Ease Creative Media

Ease Creative Media Detail Media is a fast growing media enterprise that helps entrepreneurs to give their business a real identity that connects with their vision and mission.

For female programmers, the struggles can be intense, but one thing I find interesting about the whole process is:Balanc...

For female programmers, the struggles can be intense, but one thing I find interesting about the whole process is:

Balancing the emotional aspects of being a woman with the logical demands of programming.

Undoubtedly, programming requires you to consistently wear your thinking cap. In fact, most of the time, you’ll be engaged in multiple tasks, then translating your thoughts into lines of code. This can include:

Defining your queries
Optimizing them
Structuring your database
Creating functions and algorithms
And much more.

So, how do you balance this with the emotional ups and downs, including occasional heartbreaks?
Oh, well, Men experience heartbreaks too.

Are there any female programmers here?
How do you handle these challenges?

Let's talk.


While I admit that, SQL is one of the interesting language you will learn as a Data Analyst.The level at which you enjoy...

While I admit that, SQL is one of the interesting language you will learn as a Data Analyst.

The level at which you enjoy writing SQL will determine how much you understand.

Let's talk about 9 SQL Commands that you must really understand as a beginner.

1. SELECT: This help you select data from a database.

2. FROM: You used this to specify the table you are selecting data from, as you might have several tables in a database.

3. WHERE: Use this to filter your query to match a condition. ("Select From "table_name" WHERE firstname = "Toyin")

4. AS: This help you to rename a column or table.

5: JOIN: This can help you combine rows from 2 or more tables, meaning you can select a data from multiple tables and combine them together.

6. AND: In combine query conditions, all queries condition must be meant before you execute. Don't execute if they are not meant.

7: OR: In combine query conditions, at least one of the conditions must be meant before you execute.

8: LIMIT/TOP: This is used to limit the result. of the result the query pull is 1000, you can decide to limit it to 100 or as you desire.

9. IN: This is used to specify multiple values when using "WHERE"


While I gave a literally definition to all these command in this caption.

In the image above, I tried to explain in a process "story format" you might find that more helpful.

SQL has much more commands, but 9 seems like my charm number.

I will share 9 more in my subsequent post.

I hope you find this helpful. Please do well to share, someone might just need this.

I am Oluwatoyin,
For Tech, For Innovation.

Are Data Analytics and Business Analytics the same?Absolutely not!Although they may share many responsibilities, there a...

Are Data Analytics and Business Analytics the same?

Absolutely not!

Although they may share many responsibilities, there are some key differences between them:

Data Analysts primarily focus on data, leveraging insights to inform intelligent business decisions.

On the other hand, Business Analysts concentrate more on an organization's business operations. They utilize data to address business challenges, define processes, and manage finances and risk.

I am Oluwatoyin,
For Tech, For Innovation

Following my previous post, I outlined six commonly used charts by Data Analysts and proceeded to explain two of them. T...

Following my previous post, I outlined six commonly used charts by Data Analysts and proceeded to explain two of them. This leaves us with four remaining:

Stacked Column Chart
100% Stacked Column Chart
Pie Chart
Gauge Chart
Now, let's delve into the optimal applications for each of these four charts.

Stacked Column Chart:

This visualization is handy for comparing data series while also showing their composition. With a Stacked Column Chart, the overall size of each data series isn't the primary focus. For example, you could display Total Revenue and Profit data series without emphasizing their individual sizes.

100% Stacked Column Chart:

Similar to the Stacked Column Chart, but here, the size of each data series matters. This chart presents the percentage makeup of each data series, offering insights into their relative contributions.

Pie Chart:

Pie charts are effective for illustrating compositions, especially when the components add up to 100%. They work best when representing 2-5 data components; using them for more than five can lead to visual clutter. Each slice of the pie represents a data component, distinguished by color and size, showcasing the part-to-whole relationship within your data. Pie charts are particularly useful when data is represented in percentages.

Gauge Chart:

Gauge charts are useful for visualizing data within a specific range. They are typically employed with numerical values falling within predefined intervals, allowing for the validation of data against these ranges.

I hope you find this helpful.

Data storytelling is a crucial skill for any data analyst to possess. When communicating with decision-makers, it's vita...

Data storytelling is a crucial skill for any data analyst to possess. When communicating with decision-makers, it's vital that they can easily comprehend your insights and understand the message you are trying to pass with each visuals.

This help with swift responses to your recommendations. Here are some steps to enhance your storytelling:

--Set the Stage (What happened):
Begin by outlining what occurred. Take your audience through the key findings of your data analysis.

- -Provide Context (Why did it happen):
Explain the reasons behind the observed findings. Just like a doctor will diagnosed a patience and explain its findings.

-- Reveal Discoveries:
Go deeper into your findings. This helps to stimulate your audience's curiosity and prepares them for further insights.

--Highlight Relevance:
Clearly explain why your discoveries are significant for their business and target audience.

--Present Recommendations:
Explain the potential benefits of implementing your recommendations. Be persuasive and clear, without a doubt.

--Discuss Implementation Costs:
Provide details on the resources required to implement your recommendations, including time, cost, and personnel/department involved.

--Paint a Picture of Success:
Offer an overview of the positive outcomes achievable through successful implementation. Utilize case studies to illustrate your points effectively.

--Illustrate Consequences of Inaction:
Outline the potential losses incurred by delaying or neglecting your recommendations.

By keeping to a result-oriented analysis process and following these storytelling techniques, you can effectively address critical business challenges. This not only showcases your expertise but also opens up further opportunities as an analyst.

I trust this guide will prove beneficial to you in your endeavors.

Until I write you next, keep solving problems with data.

Let's discuss most of  the commonly used visuals and graphs by Data Analysts, along with scenarios where each can be eff...

Let's discuss most of the commonly used visuals and graphs by Data Analysts, along with scenarios where each can be effectively utilized:

Among the most utilized visuals/graphs are:

Line Chart
Clustered Column Chart
Stacked Column Chart
Pie Chart
100% Stacked Column Chart
Gauge Chart

Now, let's delve into how and when these charts can be employed:

Line Charts are ideal for:

Illustrating trends in data over time, such as depicting sales trends from 2020 to 2024.
Handling data points effectively.
Forecasting future trends.
Tracking budgets and analyzing performance over intervals.

Clustered Column Charts are suitable for:

Comparing multiple data series and categorical data.
Conducting comparative analysis.
Presenting survey results effectively.
Displaying extremes in data sets.
Evaluating performance across different groups.
To avoid overwhelming you, I'll discuss the remaining charts in my next post.

By the way, how have you been? It's been a while.

Did you find this information helpful?

Let's discuss most of the commonly used visuals and graphs by Data Analysts, along with scenarios where each can be effectively utilized:

Among the most utilized visuals/graphs are:

Line Chart
Clustered Column Chart
Stacked Column Chart
Pie Chart
100% Stacked Column Chart
Gauge Chart

Now, let's delve into how and when these charts can be employed:

Line Charts are ideal for:

Illustrating trends in data over time, such as depicting sales trends from 2020 to 2024.
Handling data points effectively.
Forecasting future trends.
Tracking budgets and analyzing performance over intervals.

Clustered Column Charts are suitable for:

Comparing multiple data series and categorical data.
Conducting comparative analysis.
Presenting survey results effectively.
Displaying extremes in data sets.
Evaluating performance across different groups.
To avoid overwhelming you, I'll discuss the remaining charts in my next post.

By the way, how have you been? It's been a while.

Did you find this information helpful?

Today, let me tell you how I learn, I will break this down into steps so you have an understanding.So take, for instance...

Today, let me tell you how I learn, I will break this down into steps so you have an understanding.

So take, for instance, I pick a video on Youtube titled;

"How to Build a Calculator with JavaScript."

1. I watch the video and try to do replicate what the tutor did. (Cloning)

2. Then I watch it at least 3 - 5 times more, this time, to understand each line of the scripts.

3. Then, proceed to build it again, this time, without watching the video.

4. Now, I sit down and think;

How I can maximize what I have learnt by building something other than a calculator? This is the logical part of programming.

It is at this point that I start to brainstorm on what each line of code means and what they can do for me.

Then the circle continues...

You see, these tips right here have been the best part of me in my entire career.

I hope someone finds this helpful.

I wish you the very best.

PS: This might not necessarily work for everyone. Find what best suits you.

I know quite a number of folks who are not into tech right now, but they know something about HTML and CSS and nothing a...

I know quite a number of folks who are not into tech right now, but they know something about HTML and CSS and nothing about JavaScript.

Why because, they have given it a try at some point in their life. They were able to at least complete their learning with HTML and have a little understanding of CSS, but at JavaScript was where they call it a day or maybe a lifetime.

What a Crazy language! Well, It has to be crazy, JavaScript powers a lot of applications and it requires a high level of understanding and logical routine.

Not to lie, I am still a student of JavaScript, I still learn one thing or the other in JavaScript almost everyday of my life.

If you are struggling with JavaScript, please use this guide,

1. Variables and Data Types.
2. Operators
3. Function Declarations and Expressions
4. Parameters and Arguments
5. Objects
6. Arrays
7. DOM Manipulation ( Selecting Elements, Adding and Removing Elements & Event Handling )
8. Asynchronous JavaScript (Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await)
9. AJax/Fetch API
10. ES6+ Features

Don't rush to pass through each of this topic, learn each and digest them properly before moving to the next,

After learning, stop and think about how you can apply them and in what aspect you can apply them, this is you trying to build your logical reasoning.

Now, make this a single course each, infact, you can even make a time table to learn each of these for a week, dedicating at least 2hours daily to it.

I know for a fact, this will go along way in helping you have a grasp of the whole idea of JavaScript.

Then building with it is another phase, but understanding comes before building.

I wish you best of luck. Don't forget to share.

Have a great day.

Data: Business questions analysis that ensure growth and productivity.When working with data, It is important to outline...

Data: Business questions analysis that ensure growth and productivity.

When working with data, It is important to outline the business questions you will like to answer with the data.

As a business; for growth and expansion, It is important that you carry out the analysis of your business from time to time, regardless of the level your business currently is:

As an analyst; knowing the business questions to answer with the data gives you an edge and helps you determine the key metrics for your analysis

Let's talk about 10 Business Question for a Sales Industry:

Sales Performance:
1. What are the key factors influencing our sales performance?
2. Which of the products drives the highest revenue?
3. What is the sales trend over a period of time?

Customers Analysis and Satisfaction:
4. How can we segment our customer base for more targeted marketing efforts?
5. What are the characteristics/persona of your most valuable customer?
6. How satisfied are our customers with our products and services?
7. How can we use our customer feedback to improve our products and services?
8. What are the main factor for satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and how can we improve on them?

Marketing Analysis:
8. What is the growth potential of our products and services?

Employee Productivity and Satisfaction:
9. Are our Employee satisfied with their work environment and compensation.?
10. How can we improve employee satisfaction and retention.

These are just a few questions you must answer when analyzing sales data. There are more questions and answers that can be uncovered to ensure you are able to help the business make an informed decision

I hope you find this helpful for your next analysis.

Happy weekend

I did some stuffs with SQL today and I thought I should share  this with you all.I hope this is helpful

I did some stuffs with SQL today and I thought I should share this with you all.

I hope this is helpful

Now, Let's talk DBMS (Database Management System)The world is crazily going weird on data, many businesses strive on dat...

Now, Let's talk DBMS (Database Management System)

The world is crazily going weird on data, many businesses strive on data.

Why I love this particular course is because of its peculiarity, quite direct.

Now here is it,

Let me make DBMS short for you, DBMS is a form of which you store and retrieve you data.

And Data in this case, is any form of Information, name, age, the schools you attend or whatever piece of information, is referred to as Data.

Data can be in any form, it can be images, videos, text, files and lot more.

Now to Database,
Database is how you store all these piece of information/data.

Let me ask you question, "How do you store your Garri after purchase?" For me, I put them in a clean container for storage.

Exactly, Database represent the container at which you store all the data you gathered, and this can be for the purpose of Easy Access, Processing, Modifying and Analyzing.

As a DBMS Engineer, you help to define, construct and manipulate these data to fit a specific need for an organization.

Let me say this, if you are good with Excel and you use it a lot to process data and information, DBMS is one of the course you want to give a try.

The truth is, Your everyday life is a data stored and processed by some people, because you are either filling a form, applying for a job/projects or even visiting the malls to get some stuffs, even as crazy as visiting your Social media daily, all these are your day to day data and they are being stored and process by people all over the world.

In order not to bore you with so much talk, let me answer one of the major question you might probably have in your mind right now, "Do you have to learn coding to be a DBMS Engineer?"

Absolutely, Yes, you are going to be writing queries that helps you process, manipulate and update these data from time to time.

Imagine, having to update Data of 100millions people, how long do you think that would take if you are to do it manually, by yourself, Maybe some forever will do.

But with just a query you are able to update millions of data all at once and that's the part where programming comes in.

(Conclusion in comment section)

Hey Trailblazers,Yeah! It's a new weekThis week, You are going to be highly favour.Your little effort will bring greater...

Hey Trailblazers,
Yeah! It's a new week

This week, You are going to be highly favour.
Your little effort will bring greater results.

You will be in peace with yourself and other and everyday of this week will bring you so much Joy.

Don't forget to contact us for the following services when it comes to your book project:

BookCover Design
Workbook Creation
Book Layout and Arrangement.
Children Books

One of the reason you should work with us is simply because, we take so much stress off you and you will never need to worry in getting the best.

Thank you and do have a fabulous day.

We can't over emphasize the importance of choosing a good theme/title for your book.A great title plus a great design he...

We can't over emphasize the importance of choosing a good theme/title for your book.

A great title plus a great design helps you sell your book with ease.

When choosing a title make sure you choose a more clear and succinct title.

You can also reach out to us when carving your title, we can help you with great ideas.

Do have a fabulous day and happy new week.

I have had the privilege to worked on quite a number of children's book, both the cover design and having to design a fu...

I have had the privilege to worked on quite a number of children's book, both the cover design and having to design a full picture colorful content layout book.

I must say, It's one of the most difficult book I have worked on but one thing is sure, It is so fun and exciting for me, the colors literally get me popping throughout.

One of the things I also learnt working on children book is the intentionality behind it, You've to be intentional about every single illustration to ensure you are not passing a wrong message.

And the sweet thing is, Children also write books now with the guidance of the parent, teachers and a great illustrative designer, and to think, they are doing really awesome.

Oh yeah, we do beautiful and awesome Children Illustration Book. No longer a news that we are your go-to-designer.

How is your week coming along?

Do have a blessed day.

Life is a journey and teacher are definitely one of the people who make the journey worthwhile.It's Teacher's day and it...

Life is a journey and teacher are definitely one of the people who make the journey worthwhile.

It's Teacher's day and it is one day we can't take our mind off.

Teachers are exceptional.
Teachers are wonderful.
Teachers are builders.
Teachers are powerful and extraordinary.

We could use all the beautiful words in the world to describe a teacher.

Thank you for all you do and may your rest come quickly. God bless you.

Happy Teacher's Day.

Dear Gents,Are you sure you are not leaving money on the table?Okay, this is it,Every time Sister Ijeoma sees you, she a...

Dear Gents,

Are you sure you are not leaving money on the table?

Okay, this is it,

Every time Sister Ijeoma sees you, she always commend your dressing, she either likes you shoe, your tie, even your shirt, but all you do is smile and say, "Thank you"

Even your fellow gent won't stop staring at you and some of them even come to you and tell you how fabulous you are looking and this happens almost all the time, and all you keep saying is, "Thank you"

And you say, you are not leaving money on the table.

Here is it?

Do you know that some people don't even know the right places fo get their wears?
Do you know some people don't have the time to go shopping?
Do you know some people have their closet locked up with great designers but yet, they can't seems to look good because they don't know how to make the right combination?

Hmmmmm, and you say you are not leaving money on table...Issokay.

Some of you should actually be a great influence in the area of "Looking good" but then, you are not seeing the light yet.

Now that I have open your eyes, go grab this opportunity and when you have finally made it, come and pay me the huge tithe.

And yeah, when you are ready to put it into a book, I will be right here for you.

Hmmmmm, I think I should write the female version of this book, I can't count the number of compliments I get per day regarding my dressing. And trust me, I know how to do some crazy DIY accessories, simply by recycling my oldies.

What if I decided to put it into a book and even have a "Workbook" to it, seriously it will make sense (thinking out in writing). Wait for it sha.

Okay, that been said,

Do me a favour, Kindly choose the best of the design that speak well to you and please give me your opinion. I was blessed reading from you yesterday. I do this just to eradicate assumptions and know my audience so well.

Thank you, I am still your favourite designer, Oluwatoyin and yeah when it comes to designing amazing book cover, don't get it twisted, We'll give the simply the best.

We know how writers life are so in tune with writing. They breathe and eat writing. A writer goes about with an ink.Ther...

We know how writers life are so in tune with writing.

They breathe and eat writing. A writer goes about with an ink.

There lives depend on it.

Dear Writer/AuthorWe have something for you,It is important you educate and entertain your audience with good designs.Wh...

Dear Writer/Author

We have something for you,

It is important you educate and entertain your audience with good designs.

When putting out the extract from your book or telling a story, you can come up with beautiful designs and here are some of the elements/illustration you can use to spice up your design.

Canva has made a whole lot easy for you, embrace it and make the best out of it.

Hey Trailblazers,How has been your week?Designing for me sometimes can mean staying with an ideas till they become a rea...

Hey Trailblazers,
How has been your week?

Designing for me sometimes can mean staying with an ideas till they become a reality.

So this is it, sometimes, when I have an idea in my head and I put it down, it usually don't come out the way I love it.

When this happens, I just change the idea and create something else.

But the trend I have notice about this is that, anytime I am able to get it right and put down the idea in my head perfectly, I usually have an alignment with my clients.

They say things like, "Exactly, how I want it", "Wow, Exactly the picture I have in my mind."

I have noticed this so well now that I have learnt not to change my ideas once they come knocking.

So how am I able to solve this issue?

I have learnt to stick with my ideas till they become my reality.

What I literally do is to trick and trick them until they look exactly like what I wanted.

This tricking sometimes could be simple as trying out different fonts and colors and sometimes, sticking with the colors but adding an extra effects.

These has overtime become a super power for me.

And really, this also applies to our life in general, sometimes, you don't need to change te idea, stick with the idea and change your strategy.

I am Oluwatoyin, your favourite bookcover design strategist. Bring your book project, let's me turn them to best book on your audience shelf.

Good morning.

I have seen people who approached me and tell me how they really wish they can write.The truth is, there is a writer loc...

I have seen people who approached me and tell me how they really wish they can write.

The truth is, there is a writer locked up in everyone and discovering it is not going to be just by wishing, you have to consistently do the things that birth the writer in you.

Every one can write and every is supposed to author a book. You life is a journey and you have the privilege to share your journey by writing a book.

Swipe through the images to read on how you can get started to become a great writer.

And also, don't forget to share and drop comment or any other tips.

Be shielded. New Book Cover Design Alert.A little piece of vector art makes a whole shield.We make super beautiful amazi...

Be shielded. New Book Cover Design Alert.

A little piece of vector art makes a whole shield.

We make super beautiful amazing book cover. You won't be disappointed if you trust us with your book project.

Do have an amazing week.

Dear Author,"Little drop of water, they say, makes an occasion"Take time everyday to write at least a page of your next ...

Dear Author,

"Little drop of water, they say, makes an occasion"

Take time everyday to write at least a page of your next book.

Don't let's procrastination delay your success rate.

You would agree that, there is a totally different experience between writing ebook and selling a book, but one thing I ...

You would agree that, there is a totally different experience between writing ebook and selling a book, but one thing I know is that, people have stories to share when it comes to the 2 experiences.

Dear authors on this street,

Our ears are itching, our minds are receptive. Biko, let's read and learn from you.

Share with us, which is more difficult between writing a book and selling a book?

I will be reading in the comment section.

Ese. Daluu. Nagode.

 .Here is to more wins to all our clients, we hope the sales of your book is foung extremely great?


Here is to more wins to all our clients, we hope the sales of your book is foung extremely great?

I have had people reached out to me on how to choose a title for their book, even though, they have a title in mind befo...

I have had people reached out to me on how to choose a title for their book, even though, they have a title in mind before writing the book at all, but due to that fact that some things change in the process of writing the book. So here are few tips to consider before titling your next book:

Brainstorming: Brainstorming is one of the great feautures of a creative, when brainstorming for your book, have a great perspective and sometimes, you might need to read the book to yourself and pick out the words that jump out at you.

Choose: While brainstorming, make sure to write at least 5 titles out from the words that jump out at you or from the deep essence of the book.

After, choosing at least 5 title, It is time to narrow down.Consider the length, impact and the simplicity.

Caveat: Ensure, you make your research to avoid duplicate of titles as this can affect the sales of your book, try as much as possible to do away with one word titles, except maybe you are writing a novel.

Ask People: It is time to eradicate assumptions, put out the 2 or 3 titles after you have narrowed it down, ask people to choose the ones that mostly resonate with them.

You can do this by creating an Instagram, Facebook or Twitter poll. This is help you get genuine feedbacks for the title.

After, you've all done all these, Your book title should be ready to make great sales impact.

Did you find this helpful?

Sometimes, there's no other thing to add, just give it your best shot. Go at it. Give it the best. It might turn out to ...

Sometimes, there's no other thing to add, just give it your best shot.

Go at it. Give it the best. It might turn out to be great and awesome.

We are currently in love with this cover. Simplicity at its best.

We know that there is a little pressure out there as parents prepares to get their children back to school.But we pray t...

We know that there is a little pressure out there as parents prepares to get their children back to school.

But we pray that you experience unusual blessings and provisions.

Do have a fabulous week.

Do you know what Memphis are?According to Google: The Memphis Style is one of the most instantly recognizable design sty...

Do you know what Memphis are?

According to Google:

The Memphis Style is one of the most instantly recognizable design styles! It's known for its use of bright neon, primary and pastel colours, geometric shapes, and bold, repetitive patterns.

Memphis are good for your design, they add a special kind of effect to you design and make them absolutely beautiful.

Today, we created some memphis vector design and they are beautiful.

Do you memphis? And have you used them recently?

Tell us what you like about memphis.

Hey Trailblazers,It's weekend already, hope your week has been fruitful?We are changing our mockup style because we want...

Hey Trailblazers,
It's weekend already, hope your week has been fruitful?

We are changing our mockup style because we want to have total ownership to everything we put out here.

Growth is continues thing and each day, we set out to get better. There's a need to set a standard for the kind of people we want to attract.

Our clients are the best, and giving them the best service is our paramount growth.

Over the time, we have follow people here who do exceptional things and it is important to put all that we learn into actions.

My boss has been of great help with so much daily tips. We are learning and we are evolving. Thank you so much sir. I will be coming for more in your inbox soon.

By the way, tell us, do you like our new mockup style and which of these designs do you think captivate the title very well?

Thank you for sticking through with us all these while, your likes, comments and patronage is sucky appreciated.

Ease Creative Media is here to give you the best experience in all your book project.

Do have a fabulous weekend.

Hey Trailblazers,Just yesterday I took a stroll to the woman selling corn in my area, you see ehn, I am a lover of corn ...

Hey Trailblazers,

Just yesterday I took a stroll to the woman selling corn in my area, you see ehn, I am a lover of corn and since it arrival, I have not been able to save any tangible money because, every extra cash goes to it.

While I sat down waiting for the woman to roast the corn, I paid attention to the discussion going on between she and one of her neighbour.

They were both talking about nature and how some herbs has been of benefit to then.

I love the fact that, they know it has to be in the right proportion and used in the right way. I learnt quite alot and made some research afterwards.

While doing my research about some of the things they shared, I came up with this design. It's quite a simple design but I love it.

And Yeah, I will be dropping a video on my YouTube channel on how I create this design later on.

Kindly please subscribe to my YouTube channel as I will dropping videos henceforth. Here is the link below.


Thank you and do have a beautiful day.




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