the l***r when He was here on earth. There set the l***r. Did you ever see a l***r? Oh, I've seen many of them, hugged them in my arms, them white with leprosy. Looks like a seed wart turned inside out. Setting where nobody would touch him, down in the slime and dirt and filth of the street, about as low as he could be, where everybody was afraid to get around him. He was an outcast. He was cast away from the society of the city, from the society of the church, from the society of everything there was in the city. No one wanted nothing to do with him. If they done anything, they'd pitch him a piece of bread and let him get it out of the dirt. They wouldn't get near him. But Jesus cared for Him. He walked right down with him and set down. I can just see Him lay His hands upon him and said, "I will, be thou clean." Oh, He cared for him. When nothing else could care, He cared..
When nothing else will care for you, He still cares. There was an old blind beggar, with his sleeves all torn, whiskers all over his face, and not nothing to eat, sit by a gate side one day, begging. And the Son of God, on His way to Calvary, to be crucified with the sins of the world on Him; but one screamed, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." Would a man of that caliber, would a man, would a President, would the mayor, the governor of state, one on the police force, stop for such a thing as that? Seldom you'll find it..
But Jesus cared. He cast his cares on Him, and He cared. He said, "What would you that I would do for you?"
Said, "Lord, that I might receive my sight."
He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." He cared for him.
There was an immoral woman one time, like an alcoholic or a pr******te, so immoral till the women of the city wouldn't touch her. She was an outcast. She come out to get her water; she had to wait till noontime. She couldn't come with decent women. Nobody'd have anything to do with the woman. She'd been married, and had a bunch of husbands, and living common law th