Preacher : Apostle Ezekiel Richard Omosun
Message Title: Get out of your father's house .
So many of us inherited problems from our father's house. You must be able to handle your foundation because most times that is were the problem comes from. As a child of God you must carry out spiritual operation. And until you carry out spiritual operation against curses, deities, foundation covenant, your destiny will become a mirage . As you study the Bible you will find that the same life Jacob lived was the same life Joseph lived. If you are not violent in the spirit, the spirit of your father's house will not listen to you.
Most battles from your father's house where it come from:
1. Through witchcraft
2. Through polygamous witchcraft manipulation
3. Idolatry
4. Sharing of innocent blood that is unknown to you
5. The wickedness that was done by our forefathers .
If you can be delivered from your problem and the owners of your father's house, the rest attack will not be too hard for you to handle. You won't let storm to stop you in life but there is a sacrifice to pay. You can destroy them by prayer and oil but not house hold problem. As many that pray so much but there are things prayer can not do.
What ever you do in life never make the same mistake your parents made. With faith alone you can do a lot of things but knowledge is also good to destroy house hold prayer.
How to handle household powers
1. Prayers and sacrifice
2. Obedience
A lot of people are already aware that they have wicked brothers and relatives but won't do anything to change it.
You must be careful There are forces agents in your father's house and they already know what you become. If they know that the glory on your head will turn the glory of the family they will go extra mile to frustrate it.
Bible References:
Gen 11: 1; 1 King 19-22,
Prophetic Prayer Point:
Lord, as I pray now every bad blood of hardship and backwardness, by the blood of Jesus deliver me.
Any power that is saying I can not rise more than my root, Lord as I pray now let that power be destroyed.
Lord help me and deliver me , Every spiritual well in my father's house that is supplying affliction and demotion Into my life, Angel of God cover that well.
As I pray now, anything and who ever that needs to die in my father's house for me to excel and prosper, die this week..
Oh Lord as I pray now , any coven/pot/image/tree in my father's house were they decide what happens to people in the family, that is affecting my life Oh Lord let it be destroyed. Let who ever controlling it expire .
God as I pray now, Every spiritual cage in my father's house, where they imprison me , let me go by fire. That anti settlement spirit in my family, expire by fire
Oh Lord the money and wealth in my linage give them to me now,
Prophetic Declaration
Any man or woman that has made the earth difficult for you, may God use it to pay them back.
The Lord will pursue your enemies and execute them.
I pray for you, Because of what God will do in your family your testimony will be loud.
I pray for you, Your mouth will be full of testimony.
I prophesy, Your glory buried in your family, with Amen it is released.
With your Amen I declare your freedom.