Ibrahim Basheer Bello's Inspiring Maxims

Ibrahim Basheer Bello's Inspiring Maxims Inspiring


Jose Mourinho on Didier Drogba:

"Didier Drogba came into my life in the fifth minute of a Champions League game in Marseille’s mythical Vélodrome. I’d hardly sat down when that giant with the 11 on his shirt scored. He celebrated that goal like it was his last, the crowd went mad, the noise was deafening."

"At half-time, I found him in the tunnel and told him: ‘I don’t have the money to buy you, but do you have any cousins that can play like you in the Ivory Coast?’ He laughed, hugged me, and said: ‘One day you’ll be in a club which can buy me.’"

"Six months later I signed for Chelsea. I had found a super powerful club that everybody wanted to negotiate with, everybody wanted to be linked to – and everybody wanted to play for.

"I had a number of options, but I arrived and said: ‘I want Didier Drogba.’ Doubts and questions were raised by a few people: ‘Why this one?’, ‘Why not that one?’, ‘Are you sure he will adapt?’, ‘Is he really that good?’

‘I want Didier Drogba,’ I said."

"A few days passed and I met with Didier in a private airport in London. Again he hugged me, but this time in an unforgettable way: an embrace that showed this man’s gratitude, and the affection he feels towards people who mean a lot to him. Indescribable."

"Then he told me: ‘Thank you. I will fight for you. You won’t regret it. I will stay loyal to you forever.’

And that’s just what he’s done…"

"His loyalty came out in his leadership and in the way he always faced up to the difficult moments. Moments when nothing else matters than to be there for your leader and your colleagues. This was a person I knew I could count on whenever and wherever I needed."

"When the team was under pressure he would help defend; when he felt pain he would stretch himself to the limit and then of course came what he did best: scoring goals.

Those goals brought him titles & awards, but what stays with me are the countless stories we have together."

A word for the Africa born, Didier Drogba


"Be hilda to be a leader, the clever", IBasheer Bello.


A young, well qualified Officer left his job in Lagos and emigrated to Canada for better prospects and applied for a salesman's job at Vancouver's premier downtown department store. It was the biggest store in the world; you could get anything there.

The boss asked him, "Have you ever been a salesman before?"

"Yes sir, I was a salesman in Nigeria."

The boss liked him and said, "You can start tomorrow. Learn fast and do well."

The first working day was long and arduous for the young man, but he got through it.

Finally 06:00pm came around. The boss duly fronted up and asked,

"How many sales did you make today?"

"Sir, I made ONE sale!" said the young salesman rather happily.

"Only one sale?!" shot back the boss. "No! No! You see, most of my staff make 20 or 30 sales a day.
If you want to keep this job, you'd better be doing better than just one sale.

By the way, how much was your sale worth?"

"$933,005.00", said the man.

"What? How did you manage that?" asked the flabbergasted boss.

"Well," said the salesman, "This man came in and I sold him a small fish hook, then a medium hook and finally a really large hook.

Then I sold him a good fishing rod and some fishing gear.

Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast.

So I told him he'd be needing a boat, so I took him down to the boat department and sold him that 20-foot schooner with the twin engines.

Then he said his Volkswagen wouldn't be able to carry it, so I took him to our automotive department and sold him that new Deluxe 4X4 Blazer.

I then asked him where he'll be staying and since he had not decided, I took him to camping department and sold him a six-sleeper camper tent.

Then he said I should throw in about $200 worth of groceries and two cases of juice."

The boss took two steps back and asked in astonishment, "You sold all that to a guy who came in for a fish hook?!"

"No, sir," answered the young man, "he came in to buy sanitary napkins for his wife and I convinced him that since he will be bored with his wife being in period - fishing is the best remedy for boredom."

Boss: "Where did you acquire this professional training?!"

"Gbagi market in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria!♻️


1. The lies they tell you

2. The lies you tell others

3. The lies you tell yourself…..

If you ever want to be
successful in life, you must
respect one rule


The greatest battle in life is to become your own enemy fighting against and there's no greater victory than conquering yourself. You can never win any external war until you defeat your internal battles.Those who run away from their own truths may die living a life of lies. A blind man who pretends to be sleeping while he’s only closing his eyes is fooling no one but himself.

👫 ❤️

Collective Security, not Self Defence ~*Hussaini Abdu, PhD* Banditry has become the single most important threat to live...

Collective Security, not Self Defence

~*Hussaini Abdu, PhD*

Banditry has become the single most important threat to lives and livelihood in Nigeria. I feel for the bandit occupied communities of the northwest and north central parts of Nigeria. Particularly those in Kaduna, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara, Niger and Kwara. These communities are virtually under siege. It is the start of a new planting season; farmers cannot access their farms; they couldn’t harvest last year and the year before; those that managed to harvest couldn’t access their regular markets, if they did, they never returned home safely. They can’t attend wedding ceremonies of their loved ones; they can’t perform their religious obligations in congregation and their children have been long out of school. They cannot visit their sick neighbour or attend the funeral of their deceased relatives. Thousands have been displaced and rendered destitute. The bandit and armed robbers/kidnappers have taken total control of these communities, kidnapping for incredible ransom, imposing levies on poor communities, killing indiscriminately, and perpetrating gruesome gender-based violence. In this situation, the security agencies and civil authorities appear as helpless as the hapless communities.

While the real/perceived inaction of the government is very frustrating, as the daily statistics of violent crimes continue to mount, it is important to caution that we don’t allow our individual and collective exasperation to compound our misery. Governor Bello Matawalle’s recent proclamation that citizens in Zamfara state will be allowed to bear arms in self-defence appears not only impetuous, but also a huge risk to the collective security of the people as it stands to compound the already bad situation. While I appreciate his frustration, considering what people are going through in Zamfara state and the apparent failure to contain the over a decade long crisis, self-defence in face of mass violence is simply a recipe for anarchy. Such an indiscriminate arming of communities is the easiest path to anomie. Fi****ms, especially in the hands of the untrained can be addictive. It proffers unusual power, that is often difficult to let go. It is partly for this reason that banditry and related crimes have become intractable. Their access to fi****ms has given them unfettered power and resources, which they may never relinquish unless they are compelled to do so.

State response to the situation should therefore be driven by principles of collective security, not self-defence. The starting point is to stop the incriminate killings. I am not interested in the polemics of whether it should be through military action or negotiation. I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. However, I am convinced that the subsisting security architecture is incapable of tackling the multi-layered security crisis in the country. Even if the armed groups are for any unlikely reason contained, the social, political, and economic structure of country will still produce more of their kind.

It is therefore my recommendation, that the governments of the effected states in collaboration with the Federal Government and possibly the support of multi-lateral and bilateral development institutions, establish a five year Clearing, Recovery and Peace Building programme to deal with the immediate and underlining causes of the crisis. The first two years should be committed to establishing the right atmosphere for any form of social development intervention. This will involve – taming the violence, containing arm trafficking, and mopping up the escalating small arms and light weapons in the region and providing support to victims and survivors. Doing this will involve setting up and recruiting a Special Community Defence Force in the affected states. Members of the special force should be offered a five-year contract, insured (health and group life insurance), trained, armed, and placed under the command and control of the Military and Police with clearly provided accountability mechanism. Depending on the depth of the crisis, each state should be required to recruit at least 10,000 men and women, clustered in two groups: While a set joins the military action against the armed groups in their respective hideouts, the other cluster will support the police in civil policing activities in the affected villages. The essence is primarily to stop the violence and reestablish civil authority in the affected communities. Both military and police action should be supported by technology. Including area surveillance satellites and secured communication system.

The programme should be designed with an exist plan. Such plan should include mechanism for demobilizing the Community Special Force – prepare them for new jobs and vocations, retaining some in the military and police, and pay attractive severance package at the end of the programme.

Containing the ravaging violence is as important as addressing the underlining causes. The military and policing component should be complimented with clear and accountable government-led social development and cohesion programme. Including better climate change adaptation and mitigation programme, investing in social development to reduce the level of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and ensure better health service for the people; invest in rebuilding sense of community, social cohesion and ensure social justice for all. Institute a transitional justice programme, to enable a better understanding of the dynamics of the crisis, identify roles played by different actors and deploy locally acceptable means of ensuring accountability and justice.

To fund the five-year programme, each participating state should invest at least 15% of its annual budget in the intervention, while the federal government invests a minimum of 7%. The programme should be supported by a small office and governed by representatives of government (Federal, state and LGA), private sector, civil society, affected communities and interested development partners. The funds should be audited annually, and the programme evaluated. This should not be another government instituted regional intervention or commission, but a rapid intervention programme, with a clear objective and lifespan. We’ve seen how special regional intervention programme have been hijacked and turned into cash cows for vested interests.

I recognize that this crisis has also been an opportunity for blatant theft of public funds and rapacious accumulation, not just by politicians, but other self-serving interest groups involved in the bandit economy and supply chain: From bandit informants to drug and arms dealers, village health officials, some compromised security agents, traditional rulers, food vendors and government officials who are pilfering public resources in the name of fighting banditry. In a context like this, no recommendation is foolproof. This is where leadership and our enlightened self-interest matters. We need leaders who can look beyond pecuniary gains and face this crisis frontally. It is important to appreciate that the crisis affects everyone. The feeling of insecurity that permeates the country is not good for our collective stability, productivity and development.

Hussaini Abdu, PhD

Sometimes I look at all the discussions about couples lack of satisfaction in intimacy and deep in my mind I know the is...

Sometimes I look at all the discussions about couples lack of satisfaction in intimacy and deep in my mind I know the issue of immorality contributes a lot to the problem.

●Nudity and p**n as well as erotic books has expanded people's s*xual expectations before marriage. He or she has built so many unrealistic fantasies about intimacy from the evils the mind has been fed from books and movies. It wouldn't matter how far the spouse tries to bring satisfaction, the mountain of expectation is insurmountable. From exaggeration of what 'size' of male ge***al counts as ideal, to what size and shape of breasts that are considered attractive, to how explosive an or**sm must look, to how long s*x should last to be considered ideal. Some people's head is a wastebin of exaggerated irrelevances and myths. How do you satisfy such a person?

●Add to the above ma********on. Some people have had or**sms that their spouse will NEVER be able to give them no matter the number of counselling sessions they go to. Men and women alike. After s*x with their spouse, some couples have to hide behind and ma******te to get some sense of s*xual fulfilment. While this is usually attributed to the fact that the husband may be lacklustre in bed, have you considered that it may be the ma********on she was addicted to that raised the bar too high to be surmounted?

●Your husband's colleagues at work display their bosom with reckless abandon, yours that has responded to the trials of breastfeeding may stand no chance of arousing him if he doesn't learn to lower his gaze and caution his mind. This has left some wives in a desperate attempt to return their bosom to its pre-suckling or even pre-marriage state. While there is no harm if natural non-harmful methods are employed, it is important to realise none of these will satiate the mind of a man that places no restrain on his eyes. Even more important is for couples to realise that marriage is a sacrifice. Expecting your spouse to remain the same after making sacrifices for the marriage (like the sacrifice of pregnancy, and childbirth), demonstrates an unwillingness to make sacrifices for the marriage on your part. You just want to have your cake and eat it.

●There is a sweet young lady sending nudes of herself to him on whatsapp, it wouldn't matter how many expensive lingeries you buy, your body that has withstood 4 pregnancies can't compete favorably with a 'sweet 16' my sister, especially one that Satan has set out to make attractive to his eyes. If you like wear show me your back and spaghetti for him, it wont interest him.

●If he is getting 'action' outside (adultery), just forget it. There is little hope for an interesting intimacy at home. The illegal is always more interesting than the legal to an uncontented mind.

●For some, his wife's ex boyfriend has gone through all kinds of s*xual adventure with her that your 9-5 job in Lagos for instance can not allow you to ever break his record. Some wives have their body in a marriage but their mind with their Ex (it may not even be s*xual, it may be emotional comfort). That's why for me, once a lady is known to openly flaunt having a boyfriend I will advise any wise person looking for a wife to look elsewhere. The things boyfriends and girlfriends do these days are better left imagined. But if you have also frolicked around with girlfriends then by all means go ahead. You are good match for one another.

There is no chance we will hear the last of dissatisfaction with bedroom affairs for as long as immorality continues to live among us. If you support and encourage immorality then do not be surprised that snake you encourage comes back to bite you. When we encourage chastity some people see us as persons living in the 16th century. Then why do you complain of problems that have a root in the immorality you call civilisation?

Allāh's aid is sought.

A. Haroun

Copied and shared

One day, a farmer's donkey fell into a well.The animal cried and grieved for hours while the farmer tried to do somethin...

One day, a farmer's donkey fell into a well.
The animal cried and grieved for hours while the farmer tried to do something to save him.
Eventually, the farmer decided the donkey was too old and the well had been dry for a long time, so getting the donkey out of the well wasn't worth it.

He called his neighbors, and each of them took a shovel and began throwing dirt into the well.
The donkey, realizing what was happening, started crying and growling even louder.
At one point, to everyone's surprise, the donkey stopped complaining after a few plates of dirt.
The farmer looked to the bottom of the well and was amazed at what he saw...

With every palate of dirt, the donkey was doing something incredible: it was hitting the ground with its hooves and taking a step above the ground.

Very soon, everyone saw in surprise the donkey coming to the mouth of the well, stepping over the edge and trotting out.

MORAL. Life will knock you down, but we can get out of the deepest pits if we don't give up. Use the ground they throw you to move forward. Love more, fight more, and let the real as*holes be the others.

Copied and shared.

THIS SHOULD BRING TEARS DOWN YOUR CHEEKS. D POOR HAVE NO FRIENDS.An 8 year old was seated at the corner of a mosque with...


An 8 year old was seated at the corner of a mosque with his younger sister. He was deeply engrossed in prayers. Making dua'a to Allah SWT.

It caught my curiosity. He was wearing very old clothes with patches here & there, but they were very clean. His cheeks were wet with his tears. The passers by were looking at him, but nobody bothered to stop, even the little boy was busy talking to his Rabb.

A stranger went to him, caught his hand & asked him 'what did you ask from Allah?'

The little boy looked up & said, 'My dad is no more, I'm praying for Jannah for him.

My mother always keeps crying, I am asking Allah to give her patience.
My sister always cries for clothes, I want money for her.'

The stranger asked 'do you go to school?'
The boy replied, 'yes'

'In which grade do you study?'

The boy said, 'I don't go there to study, my mother makes boiled chickpeas & I go there to sell that. Many school kids buy from me. That is how we survive. '
Every single word of this little boy was touching my soul.
Don't you have any relatives? Asked the stranger.

'My mom says the poor have no relatives. My mom always speaks the truth. But sometimes when she serves us food & when we ask her to eat with us, she would say she had finished her meal. At that time I can see that she is not speaking the truth. '

'If someone takes care of your school fees, will you study?' Asked the stranger.
'Never' was the quick reply. 'Educated people hate the poor. None of the literates here have bothered to talk to us & tried to help us. All these people knew my dad, but they don't want to know us. '

The little one was now weeping. 'Uncle when A father dies, every single person whom you know becomes a stranger.'

I had no reply. My heart was weeping. It was a very bitter reality. Nobody realizes the effect big tragedies can have on innocent minds. It was a very huge loss for the little one.

There are so many such children who can not get the basic needs.

Every day they kill their desires & try to survive in this bad, selfish world.

I request all of you to look around you & try to find such needy children & help them lead a decent life. Impact in their lives even if it is with a bag of pure water..

People donate to mosques & madrasas. That is very good and rewarding..But before you give to schools or mosques, look around you for such hard working sincere people who need it more than anyone else. Kindly start with those kind of people around before reaching out to those who are far away.. imagine if we all do that, the world will be a better place inshaAllah.

Share this message as much as possible.

You might bring about a change in people & society.


CopyPOOR LITTLE BIRDSAuthor UnknownThese poor dead birds in the nest were waiting for their mother to bring food for the...



Author Unknown

These poor dead birds in the nest were waiting for their mother to bring food for them but obviously, that didn't happen...their mother was killed!

The person who killed their mother probably didn't know or plan to kill them.

Now listen, anytime you're fighting someone, you're invariably fighting against his/her dependants also. Always have a rethink before taking your fight against people too far at your working place, home, etc.

Our actions often produces a more devastating consequence than we anticipated. Please, don't be the reason why many will be in severe distress because of personal grudges!

Don't be a party to the destruction of others. With everyone destroyed, there are many others whose dreams are destroyed along indirectly.

Life is very brief, you shouldn't invest in energy laying up bad memories.

What will you be remembered for? Bringing pains and sorrows?

Rethink and repent!

CopyWithout regular s*x women risk mental disorder – PsychiatristA psychiatrist, Dr Maymunah Kadiri on Saturday advised ...


Without regular s*x women risk mental disorder – Psychiatrist

A psychiatrist, Dr Maymunah Kadiri on Saturday advised married women to have regular s*x with their spouses in order to prevent depression and gain happiness.

Depression is a common mental disorder that causes people to experience depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration.

Kadiri, the Medical Director of Pinnacle Medical Services gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos.
Pinnacle is a health and wellness centre for psychological, behavioral, and mental health related issues.

According to her, s*x is not just to nourish a woman’s body, but it is also beneficial to her mental health.

“As women, there is need for us to make our spouses our best friends if we want to be mentally healthy.

“Studies have shown that women who have more active s*x and in long term relationships were less likely to be depressed than women who went without s*x.

“So, more s*x is important and essential. It is a remedy to curing women from having persistent headache.

“Low s*xual drive, which leads to depression, should be looked into. A woman can be depressed when that s*xual drive that she used to have is no more there.

“Frequent active s*x can play good roles toward women’s sense of well being and quality of life,’’ Kadiri said.

She explained that s*x was not just for procreation and to have children, adding that it could create bonding, good companionship and sound sleep.

Kadiri, popularly called ‘celebrity shrink’, urged women dealing with depression to frequently indulge in s*x, while boosting their self-esteem.

She also advised women who are over-weight to also involve in active s*x, saying doing so will boost endorphins which are happy hormones.

“The happy hormones will make them lose some calories as well as sleep better.

”Orgasms trigger the release of endorphins which are happy hormones secreted by the brain that act as effective painkillers,’’ she said.

She added that s*x was not only beneficial to the men, but especially to women because it was capable of freeing them from stress.
S*x accordingly. (For married ones only). A lot of people don't associate s*x with Allah - they associate it with Shaitan and darkness, as if s*x is not holy.!!

The Qur'an is explicit when it comes to s*x. S*x is holy within marriage, and there is no prescribed style. Nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that a particular position is the only s*xual style.

Not discussing s*x in a relationship leads to divorce!! I have counseled women who've complained: my husband treats me as if I were his sister. There was one who told me: I am tired of getting s*x fortnightly, like a salary. I told her she was lucky to be getting s*x fortnightly, since some wives only get it on big days, like elections and Eid.

Many husbands leave their wives to seek s*xual pleasures in Hillbrow. Have you ever asked yourself what those women have that you don't. Wives have become very frigid and even sleep with their panties. If you're a married woman, you should sleep naked and let your bum touch your husband.

Today you find men going out of their way to get a glimpse of a va**na. They page through magazines and even go to lingerie departments in stores hoping to see what's hidden under panties because their wives hide it from them. Marriage is about being free with your body in front of your partner, that's why Allah made marriage halal and called our wives, our blanket and the holy prophet SAW said marriage is half of deen.

A woman should parade naked and do some modeling to tempt her husband. There are many married women who don't know what their husband's p***ses looks like. She only feels it when he enters her. They've never touched it, let alone seen it, because the husband switches off the lights before un******ng. A p***s is a wife's toy - she is supposed to play with it.

I blame couples for not making time for s*x and complaining about being tired after a day's work. You find many couples who've been s*xually starved for years. Allah created s*x for procreation and also for pleasure. You can't marry and not have a good time in bed.


Why can't you drive home during lunch and have a quickie with your wife? We're all equal in s*x - it's not just about a woman satisfying a man. You have to satisfy each other. Have you ever seen a woman who has been satisfied? Have u noticed how she glows and becomes energetic?
May Allah Bless you.

This is the Whole Truth, Nothing But The Truth. Once you read this you have to keep it going. Age has nothing to do with s*x. The older u are the more u should enjoy it but do it in halal way.

Make sure your spouse reads this. Also Send to all your married friends, Grandmas & grandpas send it to your married children. You may just be saving a marriage from divorce.

Let LOVE & S*X fill our marriage.
Peace be unto your marriage,

"Don't be an employer or employee of hatred. Only you and your prosterity consume its perilous banquet," IBasheer Bello.

"Don't be an employer or employee of hatred. Only you and your prosterity consume its perilous banquet," IBasheer Bello.


Kamaldeen Street





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