Graduate and Non-Graduate Association of Farmers

Graduate and Non-Graduate Association of Farmers GNGAF is an initiative with the aim to Dissolve Unemployment through Agriculture. Agriculture is a Lucrative Business.



Take Steps today, tomorrow maybe too late

Take Steps today, tomorrow maybe too late




1. Sesame seeds
2. Superior quality raw cocoa beans
3. Cashew nuts
5.Natural Cocoa Butter
6. Natural honey
7. Natural palm kernel oil
8. Maize
9. Cassava
10. Tomatoes
11. Wheat
12. Soya beans
13. Vegetables
14. Avocado peas
15. Pepper
18. Sea foods like Shrimps, fish
19. Animal husbandry like goat, ram, pig, broilers, layers, turkeys
20. Gallstone
21. Rubber
23. Yam Tubers
25. Charcoal
26. Rice
27. Cotton
29. Groundnut
30. Onions.



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*Bitterleaf also known as Veronia Amygdalina*

*In scientific parlance is an aborigine of Africa. It can be cooked, juiced or chewed raw.*

*Regular consumption of this vegetable helps to regulate blood* *cholesterol levels which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke*

*Bitter leaf is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Due to the presence of nutrients especially Beta Carotene,*

*It controls the synthesis of female s*x hormones. This allows women to stay younger and healthy for a longer duration of time.*

*Bitter leaf has been shown to significantly* *lower blood sugar levels It does not only reduce blood sugar, it also helps to repair the pancreas.*

*The plant has been widely used and recognised for its efficacy in preventing malaria. *Drinking the juice alone is an antidote for malaria*.

*Consumption of the plant is helpful in increasing milk production in breast feeding mothers. It increases appetite in anorexia(loss of appetite).*

*It is also useful in treating sleeplessness(insomnia) and boosting immune function. It can be utilised in the management of coughs, helminthiasis(worm infestations) constipation ,and as fertility inducers.*

*There are strong revelations that bitter leaf if incorporated in the diet can slow cancer growth and even kill cancer cells.*



Yesterday I had to visit somewhere and it was raining so I did not want to drive there since I was not too familiar with the road, so I parked my car somewhere close and used a keke (local tricycle).
While I was there I got a call from a long time friend reminding me of my promise to her husband over a job, so I quickly told her my location, and asked her to tell her husband to meet me up ASAP since I will be leaving town soon, but I told her to tell her husband to meet me up where I packed my car since that place was a popular land mark .
I don’t know her husband and we have never met before. As I sent her the address, she called me back and was so excited that I was even around her area which will make it easy for him because he did not even have transport to come out,things was that bad. So I told her that he should pick a drop and I will pay.
In other not to keep him stranded I had to start rushing back to where I packed my car. God, I even entered under the rain, cold, just to meet up with him so he will not be stranded. As I was walking under the rain I saw a keke and stopped it. The keke man asked me to beg the man inside, so I started begging. The man refused and said I was wet. I told him I will sit one side, and he refused, saying except I pay for both his fare and mine.
I agreed, then he allowed me. As I entered this man kept me uncomfortable, saying if my wet clothes touch him again I will get down. I just kept my cool until I finally got to my destination. I did not even reach until I stopped at the junction and paid then used my legs to walk to my car, since it was very close.
I was inside my car warming myself, then I got a call from my friend saying her husband was around, so I described my car and he came. I saw someone knocked on my car glass, wound down and it was this same man in a keke with me. Gosh!
I was supposed to pay the keke man, and recommend him for a job? Tears rolled down my eyes, I brought out N3,000, gave him, started my car and zoomed off. My friend has been calling and sending me messages, I had to block her. Be careful, many times men of gold don’t wear gold.
Be nice.

To begin beans farming, there are things you must know. Apart from its high demand for it and the short supply, we have ...

To begin beans farming, there are things you must know. Apart from its high demand for it and the short supply, we have provided a guide below to start your own beans farm in Nigeria.

1. Selecting a good site

Your first step is to starting a beans farm is to choose a suitable location for it. Normally, the south eastern and western part of the country is very good for beans farming business. The pH level of soil favorable to beans farming is 6-7. This means the soil pH level should be neutral.

Also in this stage, preparing the land by ploughing would be a good idea. However, the soil should be well drained as beans cannot survive in a waterlogged area. To let the legume germinate well, you must expose the soil used in planting beans to sunlight. Mind you that a damp soil, will weaken the seed and might cause stunted growth.

2. Seed Selection

After choosing your farm location, the next step is choosing the seed variety as each have what it is best made for. Read on the variety of beans, specific requirement and what they can be used for.

If you have done your research of the different types of beans grown in Nigeria, it would be better you select the healthy seeds for planting. Damaged seeds won’t yield you a good return on investment. As with the normal practice, the seeds is expected to be planted at least 2 inches deep into the soil before it is covered with the soil surface.

If done well, your beans would sprout within 6 days. This shows you that the seed planted is already germinating, which is a good sign for business.

If you have a fertile soil for beans farming that has been prepared organically, you won’t need fertilizer because of the soil quality. Most beans farmers apply artificial fertilizers moderately due to poor soil type. The ideal fertilizer for beans farming is the nitrogen type.

3. Planting & weeding

Normally, the month to plant beans is by March. This has always been a favorable planting season. But before you start, loose the soil and plough it. After that, you can then plant the seed. As earlier said, the fertility of the soil matters if you want to harvest beans in excess quantity. The only time you should apply fertilizer is if the fertility of the soil is low.

Here is how to plant the bean seeds: the beans should be planted with the eye downwards the soil. Give about 4 to 6 inch gap apart. Watering the soil is also important. This should be done regularly until the bean seeds begin sprouting out.

During the process of watering the plant, ensure the water don’t touch the leaves, this will avoid mould growth. We often advice to plant the beans close to an onions plant. Every four years, develop the practice of planting the seeds at exact spot more than once.

After planting, take care of your farm by weeding when necessary to watch out for pest and diseases and control them immediately to avoid spread. Weeding is important to produce healthy seedlings. While uprooting the weeds be careful to avoid contact with the roots of the bean plant.

4. Harvesting

Beans are usually ready for harvest 60 – 80 days after planting. Very important, it is best to harvest during a dry weather and avoid harvesting during a wet weather. To harvest, gently pull the beans from the vines or snap it off the vine ends.

There are 2 factors that influences harvesting beans and they are type of growth and the stage of growth.

For the stage of growth, you can harvest the beans at the snap, shell or dry stages.

The snap beans are harvested when the seeds are still quite still immature. A problem with harvesting at the snap stage is that this type of beans doesn’t develop the proper flavor and texture. Normally the easiest way to ascertain the suitability of the beans for harvest in this stage is by harvesting one or two pods to determine the quality before going into proper full scale harvest.

The best indicator of snap beans is the diameter of their pods. The ideal diameter is between 1/4 – 1/8 “. You can choose to allow your snap beans to develop into dry beans before you harvest.

The shell beans are harvested at a later time compared to the snap beans. Once the enclosed seeds become quite obvious, the beans can be harvested. The beans can be eaten fresh or dried.

The dry beans are harvested when the seeds have reached complete maturity.. The dry beans should be grown in plenty of space and ventilation. If during the harvest period, there’s a spell of rain, you can remove the plants from the ground and hang it upside down to allow drying to continue.

After that, the harvest goes to the process of threshing to remove the extraneous pod materials. It is important to avoid harvest early so you can get the right flavor and texture. On the other hand, if you harvest late, it becomes tough.

As you can see that beans business in Nigeria is a very profitable one and can yield you millions once the planting season is over.


How to be ur own doctor.
1. TYPHOID FEVER: Get unripe pawpaw,
pineapple,ginger,lime orange and Lipton tea.
Cut into pieces,
boil with fermented corn water for one
hour. Take one glass cup
3 times daily for one week. The ailment will
2. STOMACH ULCER: Get 7-8 unripe
plantain, peel them, cut
them to pieces and pound. Put everything
inside a plastic
container, fill it with one gallon of water.
Allow it to ferment for
three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for
one week. The
ailment will disappear.
3. ASTHMA: Get some seeds of mango, cut
it into pieces and
keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder.
Put one spoon of
the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it
and drink. Once in a
day for 3-4 weeks .
seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces and dry under
the sun, grind to
powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form
paste. Take one
spoon,3 times daily until the 6 days.5 CHOLERA : Take three teaspoons of salt
and one teaspoon of
sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a
single dose. The
cholera will stop immediately.
6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE : Get 4 seeds
of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces, dry under the
sun and grind into
powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into
your prepared palp
and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks.
7. PNEUMONIA: Get a handful of garlic,
grind to extract the
juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub
the chest and back.
That will close the chapter. 8 SEVERE COUGH : Get about 10 pieces
of bitter cola, grind to
powder, add half cup of original honey. Take
2 spoons thrice
daily for 4 days. 9:TUBERCULOSIS : Get 20-23 pieces of
bitter cola, ginger of
equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic. Grind
everything and add a
bottle of original honey. Take one spoon
thrice daily for one
10. DIABETES : Grind 6 bulbs of big
onions, add one original
bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily
for one month.
ALTERNATIVELY; get a handful of bitter
leaf and scent leaves,
squeeze out the water in them, add lime
(orange)juice, grinded
garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it
twice daily for one
11. STAPHILOCOCCUS : Get 2 pieces of
aloe-vera,cut into
pieces and put it in a container. Add one
bottle of original honey
and a glass of water. Take half cup of it,2
times daily for one
some leaves of
Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf),squeeze
out the water and
give it to the woman under hard labour.She
will deliver the
baby instantly.
13. INTERNAL PILE: Get the leaves of
pawpaw, scent leaves and
bitter leaves, squeeze out the water. Take
half cup twice daily
for 4 days.
cola, ginger and garlic
,cut them in pieces .Mix it with lime orange
juice. Take 2
spoons daily for 3 days.
16. WEIGHT LOSS : Get some corn silk,
boil with lime orange
juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week
and also embark on
physical exercise.
17. FUNGAL INFECTION : Mix a native
soap with ground potash,
add lime orange. Apply the mixture after
18. GONORRHEA : Get 3-4 pieces of cola,
ginger and garlic, cut
into pieces. Mix everything with lime orange
juice. Take 2
spoons daily until, it is over.
19. INTERNAL HEAT : Get some quantity
of dry pawpaw leaves
and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink
half cup daily for
one week.
20. INSOMNIA : Add 3 spoons of honey
into a glass cup of milk.
Take all at bedtime for one week.
21-. HEART FAILURE : Grind 12 bulbs of
onions and 12 bulbs of
garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix
together. Take 2
spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.
: Get a mixture of lime
juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity.
The child should
take one teaspoon twice daily until the
problem is over.
24. LOW S***M COUNT : Get large
quantity of guava
leaves,pound,add water and filter. Drink one
glass cup thrice
per day for 1 week. As you are taking that,
eat carrot and
cucumber daily for 2 weeks.
25. QUICK EJ*******ON : Get 3 bulbs of
Okro,slice them; get
the dry seed of it, ferment everything with
soda water for 2
days. Take half cup daily for one week.
26. WEAK ER****ON: Get 6 bulbs of white
onions, grind and
extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey.
Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for one week.
27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE: Get 3 pieces
of bitter cola, some
ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juiceTake 2 spoons twice
daily for one week.
onion, small garlic and
ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give
the child to drink
and use the mixture as cream for the child.
29. FIRE BURNS : Rub the affected the
area with pure honey
30. HAIR BREAKAGE : Get one bottle of
olive oil and one bottle of
honey. Mix together and warm it for few
minutes. Use the
mixture to wash your hair.
31. BALD HEAD: Grind bird pepper, unripe
pawpaw seed and
mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture
to rub the head, hair
will start growing in the affected area.
32. FIBROID : Eat about 20 pieces of
unripe palm kernel seeds
everyday for about two months.
33. BLOOD BUILDING : Get some quantity
of pumpkin leaves and
garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add
milk. Drink it for
three days; your blood will be boosted.
34. CATARACTS : Apply the aloe-vera gel
to the affected eyes
every night until the problem is over.
35. THROAT PROBLEM : Eat small quantity
of ginger
continuously for one week.
36. LOSS OF VOICE : Get some okro bulbs,
cut it into pieces and
pound. Add small water and honey and drink
thrice in a day.

Cassava farming in Nigeria is one of the most popular and common source of livelihood for small-scale farmers. This is s...

Cassava farming in Nigeria is one of the most popular and common source of livelihood for small-scale farmers. This is so because cassava is been processed into many different forms for local consumption in almost every home in Nigeria.
Cassava is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, it can be successfully grown on marginal soils, and gives reasonable yields where many other crops do not grow well....

Cassava farming in Nigeria is one of the most popular and common source of livelihood for small-scale farmers. This is so because cassava is been processed



Show Your Certificate Get A Loan Of 5M

Pls pass on to our youths/others in need of this information:

1. Adire (Tie and Dye)/Aso Oke
2. Animal Feeds
3. Aquaculture
4. Bakery
5. Blocks and Interlocking Stones
6. Bottled Water
7. Ceramics & Tiles
8. Chemicals and Paints
9. Cosmetics/Hair Products
10. Dairy
11. Digital Printing/Multimedia Publishing
12. Doors and Window Frames
13. E-Commerce/Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
14. Fashion/Garmenting
15. Fish Smoking/Drying
16. Food Processing (comprising processing of agricultural products)
17. Foundries/Metal Fabrication/3-D Printing
18. Fruit Juice
19. Furniture/Wood Processing
20. Gemstones
21. Greenhouses
22. Laundry and Dry Cleaning
23. Leather/Footwear
24. Liquefied Petroleum Gas/Compressed Natural Gas
25. Meat Processing
26. Mechatronics
27. Health Care (Medical Diagnostics)
28. Laboratory/Orthodontist/Ophthalmology/Physiotherapy)
29. Movie Production (Nollywood)
30. Plastics
31. Quick Service Restaurants
32. Quarries
33. Recycling
34. Roofing Sheets
35. Soaps and Detergents
36. Solar (off grid)
37. Technical/Vocational Schools (Offering City & Guild Certificate)
38. Theme Parks
39. Water Transportation Riverine
40. Light Manufacturing (Paper, Roofing Sheets, l**e blending, Paints etc)
41. Grocery packaging




The second round of applications is opened for the BOI YES-P. W-HBS is offering training on how to apply. For more information, click here

You can register for the training at

Training information can also be viewed here: 8

Pls this information is for our children and the youths among us. Ask all your children that qualify for this to get involved.

______ / ___M ]__ C{ ( o o )} { •• \___ ––––´ You probably found this page because one of our subscribers used MailChimp to send you an email campaign, and you traced a link in the email back here to investigate. MailChimp is an email-marketing service that serves millions of companies ...

My Co Mechanized Farmers in our Association Preparing and planting 280hectares of Land for Dry Maize.

My Co Mechanized Farmers in our Association Preparing and planting 280hectares of Land for Dry Maize.


*Agriculture and oil*

*Agriculture is superior to oil.
*Agriculture is older than oil
*Agriculture will live longer than oil.
*Everyone living benefits from agriculture
*Agriculture is easy to trade.

I agree with what professor Wole Soyinka once said, the nation was doing very well before we discover oil.

Assuming we don't discover oil, the nation would have been better than the way it is now, that is true.

I urge you all to learn how to grow some crops or rear some animal.

Then invest on it gradually. Don't be ashame to start small, that's always my advise and don't put too much money as a begginner.

The truth is, agriculture pays, it gives cool and real wealth with lasting success, if you have the right technics, you can make more money on 1 plot of land than someone who have 10 acres of land without knowledge.

If you want to go into agriculture. Don't procastinate, don't be ashame to ask questions.

Believe me, farmers are God's partner they are into the business of the Almighty God. That's my confidence, your success is very sure.Paul planted and Apolo water but God gave the increase, he gave seed to the sower.

God is mindful of your success as a farmer, yours is to be available on ground to work and be time conscious, farming is timing.


Greetings to you all my fellow corporate Farmer.

For many of you calling, I believe you are all enjoying the rate in which you crop are growing.

The rain has started fully and the time for wet 🌽 has started, no more waiting.... Start planting your maize and cassava now.

There are still many advantage for those who don't have Farm Land to cultivate... Contact us and be among those to laugh soon.

I remain Deji.



Jute or saluyot leaves (called ewedu among the Yoruba and rama among the Hausa and their Fulbe neighbours) are used as a food source in many parts of the world. It is a popular vegetable in West Africa and is not just rich in nutrition but also has a lot of health benefits, including protecting us from various diseases. Nutrition-wise, vegetables are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals.
They are also good sources of fibre. Fibre keeps the intestinal tract in good health and may even reduce the risk of some
cancers and diseases.

👇Nutritional Fact of ewedu leaves 👇

The leaves contain almost all of the nutrients needed by humans and are high in antioxidant property, primarily in the form of Vitamin E.

It is also used as herbal medicine to control or prevent dysentery, worm infestation and constipation.

Ewedu leaves are rich in vitamins, carotinoids, calcium, potassium and dietary fibres. Although it has been grown for food, in recent times it has been discovered that ewedu has many other benefits, including anti-ageing benefits.

This leaf (Ewedu) is clearly rich in micro nutrients, and these micro nutrients aid in reducing the chances of illness in the consumer.

The main vitamins found in Jute leaves are vitamin A, C and E, and these vitamins are key in the protection of the body from certain degenerative diseases.

👏Health benefits of jute (ewedu) leaves👏

🍃 Ewedu and weight loss🍃
The green leaf has been described as a source of weight loss. Serving ewedu without meat or fish only has 97 calories. So, for those trying to lose some weight, include ewedu in your diet.
The ewedu leaf is an adequate source of fibre, thus making the plant very helpful in dealing with weight management and may also promote intestinal health by helping with bowel movement.

🍃 Ewedu for pregnant women🍃
This jute leaf has been known to be a remedy for pregnant women experiencing prolonged labour. When a pregnant woman is experiencing prolonged labour, a bunch of ewedu leaves squeezed with the stem can be
given to her to drink. It has also been discovered to aid milk secretion in lactating mothers.

🍃Internal Bleeding🍃
Jute plant consists of considerable amount of Vitamin K which is helpful in reducing the threat of bleeding in the liver, poor nutrient absorption, jaundice or the combination of long term use of antibiotics or aspirin. Some of the problems related with the gastrointestinal system due to a decrease of this vitamin include colitis, obstructions, sprue and Crohn’s disease. All these problems are due to a reduced content of Vitamin K.

🍃Protects Eye Health🍃

Poor diet or nutrient deficiencies are the fundamental reasons of numerous eye diseases. Research has proven that taking vitamin B6 together with other vitamins, like folate, can help with the prevention of eye disorders and loss of vision. Jute plant consists of 0.496 mg Vitamin B6 which is 38.15% of the daily recommended value. Regular consumption of Jute plant is believed to help slow the start of certain eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration.

🍃Restless Leg Syndrome🍃

Iron deficiency is one of the main causes of the restless leg syndrome. Low levels of iron within the blood are a main reason of the condition, so proper intake of iron supplements in necessary as per doctor’s recommendations can cure this problem. Regular consumption of Jute plant helps to get rid of this problem because Jute plant consists of 2.73 mg of Iron which is 34.13% of the daily recommended value. Muscle spasms are also one of the main symptoms of iron deficiency.

🍃Supports Skin Health and Cell Growth🍃

Vitamin A is essential for wound healing as well as skin re-growth. It is required to support all of the epithelial (skin) cells both internally and externally and is a powerful aid in fighting skin cancer. Jute plant consists of ample amount of vitamin A which is essential for better skin health and cell growth.

A deficiency of vitamin A can result in a poor complexion, as indicated by research that prove that vitamin A can fight acne and improve overall skin health. Vitamin A helps to keeps the lines and wrinkles in your skin away by producing more collagen, which is liable for keeping the skin looking young. Vitamin A can also contribute to healthy hair too.

🍃Fights off Colds and Flu🍃

Jute plant consists of Vitamin C which is extremely beneficial for immune system and plays an important role in the body’s ability to fight off colds and viruses. You can take 1000 mg of Vitamin C to fight off an oncoming cold and 4000 mg per day to get rid of a cold which is previously in your system.

Vitamin C when taken during colds and flu can help to decrease the risk of developing further complications, like pneumonia and lung infections.

🍃Reduces Cholesterol🍃

Several research studies have shown that copper help to reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and help to increase beneficial cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). Jute plant consists of 0.222 mg of copper which is 24.67% of the daily recommended value. This helps to lowers the chances of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.


Vitamin B9 present in Jute is considered to be an essential component for reducing the occurrence of cancer in the human body. It helps eliminate the likelihoods of cancer in various forms, including colon cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer. Thus, it is recommended by doctors to include this vitamin in sufficient amounts in your daily diet plan. Jute plant consists of 90 µg of vitamin B9 which is 22.50% of the daily recommended value.

🍃Maintains Healthy Teeth and Gums🍃

Calcium helps to protect your teeth by keeping the jaw bone strong and robust throughout your life, which in turn ensures tight fitting teeth where bacteria cannot grow well. Therefore, before your teeth and gums start giving you any trouble, be sure to maintain a calcium rich diet. Sufficient amount of calcium can be obtained by the regular consumption of Jute plant which consists of 184 mg of calcium which is 18.40% of the daily recommended value. Calcium intake should be high, particularly at young ages, so that kids naturally grow up with strong teeth.

🍃Prevents Asthma🍃

People who are suffering from chronic asthma may be able to normalize their breathing with the help of magnesium supplements which aid in relaxing the bronchial muscles and regulating breathing. Jute plant consists of sufficient amount of magnesium that is required for the body. Therefore frequent consumption is recommended to normalize the asthma problems. Even wheezing and breathlessness can be relieved through administration of intravenous magnesium.

🍃Protects Healthy Hair and Skin🍃

Vitamin B2 also known as riboflavin plays an important role in maintaining collagen levels, which helps to makes up healthy skin and hair. Collagen is required to maintain the youthful structure of skin and to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, thus a riboflavin deficiency can make us look aged earlier. Some research recommends that riboflavin can decrease the time needed for wound healing, can decrease skin inflammation and cracked lips, and can help naturally slow signs of aging.

✅How to Eat✅

It is occasionally consumed as boiled vegetable with lemon and olive oil. Is used for making soup in the west and North of Nigeria. It is a popular dish in the northern provinces of the Philippines, where it is known as saluyot.Jute leaves are also consumed by the Luyhia people of Western Kenya, where it is normally known as ‘mrenda’ or ‘murere’It is eaten with ‘ugali’, which is a staple for most communities in Kenya.Japan has been importing dry jute leaf from Africa and is using it as the substitute of coffee and tea.In Europe, jute leaves are used as soup.It can be steamed and pureed, mixed with chicken, or prepared into soup like how the Japanese prepare it as molohiya.Like spinach as well as other leafy greens, jute leaves can be cooked whole as a major component of a dish, or loosely chopped so that they can blend better with other ingredients.Leaves and tender shoots are eaten in India.Leaves are boiled in water like cabbage and eaten together with other foodstuff or on its own just with some additional salt.Jute leaves are used to flavor soups, stews, teas, and vegetable dishes.Dried leaves can be used as a thickener in soups.Young leaves are added to salads.

🍃Other traditional uses and benefits of Jute

Jute is a traditional remedy for aches and pains, fever, dysentery, enteritis, pectoral pains, and tumors.Leaves are used for ascites, pain, piles, and tumors.The cold infusion is said to restore the appetite and strength.An infusion is used in the treatment of dysentery, fevers, liver disorders and dyspepsia.A decoction of the roots and unripe fruits is used in the treatment of dysentery.Leaves are also used for cystitis, dysuria, fever, and gonorrhea.

🎉Other Facts🎉

Stem of the plant can be burned as firewood.Stalks are used for industrial products like rope, pulp, paper, fiber, and composites.Fiber is used for making gunny bags, rugs, ropes, carpets, rough cloth and many other similar articles of daily use.Light and soft wood is used in making sulphur matches.

Credit: WellNest Low Carb Foods & Fitness Accessories



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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00





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