CCC Ileri Oluwase Central Parish Isanlu, Kogi State.

CCC Ileri Oluwase Central Parish Isanlu, Kogi State. Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from CCC Ileri Oluwase Central Parish Isanlu, Kogi State., Media, Itedo-Ijowa, Isanlu, Isanlu Itedo.

Rejoice and celebrate Palm Sunday with us! 🌿✨ Join Pastor Rev EMF and the entire congregation as we honor the triumphant...

Rejoice and celebrate Palm Sunday with us! 🌿✨ Join Pastor Rev EMF and the entire congregation as we honor the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel!'"

Palm Sunday holds great significance as it marks the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It symbolizes hope, victory, and the beginning of Holy Week. It reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice and love for us, leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. Let's celebrate this day with joy and gratitude, knowing that Jesus is our Savior and King. 🙌🌿

SERMON REVEALED IN FEW WORDS**TEXT-:ISAIAH 12 vrs 1-6**JOHN 12 vrs 12-19**Topic-THY KING COMETH*He said I will give the ...

*TEXT-:ISAIAH 12 vrs 1-6*
*JOHN 12 vrs 12-19*

He said I will give the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret place shall be yours in Jesus name(Isaiah 45 vrs 3).None of my words will go unfulfilled says the Holy one( Num 23 vrs 19)

*WORDS* Heaven rejoices, the whole earth with gladness and praises for the salvation cometh by His begotten son of our God. The triumphant entry of Jesus Christ broke all yokes of barrenness, sorrow and depression.Sing oh daughter of zion ( Zechariah 2 vrs 10 -13).Drawing water from the well of salvation comes only from the Living water( John 4 vrs 14). Even though the enemies make up all minds to stop the manifestation of His glory but failed ( John 12 vrs 19). I decree whoever that is born out of a woman trying to obstruct your progress shall live in shame in Jesus name. He wipes away all tears, sorrows and discomfort (Revelation 21 vrs 4). Bring about victory, breakthrough,deliverance and salvation to the world.Though your thoughts make you cry inwardly(Lamentation 1vrs 2) , God shall visit your household in Jesus name. He said I will take away the chariot from Ephraim(Zechariah 9 vrs 10 -11), whoever is tormenting you may heaven take their lifes away in Jesus name. Those in captives are said to be freed so shall it be for you in Jesus name. He rode on a small c**t which no one has never ridden, shows how humble He was. Saying tell them the c**t is needed. Today all lost possession shall be restored in Jesus name.

🌹*LEARN* They said can any good thing come out of Nazareth!!( John 1 vrs 46). He left, but finally comes back with praises all around. Today you shall be elevated above your companion.
*FINALLY* Comfort to the world in both lessons, peace be upon your household in Jesus name.Shalom.
🎹 Jesus logun ketekete
🎹Ara ebami kalo ,pade oluwa mi o
🎹 Hosannah lati orun wa
Appreciation-: Thank you all and stay blessed.🙏

PALM SUNDAY 🕊️"They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes ...


"They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
— John 12:13

Have a blessed Palm Sunday everyone!

~~~HAPPY PALM SUNDAY 🌴~~~Palm fronds being cut from palms Fronds in our palms People on white garments on the streetsSom...

Palm fronds being cut from palms
Fronds in our palms
People on white garments on the streets
Some marching with their feet
Some running with their bare foot
Groups going and coming
All exchanging greetings
Each shouting


Official Press ReleaseThe Oshoffa Family & The Planning Committee Releases Burial Arrangments for Late Prophetess (Princ...

Official Press Release
The Oshoffa Family & The Planning Committee Releases Burial Arrangments for Late Prophetess (Princess) Arewa Deborah Oshoffa.

Activities to celebrate the passing unto eternal glory of the late daughter of The Pastor, Prophet & Founder of CCC WorldWide, Rev S.B.J Oshoffa - Prophetess Deborah Oshoffa is officially released.

Burial events will kick off on Tuesday April 9th, 2024 and run till Sunday April 14th, 2024 with details below;

Tuesday 9th April, 2024

Special Candlelight Procession, Fireworks and Release of Tributes Balloons.

6pm - 9pm
Venue - The Oshoffa Family Residence, Moshood Street, Ketu.
Access - Open to all.

Night of Gratitude for Arewa Deborah Oshoffa.
A Special Night of Tributes, Hymns, Songs, Spoken Words and The Word.

10pm - 5am
Venue - CCC SBJ Oshoffa Cathedral, Intr. Hqtrs Church, Ketu.
Access - Open to all.

Wednesday 10th April, 2024

Service of Songs ( Lagos Event)
5pm - 9pm
The Bernard Hall@ CMD, CMD Road, Shangisha.
Access - Open to all.

Thursday 11th April, 2024

Lying-in-State /Prayers.
Venue : The Oshoffa's Residence, Moshood Street, Ketu.
9am - 11am
Access : Family Members & Relatives + limited access to guests.

Body leaves for CCC World Hqtrs, Imeko.

Night of Tributes Hymns & Special Songs
9pm - 4am
Oshoffa Family Residence, Imeko Ogun State.

Friday 12th April, 2024

Burial Service & Interment.
Venue : Oshoffa Family Residence, Imeko Ogun State.
10am - 12Noon.
Access - Open to all.

Sunday 14th April, 2024

Special Thanksgiving Service.
Venue : CCC SBJ Oshoffa Cathedral, Intr. Hqtrs Church, Ketu.
Access - Open to all.

Your kind donation and support should be addressed to The Arewa Deborah Oshoffa Burial Committee via the details below;

Bank Name: ACCESS Bank
Account Number: 1442207491
Account Name: Sobodu Comfort Olubukola


Further enquiries should be addressed to the Committee via the contacts below.

Bro. Muyiwa Olaitan (MO)
Chairman, Burial Planning Committee.

Sis. Bolanle Oshoffa
Secretary, Burial Planning Committee.

MC Ebun Enahoro (MPIC)
CCC Diaspora Liason & Adviser.
+1 (832) 274-6509

Bro. Muyiwa Olaitan

for The Burial Committee.

Hallelujah, Members of the CCC Worldwide and the general public. Please be informed that the publication of the said acc...


Members of the CCC Worldwide and the general public. Please be informed that the publication of the said account is not a solicitation for public donations towards the burial event.

Kindly refer to the attached document for more information.

Signed: Burial Committee For Late Prophetess Deborah Oshoffa.

Bro Muyiwa Olaitan (MO)

Sister Bolanle Oshoffa

Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!

Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2023WORSHIP IN HEAVENISAIAH 6:1-7In the year that King Uzziah died I then saw the Lord sitting on a ...



ISAIAH 6:1-7

In the year that King Uzziah died I then saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphs; each one had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is Jehovah of Hosts; the whole earth full of His glory. And the doorposts moved at the voice of the one who cried, and the house was filled with smoke. Then I said, Woe is me! For I am undone; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of Hosts. Then one of the seraphs flew to me, having a live coal in his hand, snatched with tongs from the altar. And he laid it on my mouth and said, Lo, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged.


“And one cried to another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is Jehovah of Hosts; the whole earth full of His glory.” V.3


God is wonderful and greatly to be praised. With a wonderful breeze of God’s love, I welcome you to the last month of the year. I pray our lives shall be a testimony of God’s greatness this month and beyond, in Jesus' name. Amen.

In the text, Prophet Isaiah was opportune to visualize worship in the celestial realm. The Seraphims have six wings- two for meditation, two for humility, and two for service. Therefore service should take only a third of our energy. Our worship must take into important consideration the need to come to God in humility and understanding. We are not to worship God the way we presume but according to His specification.

One cried unto another- one inspired spirit will awaken others. Our gathering should inspire us. The threefold repetition of the word holy implies the Trinity. If door-posts tremble, much more should the hearts of sinful men! If truly we desire God’s presence in our gathering, our hearts must be full of awe. God will not manifest when things are done haphazardly. The devil only appears with similar things as God to further cause confusion. What a wonderful atmosphere we will create if we truly worship God in the beauty of His holiness.


Glorious Father, open our eyes of understanding to worship you rightly and enjoy the glorious manifestation of your presence in our gatherings, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Food for thought:

“You will make Me know the way of life; in Your presence is fullness of joys. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2023WONDERFUL GODPSALMS 19:1-3The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse proclaims His h...



PSALMS 19:1-3

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor are there words; their voice is not heard.


“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse proclaims His handiwork.” V.1


The skies reveal the greatness of God because they contain a mass of water and other materials resting on nothing. Even the earth as big as it is resting on nothing and it hangs in the space and keeps rotating. Sometimes when you look at skies, it seem like it is moving but on the contrary, it is the earth that is rotating.

This program has been written since the commissioning of the earth and it has never failed. I have never seen it in any archive of history wherein they said the day failed to break. Yet nobody is there to direct things, it just happens. What a wonderful God we serve. This clearly shows that our God never fails. The glory of God is clearly revealed in all that He does.

Do we now realize that the most glorified creature of God is humans? Yes, we are the most decorated creatures because God created us in His image and likeness. He gave us the power of creativity just like Him to come up with great and new inventions that will wow others. Therefore, henceforth, let your life begin to declare God’s glory. Put your power of creativity into action and recreate your world to become better just as God did to the earth in the beginning.


Almighty Father, let your power of creativity begin to work effectively in me so that my life can declare your glory in Jesus' name. Amen.

Food for thought:

“Everyone who is called by My name; for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.” Isaiah 43:7

10 CHARACTERISTICS OF A SPIRITUAL LEADER.1.Deep sense of purpose: A spiritual leader has a strong sense of purpose and a...


1.Deep sense of purpose: A spiritual leader has a strong sense of purpose and a clear understanding of their mission. They are driven by a higher calling and are committed to serving others.

2.Integrity: Spiritual leaders possess high moral and ethical standards. They consistently act in alignment with their values and principles, and their actions are guided by integrity and honesty.

3.Compassion and empathy: Spiritual leaders have a deep sense of compassion and empathy towards others. They are able to understand and connect with the emotions and experiences of those they lead, and they genuinely care about their well-being.

4.Wisdom and insight: Spiritual leaders possess a deep understanding of human nature and the complexities of life. They have gained wisdom through their own spiritual journey and are able to offer valuable insights and guidance to others.

5.Authenticity: Spiritual leaders are authentic and genuine in their interactions with others. They are true to themselves and do not pretend to be someone they are not. Their authenticity allows them to build trust and inspire others.

6.Ability to inspire and motivate: Spiritual leaders have the ability to inspire and motivate others towards a common vision or goal. They are able to communicate their message effectively and inspire others to take action.

7.Open-mindedness: Spiritual leaders are open-minded and accepting of different beliefs and perspectives. They recognize that there are many paths to spiritual growth and are willing to learn from others.

8.Humility: Spiritual leaders are humble and recognize that they are not perfect. They are open to feedback and are willing to admit their mistakes. Their humility allows them to continuously learn and grow.

9.Strong communication skills: Spiritual leaders are effective communicators. They are able to articulate their ideas and beliefs clearly and concisely. They are also good listeners and are able to empathetically understand the needs and concerns of others.

10.Servant leadership: Spiritual leaders embody the concept of servant leadership. They prioritize the needs of others and are committed to serving their community or followers. They lead by example and are willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good.


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2023SIMPLY OBEY2 KINGS 5:9-14And Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at t...



2 KINGS 5:9-14

And Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall come to you, and you shall be clean. But Naaman was angry, and went away. And he said, Behold, I said within myself, He will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of Jehovah his God, and strike his hand over the place and recover the l***r. Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? May I not wash in them, and be clean? And he turned and went away in a rage. And his servants came near and spoke to him and said, My father, if the prophet had told you to do a great thing, would you not have done it? How much rather then, when he says to you, Wash and be clean? And he went down and dipped seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God. And his flesh came again like the flesh of a little boy, and he was clean.


“But Naaman was angry and went away. And he said, Behold, I said within myself, He will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of Jehovah his God, and strike his hand over the place and recover the l***r.” V.11


One major issue bedeviling mankind is that we refuse to obey God’s instructions. Namaan initially refused to follow the instructions given to him as he tried to logically analyse it but God cannot be analyzed because He is a mysterious God. We apply common sense to physical things we can handle but spiritual matters are left to God to orchestrate.

How long will you continue to contend against God’s instruction because it doesn’t make logical sense? You have been instructed to submit to your husband because oneness in marriage is a spiritual matter, but you choose to keep contending with him. If Namaan had not listened to the counsel, he could have been leprous all his life.

Leprosy wasn’t normal for Namaan; God had the plan to remove it. A lot of problems you may find yourself today are not normal, God wants to remove them but this will depend on your decision to follow His instructions. How can you be in good health when you refuse to follow your doctor’s recommendations? How can you enjoy a healthy spiritual life when you are disobedient?


Omniscient Father, as I make the decision to follow your instructions, let every affliction in my life be totally erased in Jesus' name. Amen.

Food for thought:

“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19

🌍 Greetings to all our cherished members worldwide! On this Second Sunday of October, let's reflect on the powerful less...

🌍 Greetings to all our cherished members worldwide! On this Second Sunday of October, let's reflect on the powerful lessons from Genesis 4:1-8 and Corinthians 9:5-11.

In Genesis, we learn about Cain and Abel, reminding us of the significance of genuine offerings and the condition of our hearts before God.

Corinthians speaks to us about sowing seeds generously and God's abundant blessings in return. Let's approach this new month with open hearts, ready to give and receive in love and unity. 🌿💖

May the grace and peace of the Lord be with you all. 🙏

   Anniversary ✅Halleluyah🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Anniversary ✅


1ST: Proverbs 11: 22-28
2ND: Luke 12: 33-40

1. When we trust in God and rely on His Word, we are building a treasure in heaven.

2. Both in temporal and spiritual things, God commonly deals with His people according to the measure by which they deal with their brethren.

3. We must not hoard up the gifts of God's bounty, merely for our own advantage.

4. Jesus is calling us to prioritize activities that give eternal life.

5. We need not hold tightly to possessions or fear giving because we can trust God desires to give us the Kingdom.

6. We are to hold loosely to the things of this world and give to those in need. Help those in need of help.

7. Jesus wants us to reduce the things we treasure on earth and increase the things well treasure in heaven because he wants to guard our hearts, joy, and our hope.

Bible references 📖
Proverbs 11:22-28, Luke 12:33-40

© Comrad Oloruntoba Stephen ✍️
Kãh Yør Dêh

Esin esin oluwa olorunEsin esin oluwa olorunBaba wa lokanK'olorun f'ogo orun han aiyeKi gbogbo aiye leWariri labeAgbara ...

Esin esin oluwa olorun
Esin esin oluwa olorun
Baba wa lokan
K'olorun f'ogo orun han aiye
Ki gbogbo aiye le
Wariri labe
Agbara na. amin.


CCC @ 76 !!!!

Whose Report shall we Believe???

The Lord has made a Report and established CCC on Grace and the most Precious Blood of Jesus…It stands!!!!

Yet the Report of Men has brought division, Lust for Position ,strife and lies ..
Righteousness exalts a Nation…. Our CCC is bigger than Nations…Yet the unrighteous keep blooming .

Several Wrong People in Right Positions and Right People in Wrong Positions..

I say Whose Report do we Believe??

I Celebrate the Man Rev SBJ OSHOFFA who found Grace where the world sets standards.
I celebrate all noble men and Women who have played a part at one time or the other for the Greatness of the Church this Generation toy with.

I Celebrate everyone who are the silent yet persistent voices seeking the peace and progress of Our Jerusalem but are seen as enemies of this Church…Yet the Enemies of the church are celebrated.

I Celebrate everyone who has been condemned and maligned for standing for truth and Progress in CCC…

I celebrate all Past and present leadership of CCC

I Celebrate every Member of CCC …

I want to remind all those whose part has kept us so long on this Mountain of Scorn…A day of reckoning comes no matter how long it takes.We shall all reap what we have sown.

76 years CCC… How long shall we stay of this mountain????

We have fasted wrongly, we have called for solemn assemblies with wicked hearts and lying lips.. ..Our Seers have led us astray….. I could go on….

Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren…

God can not be mocked..

Return oh Celestial …

Halleluyah ni Orin wa,
Halleluyah wa ninu ise wa,
Bi aiye fe,
Bi aiye ko…
Won yio teriba fun Oluwa!!!




1. Papa SBJ Oshoffa was born in 1909. At 38YEARS (in 1947), he was called by GOD, who descended the Celestial Church of Christ through him.

2. "Eyin Jésù, eyin Jésù, fún 'jo k'ẹyin to sokale..."
_"Jésù lọ npe o tantan, ma bọ ẹlẹsẹ wa (2x), ẹru rẹ wiwo npa o ma bọ̀..."
_"A palaṣẹ l'agbara orun, pe ki Ijo yí ma bi sì..."
_"Mo ngbo ipe Odo Àgùntàn (2x), Jesu lo ní kín wa..."
_JESUS CHRIST Is and remains the Core Message of the Church.

3. Papa SBJ Oshoffa steered the ship for 38YEARS after the call and died in 1985 at the age of 76YEARS.

4. This year 2023, makes it 38YEARS he was called home by GOD, which also marks the 76YEARS the Church was founded through him.

5. GOD wrought great wonders through him during his stay on earth.

6. The Celestial Church of Christ has continued to wax stronger and stronger by the day, irrespective of the world's opinion and biases about the Church, and will continue to spread the gospel of JESUS CHRIST across the globe as long as the sun and moon remaineth. - Psalms 72:5-9.

7. By members, Celestial Church remains the world's most populated White Garment Church.

We remember the great day the Church was founded in SEPTEMBER 29TH, 1947 - 76YEARS later.

I pray, may the raw power of GOD continue to manifest wonders in the fold and beyond, and spreading to the entire world the saving power of salvation of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.


✍️ © Kãh Yør Dêh



NITORINA, ẹnyin olufẹ, bi a ti ni ileri wọnyi, ẹ jẹ ki a wẹ̀ ara wa mọ́ kuro ninu gbogbo ẹgbin ti ara ati ti ẹmí, ki a mã sọ ìwa mimọ́ di pipé ni ìbẹru Ọlọrun.

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.



God has given us so many good things to look forward to.

He made sure they would be safe by sending his Son into the world "to defeat death and bring life and immortality to life." He will change our weak bodies so that they look like his glorious body.
He will take us home to be with him forever, but until that day, he will live inside us and show himself to us.

He will make us stronger than anyone else, and nothing will be able to keep us from his love. So, how should we answer? Yes, we should definitely praise him.
But we can't just say words of praise. God wants us to live good lives and stay away from things that are bad, dirty, stinky, and corrupt.

He wants us to do this not so we can show off how good we are, but so we can show him how much we love and respect him. When we want to praise God, let's not forget that one of the best ways to do so is to seek him in holiness and purity.


Heavenly Father, please forgive me for my mistakes.
Cleanse my heart and get rid of any place the devil might be able to stay because of my sin.

Give me the power to be holy, and accept my life as a gift of praise and thanks.

I give you my heart, my life, and everything I have in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

🌈 HYMN 694 🌈

Ka sise fun iwenu mo Emi wa,
K’Oluwa fi le wa pelu wa,
Ka sise fun Ijo Jehovah,
Ka si ranti orun mimo,
Ka sise fun iwenu mo emi wa,
Ka si ranti ile nla l'oke orun,
Ka sise fun iwenu mo Emi wa,
Ka si ranti ile nla loke orun...



Today September 10th 2023, may the Heaven acknowledge your kneel when you kneel down in prayers, recognize your voice when you lift it up in praises, May you receive quick response from the throne of His Grace. The messengers of good news will locate you today and always. Whatever you lay your hands upon shall prosper, you will not fail, you will not fall, you will not walk in darkness, the light of God shall lead you through out today and beyond in mighty name of GOD Amen. Good morning and have a fulfill Sabbath ☦️

Happy Sunday🌈🌈🌈

Embracing the celestial light of faith, we come together as one global family, united by our unwavering belief in the Al...

Embracing the celestial light of faith, we come together as one global family, united by our unwavering belief in the Almighty.

🙏 Tomorrow Thursday, in our various parishes worldwide, we gather under the sheltering embrace of the New Moon to dive deep into the sacred words of Jeremiah 35:1-11. 📖 These verses remind us of the timeless importance of honoring our commitments and staying true to our spiritual path, just as the Rechabites did.

In a world filled with challenges and distractions, our faith remains our guiding star. Let's join hands, hearts, and voices to celebrate this beautiful journey of faith. ✨

Join us for our New Moon Service, where we find strength in our unity and inspiration in our shared devotion. 🌙 Together, we illuminate the night sky with the brilliance of our faith.

Spread the word, and see you tomorrow as we continue to walk hand in hand with the Divine.

SBJO's JOURNEY TO THE GREAT BEYOND(DAY 6) read more 👇👇👇On the 6th of september 1985, LSSES Edith explained to Papa Oshof...

(DAY 6) read more 👇👇👇

On the 6th of september 1985, LSSES Edith explained to Papa Oshoffa the cold gesture she received from some elders of the church when she went to ketu the previous day (Day 5) to inform the elders about Papa's health and how angry they reacted because they felt she was hiding Papa from them.

Then Papa asked her to sit down and clearly said to her

"Edith, you are a princess in the CCC. Whatever you do, stand by it and nothing will happen to you"

Papa now requested for a TAPE RECORDER so as to send a heart relieving message to the church elders and all Celestians at large.

In the tape recording, papa started his speech by singing three songs which are




After singing, Papa assured them of his good health, promised to visit them at the appointed time and also said some "other things".

On the same day, Evangelist Adenegan and his wife visited the Hospital in their presence, Papa asked his son (Ebenezer); am going home, will you accompany me?

Ebenezer response ; Papa, you can't go yet, we have to wait for the doctor.

Papa turned to Edith asking the same question and she Edith gave similar response, Papa now said;

"Let us leave it as it had been said".

Evang. Adenegan looked at Ebenezer and all of them looked at Papa.


History continues tomorrow

See more on

*SERMON REVEALED IN FEW WORDS**TEXT-: ECCLES 9 vrs 1-10**REVELATION 11 vrs 1 - 14**TOPIC-: DUST TO DUST*The bible says n...

*TEXT-: ECCLES 9 vrs 1-10*
*REVELATION 11 vrs 1 - 14*
The bible says no one knows when their hour will come. (Eccles 9 vrs 12). There is a common destiny for all, dust to dust and ashes to ashes ( Gen 3 vrs 19 - 20)

*WORDS*-- God have made it known and clear to us that no matter what or who you are we must all return back to what we are made from ( Eccles 3 vrs 20). No man knows the heart nor the mind of God,but He knows all our doings( Provb 20 vrs 17). It is very clear that no one knows what awaits him on the of judgment whether good or bad ( Eccles 9 vrs 1). We are all made from dust of the earth and all shall return back to it whether you are rich or poor, served or not serving God, righteous or wicked. Surely the spirit must go back to the father that gave it, but the dust shall return to the ground it came from (Eccles 12 vrs 7). What profits a man to gain the whole word and lose is soul( Mark 8 vrs 36). Even you are the greatest man on this earth. Death is inevitable for everyone. When the king looks through all happenings on earth, he concluded saying “Vanity upon vanity “(Eccles 1 vrs 12). What is best for us is to love and fear the most High. For a time is coming ( John 5 vrs 28-28). I pray we shall all reign with Him in heaven in Jesus name. But know this judgment shall start from the house of God( 1 Peter 4 vrs 17). Let us work for the salvation of our souls.

🌹Learn to be at peace with everyone, be prayerful and thankful at all times. Devil is looking for who to devour ( Job 1 vrs 6 - 8). We shall not be a victim in Jesus name

🌹 Inconclusion, let the works of your hand be pure, don’t be proud. We came to this world with nothing and so shall we leave.The earth and heaven will pass away but His words stands.
🎶Songs -- ka sise fun iwe nu mo emi wa
- 🎶 Gbogbo wa ni yio duro
🎶Baba palase latorun, ki gbogbo aye si wariri
Appreciation-: Thank you all and stay blessed.🙏

CCC Hymn5511. Ki la o wi, ki la o so,Ki la o wi, ki la o so,Ijo Mimo ki la o so,Gbati Baba ba pe wa o,Pe omo siwo ko ma ...

CCC Hymn551
1. Ki la o wi, ki la o so,
Ki la o wi, ki la o so,
Ijo Mimo ki la o so,
Gbati Baba ba pe wa o,
Pe omo siwo ko ma bo,
Wa siro ise owo re.

2. Ki la o wi, arakunrin,
Ki la o wi, arabinrin,
Ijo mimo ki la o so,
Gbati Baba ba pe wa o,
Pe omo siwo ko ma bo,
Wa siro ise owo re.


Divine favor will locate you in the next 24 hours!
in Jesus name🤲🙏

Listen to the voice of my father in heaven,I decree and declare to your life  as a man of God,as today is mercy day,may ...

Listen to the voice of my father in heaven,I decree and declare to your life as a man of God,as today is mercy day,may the divine mercy of God follows wherever you go,you are bless in your going out today and in your coming in and throughout the remaining days weeks and months in this year and I pray you will never know sorrow and bitterness all the days of your life and every harrow of evil roaming around in this week will never locate your house and your love ones,at the end of this month,you will count all your family members and no one will be missing,by the end of this year God of Oshoffa will give you the full grace to glorified his holy name,I say it's well with you and your family, good morning and happy second Wednesday of the month of August🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈..

You will be called by a new name this month. Old things have passed and the new is here! The month of August will speak ...

You will be called by a new name this month. Old things have passed and the new is here! The month of August will speak blessing on you. Happy new month.
CCC Ileri Oluwase Central Parish Isanlu, Kogi State.


Itedo-Ijowa, Isanlu
Isanlu Itedo


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