Rhibbon Nation

Rhibbon Nation We are a book publishing and ghostwriting company.

BOOK ON RECYCLING IN THE PIPELINE⁣We are about to publish a book for a client on the topic of starting and growing a suc...


We are about to publish a book for a client on the topic of starting and growing a successful recycling business and reading the manuscript has been an eye-opener for me.
So, you recall how I said a few days back that someone contacted us at Rhibbon Nation about a manuscript he had developed, which had been gathering dust in one of the desk drawers in his study. He wanted us to polish and publish it.
Well, it’s the first book we are publishing in 2024, and I must say that its contents have intrigued me to no end. Truthfully, I did not know the first thing about the world of waste recycling and the circular economy until I read the manuscript in question.
My ignorance was so thick that I could not tell how a business like Wecyclers makes money. Strangely, I never researched it! Now, I know that any company operating in the recycling sector, if run properly, can generate a high income.
There are many opportunities for a recycling business to generate revenue because there are many products that can be recycled, including plastic waste (such as PET bottles – those used for bottling soft drinks), electronic waste or E-waste (such as old computers, mobile phones, printers, and other electronic devices), scrap metals (such as Aluminum and steel cans), paper and cardboard (such as newspapers, magazines, office paper, packaging boxes, and cartons), used batteries, used tyres, and glass container (such as glass bottles and jars).
It’s a circular economy; most waste products can be turned into new products. Isn’t that something?
Anyway, this book we are bringing out for our client is a treasure trove for entrepreneurs, policymakers, professionals, and researchers in waste recycling and environmental management.
So, if you operate in the waste recycling and environmental sustainability sector or are interested in setting up a waste recycling business, watch this space for when the book will be released. It will not take long, I promise!



After connecting with individuals on LinkedIn, I usually send them a message to welcome them to my network and also offer them the opportunity to contact me to pick my brains or get a professional opinion if they ever undertake a project that borders on my expertise. And as you may have already known, my expertise is in book publishing and ghostwriting.
So, on a particular day last November, I sent a response to some professionals I had recently connected with on LinkedIn. A few hours later, I received a message from one of them informing me that he had a draft manuscript he wrote sometime back. However, it had remained in a raw state. He wanted to know if my associates and I at Rhibbon Nation would be willing to edit the manuscript, fine-tune it, and publish it.
Now, I can tell you for free that this was not the first, second, or third time I encountered someone who had written a draft manuscript but had left it lying in some drawer for only God knows how long!
Maybe you are someone with a similar experience. Perhaps you have developed a manuscript that is stowed away, tucked in some drawer, and collecting dust.
For the past one, two, or three years, you have been waiting for the right moment to pass the manuscript on to a publishing company to turn it into a professionally published book.
Well, that time is now! 2024 should be when you dust up your manuscript and have it published.
It’s time to become the author that you should have been a long time ago!

Reading an insightful book transforms your life. You acquire information that illuminates your mind; your perspective is...

Reading an insightful book transforms your life. You acquire information that illuminates your mind; your perspective is expanded; and most importantly, you experience personal growth. Make sure to always read good, insightful books!



Talking about taking massive action to achieve your goals in 2024, one of the goals I want to highlight is writing a book.
Now, I know first-hand that at the beginning of every year, many people decide to write a book before the year ends. Many of these folks have set this goal yearly for the past five years. Still, they have not written the book.
The story should change in 2024.
You can write the book you have always desired if you are willing to take massive action. Massive action is what it will take for you to achieve your goals for 2024.
And do not get scared by the expression ‘‘massive action.’’ It just means doing what you need to do without slacking.
Yes, the book writing process can be tedious, but you can make it happen with relative ease if you take just one action consistently, without slacking: write a specific number of words five days a week.
Suppose you decide to write 250 words daily, and you actually stick to that commitment. By the end of week 1, you would have written 1,250 words. One month down the road, you would have penned down 5,000 words. After 10 months, your manuscript will contain 50,000 words. That is already a book of 200 pages!
The idea of writing for only five days – out of seven – in a week is to allow you the remaining two days for research.
Even if you have limited time to write because you are busy with your day job, you will find time to write 250 words from Monday to Friday, if you truly commit yourself to the goal.
So, you can see that your goal to write a book this year is achievable. But for this to happen, you must take massive action; you must take action without slacking.

KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THE BOOK ‘‘THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG’’⁣⁣Achieving success in life is tied to how you think rather tha...

Achieving success in life is tied to how you think rather than your talent or intellectual prowess. In this book, David J Schartz explains how you can build the capacity to think big and achieve better results, earn more money and live a more fulfilling and happy life.
1. BELIEVE YOU CAN SUCCEED AND YOU WILL – When you believe I-can-do-it, the how-to-do-it develops in your mind. Strong belief triggers the mind to figure out ways and means and how-to.
2. ENLARGE YOUR THINKING – The size of your achievements will never outgrow the size of your thinking. To increase your success, you must upsize your thinking.
3. STOP MAKING EXCUSES – Cure Yourself of ‘excusitis,’ the failure disease. Unsuccessful people suffer from excusitis; they always make excuses for not doing something. Eliminate the habit of making excuses if you want to succeed.
4. CONQUER YOUR FEARS AND BUILD CONFIDENCE – Fear can hold you back from doing what’s required. One of the ways to cure fear is action. As you conquer your fears by taking action, you will become confident, enabling you to take even bigger action.
5. THINK CREATIVELY – Creative thinking is simply finding new and better ways to do anything. When you believe, really believe, something can be done, your mind goes to work for you and helps you to find the ways to do it.
6. SEE YOURSELF IN A BETTER LIGHT – How you see yourself, that is, your self-image, determines how you dress, carry yourself and act. How you act determines how others respond to you.
7. CREATE A FIRST-CLASS ENVIRONMENT FOR YOURSELF – Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” One of the main impacts on your success will be the company you surround yourself with. Select the people you associate with carefully. Hang around people who think progressively.
8. IMPROVE YOUR ATTITUDE TO IMPROVE YOUR RESULTS – Your attitudes affect how you think, feel and act, to affect your outcomes. When our attitude is right, our abilities reach a maximum of effectiveness and good results inevitably follow.
9. TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT – No one can succeed without others’ support. Get the support of other people and you will succeed faster. So, learn to treat people right, make friends, be likeable and build positive, constructive relationships.
10. TAKE ACTION PROACTIVELY – Dreams and ideas are useless without action. Create a plan and take action. And don’t wait for the perfect plan or conditions before you act.
11. TURN DEFEAT INTO VICTORY – Successful people also face opposition, setbacks and defeat, but they overcome setbacks to bounce back stronger. When you lose, learn, and then go on to win next time.
12 USE GOALS TO CONTINUE TO GROW - Set both long term and short-term goals and develop plans to achieve them. To accomplish something, we must plan to accomplish something.
13. BE AN EFFECTIVE LEADER – Success and the ability to lead others, getting them to do things they wouldn’t do if they were not led, go hand-in-hand. So, develop the capacity to be an effective leader.

Three days ago, I posted a video in which Kev Blackburn highlighted that the only sure way to achieve your goals for 202...

Three days ago, I posted a video in which Kev Blackburn highlighted that the only sure way to achieve your goals for 2024 is to take massive action consistently.
This is true for every goal you have set for yourself, but particularly if you want to grow your ghostwriting and content writing business and make more money in 2024.
I am guessing that making a lot of money is something that appeals to you.
With the cost of living shooting through the roof over the past few months, the best way to maintain a decent standard of living is to earn more money.
By growing your business and serving more clients, you will increase your earnings as a ghostwriter and content writer in 2024.
Here are a few massive actions you should focus on:
𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐲 – Identify the people or businesses that need or are looking for what you offer and pitch your services to them. Find them on LinkedIn, Twitter, content websites, etc., and send them pitches. Remember, it’s a numbers game. The more pitches you send to the right target audience, the more gigs you will get.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐨 – Ideally, you should have samples of your writing on your LinkedIn account and any other relevant platform or website. And, you should always update them with your latest and best writings because anyone who wants to engage your services will check your portfolio to see how good a writer you are.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 – What I said in the last point about your portfolio applies here as well. The thing is, if you constantly write and share content online, the content becomes your portfolio. It sells and advertises you to whoever reads it. Moreover, writing and sharing content online will keep you top of the minds of people. Whenever they or someone around them needs a ghostwriter or content writer, you will be the first person that will come to their mind.
𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 – If you write quality content, you should be paid quality rates. With the cost of living skyrocketing, unless you set competitive rates, you will find that you might work all the time but will never earn sufficient income to cover your bills. So, do not be afraid to raise your prices so long as you produce quality work for your clients and are not prohibitively exorbitant.
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 – It takes a lot of discipline to block out distractions and focus on working, and just doing the things that will grow your business. There will always be the temptation to pause and scroll through social media or respond to the notifications coming into your phone. Look, if you really want to grow your ghostwriting and content writing business in 2024, you will have to cut out the distractions and devote the majority of your time to working. Only a small portion of your time should go to socializing on social media.

WELCOME TO 2024!It is a year that is filled with endless possibilities. There is so much to accomplish and so many miles...


It is a year that is filled with endless possibilities.

There is so much to accomplish and so many milestones to achieve.

We should set audacious goals and work diligently towards turning our dreams into reality.

God willing, there will be countless moments to savour throughout the year.

𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞⁣One of the first things you must figure out when you want to write a book is its...

𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

One of the first things you must figure out when you want to write a book is its audience. That is the people who will read it. It does not matter whether you are looking to write a novel, a nonfiction book, or even poetry, you have to decide on the people you will write for.⁣⁣

Why Write for a specific audience ⁣⁣

I can give five reasons to write for a specific set of people.⁣⁣

First, doing so will increase the chances that those keen on the topic covered in your book will rush to buy it in droves. Look at it like this, if your little girl took ill and when you rushed her to the hospital, you were given the option of having her attended to by a general practitioner or a pediatrician, who would be your choice? The answer is obvious: you will choose for her to be attended to by the pediatrician. You would make that decision because the pediatrician has a skillset specific to treating children’s ailments. The same principle applies when writing a book. When a book is focused on a particular audience, addressing a specific problem that they have, the people in that category will rush to buy it.⁣⁣

Secondly, writing for a specific audience makes your book very relevant. You know whom you are writing for and what challenges they are dealing with so you can shape your content to match their needs, interests, and expectations. Moreover, knowing whom you are writing for serves as a roadmap for you, making the book writing process smoother and more straightforward.⁣⁣

Thirdly, when you write with a particular audience in mind, you are more likely to connect with your readers on a personal level. They will feel like you are talking directly to them, creating a deep engagement with your book and a strong bond with you, the author⁣⁣.

Fourthly, marketing efforts for a book written for a specific audience will likely yield better results. You will concentrate your marketing efforts on a group of people, leveraging relevant channels and the platforms where they congregate. That way, you will sell more books.⁣⁣

Fifthly, having a defined audience makes it easier to gather feedback during the writing process. You can receive input from beta readers, who represent your target readers to help you refine your work.⁣⁣

Identifying your intended book's audience is a vital step in the book-writing process. It helps you achieve better results with your book. So, before you start writing that book, take the time to get to know your target readers. Remember, your goal is not just to write a book but to write a book that would be helpful to your audience.⁣⁣

Setting Rates for Your Ghostwriting Services ⁣A few days ago, someone who is new to ghostwriting reached out to me seeki...

Setting Rates for Your Ghostwriting Services

A few days ago, someone who is new to ghostwriting reached out to me seeking my advice on how to establish rates for their ghostwriting service. You know, the classic question: "How should I price my ghostwriting service? What rate should I go for?" I have been through the question quite a few times, and I remember asking the same thing when I first ventured into the world of ghostwriting.
First and foremost, when potential clients inquire about your ghostwriting rates, they are essentially seeking a number to figure out if they can afford your services. However, before you propose a rate, it is essential to consider several key factors inherent in ghostwriting.
First off, tackling a mammoth project like writing a 50,000 to 100,000-word book or an autobiography is no small feat. It takes several months of work to complete. Beyond the initial draft, there is going to be extensive collaboration with the author, involving rounds of feedback and numerous rewrites across various sections of the manuscript. Committing to such a ghostwriting project often means sacrificing other clients and dedicating exclusive time to deliver a quality book on schedule.
If it is an autobiography or a memoir, the preliminary step involves conducting hours of interviews with the client and recording those conversations. Then comes the transcription part – you might even bring in a couple of transcribers to help out. It will be extremely time-consuming for you to attempt to transcribe 15 – 20 hours of audio all by yourself. Of course, a chunk of your fee will go towards compensating these transcribers.
And, if it is a nonfiction book, don't expect the client to sit down for interviews where they will share their expert knowledge, with you only needing to transcribe and polish what they said. More likely, you will need to embark on extensive research to gather the right materials for the book. And believe me, this kind of research can be arduous and time-intensive. It’s a real grind. I have done this a few times and I can tell you all these for a fact.
Calculating Your Ghostwriting Rates
Most ghostwriters in Nigeria set their rates based on either word count or project scope. My personal preference is to provide project-based quotes.
For those who charge per word, the math is straightforward. For instance, a 50,000-word book at, let's say, N80 per word amounts to N4,000,000. But you are likely going to churn out slightly more or fewer words than initially specified by the client. This happens all the time. So, it is advisable to agree on a fixed word count while incorporating flexibility to slightly exceed or fall short of that figure in the ghostwriting contract/agreement. This same approach applies if you are tackling any other ghostwriting work, like a 1,000-word thought-leadership article or an 850-word piece.
Experienced ghostwriters often opt for a per-project rate. This involves quoting your client a flat fee for the entire project – be it a book or any other ghostwriting engagement. Factor in your word rate and include costs for everything else, like the hours you will spend interviewing the client and the cost of transcribing the audio recordings. Crunch those behind-the-scenes numbers and present your client with a single sum
Another approach to determining a flat fee is to estimate how long the whole project will take. Particularly, this applies to bigger projects like books and autobiographies. Once you establish the time required to complete the project, approximate what your monthly earnings should be, based on your level of expertise and experience. Multiply this figure by the number of months it will take to write the draft, get feedback, make revisions, proofread, edit, and finalize the manuscript. Then add all other costs and present a flat figure to your client.
When presenting the client with a total project fee, you don't have to break down every little detail or explain how you arrived at the amount. They do not need the full thought process behind it. Also, it is unnecessary to disclose your salary considerations. And if they start negotiating, briefly outline the extensive work involved in the ghostwriting process – particularly, ghostwriting a book or an autobiography, but then quickly redirect the conversation to the value the final product will bring to them.

YOU NEED AN AUTHOR PLATFORM TO SELL TONS OF COPIES OF YOUR BOOKS⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣Yesterday evening, I was on a call with an author...

Yesterday evening, I was on a call with an author who has written three books over the past three years. For the first two books, he printed 1000 copies each because he was convinced that people would rush to buy the titles as soon as they hit the shelves.⁣⁣
It turned out that both books sold only a few copies. And since he published the second book right after releasing the first one, there was not much time for him to learn useful lessons on book sales which he would have applied when releasing his second book.
Family members and friends bought some copies of the two titles. Then some of the bookshops through which he distributed the books also sold a few copies. Beyond that, he could barely sell any additional copies.⁣⁣
Toward the end of our conversation, I reminded him that shortly after he released his first book, I had urged him to make efforts to build an author platform. Back then, I insisted that with an author platform, he would sell more copies of his books.⁣⁣ Unfortunately, he did not see the sense in my proposal so he toss it into the trash can. Right now, he thinks differently.
I know that different people define an author platform in many different ways, and they all make sense. I looked at it hard and long and came up with a definition that says ''An author platform refers to what you write about, how much your target audience knows and follows you, and would readily buy your books. It encompasses everything you do, both online and offline to connect and engage with your target audience, build a reputation as an authority on your topic, boost your visibility, promote your books, and make it easier for your target readers to discover and buy them.’’⁣⁣
You need an author platform to sell tons of copies of your books. Usually, a reader has to know you and like what you write before they buy your book. The more people that get to know and like you, the more your books will sell. Building an author platform is a powerful strategy that will get you there.⁣⁣

One of the most exciting autobiographies I have read is ‘‘IACOCCA: An Autobiography’’ by Lee Iacocca. Iacocca was an Ame...

One of the most exciting autobiographies I have read is ‘‘IACOCCA: An Autobiography’’ by Lee Iacocca. Iacocca was an American automobile executive who made a name for himself while working, first at Ford Motors and, later, at Chrysler Motors.⁣⁣
In the first part of the autobiography, Iacocca talks about his growing-up years, including his relationship with his father. He also talks about his education, from the elementary level to graduating from Stanford University with a graduate degree.⁣⁣
In the second part, he tells the story of his thirty-two years at the Ford Motor Company. He talks about the cars they built, the relationships he developed, and his rise through the ranks, to eventually becoming the president of Ford. Then he narrated how he got fired at the peak of his career.⁣⁣
The third part of the autobiography focuses on the ‘‘Chrysler Story.’’ Iacocca highlights the difficult task of saving Chrysler from bankruptcy and the measures he adopted to achieve the objective.⁣⁣
The final part dwells on issues around the auto industry which Iacocca felt passionate about.⁣⁣
At first, I assumed that I found Iacocca’s story exciting because of the way the story is written – in a passionate, exciting, full of gusto, witty, talkative-like, say-it-as-I-see-it manner.⁣⁣
Much later, I realised that ‘‘IACOCCA: An Autobiography’’ is exciting because it is woven around the key points that make an autobiography an exhilarating and memorable read.⁣⁣
These key points include:⁣⁣
It is Authentic and Honest – Readers crave a genuine account of the life of an author of an autobiography, complete with their raw emotions, vulnerabilities, and unfiltered experiences. Folks want the unvarnished truth.⁣⁣

A Well-Crafted Narrative – The story should be structured compellingly, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should flow smoothly, taking the reader through the significant events in the author's life.⁣⁣
Incorporates Universal Themes – While an autobiography is usually a personal account, it should touch on universal themes such as love, loss, friendship, identity, disagreements, purpose, etc. The inclusion of these themes makes it resonates with more people.⁣⁣
Introspection and Reflection – An autobiography is richer when it includes personal thoughts. Let the reader know your thoughts as significant issues mentioned in your story unfolded.⁣⁣
Showcases Triumph Over Adversity – People are naturally drawn to stories of resilience, where individuals face and overcome significant challenges – illness, loss, discrimination, poverty, setbacks, etc. A good autobiography showcases this.⁣⁣
Vivid, Descriptive Writing Style – It should be written in such a vivid and descriptive manner that the reader will form pictures of the events, incidences, and places in the narrative as he pages through the autobiography.⁣⁣

John Anakwenze’s journey as an author is a rather fascinating one. Before he wrote his first nonfictional novel in 2018,...

John Anakwenze’s journey as an author is a rather fascinating one. Before he wrote his first nonfictional novel in 2018, he would never have agreed if anyone had told him he would become an author.⁣⁣
He trained as a medical doctor and had practiced the profession for over forty years without once thinking of writing a book. But that is what happened, and since then, he has written three other titles in multiple volumes.⁣⁣
In 2018, he traveled to Nigeria on vacation from the UK, where he had been practicing as a medical doctor for over 25 years. He woke up one morning in a hotel room in Awka around 7 am, remembered he had traveled down with his iPad, jumped out of bed, and spontaneously started putting down thoughts about his childhood and his years growing up in Nigeria.⁣⁣
As he wrote down his thoughts, he did not have the slightest idea that he would end up writing an entire novel. As it turned out, that is what he did. Thus, the ‘‘The Bee Chase’’ was born.⁣⁣
Writing ''The Bee Chase'' in 2018 awakened a story-telling ability Dr. Anakwenze never realized he possessed. The following year, he authored a second novel titled ‘‘Udenka’’. Then in 2020, he wrote ‘‘The Smiling Death Gang’’. In 2021, he re-wrote ''The Bee Chase'' to make it bigger and fuller. In 2022, he penned the second volume of ‘‘The Smiling Death Gang.’’ Early in 2023, ‘‘Scale The Top’’ was published. Right now, he is writing the third volume of ‘‘The Smiling Death Gang.’’⁣⁣
I find it amazing that a man who trained and practiced as a medical doctor for over forty years would write his first book at age 76 (he was born in 1942) and become such a prolific writer.⁣⁣
Anyway, I guess what he has achieved has reinforced one lesson ‘‘It is never too late to explore your abilities; it’s never too late to try something new.’’⁣⁣
All the titles are sold in bookshops across Nigeria and on Amazon.⁣⁣

A thought leadership book is a book that an individual – who has extensive knowledge, experience, or innovative ideas wi...

A thought leadership book is a book that an individual – who has extensive knowledge, experience, or innovative ideas within a specific field – writes to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as a trusted authority and a go-to resource in the particular domain.⁣⁣
Given the intended impact of a thought-leadership book, writing one requires you to note specific points to ensure you achieve the desired result. These points include the following:⁣⁣
1. Define Your Core Message – Before you commence writing a thought-leadership book, you should be clear about what specific message or idea you want to convey to your readers. By defining your message, you can ensure that whatever you write revolves around a central theme that aligns with your expertise.⁣⁣
2. Define Your Audience – Whom is your book intended for? Who will benefit the most from your message? Is it professionals in a particular field or potential customers of a specific industry? Are you writing for founders of startups, aspiring entrepreneurs, or C-suite executives? You should be clear about your target audience so you will provide the most suitable content and use the most appropriate writing style and tone for your book.⁣⁣
3. Conduct Thorough Research – A well-researched thought-leadership book establishes credibility and builds trust with readers. So, engage in thorough research to validate your ideas. Endeavour to include data, statistics, and other relevant supporting evidence to substantiate your arguments. By incorporating a research base, you offer a deeper understanding of the subject matter, making your expertise shine.⁣⁣
4. Structure Your Content Strategically – A good thought-leadership book should be well-structured and organised. Create a detailed outline that maps out the chapters, then break them down into sub-topics, and the main ideas you want to cover. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability and facilitate comprehension.⁣⁣
5. Develop an Engaging and Easy-to-Understand Writing Style – Strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing to ensure your ideas are easy to read and understand. Avoid jargon or complex terminology that may alienate or confuse your audience.
6. Provide Actionable Insights and Practical Advice – Go beyond theoretical concepts and offer concrete steps or strategies that readers can implement. This is one of the primary goals of a thought-leadership book.⁣⁣
7. Be Authentic and Original – Endeavour to ensure that you do not merely regurgitate existing ideas or summarize the works of others. Wherever possible, share personal stories and experiences to highlight your journey and give credence to your message. Such personal touches will add to the authenticity and originality of your book and help you stand out from the crowd.⁣⁣

I watched a talk Mr. Gabriel Ogbeche gave at The Platform 2023, and as much as I had heard him tell his success story in...

I watched a talk Mr. Gabriel Ogbeche gave at The Platform 2023, and as much as I had heard him tell his success story in the past, I still found his talk fascinating.⁣⁣
Ogbeche started his business by buying and supplying 33,000 litres of PMS to an organisation in Ikeja, Lagos in November 1996 and went on to build his company, RainOil, from that singular supply. Today, RainOil owns up 170 petrol stations across Nigeria, three tank farms in Oghara, Lagos, and Calabar respectively, and a fleet of 300 tank trucks distributing products nationwide.⁣⁣
As I listened to Mr. Ogbeche share ‘‘strategies for succeeding as an entrepreneur in Nigeria’’ using his personal experience, I repeatedly asked myself, why don’t we have more successful Nigerians write books to tell the stories of their success?⁣⁣
Then my mind went back to an idea I had some years ago. Back then, I came up with the idea that I would do a book that contained insight from about 25 of the most successful entrepreneurs in Nigeria on how to start from scratch and build a successful business.⁣⁣
The concept I had in mind was that I would put forward specific questions that would cover the entire entrepreneurial journey, from deciding on the business to go into; to raising capital, staying competitive, and winning and keeping customers.⁣⁣
I would have the entrepreneurs answer those questions, after which I would weave the answers into a well-written book to be available to anyone who wanted to learn from the wisdom and experience of the most successful entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Somehow, I allowed a friend of mind to discourage me from proceeding with the idea.⁣⁣
But it’s not only entrepreneurs that have excelled in Nigeria. There are successful Nigerians in all professions, including soldiers, medical doctors, university teachers, media gurus, bankers, accountants, advertising professionals, oil and gas professionals, civil servants, public office holders, and others.⁣⁣
I really think that the folks in this category should write books that detail their achievements and how they got to where they are today. I can think of at least two benefits that such books will bring:⁣⁣
INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION – When aspiring Nigerians read about how individuals from similar backgrounds have achieved success, they would be encouraged to believe in their own abilities and strive for the same success.⁣⁣
KNOWLEDGE AND GUIDANCE – Successful Nigerians can share valuable insights through their books, providing guidance to younger Nigerians on various topics such as entrepreneurship, leadership, personal development, and career advancement.⁣⁣
I suspect that more successful Nigerians have not written books to tell their stories because they do not have the time or skills to write. Well, that is where we come in. At Rhibbon Nation, we write and publish books for leaders, corporate executives, professionals, consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs, and celebrities to help them tell their stories, share valuable knowledge, achieve thought leadership, and leave a legacy.⁣⁣


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