If you are on this table please read my take on this question below.
This question is based on a false assumption that Android users are somehow less worthy or cool than iPhone users. This is a harmful and irrational belief that can damage your self-esteem and mental health. There is nothing wrong with using an Android phone, and it does not make you inferior to anyone.
Forget all those videos and pictures of people taking pictures in front mirrors while showing you their iPhones.
Android phones have many advantages over iPhones, such as being more customizable, affordable, diverse, and compatible with different devices and platforms.
Android phones also offer more features and options than iPhones, such as expandable storage, headphone jacks, wireless charging, and more. Android phones are not inferior to iPhones, they are just different.
The reason why some Gen-Zs who use Android phones may feel inferior is because of the social pressure and influence of the media and the tech industry.
Apple has a strong brand image and marketing strategy that creates a sense of exclusivity and prestige for its products. Apple also has a loyal fan base that may look down on or mock Android users. These factors can make Android users feel like they are missing out or not good enough.
However, these feelings are not based on reality, but on perception and manipulation. You should not let your choice of smartphone define your worth or identity.
You are more than your phone, and your phone is more than a status symbol. You should be proud of your phone and enjoy its benefits, without comparing it to others or feeling insecure about it.
Your phone is just a tool that helps you communicate, work, learn, play, and have fun. It does not matter what brand or model it is, as long as it serves your needs and preferences.
You should not let anyone make you feel bad or inferior because of your phone. You should respect yourself and others for their choices, and appreciate the diversity and innovation that Android phones offer.
I hope this helps?
© Chijioke Onwubiko