In the last bull run I invested $3k into an asset, woke up the next morning and saw $28k!
I started calculating all I'd do with the money.
I and
invested in this particular asset.
My aim was to see it do 2x, then take profits.
But $28k??
Damn!! That’s like 10x+. My excitement knew no bounds.
There was this car I had in mind.
It was rare in my city.
I pictured myself cruising around in it.
I calculated how many lands I would buy.
I checked the asset again, and saw $7k.
"It'll go back up," I whispered, after looking at the chart, and saw the asset show signs of retracement.
I recalled an advert 2 nights back of a real estate company in Lagos I needed to work with. Nice!
I checked the asset again, and saw it rose to $10k.
“I said it”, swelling with pride. It'll rise higher. I'm seeing it get to $50k. Neat 25x!!
I thought of the next 100x asset I'd get.
I'd never be poor in my life!
I went out to get some groceries.
Best day of my life, yet.
When I got back, I checked again.
I rubbed my eyes to be sure of what I was staring at.
Must be the wrong asset.
The room suddenly went hot as I rebooted my phone.
I checked again. Lo and Behold, it was so.
My $3k investment. My $28k profit. My $10k profit. Everything was now $200.
I checked the chart for a resistance level, but the red candle was thick and vibrant.
It was headed down so fast I pulled my $200, at $159.
Arewa Teach Academy