SIWC KEFFI MEDIA UNIT This is the official page for Shiloh International Worship Centre HQ which is located in Keffi, Nasarawa State.


SURGE 2022




( 2 Chronicles 20 20-25.)
( Acts 16:25-26.)
Details Stated Below 👇

Welcome To September. Our Month Of GOOD NEWS. ( Luke 2:10.) Do Not Be Afraid! Ember Months Is A Season Of Good News. Don...

Welcome To September. Our Month Of GOOD NEWS. ( Luke 2:10.)

Do Not Be Afraid! Ember Months Is A Season Of Good News. Don't Allow Witches And Wizards To Scared You.

Blood Of Jesus Is Still Speaking! ( Revelation 12:11; Hebrews 12:24.)

Proverbs 25:25 Says,... Like cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a distant land."

Beloved, In This New Month:
= You Shall Not Hear Bad News, In The Name
Of Jesus.
= That Negative Reports Or News They Are
Waiting To Hear About You, It Will Not
Happen, In The Name Of Jesus.
= That Long Awaited Good News Is Coming
Now! In The Name Of Jesus.
= You Shall Hear Sound Of Victory ✌️
= The Blessings Of This New Month Shall
Not Cross Over To Another Month.
= Receive It Now, In The Name Of Jesus.
= Whatever Is Limiting You Is Destroyed, In
The Name Of Jesus
= Every Evil Pronouncement Upon Your Life,
Relationship, Business, Office, Family ECT
I Reverse It To Blessing, In The Name Of
= As I Bless You, No Man Or Woman Shall
Reverse It, In The Name Of Jesus.
= You And Your Family Shall Enjoy Unlimited
Grace, In The Name Of Jesus.
= Sufficient Grace Is Released To You For
Divine Exploit, In The Name Of Jesus
( 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.)
= There Shall Be No Loss In Your Family
( Acts 27:22.)
= Congratulations 👏 Shall Be Your Portion,
In The Name Of Jesus.
= Isaiah 40:9-11 Says," You who bring good news to Zion ( Nigeria) go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem ( The Church) lift up your voice with a shout, Lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah( Keffi, Gudi, Ginda, Kokona, Akwanga, Nasarawa Eggon, Lafia, etc ) "Here Is Your God!." Jesus Christ. .... "Government will be on his shoulders, And he will be called, Wonderful Councilor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince Of Peace."


Say this prayer with faith: Lord as I step out today, I want You is and Your presence to always be with me. Father, may ...

Say this prayer with faith:

Lord as I step out today, I want You is and Your presence to always be with me. Father, may no evil come before me and no harm shall come upon me and my family in Jesus name. As I trust in Your providential care, I pray You watch over me and grant me safety at all times. Father Lord Almighty, I pray You give me everything You have promised to give me. No man made weapons nor satanic weapons will have effect on me and my family. I declare and decree that the devil's axe dangling around shall not come near me and my household. My hope shall be realized, happiness shall be my portion and unlimited and unexpected blessings shall locate me today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Good morning and have a victorious day.

On behalf of the entire Media Unit of Shiloh International Worship Center and the congregation, we say a big and mighty ...

On behalf of the entire Media Unit of Shiloh International Worship Center and the congregation, we say a big and mighty Happy marriage anniversary to our very own G.O (Apostle Dr Mike Thomas Egu and Rev. Mrs. Mike Thomas Egu). We are indeed privileged and so blessed to have you both. I can't imagine how our lives would have turned out if Mummy and Daddy were not bound in marriage on this special day many years ago. We join the host of heaven to celebrate this union today and pray God satisfy your home with many more years of prosperity, love, fruitfulness, and above all more anointing to preach the Gospel to every corner of the earth. May God continue to delight greatly in you and make your union sweeter as the days go by in Jesus' name.

Glory be to God for His steadfast love that never cease and His mercies that never runs out. Wherever you go today, the ...

Glory be to God for His steadfast love that never cease and His mercies that never runs out. Wherever you go today, the presence of God Almighty will be with you. The Lord God will direct your steps to be in line with His will for your life. The most high God will fulfil His word and promises in your life and you shall experience positive turn around. In any way the enemies want to come against you, the mighty God will raise a standard against them and the enemies shall not be able to harm you. The hands of God Almighty will continue to uphold you and your family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant day.
God Bless You All!

Come and witness the wonders of God through His servant (Apostle Dr Mike Thomas Egu) as He anchors our communion service...

Come and witness the wonders of God through His servant (Apostle Dr Mike Thomas Egu) as He anchors our communion service today @ the church premises by 17:30hrs. I assure you that your life will experience FEAR BLESSINGS through the remaining days of this month in Jesus' name.

The Lord God will lift you above the reach of your enemies. Miracles and uncommon favour shall be your portion throughout this day and beyond. The Mighty God will release His grace for unlimited productivity upon you and He will make you succeed beyond expectations. Jehovah Lord will remove your name from the demonic book of death and destruction. The strength to dismantle every obstacle in the way of your fulfilment of destiny shall be given unto you. The Mighty God will destroy every evil agent sent to sabotage your success. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a great day.
God Bless You All!

On behalf of the entire Shilohnite Family and Our daddy (Apostle Dr Mike Thomas Egu), we join the host of heaven to cele...

On behalf of the entire Shilohnite Family and Our daddy (Apostle Dr Mike Thomas Egu), we join the host of heaven to celebrate you this day (our very own Pastor Mrs Rahab James Angama).

You are a woman of the word and spirit, deliberate and purposeful, kind, compassionate and thoughtful, a burden sharer and bearer, the Lord's battle axe. And now, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. God keeps you to see 70, 120 as long as Jesus tarries. Have a supernatural new year. Happy birthday ma. We love you!

You will enjoy God's full blessings and you shall not live a life of lack and borrowing. You shall not encounter any pro...

You will enjoy God's full blessings and you shall not live a life of lack and borrowing. You shall not encounter any problem today and any challenge you face will not last long. Your career will not sink and the Spirit of God Almighty will usher in a new era of prosperity for you. Your efforts will be fruitful and profitable. Your resources shall not be wasted on medical bills or on any form of profitless venture. You shall have enough to satisfy your needs and a new chapter of great success and achievements shall be opened unto you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant day.
God Bless You All!

Welcome To August. Our  Month Of FEARFUL BLESSINGS!Beloved, I Declared: = You Have  Entered A Realm Of Fearful Blessings...

Welcome To August. Our Month Of FEARFUL BLESSINGS!

Beloved, I Declared:
= You Have Entered A Realm Of Fearful Blessings, In The Name Of Jesus.( Psalm 67:5-7.)
= People Shall Be Amazed At The Measure Of God's Blessings In Your Life.
= The Rate, Velocity And Promptness At Which The Blessings Will Come Will Make People Around You To Fear And Tremble, In The Name Of Jesus
= I See A Situation Of " Before The Need Arises, The Supply Is Waiting, In The Name Of Jesus.( Philippians 4:19.)

a. Surrender Your Life To Jesus. ( Romans 10:9; John 3:16; Psalm 24:1)
b. Be A Word- Addict. ( Joshua 1:8; John 1:1; John 8:32; Colossians 3:16.)
c. Make Prayer And Fasting A Lifestyle ( Mark 9:29; Daniel 8:21-22.)
d. Make Praise A Lifestyle ( Psalm 67:5-7; Psalm 100:4.)

With The Above Keys..., You're Fearful Blessed, In The Name Of Jesus.
Nations Of The Earth Will Fear God Because Of You...
Happy New Month!!!

As you go before the Lord today, the Lord God will divinely repositioned your life and you shall experience positive tur...

As you go before the Lord today, the Lord God will divinely repositioned your life and you shall experience positive turn around. Your joy shall not be cut short and your happiness shall not diminish. You shall be blessed beyond your imaginations. The Lord God will make things easier for you and your family. The goodness of God Almighty will surely multiply in your life and family. You shall succeed in all areas of your life and you shall not experience any difficulty nor failure, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a glorious Sunday.
God Bless You All!

"Look at you all, looking so amazing and beautiful".We at Shiloh International Worship Center are so proud of you all. W...

"Look at you all, looking so amazing and beautiful".

We at Shiloh International Worship Center are so proud of you all. We wish you success in all you do.

May happiness and sunshine fill your days because you've worked hard and deserve much praise. Congratulations once more and always remain above in Jesus name.

The battles the enemies waged against you may be insurmountable, but God Almighty is always on your side. God Almighty w...

The battles the enemies waged against you may be insurmountable, but God Almighty is always on your side. God Almighty will always strongly stand for your defence. All those who are fighting you will come to confess and surrender to you. All those who set traps for you shall be the victims of their own evil schemes and you shall go unharmed. You will always escape from the devil's attacks and the devil's plans against you will never succeed.
Be rest assured that, God's presence over your life guarantees you success and victory. You will always triumph, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a victorious day.
God Bless You All!

Psalm 59:1-2, "Deliver me from my enemies. O God; protect me from those who rise up against me. 2. Deliver me from evild...

Psalm 59:1-2, "Deliver me from my enemies. O God; protect me from those who rise up against me. 2. Deliver me from evildoers and save me from bloodthirsty men." (NIV).

The Mighty God will deliver you from all your adversaries and He will defend you against all those who rise against you. The Merciful God will protect you from the plans and schemes your enemies have set up to make you stumble. May the evil intents of your enemies fall upon themselves. Your haters will not succeed in their evil schemes against you and your family. The Most High God will protect you day and night and He will lift you up far above those who rise against you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant day.
God Bless You All!

As you step out today, the Lord God will rise and give you great mercy. Anything you have been waiting for, for long, no...

As you step out today, the Lord God will rise and give you great mercy. Anything you have been waiting for, for long, now it shall be delivered to you miraculously. The Mighty God will order your steps and He shall move you forward. The Everlasting Father will break every barrier that is hindering your advancement. Any satanic chain and padlock locking your blessings shall break into pieces and your blessings shall be abundantly released unto you. Every evil spiritual consultant ministering against your progress shall receive God's instant judgment, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a great day.
God Bless You All!

As you step out today, the eyes of the Lord God will be upon you. His mighty hands shall take good care of you and your ...

As you step out today, the eyes of the Lord God will be upon you. His mighty hands shall take good care of you and your family. Anything that is giving you joy and happiness shall not be taken away from you. The Lord God will release and provide everything that will give you comfort. You shall not beg before you eat and your enemies shall not mock you. Your adversaries will not accomplish their evil intents against you and your family. You will always have upper hand over the wicked ones and your goals shall not be difficult for you to achieve. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant day.
God Bless You All!

As you start another week, greater power and greater grace to succeed shall be released upon you. Any barrier standing i...

As you start another week, greater power and greater grace to succeed shall be released upon you. Any barrier standing in your way of success and breakthrough shall crumble. The heavenly Father will dress you with the garment of

As you go before the throne of mercy today, the rain of blessings, prosperity, peace and happiness shall fall on you and...

As you go before the throne of mercy today, the rain of blessings, prosperity, peace and happiness shall fall on you and your family. The loving God will grant you help in every area of your life. You and your family shall be divinely protected from the insecurity troubling our nation. In the midst of the multitude, the Lord God will take note of you and your miracle shall manifest. God Almighty will do something miraculously spectacular in your life and people will come to know that you are serving a living God. Everything that is bothering you shall receive divine settlement and your mouth shall be full of songs of praises. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a glorious Sunday.
God Bless You All!

Esther 7:9-10, "Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs attending the king said, "A gallows seventy-five feet high stands by Ha...

Esther 7:9-10, "Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs attending the king said, "A gallows seventy-five feet high stands by Hamman's house. He had it made for Modecai, who spoke up to help the king."
The king said, "Hang him on it!" 10. So they hanged Haman on the gallows he had prepared for Modecai. Then the king's fury subsided." (NIV).
The Lord God in His power will cause all the evil plots of the wickeds against you to backfire upon them. The Mighty God will bring His brutal judgment upon those who rise against you and your family. All the works and efforts of the enemies against you shall turn to ashes. The plans and decisions of the wickeds will never prevail over you and your household. God's wings of protection will shelter and protect you and your family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant weekend.
God Bless You All!

Deuteronomy 30:9, "And the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous in every work of your hand, in the first of...

Deuteronomy 30:9, "And the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous in every work of your hand, in the first of your body, of your cattle, of your land, for good; for the Lord will again delight in prospering you, as He took delight in your fathers." (AMP)
The Lord God will cause the door of great success to be opened unto you in all your endeavours. The Mighty name of God and His powerful hands will work miracles in your life and in your family. You and your household will enjoy continuous protection and safety. God Almighty will demolish any power and principality that want stand against your success. You and your family shall enjoy God's goodness to the fullness, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant day.
God Bless You All!

Welcome to another beautiful day. The Lord God will bless you with true joy, happiness and peace in life. The Mighty God...

Welcome to another beautiful day. The Lord God will bless you with true joy, happiness and peace in life. The Mighty God will gladden your heart with great breakthroughs that will begin to manifest in your life. Fear and sadness will not overrun you and your family. The heavenly Father will not allow the devil to take away everything that gives you joy. Events and miracles that will increase your joy and happiness shall begin to manifest now. Worries and anxieties of yesterday shall give way to the breakthroughs and testimonies that God is giving you today, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a joyful day.
God Bless You All!

As you start another week, the Mighty God will dismantle all stumbling blocks on your way to success and progress. You s...

As you start another week, the Mighty God will dismantle all stumbling blocks on your way to success and progress. You shall have great success and breakthroughs in whatever you do this week and beyond. Arrows of failure and near success syndrome shall not strike you. All your expected breakthroughs, miracles, promotion and success shall begin to manifest now. Those who are waiting for your down fall shall wait in vain because God is going to move you forward to a higher and better level. The Lord God will remove everything that is delaying and preventing your progress, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a fruitful week.
God Bless You All!

As you go before the throne of mercy today, the favour of God will sorund you and you will enjoy the fullness of God's f...

As you go before the throne of mercy today, the favour of God will sorund you and you will enjoy the fullness of God's favour from every corner of the world. The Lord will decorate your life with unending joy and celebration. You will not be counted among the losers. You shall be championed over those that are competing with you and your source of joy and happiness shall not be blocked. The grace to succeed in whatever you do shall be released unto you and you shall achieve your goals without stress, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a glorious Sunday.
God Bless You All

The mighty arms of God will lift you up and you shall move forward. The Lord God will raise the altar of continuous prog...

The mighty arms of God will lift you up and you shall move forward. The Lord God will raise the altar of continuous progress and success for you. Your head shall be lifted up above the issues of life. Any evil power, assigned and working against your advancement shall be destroyed. The Mighty God will scatter every conspiracy to demote you. The power of the Almighty God will break every yoke of limitation in your life and you shall not experience any delay. Backwardness and stagnation shall not be your portion, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant weekend.
God Bless You All!

The Lord God will place you in a place of honour and glory. You are going higher every day. The Mighty God will grant yo...

The Lord God will place you in a place of honour and glory. You are going higher every day. The Mighty God will grant you the grace to excel, He will give you the enabling strength to progress. The needed ability to prosper with divine wisdom shall be released unto you in abundance. You shall flourish in every area of your life. You will experience an appreciable increase in your endeavours. The anointing for unlimited success shall be given unto you. Wonderful and positive change shall begin to take place in your life and in your family. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a pleasant day.

God Bless You All!

The Lord God Almighty will speedily fulfil and accomplish all His outstanding promises for your life and your entire fam...

The Lord God Almighty will speedily fulfil and accomplish all His outstanding promises for your life and your entire family. You will continue to be the main focus of God's favour and the key recipient of His blessings. All your steps of faith shall be surely supported by God and greater shall be your positive increase on daily basis. The Mighty God will release His exceeding grace that will lift you up beyond your present level. You shall surely have many reasons for jubilations and celebrations, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a joyful day.
God Bless You All!

Genesis 35:9 says, "After Jacob returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him."The presence of Go...

Genesis 35:9 says, "After Jacob returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him."
The presence of God Almighty will manifest in your life and you shall be blessed. You will encounter divine upliftment. Things will miraculously turn around for good in your life. You will get unmerited favour and you will rise above your equals. The grace to be uplifted shall be granted unto you. The grace of God Almighty will work for you in every area of your life. Jehovah Lord will lift up your head high and you shall dwell in the glorious presence of God Almighty. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Good morning and have a a great day.
God Bless You All!


Behind Loreem Hotel, Next To MTN Tower


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