I recently came across a write-up in which a woman shared a heartfelt story. She expressed sadness upon discovering that her 86-year-old father, who had been her inspiration to become a writer, once harboured dreams of becoming one himself. He had even written a draft novel. However, he never submitted it to any publisher. Why? Because he doubted whether what he wrote was good enough. He felt no one would be interested in reading it.
The story immediately reminded me of several people I have met, who desire to write a book but consistently doubt that they ‘have what it takes to become an author.’ When I chat briefly with these folks, I often find that some of them already have a clear outline of the story they want to share or the concept they want to write about. Still, they just would not get started because of self-doubt.
I am always like, ‘‘this is not right.’’ Firstly, you should know that everyone who is a star in their game battled self-doubts when they started out, including the renowned writers that you admire. Self-doubts will always want to play tricks on your mind, suggesting that your ideas are not novel or your story is not exciting enough to captivate people’s attention. You know the solution? Ignore them. Yeah, just go ahead and start writing your book, even if the doubts keep trying to come at you, lurking at the back of your mind.
Look yourself in the mirror, beat your hand against your chest, and repeat ‘‘I have what it takes to write a good book; my story is good enough; my ideas are sound and people will find them useful.’’ Then pull out your device and start working on the outline.
Do not worry that the book may not become a bestseller. Thinking like that will only paralyse you and keep you from writing. Even if the book does not turn out to be a literary sensation, you will be in good company. For most A-list authors today, it was not their first book that made them superstars; it might have been their second, third, fourth, or even fifth book.
Your story deserves to be told; your ideas are worth sharing, and the world is eager to read them. So, grab your device, cast aside your doubts, and let your creative juices flow!