God the Father our Creator,
God the Son our Redeemer,
God the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier,
We praise and thank You for the precious gift of Plateau State endowed with good weather, fertile land and generous people.
We have been plagued by political, ethnic and religious crises
And have suffered the destruction of lives and property
We humbly ask for forgiveness from you and from one another
Heal our wounds with the radiance of your love and mercy
And teach us to live in peace and harmony
Use our leaders as instruments of peace, social development and love.
Help them to be selfless in service and to lead us in the path of dialogue and reconciliation, so that we can truly be one family, working for the common good.
Bless and provide for our youth and help them to be peace loving.
Lord, may the weapons of evil, hatred and violence be silenced by love.
May we enjoy unity and stability as your children who live, move and have our being in you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
V: O Jesus Prince of Peace
R: Be merciful to Plateau State and grant us permanent peace
V: Our Lady Queen of Peace
R: Obtain for us peace in our hearts, peace in our families, peace in our State
All: Amenπππ