Mike Ehumadu

Mike Ehumadu Getting people to buy from you online requires a lot of structured communication from you that helps build a good relationship.

People only buy from those they know, like and trust. That's what i can help you achieve...more trusts and more sales online.


A mind blowing session will be holding in Ibadan tomorrow this live program is strictly for digital marketers.

If you do any type of Digital marketing and the only way you get paid is when a client or your boss pays your salary.

Then I have good news and a better news for you, the good news is that what I want to tell you scares almost everybody.

The better news is because 95% of them will run away from this, the remaining 5% of people like you and I will finally be free of:-

- Clients Underpaying you for your services.

- Clients Underrating the value of what you do.

- Waiting for weeks, maybe even months hoping to get another paying client.

My name is Seyi Omotunde I am a Top Digital skills trainer in Nigeria (Google me)
I am organising a FREE WEBINAR to teach content creators, social media managers, art directors, digital strategists, web developers, graphic designers and basically any Kind of digital
marketer on how to:

- Use the skills you have to earn independently of any client or boss.

- How to make 6 figure income monthly by Using your Digital skills to earn fast and without stress in a business that most people run in a very old and slow way.

- Copy my step by step methods, so you will not repeat the mistakes I made 6 years ago.

With the digital skills you have, all you need is for me to point you in the right direction and I will be holding a FREE live session tomorrow at Ibadan.

Click the link below to learn more

If you are part of the 5% that do not run away I will show you how to improve your current skill set to meet global demands.

The digital marketing space is very competitive
However, what I am going to show you is known by maybe 1 in 1000 digital marketers in Africa.

You will have very little competition, you can use the skills you already have and you can do it with whatever you already do.

Message me at 07064969603 to get details and reservation. Peace.


My Baber,as you are +1today may your life continue to bring glory to God and bless the lives of men,you will love n be fulfil in this your yr.your joy shall be full.many happy returns.l celebrate you,have fun.love u my Baber cos u are really making us proud.


Mobile Health Educator


This is the thinking that got me out of self- doubt

🔥🏇🏇😄Truly, I finally found a way to build my network marketing business 100% rejection free online. Without...👉 Irritati...

Truly, I finally found a way to build my network marketing business 100% rejection free online.


👉 Irritating my social media friends.

👉Bugging my family and friends.

👉 Doing time wasting copy and paste of sales pitches.

And the likes...

In a blog post I recently did...

I wrote down the 3 major mistakes I had to overcome before I could acheive this.

Click the learn more button to check out the full post.

3 critical mistakes you must not make if you're to build a massive successful NWM team online. Make sure you read this to finish if you’re really serious about building a solid vibrant and productive team…whether online or offline. Before you go on, let me remind you that success is 100% your mi...

Truly, I finally found a way to build my network marketing business online without...https://acedigitalnetworkers.com/bi...

Truly, I finally found a way to build my network marketing business online without...


👉 Irritating my social media friends.

👉Bugging my family and friends.

👉 Doing time wasting copy and paste of sales pitches.

And the likes...

In a blog post I recently did...

I wrote down the 3 major mistakes I had to overcome before I could acheive this.

Click the learn more button to check out the full post.

There's a specific system to locate exactly those who will pay for your product online...So you can eliminate time waste...

There's a specific system to locate exactly those who will pay for your product online...So you can eliminate time wasters completely.

I prepared a guide that'll show the system and I need you to go download it.

👉Click this link https://bit.ly/30OnkpO

You see, my first selling experience online was through the rough paths of uncertainty and brutal gut...

No skill, no experience and no willingness to waste money buying courses.

At first, I thought I could teach myself...I was not willing to spend money on educational materials at all.

I stagnated for long until I decided to pay the price for pure and useful knowledge.

Looking back now, I thank God I really decided to value other people's content by paying for it.

You need exactly 3 things to get people to buy from you online...

👉 The exact system to rapidly eliminate uninterested people.

👉The heart to remain emotionally detached from results.

👉The mind to give and give and give and take little.

People who buy online today are more informed than you think...
If you're not willing to give value, you're not going to get any in return.

To make money online is to expect people to reward you for a value you provide.The question is what value are you bringing to the market place?

So, if you know and you're sure you're already providing value.


You want to learn how to make your knowledge into a digital business...

Then follow the link below to get my free guide on how to locate those who will buy from you.

I'm giving it o you 100% freely just as a way to connect you with me.

Click the Learn more button to get it NOW!


Avoid this mistake...it kills your business online.


There's a specific system to locate exactly those who will pay for your product online...So you can eliminate time wasters completely.

I prepared a guide for you and I need you to go download it.


You see, my first selling experience online was through the rough paths of uncertainty and brutal gut...

No skill, no experience and no willingness to waste money buying courses.

At first, I thought I could teach myself...I was not willing to spend money on educational materials at all.

I stagnated for long until I decided to pay the price for pure and useful knowledge.

Looking back now, I thank God I really decided to value other people's content by paying for it.

You need exactly 3 things to get people to buy from you online...

👉 The exact system to rapidly eliminate uninterested people.

👉The heart to remain emotionally detached from results.

👉The mind to give and give and give and take little.

People who buy online today are more informed than you think...
If you're not willing to give value, you're not going to get any in return.

To make money online is to expect people to reward you for a value you provide.The question is what value are you bringing to the market place?

So, if you know and you're sure you're already providing value.


You want to learn how to make your knowledge into a digital business...

Then follow the link below to get my free guide on how to locate those who will buy from you.

I'm giving it o you 100% freely just as a way to connect you with me.

Click the Learn more button to get it NOW!

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 30Dear Serious Online Marketer:Diversify But Don't Be An Opportunit...

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 30

Dear Serious Online Marketer:

Diversify But Don't Be An Opportunity Chaser.

When I say diversify, I mean add other streams of income as much as you can handle.

But don't be an opportunity chaser ❌❌

That kind of person that runs after every shinning object.

It's easy to fall off the track when there are so many opportunities to choose from.

Don't forget, regardless of which ever marketing opportunity you'll be goin into...

You'll need to build an audience. And the money sits inside the audience.

You don't want to appear confused and lose your credibility before them.

If you keep chasing every shinning object, you'll eventually lose them.

Be known for a body of one thing.

please, don't conflict this concept with my last letter they are both saying thesame thing.

Now, if you're positioning yourself as an online marketer...

Affiliate marketing and Network marketing are different kinds of marketing based business.

Their reward plan is also different.

You can be an affiliate with a company and at the same time, be Networking for another company...

But, working more than one Networking opportunity at a time will lower your credibility before your audience.

That's a classical example of the shining object syndrome.

What I said here might sound like an opinion. If it is...

It's not just from me...

It's from a mentor who has got over 20years of experience generating over $140million in commission doing Affiliate and Network marketing.

And I know you know experience is the truest form of knowledge.

Yours Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 29Dear Serious Online Marketer:Monetize Your Audience More With Aff...

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 29

Dear Serious Online Marketer:

Monetize Your Audience More With Affiliate Marketing.

Come closer👂...................................
....................If you're truly going to be building your business using strictly the internet.........................

You've got to find a way to monetize your audience with Affiliate Marketing.

It's the smart thing to do.

But you may find this difficult to implement if:

1. You still are struggling with the basics of how to build online.

2. You're in a brick and mortar kind of MLM aka (Old MLM building Strategies).

3. You have a very Old school kind of

Currently, I'm battling with this.

Everybody around me is non-supportive of my online building strategies. They prefer we dance to the old tunes 😰.

Not after what I've understood💆

So, what I'm telling you will help start making money online ASAP.

It's no sin to have multiple streams of income. Right🤷


Did I also tell you that we'll be teaching how you can make some real cash by going into Affiliate Marketing in the upcoming training?

I bet, you need to get into that training.

Drop a 💓 in the comment box below if you'll like me to send you the link to the training. It'll be hosted on Telegram.

Yours Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 28Dear Serious Online Marketer:Prepare! There'll Always be a Dark C...

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 28

Dear Serious Online Marketer:

Prepare! There'll Always be a Dark Cloud.

As long as you're newly learning something... anything at all, you must meet your night.

These are moments of confusion and loss. They accompany every step into the unknown.

They are real. They will come.

Regardless of how magnificent your plan was, regardless of how accurate the calculations were, this time of obscurity shall come.

At this point, all you need to do is:

1. Convince your mind that the event has happened for your own good.

2. Take a deep look back and review the actions and steps you've taken so far

3. Intentional seek for the opinions and advice of those who see things differently from you.

4. Identify your major mistake.

5. Make a resolve never to repeat the same mistake again.

Yours Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.


This is the most beautiful piece of advice you'll ever get as an upcoming entrepreneur in Africa...

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 27Dear Serious Online Marketer:Positive Attitude Alone Can't Get  Y...

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 27

Dear Serious Online Marketer:

Positive Attitude Alone Can't Get You the Results.

This one is a long letter, try to patiently read through.

They say your attitude determines your altitude.

And if I'm correct, attitude refers to the way we react to things when they happen.

Generally, mind coaches admonish us to have a positive mental attitude. They tell us to see the good in everything and become the guy with the golden mind.

I must say that this teaching is invaluable and 100% correct and helpful.

However, if you're not careful, you may use it to ruin your entrepreneural journey.

The last time I spoke about this concept to an audience, here's the illustration I used to bring the lesson home:

I said:

Imagine yourself practicing how to ride a plane for the very first time. And your coach being a mind training guru decided to put you through the exercise of reciting 25 QUOTES OF POSITIVE AFFIRMATION.

He tells you to recite it every morning for 10 days.

Now, after the 10 days, he puts you into an Airbus A321, fastens you up And Zooom....

He tells you to fly the plane.

You being a positive mind with a 10 day powerful affirmation drill as your arsenal decides to put your mind at test.

You entered the controle room and discovered that there are plenty buttons on the panel...

Being confused, you say coach:

Toomany buttons here, which should I press?

Coach says: press anyone...just believe you can do it. Believe in yourself blah blah blah...

You press the button your mind chose and the plane refuses to start...

You eventually hit a key

And bum bum bum! The plane started racing on a high speed.

You lost controle and became more confused as the plane took up and eventually you crash landed.

Somehow, you survived the mini crash.

Your coach sees you and he's like:

Oh yes!

You've got to be stronger. Now you have to set your goals and believe more in yourself.

He asked you to paste your income goals all around your room 😁

And puts you on the pilot seat again asking you to fly the aircraft 🤕


Let's end this here, I believe you've already got the full insight.

Incase you've not:

The summary of it all is that if eventually you fail to learn the skill set that allows a pilot to fly a plane: you'll end up injuring or killing yourself while doing trial and error.

This is how most newbies approach their home based business.

They always almost subconsciously think they don't need to intentionally learn any skill to get the results they desire.

You seriously want to avoid this mistake driven by ingnorance and a foolish addiction to the norms and cultures of:

"This is how we do it here".

More than ever before, our world has evolved and new norms are now emerging.

Know the fundamentals, learn the skill set, innovate on them and follow someone who's got the kind of result you want...

There are million ways of killing a bird but all are built on one same principle.

Yours Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 26Dear Serious Online Marketer:Learn How to Build Active and Engage...

My 90days Letter to the Online Marketer...Letter Day 26

Dear Serious Online Marketer:

Learn How to Build Active and Engaged Audience.

They say: "the money is in the list".


The money is truly in the list.

The list refers to how many people who interacts with your content and follow you online.

Whether you're a network marketer or a general online marketer, your money will always come from the list...

The list of people who know,like and trust you.

See, the name of the game is influence. And growing a list of people who trust you as a leader is how you make it rain.

When you advertise on the social media and get people into your WhatsApp group etc...your aim should never end at selling your product to them.


Of course, you'll not make money from this in a while, especially if your business is the only offer you have for them.

That's why I'll advise you think diversification.


This is how it works online regardless of which opportunity you're promoting.

Many of the people you'll prospect online will like to take a look at diversified income opportunities.

If you can't build followership and offer diversified opportunities...it'll be hard for you to make it in this space.

Wether you're a network marketer or an affiliate marketer.

Think about what we just discussed carefully and decide way forward for yourself.

Yours Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 25Dear Serious Network Marketer:Learn How to Tell Your Story.R...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 25

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Learn How to Tell Your Story.

Recently, I was listening to Eric Worre talk about the one skill that has made him more money through out his career.

Out of all the skills he has learnt, the art of story telling he said has brought him more millions than any other skill.

As it is, persuasion is at the centre of all skills that bring in the money in Network Marketing.

When you have a good product/service of high efficacy and you cannot sell the story behind it, you'll definately find it difficult to get people to buy.

That's why I'll advise you practise public speaking...

You can do it online as well.
Via video recording and the likes.

Get out of your comfort zone.
And get behind the camera.

practice and practice until you're comfortable being in front of people.

It's key to your success in business.

Yours sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 24Dear Serious Network Marketer:Paid Ads Give You Instant Cust...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 24

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Paid Ads Give You Instant Customers...add it to your marketing arsenal.

Well, a lot of online marketers presently want and teaches how to get free leads online.

And maybe you might also be searching for that secret that puts many free high quality leads inside your funnel without you spending a dime in ad.

I'll say that this again is a circular thinking that'll always bring you back to square zero.

Why is this so🤷

it's simple.

Every social media platform is built to make money for the owner.

Once, the owners start losing some huge bucks because of a loop hole in their system, they'll fix it.

Fixing it means blocking that loop hole.

So, if the loop hole is the big secret and reason for the free traffic you've been generating, then, that's the end if it.


Want to know how I knew this?

it has happened before and it's happening now.

Right now, 90% of the people who like my page don't get to see the posts I put there.

Then you might want to ask what is their like doing on my page if they can't get to see my posts?

So, if you're serious about building online, kukuma master the art of digital marketing as a whole and stop.looking for easy way out and quick fixes.

There are basically 3 kinds of Traffic you'll need to master...

1. The Traffic You EARN (free online groups)

2. The Traffic you OWN.

3. The Traffic you CONTROL (paid ad).

This post is specifically about the traffic you control. You need to master it too if you must really build a massive team online.

There are no two ways about it.

Yours sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.✍️

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 23Dear Serious Network Marketer:You'll Equally Need to Master ...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 23

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

You'll Equally Need to Master How to Freely Get Quality Prospects Without Annoying Your Friends on the Social Media.

I'll like to explain this concept of FREE TRAFFIC and ETHICAL ONLINE PROSPECTING to you in two parts.



I know even you do not feel good any time someone is trying to sell you something.

I don't like it either.

This is a psychological structure that spans from the depth of our very nature.

We as humans naturally hate to be told what to do; we rather want to find out and do rather than be unstructed to do.

Once again,this is a fundamental psychological structuring...

There's nothing anyone can do about it... that's just how we are made.

It doesn't matter wether you're selling online or offline, this principle of human behavior comes to play everywhere.

Now, you want to leverage on this understanding while you're trying to prospect and sell.


Now, if you've understood and agree with what I told you in PART 1...

This part will be easy for you to execute.

Talking about getting FREE TRAFFIC on the social media especially Facebook;

It's all about you finding groups that have already converge your dream customers on the social media and joining them.

This is what is refered to as the TRAFFIC YOU EARN.

You can join as many groups as possible and join the conversations going on in such group.

For every post you comment on in a group, all the people following that conversation will get notifications.

When you consistently interact with contents like this and provide valuable information, people will get to know, like and trust you.

Then, you can lead them to buy instead of spamming them.

Remember I said join the conversation, not desperately hunt people with sales pitch and links to your products/services.

That's why I'll advise you go over again and reason with me on what I said in PART 1.

Anybody advising you to spam people on the social media and indiscriminately send people sales messages is not helping you grow.

Join groups, interact, build relationship and sale to them.

Yours sincerely.
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 22Dear Serious Network Marketer:You'll Need to Master How Traf...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 22

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

You'll Need to Master How Traffic Works...so you don't waste your money, energy and time doing what will not last.

Draw closer, there's something like a secret I'm about to share with you.

By now, I know you've completely understood that building online equally demands skill set, patience and hard-work.

Incase you've not come to terms with this, do that right now before reading on.


let's go over and talk about the secret.

Here we go...

Ohk! Wait a seconds.

let me do it this way...

If you've been in the online marketing space for a while, then you'll remember the saying that says: "the money is in the list".

The list is a group of people whom you've overtime converged on a space online

Those group of people could either be on your Messenger list, Email list, WhatsApp group, Telegram group or Facebook group etc.

You can gather them using any platform; that's not really the main thing.

The real thing is that you've got a traffic of handful of people who are learning to trust you and what you promote or stand for.

These kind of traffic is called THE TRAFFIC YOU OWN.

As you're begining to build online, you must find a way to get this kind of traffic.

This is the most important business asset you'll have as you marketer online.

Once again, it's not your company or your product that's the most important asset...it's your followership.

That's where the money is.

Do you now see the reason why you shouldn't brand your company?

If you keep singing songs of Solomon about your company, you'll be wasting your time and effort.

Although, you maybe having some little little sign ups here and there in the short term; you'll be leaving a lot of money on the table at the long run.

Companies come and go!

But You...

You'll remain in business and you'll constantly be selling to people.

There are two other kinds of traffic i'll educate you about in my subsequent posts.

Be expectant.

Yours sincerely.
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 21Dear Serious Network Marketer:Do it For a Reason Beyond Mone...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 21

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Do it For a Reason Beyond Money💰.

Everything you have acheived in your life so far was propelled by one form of drive or the other.

This drive is what I refer to as reason here.

I have found out that It takes little effort and money for us to cater for our basic necessities.

*And the average human mind grows weak for more work once the basic things like clothing, food and shelter have been adequately provided for.*

That's it!

*Survival is our first and most primitive form of drive.*

It's in our nature.

Have you found it hard getting some people to take action on somethings?

This might be the reason.

They lack the kind of drive that'll produce energy for action...some people call it incentive.

Subconsciously, they're satisfied with where they are and what they have. Although they'll never admit it.

*After the natural drive for survival, we look for other form of drive when we aim to THRIVE.*

At this point most people people look towards money.

You shouldn't make this mistake while finding the energy that'll propel you to attaining your goals.

Well, las las, I know money must be involved but don't allow it to be your major drive.

I understand that money has a strong propelling spirit, you shouldn't allow it to controle you.

*The funniest thing is that money can only drive you halfway to the kind of destination Network Marketing can take you.*

If it were for money, most of the topmost leaders in the industry wouldn't have attained the kind of success they presently command.

Join me as I also find a reason beyond money.

Have you ever heared any truly successful leader say my major drive for success was money making?

it's always something beyond money that brings the money.

I hope you got the message🤷

Your Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 20Dear Serious Network Marketer:Don't Be Boring...It Kills Eng...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 20

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Don't Be Boring...It Kills Engagement.

There are basically three kinds of content you'll need to learn how to create, to keep your audience engaged.

The name of the game is don't be boring. So, while you're trying to engage your audience, you also want to make sure you're not sounding dry.

So, this is what I advise you do...

I'm also, begining to do this for my own posts.

Here we go....

Step 1: divide all the happenings in your life into 5 major attention areas

Step 2: randomly create contents that revolve round those 5 areas of your life.

For instance, I have entrepreneurship, Personal development,God, relationship and finance as my own 5 major attention areas.

So, I try to create contents that revolve round this areas.

Remember, your prospects want to feel as if they know you well enough.

And our duty is to be as real and revealing as possible.

play for them the shows in your life that happens behind the camera.

The shows you feel comfortable of letting them see anyway.

That's just it.

Once you're able to do this 5 major area breakdown thing, you'll find yourself creating the different kind of posts necessary to keep your audience in the twist.


like oliver twist, they'll keep asking for more.

So...just go ahead and do the breakdown thing.

It works.

Yours sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 19Dear Serious Network Marketer:Focus More Of Your Energy On b...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 19

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Focus More Of Your Energy On building an Audience than Finding Instant Buyers...Pros Build Audience.

I'm sure by now, you have understood that to build a business online, you have to build and audience of people who follow you?

If you've not, then let it sink now!

That's the only way you're going to succeed online.


You know, you could do the normal FAM.

That's you FIND a prospect, ADD them as friend and MESSAGE them once they accept your friend request.

The issue about this approach is that it always makes you keep going after people.

It can be exhausting.

Meanwhile, if you focus on building an audience of people who follow you, you'll never run out of prospects to market to.

Your Sincerely
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 18Dear Serious Network Marketer:Master How to Sell on One Soci...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 18

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Master How to Sell on One Social Media Platform First...Before Taking on Another One.

Actually, this advice is not directly coming from me...it's from one of my mentors.

Russell Brunson...who operates a giant internet marketing company that makes over one million dollar monthly.

I got this yesterday while I was listening to one of his voice messages.

Although, the idea isn't new to me, I thought it'll be helpful for you.

There are many reasons why you should focus on mastering one platform first.

Amidst plenty of those reasons, one of the most crucial one is that...

It saves you uneccessary headache, makes people believe more in you and helps you establish expertise and credibility.

It essentially helps you to acheive mastery.

Let me also inform you that different social media platforms requires different approach and tactics for you to win with them.

The way you build on Facebook is quite different from the way you build on Instagram, YouTube, Linkedln, Tik tork, Twitter, Google, Quora and the likes...

Meanwhile, regardless of which platform you're building on, there are 3 major things you must master to create success...

1.Create your audience.

2. Engage your Audience.

3. Sell to them.

Yours Sincerely.
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 17Dear Serious Network Marketer:Forget about Selling if you In...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 17

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Forget about Selling if you Intend to Sell Plenty.

Now, if you've been following my posts bumper to bumper, you'll think I'm repeating a lot of stuffs.

Like what I'm about to tell you today is attached to my last post.

The reason is because most of the mistakes you'll be making as a newbie are so tiny and attached to one another that it'll take microscopic attention to identify them.

Most of what you need are simple psychological shift about marketing generally especially today.

Listen to me, an average human being is built like a human lie detector.

Our brain can pick up even the most minute drop of lie. Aside you decide to be sold out.

And the last time I checked, you and i sell to this same sophisticated species called human being?

Today, we have access to information to the extent that in every 8 months, what you already know must seriously be upgraded upon.

If not you'll become less relevant to your customers.

For now, your prospect/downline/customer might solely depend on you for product or service education...

However, you'll have to seriously work hard on sustaining that trust...if not, you'll wake up one day and find out that someone else has replaced you.

That's why I'll advise you to build meaningful relationships rather than trying to sell stuffs.

When you focus on building relationships and helping your customers/Prospects solve their problem, the story changes.

They'll eventually realise that and will come to trust you.

And once you earn their trust, they eventually help you make some money either by buying from you or bringing someone who will.

Your sincerely.
Michael Ehumadu.

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 16Dear Serious Network Marketer:Clean Up Your FB Profile...it ...

My 90days Letter to the New Network Marketer...Letter Day 16

Dear Serious Network Marketer:

Clean Up Your FB Profile...it positions you as a pro.

You and I know that most people always consult and love to buy from experts.

No one wants to be sold to by a salesman but everybody will like to buy from a consultant.

What does this have to do with your Facebook profile? 🤷


Recently, i've been actively doing manual prospecting on the social media...especially Facebook.

While I was at it yesterday, a prospect said this to me:

"...I just checked you out and I'll like to work with you".

And that was how we started a business conversation straight up.

And come to think of it...

My profile doesn't say anything about the company I'm with.

Infact, I control my profile to the extent that anytime someone tags me in a post, I have to decide maybe such post should appear on my time-line or not.

Yes! it's as serious as that... that's what pros do.

Take your Facebook profile as your resume.

Your Prospects will always form perspective about you based on what they see on your profile.

If all you have on your profile are gospel songs about your products and opportunity, your prospects will run for their life.🏃🏃😁.

Just put yourself in their shoes...
Are you always comfortable when someone is pitching their products on you?

It feels horrible...that's how your prospects feel too when you make your profile a billboard.

But when you do the opposite and skillfully place valuable information your wall, you'll look more attractive.

Aside from this, it keeps people wanting to know more about what you do and positions you as the go to person.

That's what attraction marketing is all about.

So, do this now...

Go to your Facebook profile and clean up everything that has to do with your company. And some others posts that are not positioning you as well.

You can check out my profile on Facebook and use it as a model if you want...

I'm going to be teaching more on how to brand yourself on the social media so you attract the right people in a course we're currently cooking.

Be expectant.

Yours Sincerely.
Michael Ehumadu.




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