Reflection on the 2024 Regional Convention: “Declare the Good News”
The theme of this year’s Regional Convention, “Declare the Good News,” has filled me with deep gratitude for the spiritual nourishment and practical guidance I’ve received. As Mark 13:10 reminds us, “The good news must first be preached to all the nations,” and this has renewed my commitment to share Jehovah’s message with others.
I am also encouraged by Romans 1:16: “I am not ashamed of the good news; it is God’s power for salvation to everyone having faith.” The talks and Bible dramas have helped me see how to live in a way that reflects this message, as Philippians 1:27 says, “Only conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the good news about Christ.”
Above all, I am grateful for the privilege to learn from Jehovah’s Word and to be part of a worldwide brotherhood united in the preaching work. I will continue to strengthen my relationship with Jehovah and strive to declare the good news boldly, with the hope of seeing God’s promises fulfilled.
Zainab Bawa🌸