chop my l and move on. Can you tell the humans that will read this something, anything?

"Everything there is to say, do or write has been done before, but not by you. You are the unique factor, so don't let "someone has already done it" stop you."

iRae: hm, this is actually deep. Thank you so much, Rebecca, for doing this with me. I had a great time, and I appreciate it, fr.

"You're welcomeee, it was nice."

Okay, my luvs. See you in the next one!

...Because a new interview drops next Tuesday, and I'm so excited.

Because a new interview drops next Tuesday, and I'm so excited.

knock, knock.Irae here! Super excited to announce that we have a beautiful soul on the magazine soon! Who else is excite...

knock, knock.

Irae here! Super excited to announce that we have a beautiful soul on the magazine soon! Who else is excited?

I know it's been a minute, but I'm determined to make this work. Help me to serve you with the best of content, and support me by giving this page a like, follow and share my page with your friends.

See you all tomorrow, my luvs.🫶


Hi, my luvs.

I genuinely apologize for the abrupt break, it was unavoidable situations—and again, I am super grateful for your support. We hit and crossed 170 followers while I was away.

iRae's Magazine is about giving a you brief look into the minds of people and a wide range of topics.
I am back with different amazing features, and I'm very sure you're not ready for any of the interesting conversations coming your way.

From August, new features begin to drop on Tuesdays and Fridays, stay tuned and in the meanwhile, give this page a follow and share! You don't want to miss the amazing line up of people I already have for you.

If you'd like to collaborate or support this growing brand via sponsorships and gifts, reach out to me via email at [email protected] or send a DM today!

See you tomorrow, my luvs!😍


Unfiltered Archive, Ep 1.

~Fola, 22.

"What's your worst fear?"

I hear this question all the time and it so strange that people don't think like me. Like, it's very weird to say sharks is your worst fear. Some say seeing lots of blood, some say losing loved ones, some say failure, some say marriage.

Fine, their dreams are valid but have you ever considered dying in the bathroom? My biggest fear is becoming unconscious while naked, bro. Like I'm taking a shower and I hit my head and slump or I'm taking a big s**t and something just happens and I am just there, naked and unable to find help.

It's why I cannot live alone, man. It's even worse when you didn't die and you have neighbours who came to your rescue. Like I'll die the second time of mortification because what happened in that period of time?

It's a very intrusive thought and I know you never expected this reply, but think about it, too.

Hi, my luvs— iRae here. I hope you enjoyed this one. Please, react, share and follow this page. See you in the next one, bye.😙


And we freaking hit 170 followers on this page!

Thank you so much, really.

None of this would have been possible if I didn't have readers and humans who fw my craft and art. Thank youuu, and cheers to more, my luvs!!


Featuring Ep1 guest, Davile Davile with host iRae
Hi, David. Are you ready for your interview?

[S1~E1] "Your beauty will save you." -David, 2024.—Today's interview is with David, walk with me as we  explore friendsh...


"Your beauty will save you." -David, 2024.

Today's interview is with David, walk with me as we explore friendships, creativity and other things in between. Enjoy!

[iRae] Hi, David. What's your full name?

[David] Nwadigo David Babaferanmi.

[iRae] Presently, what do you do?

[David] I teach for now, trying to save up for school.

[iRae] That's beautiful, I'm trusting God for the strength to deal with the kids in my street.

[David] Right.😂

[iRae] Tell me, how has your teaching experience been so far?

[David] Turbulent. It's really hard shaping the minds of these children— It's hard. In the end, it's an experience I'm learning from, too.

[iRae] Love your perspective, fr. Left to me, I'll be bawling tears everyday.
[iRae] Big ups to you on that, David.

[David] Thank you so much, Sharon.❤️

[iRae] So, asides what you currently do, do you have any creative interests?(I low key feel like myself and a million other people here know this.😅)

[David] Obviously, they do. I love creative photography. I really love taking pictures amd bringing out the beauty of basically everything. I also calligraph. Drawing, too—I'm a bit rusty though, and fashion styling. That's basically it on creative interests.

[iRae] That's a lot of creative interests. I can't even draw a straight line to save my life.

[David] Your beauty will save you.😂❤

[iRae] So I'll take it that you're a creative person, abi not?

[David] Yes, yes.

[iRae] Can you cook? Rate it based on this—can you cook and someone would say wow, or just basic cooking skills to save a life from starvation?

[David] Based on this, I'd say 6.5.

[iRae] So you'll cook for me and I'll be wowed? Nice. Jsyk, you're a marriage prospect for your female readers.

[David] Of course.😂❤

[iRae] One more thing, David, before we begin to wrap things up. Share one of the best advices you ever got this year.

[David] I believe I should send the screenshot. *attaches image.

[iRae] Aw.

[David] She advised me to make a better version of myself.

[iRae] This is so sweet, and much better?Everything she said is true! No lie in them.

[David] Thank you.🥹

[iRae] Now, I'm tempted to ask you to talk about love, but I'll save my questions for the public interview.

What's one of the kindest gestures you've ever shown in a friendship?

[David] Sent my last card on earth to the person.
Not once, not twice but thrice.

[iRae] Omoo. You guys, get you a friend like David! That's so kind and beautiful.

[David] ️I wish we could do the public interview today, this is so fun.

[iRae off interview] *melts and turns to mush.
[iRae] Books or movies

[David] Movies.

[iRae] I know, right.

[David] 😩😩

[iRae] I know you don't like music like the average teen. We'll see to that later.

[iRae] What’s your go-to comfort food when you need a pick-me-up?

[David] Jollof spaghetti.

[iRae] Ouuu. You have great taste.
[iRae] And finally, instead of a deep message to motivate the people reading this, I need you to fake a deep quote which doesn't really make sense at the end of the day—just something funny.

[David] †Life is like a mountain, you cannot drink a lion because the earth is like a pineapple.

†If we forgive those who trespass against us, they fit try am again, so, vawulence na the way forward Whichever amuses you the most.

[iRae] What is this, David? I'm rolling! Definitely the first one, though.

[David] Okay.😂

[iRae] I want to say thank you for doing this, David. Thank you so much.
[iRae] Did you have a great time? Because I definitely did. You're so easy to talk to, and I look forward to your progress, the beautiful content you serve us with and maybe even a collaboration in the future.

[David] Thank you so much for the compliments, you made it easy too. I had a swell time.🥰

[iRae] Aw. I'm glad you had fun. Bye, David.

[David] Bye, love.

See you tomorrow, luvs. I'll be interviewing David here on my timeline tomorrow. Don't forget to give this a reaction, drop a comment and share on your timeline. My audience could be on your profile.

Bye for now!😘

My first interview is this morning. I'm nervous about a bunch of things. I'm nervous something will come up and ruin eve...

My first interview is this morning.

I'm nervous about a bunch of things. I'm nervous something will come up and ruin everything I've been doing for weeks now.

Anxiety will not be the end of me, sha.

I'm also nervous about the turn out of this interview. As much as it's my passion to string words together, I'm afraid y'all won't like my s**t.

Another one, pride won't be the end of me.

I'm afraid I'll be criticized and judged, I'm afraid there'll be a backlash from people who hate me.

I'm also scared of constantly putting myself out there—in your faces. Yk, carrying my magazine on my head kind of thing. It's weird, and it'll take a bit of time to get used to it.

I'm afraid I won't get sponsors, and that the ones I already have would pull out of the agreement. Please, don't pull out if you're reading this. I take God beg you.

I'm a little bit of a fixer upper, but I promise you'll fall in love eventually. In the meanwhile, please just support my craft.

I'm afraid of these things happening, and as much as I'm not trying to be negative, they might. I want only the best to happen, but the worst might happen, too.

I'm not here to buy pity or anything, I just dey use God beg you, support me whatever way you can as I begin to interview people.

Shoving all emotions under the rug, let's get this started!🫶😙







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