Island of Love News - Christian Newspaper

Island of Love News - Christian Newspaper Island of Love News is a complete Christian Newspaper, with a mandate to reveal the secrets of the g

Every man on Earth is on a trade mission. He must buy and sell making profits and returns to the King and kingdom that g...

Every man on Earth is on a trade mission. He must buy and sell making profits and returns to the King and kingdom that gave him life and the trading inputs. Be wise and trade on the side of the just King.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Sunday 27th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation In...

God is a perfect personality. The believer have been called into perfection. He must operate with reality and consciousn...

God is a perfect personality. The believer have been called into perfection. He must operate with reality and consciousness to be successful on Earth and in eternity.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Saturday 26th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation...

The believer is called into a life of complete rest that is only possible through a total surrender to the word of God. ...

The believer is called into a life of complete rest that is only possible through a total surrender to the word of God. The word of God is the life of the believer, anything outside the word is death.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Friday 25th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

The believer must consciously grow in knowledge of the word to function in Union with heaven as a manifested outstretche...

The believer must consciously grow in knowledge of the word to function in Union with heaven as a manifested outstretched arm of God. He must do this by functioning effectively within the mandate of the Great Commission.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Thursday 24th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation...

The need for personal relationship with God as a believer cannot be over emphasized. The believer must grow in knowledge...

The need for personal relationship with God as a believer cannot be over emphasized. The believer must grow in knowledge and grace of God to effectively function within the boundaries of Grace and yoke that sustains him in the path of righteousness into eternity.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Wednesday 23rd March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelatio...

Agreement and unity in the body of Christ cannot be achieved or explained outside the sincere practice of the word of Go...

Agreement and unity in the body of Christ cannot be achieved or explained outside the sincere practice of the word of God. Christ which is the head of the church is the word of God. As long as the head is made alive and effective through the sincere and undiluted practice of the word, the whole body will be alive, compact and United in function, manifestations, goals and activities.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Tuesday 22nd March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation ...

As believers, all our thoughts, imaginations, actions and relationships are to build the house of God, expanding his kin...

As believers, all our thoughts, imaginations, actions and relationships are to build the house of God, expanding his kingdom and it's righteousness on Earth. It is a conscious participation in the kingdom administration and events on Earth against the activities of the kingdom of Satan on Earth.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Monday 21st March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

No person is born with grace. As a believer you grow and multiple the grace of God in your life through the knowledge of...

No person is born with grace. As a believer you grow and multiple the grace of God in your life through the knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Sunday 20th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

The intervention of God in a man's life is not an arbitrary displace of the Almighty power of God in the affairs of man....

The intervention of God in a man's life is not an arbitrary displace of the Almighty power of God in the affairs of man. It is a response to a conscious invitation by a person to God for a particular situation. God respects person's privacy and stays at the threshold of knowledge to give access to the desirous person.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Saturday 19th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation...

Life on Earth is participation in the kingdom war between the kingdom of light and that of darkness. Every of a man's ch...

Life on Earth is participation in the kingdom war between the kingdom of light and that of darkness. Every of a man's choices, decisions and actions counts. The believer must be conscious of this reality in every situation and conditions on Earth.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Friday 18th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

God has sent his word that cannot be changed standing firm for ever. It is the duty of the believer to always hear clear...

God has sent his word that cannot be changed standing firm for ever. It is the duty of the believer to always hear clearly the voice of God behind every of His word the believer comes in contact with in order to remain in the path of righteousness to perfection.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Thursday 17th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation...

In the journey of our walk with God, the believer gets to a point where it seems God is silent.  In such times the belie...

In the journey of our walk with God, the believer gets to a point where it seems God is silent. In such times the believer must remain in his faith looking up to God for sure visitation.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Tuesday 15th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation ...

As believers, we are co-creatirs with God. Our mind is the engine room where we utilise the power of our imagination to ...

As believers, we are co-creatirs with God. Our mind is the engine room where we utilise the power of our imagination to re-create our world. We are called to use the word of God to make our spheres of contacts actual heaven on earth.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Wednesday 16th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelatio...

Ignorance of the word, ways and act of God is the worst thing that can happen to a believer. It destroys his source and ...

Ignorance of the word, ways and act of God is the worst thing that can happen to a believer. It destroys his source and strength denying him of his inheritance and privileges in Christ. There is no alternative to a personal knowledge and interaction of the believer with the word in a sincere practice.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Sunday 13th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

We all as believers are called into Christ for a particular purpose. The general content of this calling locates us at t...

We all as believers are called into Christ for a particular purpose. The general content of this calling locates us at the feet of the Master were we minister to God for maturity in our walk with him. This attainment is determined by the components of our specific callings that defines are individual purpose and role in Christ. For that copying and duplication is not allowed. We must stay firm at the feet of the Master to access and receive the detailed specific components of the book of our calling.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Monday 14th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

The believer must be conscious of the fact that he has no reason to be a victim of the errors, laws and actions of wicke...

The believer must be conscious of the fact that he has no reason to be a victim of the errors, laws and actions of wickedness and evil on Earth. They must rely on the correct knowledge and practice of the word to appropriate fully they inheritance, privileges, add heaven resources at their access and disposal.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Saturday 12th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo,PhD Wisdom and Revelation ...


There is something that should not happen to believers.

The believer should not be the reason for the seeming victory and manifestation of the power of darkness over the Christians. Accepted that the scripture said that some believers must be killed for the Gospel (Rev. 6:11); but we should not allow the powers of darkness to always overcome us as believers.

God forbid that I should practice the gospel without power and demonstration of the character of the Holy Spirit. We as believers must endeavor to ensure that the end time prophesy of the victory of the powers of darkness over Christians are not fulfilled in our individual lives.

Be burning for Christ, manifest the power and character of the Holy Spirit in all your spheres of contacts.

Pastors must endeavor not to pastor congregations that are cold for Christ; that allow the victory and manifestation of the powers of darkness over followers of Christ.

Every pastor should burn for Christ, producing congregations burning for Christ; too hot for the powers of darkness to come near.

Do not depend on politics to protect and prove your faith; depend on the Holy Spirit to demonstrate power of the Risen Christ and subdue all attacks of the enemy in any form.

We are more than conquerors!!!

God has given us, believers, the whole world as our possession. Use the internalized word of God in your spirit to appro...

God has given us, believers, the whole world as our possession. Use the internalized word of God in your spirit to appropriate these riches for your comfort and expansion of the kingdom of God.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Friday 11th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

For a believer, life is a stream of unending miracles. Never get to that point where seeming delays in the manifestation...

For a believer, life is a stream of unending miracles. Never get to that point where seeming delays in the manifestations of your desires dampens your faith, beliefs and practice of the word of God.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Thursday 10th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation...

The conviction of our salvation and finished work of Christ is stronger than anything the world can put in our way as ex...

The conviction of our salvation and finished work of Christ is stronger than anything the world can put in our way as experiences; not even death. The believer must remained focused as he walks the path of righteousness with God to eternity.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Wednesday 9th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo,PhD Wisdom and Revelation ...

The believer should always be conscious of the fact that Christ is a place, a location and an environment which he carri...

The believer should always be conscious of the fact that Christ is a place, a location and an environment which he carries with himself wherever he goes. This consciousness should guide, influence and determine his choices, decisions, actions and relationship.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Tuesday 8th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo,PhD Wisdom and Revelation In...


DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Monday 7th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo,PhD Wisdom and Revelation Int...

Man kind have been condemned to sin and death by the fall in the Garden of Eden. Every believer must understand the oper...

Man kind have been condemned to sin and death by the fall in the Garden of Eden. Every believer must understand the operation and dynamics of the law if sin and death in other to enjoy his full inheritance and privileges in Christ.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Sunday 6th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation In...

Nothing good comes from the flesh. The believer must consciously make choices and decisions that will deny the flesh and...

Nothing good comes from the flesh. The believer must consciously make choices and decisions that will deny the flesh and it's law of sin and death rule over their lives.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Saturday 5th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation ...

The law of sin and death operates in the flesh. Nothing good can ever come from the flesh. The believer must consciously...

The law of sin and death operates in the flesh. Nothing good can ever come from the flesh. The believer must consciously subdue the flesh to succeed on Earth and in eternity.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Friday 4th March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo,PhD Wisdom and Revelation Int...

Membership, attendance and participation in a church or local congregation is a must for all believers. However, the bel...

Membership, attendance and participation in a church or local congregation is a must for all believers. However, the believer must be careful to ensure that his local church is actually preparing him for rapture and a successful participant in the Great Commission assignment; otherwise he should change his local church for the one that will deliver those objectives.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Wednesday 2nd March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation...

The operation of Satan and his agents exit at every level of human activities, global, national, community, family and i...

The operation of Satan and his agents exit at every level of human activities, global, national, community, family and individual spheres of contacts. The believer must be conscious of their existence and operations. He must deal and overcome them by sincere and knowledgeable practice of the word of God.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Tuesday 1st March 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelation I...

Every person on Earth is yoked either unto Satan or God. There is no middle ground or sitting on the fence. The believer...

Every person on Earth is yoked either unto Satan or God. There is no middle ground or sitting on the fence. The believer as yoked to God is a slave of righteousness unto holiness. He must live his life in this consciousness and understanding.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Monday 28th February 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelatio...

The believer has been delivered from the nature of sin. He is now faced with sin driven, determined and controlled by ch...

The believer has been delivered from the nature of sin. He is now faced with sin driven, determined and controlled by choices and decisions. He must stand firm to avoid being a slave of sin because he has been properly positioned and equipped to demonstrate the power and might of heaven.

DAILY WORDS OF WISDOM A daily Bible exposition for Sun day 27th February 2022 By Pst (Dr.) Isidore Ojukwu Nwankwo, PhD Wisdom and Revelati...


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