Welcome to December!
December is a time for reflection, gratitude and planning. We hope you find our December to-do list useful every single day of the month.
Remember that in truth, living a life of contentment is a ball that lies in your court. Opportunities and success lie in wait for those who are both open and ready.
Cheers🥂 to a month of magic🔮 and wonder.
#preparefor2022 #todolist #branding #digitalbranding #gfivory #dettydecember
There is really no other to win without putting in the hours.
The more you practise, the more competent and invaluable you’ll be and that will attract many amazing opportunities.
What activities to improve your skill have you been neglecting, and what are you going to do to turn it around?
#brandmanagement #winning #practise #gfivory #socialmediamangerbrand #advise #motivation
I don't think I am the only one who thinks about this especially when I forget things.
Apparently, Sigmund Freud asked as well. Who can help out in the comment section? As for me, I think it goes to the brain trash or is it archive?
Anyway, how is your Monday going, mine is quite swamped.
#personalbrand #personalbrandingexpert #socialmediamangerbrand #socialmediamanagement #socialmediatips #femaleentreprenurelife #femprenur #femaleentrepreneurship #femaleentreprenurassociation #femaleenterpreneur #businessstrategist #instagrammarketing101 #instagrammarketingforbusiness #instagramstrategy #instagrammarketingexpert #instagramvsreality #instagrammarketingcoach #marketingcoach #instagrammarketingconsultants #savybusinesswoman #savybusinessowner #businessstrategist #businesswoman #onlinebusinesscoach #onlinebusinessowner
Things might be complicated now.
They might not be working out as planned, but remember that no matter the reasons (or excuses), big or small, you are way bigger than them. You can crush it and make the most of the situation.
So, start moving, because, despite the excuses, you can make progress if you can just push past them.
What is the biggest excuse that you've given yourself recently even though you knew deep down that you could do better?
#degitalmarketing #socialmediamangerbrand #gfivory #calltoactiontuesday
Your audience and potential clients are just around the corner, but when they find you(or when you find them), would it be clear to them that they've found a home, a page and a person who truly meets their needs?
Be clear about what you offer and why and strongly project that niche. Also, make sure that the mane of your game is 'solving your audience's specific problems within your niche.
Lastly, figure out a way to truly connect. Typically, that doesn't happen with being either too formal or too rigid, let your audience find a true partner in you.
#potentialaudeience #socialmediabranding #gfivory #socialmediamarketing #niche
When you start a side hustle, whether out of survival or from trying to solve a problem that you've found, you can usually see beyond the hassle of today to the giant that idea is capable of becoming.
So while you work hard, perhaps like me, you are learning as well...
@jbs_lagos is helping me see clearly, build wisely and strategically position myself for success.
So what do you think of my latest assignment? The task was to create a 60secs elevator pitch.
I'd really like to hear your feedback.
#socialmediamanager #buildingonlinecommunities #gfivory #businessschool #branddevelopment
'Where do I start?' must be one of the most epic question there is.
No two journeys are the same, and seldom are journeys a straight line trip from A to B.
Most times, what's most important is to start. Start from what's known, what you're comfortable with, what knowledge dictates and what your instincts say.
Then a picture will begin to form, complex, but beautiful. Trust your process.
Happy weekend and Much love!
#socialmediajournal #socialmediaplan #loveandlight #newyear2021 #newyearjitters #newyeargist #lifeandsocialmedia #socialmediabranding #brandgrowth #brandimaging #socialmediajournal
Some things are not apparent, but for sure, instagram gives you clues on what you may or may not be doing right.
So instagram is speaking and showing you, but are you listening?
When was the last time you even clicked on the insight botton on your profile page?
Go there right now!
If this post was helpful, remember to save it and share.
Much love!
#socialmediajournal #socialmediaplan #loveandlight #newyear2021 #newyearjitters #newyeargist #lifeandsocialmedia #socialmediabranding #brandgrowth #brandimaging #socialmediajournal
And we're LIVE!!!!
Praise JESUS!
Our website is finally up and running and we're feeling super energised for the *not so new* year.
Please visit our website, then come back and tell us what you think, we can't wait to hear it!
Also, our surprise is now on the website and we'll be officially announcing it tomorrow. But first, we want to give you a chance to go there, be surprised and then come and gush about it here.
Really can't wait to hear back from you and thanks to everyone who helped make this happen and who supports us.
Much love.
#websitelivenow #newwebsitealert #gfivory #socialmediaexperts #brandimagingexperts #onlinebrandingcompany
My people, are you aware that there's an offer on the table? One were you get FREE consultation for your instagram page... and I kid you not when I say it will be a well spent 1hr of your life.
All you have to do is be the first to guess what I'll be giving you guys as a special gift as we launch our website on Monday, 15th of February. Naturally, that means your guess must come before the reveal on Monday.
That is all. The only term and condition is that the instagram page that we'll be consulting for has to be a page that represents a brand/business. Shikena!
Don't be selfish sha, tag your business friends.
In other news... I'm so excited about Monday... aaaahhhhh!!!!
When next I make a post, it'll be to tell you that our website is LIVE!!!
Much love.
Remember these, cos they're true.
I know this week is almost over, so this week, this month and this year will be great... Believe it.
Happy Weekend loading.
Much love.
#happy2021days #yoursocialmediamanager
PS: While I love this and it wonderfully communicates what I want to say, the video content is not mine. Kindly tag the owner if you know them.
February may be the month of love, but for me, December is the proof of love. We celebrate that Jesus came to this world in December and frankly, there's no better news.
December is definitely my best month of the year. I can't help but be happy and grateful, irrespective of how my year went.
I work on looking extra pretty throughout the month and try to spread love and cheer.
My best part of December, though it can be stressful, is putting up decorations in my house. That will definitely happen sometime this week and I can't wait!
Will you be decorating?
#december #decembervibes #smellsofchristmas #twinklyloights #redgreenandgold #gfivory #instagramforbusiness #socialmediamanager #socialresponsibility