Bare It All Out with Cammy

Bare It All Out with Cammy We read out your stories and hope you get the much needed help you seek�



Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing. Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰


Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing. Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰

Some people need serious help🤦Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877

Some people need serious help🤦

Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877


The last time I cooked with meat in my house was before my husband bought a plot of land three years ago. He reads a lot of motivational texts. After he began to build his house, we began to live from hand to mouth. His salary is now divided into three places; two portions for the project and the remmainder is for running the house.

My three kids now wear rags. You can predict what we eat everyday. It's either moimoi or sweet potato. Crayfish is now our only known source of protein. Almost every penny from his salary goes into the house project whilst the tiny fraction left could barely feed one person. Nothing anyone says in the contrary matters to my husband.

His craze to become a landlord at forty is taking a toll on us. Even yesterday on his way to work, I had to remind him to go and have a shave because he was looking all bushy and old. This wasn't the man I married eight years ago. If not because I teach in my kids' school, basic education would have been far away from them. He said I should be using my personal money to pay their fees or let them go to a public school.

I had to choose the option of paying their fees from my poor salary. I really don't understand why we would be living worse than beggars while he's building a big house. I am really tired and it's drying me insane. If this is what it takes to become a landlord, I would rather remain a tenant for the rest of my life. As I type this now, one of my kids is ill and we are depending on counter medicines because there's no money at hand to take him to the hospital.

Please, how do I handle this going forward? Advise me."



Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing. Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877

A lady who I am close to moved to the UK sometime last year to join her husband who has been studying. She came with her daughter. She was lucky enough to get a job almost immediately and has been supporting her husband in tuition fees and paying of bills. One of their major challenges has been childcare for their daughter after school hours or during holidays. Something cheap and within their budget. Most times, it works out well for them when the husband isn't at university or at work. Other times, they have to plan and replan and reach out to friends for childcare.

This lady has fallen sick a lot of times as she is always on the move. I will always praise her because of her quick acclimatization. And her strength. "My brother, wetin man go do na? Na my family I dey do am for na."
Her husband has been very helpful as well.
Taking the child to school and making meals to support. However, recently, she fell pregnant and there was a need to move to a bigger apartment. To support with the bills, they decided to lease out a room to a female. The first time she told me this, I asked why she was insisting on a female flatmate. And she responded, "na make I see person wey go dey help me take care of my daughter na. Even if I go dey find am small something. I no mind. You know say I no fit trust any man wey no be family around my pikin na. The world no good." So it made sense. K***ing a bird with two stones.

Just recently, her call woke me up. And you cannot believe that her flatmate has fallen pregnant. I'll leave the guess to you to find out who the pregnancy belongs to. But know that while this pregnant woman worked nights to make ends meet, the man she calls husband was working hard as well at night to make ends not to meet. Men! Una sabi stain person white.

From fegor chime wall


Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing. Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰

I'm writing this to express my pain and frustrations in my marriage.

I'm a twenty-eight years old young man. My wife is twenty-two. We have a daughter who is two years old. My wife is not working. I work and also use my car as taxi. I do all the best I can to support my family in every way I can.

But I am not a completely happy man because my wife compares me with her exes always and seems to use it to bruise my ego. Today, she will tell me about her ex who just bought a car for the wife or another who just travelled out of the country. She is so fixated to her past that it seems as if the future is useless.

I don't know how else to make her understand that those conversations about her exes mentally affects me. I've told her in the most subtle manner to either stop chatting with her exes or avoid discussing their matter with me but to no avail. Right now, as I type this, we have not been in talking terms. This began over a week ago. I even stopped eating her food and she doesn't give a hoot.

We were having dinner when a friend called her to tell her that one of her exes was in town. I was shocked when my wife demanded the man's phone number and called him in my presence. "We should see before you leave town o." She told her ex on the phone.

That night I told her that she should consider the marriage over if she decided to visit the ex. Provoked, she accused me of insecurity and told me to my face that I was acting like an uncivilized person.

Since then, she has been giving me attitude and we haven't been talking to each other. I think at this point I have no choice but to tell her father about it even though I promised never to involve outsiders in our business. If she's tired of the union, she should simply say so instead of behaving like this. Do you think I should talk to her father about it?

Please advise me on how best to handle the matter.


Saw this post on FB and I was like😳🙆 Na wa..... Anyways send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out...

Saw this post on FB and I was like😳🙆 Na wa..... Anyways send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek 🥰


Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing. Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰


Hello beautiful people, send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰

Please I want to make this as brief as I can. It's about the lady I want to marry. She just came to spend the Christmas and New Year with me and I discovered something very irritating about her that I am very worried about.

This girl farts indiscriminately. I've told her repeatedly that I despise it but she has refused to control herself. There's hardly any time that she doesn't thunder the air recklessly.

It's even worse when she is asleep. This thing worries me. I have never dated a lady that farts before. Do you think this is ordinary? Does it have to do with her digestive system? Can it be handled medically?

Honestly, I am tempted to end this union for this reason. Advise me on what to do because this matter is really bothering me. I love her but..

I'm not in any way trying to rubbish her. No, but this farting issue is a deal breaker for me. Unfortunately, she doesn't even think anything is wrong with it.

Please advise me. What would you do if you were in my shoes?"

Copied: Japheth Prosper


A touching story

I have been married to my husband for almost four years now and one thing that has constantly caused issues between us is finances.

My husband is the type that sees me as a partner who should share almost all bills equally with him. For instance, we have two kids, he pays for the oldest school fees while I’m left to cater for the younger one crèche fee,diapers, cereals and every other thing he needs. You know sometimes I wish I could get a little pampering from my him but he always give me the impression that he owes me nothing like that.

You know before I married him, he had stated that he is the type that likes independent women who work and earn their money and I felt like this man will not turn me to a housewife. I never interpreted it to this kind of partnership.

So it happened that while I was pregnant with my second son, we both decided to move to a new apartment cos where we were initially staying was a very small a room self contained (exactly the types you have in students area where you have just your bed and reading table). We got a new place and the bill was totallying about 800k. As at then my hubby had 500k with him and we both agreed to take a loan of 300k with him paying 20% monthly and I pay the remaining 80%. Unfortunately, when I delivered my baby he had some complications that resulted to him been admitted at 4days old and we exhausted all we had. It was so draining that we couldn’t have a proper naming ceremony.

The same month I gave birth (my baby is 7months old) he stopped paying his part. I initially thought he stopped because he was broke due to how much we spent at the hospital but months went by and he still didn’t make any contributions. That same month I gave birth, I defaulted a repayment which has accumulate so much interest now. So I queried him on why he stopped paying his quota and it turned out to a big fight. He told me loud and clear that he wasn’t in his right senses when he reached that agreement with me as it wasn’t a smart idea since he dropped the most part of the money that I should however find a way to pay it as that will be my own share of the rent. I was dumbfounded! I cried,wailed,begged yet he won’t budge.

There’s nothing I haven’t said to atleast assist so it won’t turn out to a big debt but he refused. He won’t even give me as little as #500 from his money. If he gives me money to buy something for the house, he ask for his change as soon as I return. Most time I am left crying as I am paying back this loan through my nose.

I feel trapped in a way I can’t explain. I can’t even afford anything again and I keep borrowing to repay the debt. Since I gave birth, I have been sad and desperate to make my own money but opportunities for such is not just forthcoming.
I just feel like I shouldn’t be in this situation as growing up was so tough that a church rat lived better than us(I was raised by a single mother who had no job, degree or skills). I am hopeful history will not repeat itself and I’ll be financially stable enough to cater for my needs and that of my children.

Source: Fin


Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing. Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰


I’ve struggled to make this post but I’ll do it anyways.

I got married to my handsome husband three years ago and we’re blessed with a two year old beautiful child.
My husband is a loving guy and a fantastic dad.
We rarely have differences and we effectively communicate our thoughts on those very tough days. I mean, we’re both doing great in our lives and our careers are flourishing.

Two years into our marriage, I began to notice my husband’s becoming absent minded. He’s my husband, I know him and I got my suspicions. Not too long later, I wasn’t wrong, my husband had been consuming pornographic contents online. His TikTok timeline was full of nudity, IG was not left out and he was everywhere looking for nudes.
I became so heartbroken and confronted him. That evening he begged and begged and promised never to let anything come inbetween us. He even uninstalled TikTok in my presence and cleared the other platforms.
We were good and life moved on.

A few months ago, I stumbled on my husband’s phone and discovered that he was deep in a romantic conversation with an Instagram sensation. My mind traveled so wild and far and I began to doubt myself. We have a beautiful relationship, a lovely home, our friends take us as mentors, I don’t disrespect this man, what could have been wrong.

From then till now, I don’t even know if he had slept with any other lady asides me.

I was so furious and blamed myself for having a man who can’t be committed to our relationship like I was.
Please note that my husband is from a family where nearly all his siblings have children out of wedlock but we met in a church and I just knew that he wasn’t someone to joke about such family patterns.
Sisters, I cried on that night. I was scared that my once beautiful family was tearing apart because of my husband’s carelessness.

And again, I asked. I will always ask, because we have a communication relationship.
This time he even cried, and begged my forgiveness. But in the conversation, I noticed my husband consciously repeating that a man can love a woman and still cheat on her.
That broke me completely. I never could have believed that I had joined the bandwagon school of thought ‘all men are promiscuous’.
To be honest, thinking about that alone was disgusting.
But he promised to cut ties with his Baddie and again, I forgave him. 🤡

A few months later, I found my husband in another romantic relationship with a young lady I don’t know.
He definitely has a thing for young girls. He’s in mid 30’s btw. Always giving sugar daddy vibes.
This got me so upset.

Like, how do someone intentionally use their own hands to spoil good things happening to them because they can’t keep their emotions in one place! Even if village people are after you, can you try and not make them succeed? We pray together, have good s*x, do everything together for proper context.
Like, what if these woke generation girls eventually use ch*rm on you or something to distract your marriage!

I am in such disbelief of how to actually agree that Men are promiscuous in nature. This drove me crazy to depression.
I can’t report my husband to anyone. He’s such a perfect and revered young gentleman and I fear that I don’t want to tarnish that image. He keeps saying he’s married to me and there’s no going away. Divorce is never an option, like those reverse engineering and manipulative behavior.
He’s not violent, he’s not wicked. He’s not razz. He is that caring person that even if the girls come, he’s too weak and kind to desist. More like he’s not strong willed. And I try to help him, I do. But let’s not make this about my excuses.

A few months ago, my ex walked back into my life. We moved to a new city and my ex had been keeping me company at my husband’s absence from home. We actually broke up then because we had such a complicated distant relationship. Not because we hated one another. My ex is my guy and when we got back, I began to miss why I didn’t even end up with him.
My ex and I exchange a lot of nudes and we’ve been s*xting. I can’t even guarantee that it won’t happen when we finally meet any time soon.

Now, the thing is, I believe that you can love your partners and still cheat on them. I love my husband, I love my ex lover.
Whenever I’m caught, we will cry on each other. For the pains I go through whenever I catch the only person I decided to love cheat on me, definitely a wrong decision, but I don’t regret my comeback.

Thanks for reading.

Copied: FIN


Send us your stories on our DM or on+2349116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek🥰

Good afternoon and merry Christmas in advance.

My husband is under pressure from his family. I'm a young woman of twenty three years old. I got married at twenty and have two boys already. My husband is ten years older than I am.

He spends everything he gets on his siblings. I say this because every month, there's always a visiting relative with a need. Also, he gets called always for financial assistance from his village people. It seems like he's the richest man from his clan. He's always brooding and lamenting.

This Christmas, we have nothing in the house because his salary went into helping siblings who are themselves married. I really don't know what else to do.

He was saving some money with me to open a shop with but in August, he borrowed the money and sent it to his father in the village to repair a leaking roof of their family house.

To be honest, this is really bothering me. I don't want to be branded as a bad wife by his people but honestly I am not finding it funny anymore. I want to discuss it with him but he's quick to anger and always tells me not to come between him and his family.

Please, I don't want to tell my father about this because he will tell my stepmom and she will mock me with it. My mom passed shortly after my second birthday.

Please advise me because I am really troubled."

Copied: Japheth Prosper


Hello beautiful people, how are y'all doing? Send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help/advice you seek🥰

My story is like those story we watch in movies, the kind one will pray against.
I lost my parents to a ghastly accident in my 3rd year in school, all my uncles and relatives turned their backs on me. I'm the only child of my parents. Things became so worst that I could barely eat talk more of paying for my fees and I was determined to finish my education. It was really really difficult for me. So a friend of mine introduced me to few of her male friends and that was how I was exchanging my body for money. I also registered for work study but the pay was little. I saved any money that come my way so I could pay for my fees. In my final year, I met Mr X, he was very good to me, he gave me a lot of money I used to finish my education. I also saved a lot of money from the monies he gave me. He helped me work my nysc so I don't go far, we continued till after my service year. I decided to relocate to another state to start a fresh and also start up something with all the money i'ad saved. I changed my sim because I really wanted to leave that lifestyle behind. It wasn't easy settling in a new city, I prayed to God to direct my steps. Some days later I met my soul sister(SS) at the bank, we got talking and she asked me to move in with her. I moved in with her and we lived peacefully, respecting each other boundaries. My soul sister was working and I started a business and soon we got a 2 bedroom apartment. 5 years later, my soul sister met a guy and wanted to settle down. During her wedding I met Mr A, a young charming guy, we started dating and 8 months later he proposed to me, I was over the moon with excitement I accepted. On the day we went to meet his family, guess who Mr A's father was, 😩😩Mr X. When I entered they were already seated, apparently they were expecting us. When I saw him my foot became numb, I was sweating profusely. Mr X behaved as though he hasn't met me. He was very calm and composed as though he was meeting me for the first time. After the meeting, my fiance told me his family likes me, he said he's dad asked him to hasten the wedding before someone will collect me from him. The wedding preparations started and he's been telling me how excited his father is, infact his father is gingering him to hasten up. Everytime I get such updates, I feel very restless. I don't know what to do. My wedding is in 2 weeks time, I received a call from an unknown number and it's Mr X, he asked me to meet him in a hotel, when I get there he said we will continue from where we stopped 😩 I begged him and asked him to forgive me but he refused and said it's either I continue sleeping with him anytime he wants or he'll call off the wedding. I left and ran home, he's been calling. Please help me, what do I do. I haven't had rest of mind since I met Mr X, he was become a torn in my flesh😩 I don't want to lose my fiance... Please help me. Story for the long post.

Kindly drop your comments

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I'm a young girl of nineteen years old. I work for a rich woman who sells wrappers.

This woman is a very flamboyant person. She has a lot of young boyfriends. I know about two whom she bought cars for. They use the cars for Uber and come to pick her in turns whenever she wants to spend time with them. I know this because she has a special phone she uses in calling them and she doesn't take it home. It's always kept in her locker in the shop. My colleagues and I have stumbled on the many secret messages on the phone before.

I'm not saying this to justify my recent action. One day, her husband came to the shop. He's a very handsome man in his early fifties My boss is in her late forties.

I was the only in the shop that day. The man met me and gave me his card. He asked me to call him whenever I needed anything. My boss, his has held half of my salary for five months now over the disappearance of an expensive lace material. There was a customer who stole it from the shop but CCTV cameras did not capture it because there was no light that day and the solar was faulty. Madam insisted that the two of us who were on duty that day must pay for it.

I was tempted to call the man to help me with funds as I have not been finding things easy since his wife stopped paying me my full salary. I needed money so badly and decided to call him.

The man told me to meet him at a secret place where he parked his car that evening. That was the day our secret affair started. The man has actually been very kind to me since then. He placed me on a salary of 150k against the 50k that his wife pays me.

Now, I just found out that I am three weeks pregnant. I'm certain that it's for my boss's husband. He has been begging me to keep it. In fact, he promised to rent a house for me in another state and open a shop for me there. He said he would change my story if DNA proves that he was indeed the father of the child. He told me that they hadn't their own biological children.

Mr P, I don't know how to turn this offer down but I am scared of my boss. That woman is terr.ible! I'm confused. My poor parents in the village will be disappointed in me but I am like the breadwinner at the moment because I send half of my salary home every month. For months now, I have been borrowing money to meet up.

I discussed this with a random person days ago pretending that it was a friend who needed to be counselled. The woman told me that if it was she, she would gladly jump at the proposal from my boss's husband.

Please advise me on the right decision to make or take. Thank you and God bless you."

Friends, please talk to this lady.

Copied: Japheth Prosper Dec23


Christmas Airtime Giveaway

Check the comment section on how to participate💕


Please I have a problem. My wife thinks that my people are bad. She doesn't welcome my people when they visit. Although I live in a five bedroom apartment with a boys quarter, my wife would never accommodate anyone in the house. The highest she could do is to give them food grudgingly. Outside that, no communication or mutual conversation pass between her and my people.

When it comes to my family members or village people, she's very cold. One of her distant cousins came visiting us one day. My wife ignored him thinking he was related to me. It was when she found out that he was her own relative that she became nice and receptive.

Recently I told her that I would love my kids to celebrate this Christmas in my village and she flared up and charged at me like a tigress. Since they were born, none of my children has gone to my village before. I have a house in my wife's village because my in-laws gave me the land for free and urged me to build a house in it. My wife made sure we put so much effort in completing that house in a year.

Now, for the umpteenth time, she wants my children to go and spend the Christmas in her own village again. My own village matter irritates her with passion.

I am the only male child of my parents. My father's estates and businesses were all inherited by me. Do you know how many times my wife has suggested I sell my father's houses in my village? Honestly I don't know how she came to resent my place this way. The annoying part of it is that she's putting it in my children's heads.

I'm beginning to think that I should have listened to my parents who had wanted me not to marry from outside my tribe. I know if they were alive when I was getting married, they probably would have been against it like my elder sisters did.

Is there a remedy to this problem of mine? Honestly I fear that my kids may never want to go to my place when they grow up. This would have been tolerated if we were living abroad. Even my local delicacy, my kids would not want to hear about it. My kids know almost all my wife's relatives but none of mine.

What do you advise me to do about this? I'm really not happy about this and it worries me."

Copied: Japheth Prosper Dec23


Hello beautiful people, send us your stories on our DM or on 09116289877, we'll read out your stories and hopefully you'll get the much needed help you seek.

I never believed that they are people who believe that women who give birth via CS are lazy and shouldn't be considered as real women. My husband is among those that have such evil beliefs. Some months after I got married, my husband asked that we should hang out his friends. He has this guy friends that are close 4 of them and they are all married except one who's engaged. All of us hung out that day. One of the discussions that came up was women that give birth via CS. And my husbands opinion was that women that girth birth via CS are not real women😳 he said he considers them as weaklings🙆 infact he even said their children are always slow😩😩 he said a real woman should give birth normally like the Hebrew women. At first I thought he was joking oo but as he continued I realized he was serious. I was shocked, like who reasons like this. While we were on our way home, I brought up the discussion and I tried to let him that a child is child irrespective of whether CS or not. I still wanted to tell him about the part of being a real woman but he cut me short and continued saying what he was saying, even worst things. I was shocked and was wondering if he was alright so I just ended the topic because I was already getting angry. Few months down the line, I got pregnant and gave birth normally to a baby girth. Oh my husband didn't stop bragging to his friends, how strong his wife is, how real his woman is, he kept on and on when they came visiting. He was so happy and feeling so proud. Fast forward to when I got pregnant for my second child, this one came with a lot of complications. I was always in and out of the hospital for monitoring. My son disturbed the hell out of me. Aweek to my EDD hmmm was hell, it became critical and the doctor advised we take out the baby that my life and his were in danger. My husband refused oo, he flared up that they should do their job that his wife will deliver like a Hebrew woman that she is🙄 At that point I had to invite my parents for intervention. When they came, the doctors explained the risk I was in and advised that my son be taken out. My parents tried talking to him but he was still adamant. My mom flared up, she's very dramatic and impatient, she went to the doctor screaming what were they waiting for to, she was just screaming up and down the ward🤣 my dad was just watching her displaying. Well last last everything went well, my son came out and I'm still alive after seeing shege banza with this pregnancy. God be praised. While at home, my husband was always moody, unhappy and hardly carries the baby. Last week his mom came visiting, a peace loving woman, she was very disappointed after hearing all that happened. And guess what my husband is a product of CS deliver, my husband was shocked when his mother told him. He has refused to talk to anyone since his mother told him, we decided to give him space to see if he will come around, I really don't know how to help him..

Pls drop your comments respectfully

Some people need help honestly🤦🤦

Some people need help honestly🤦🤦


Anonymous member
I am someone who hardly get bothered about stuffs but this issue has made me troubled…There is this girl of 14 who is my cousin’s daughter that has been staying with me for over a year,my husband doesn’t stay with us but we treat her like our first child and only girl since we have 2 boys that are just 2 year old…you see this girl,I love and treat her so well but if I’m wicked to her let God judge me…..I prepare her school lunch and prepare her breakfast sometimes,I wash all their clothes sometimes and provide all her needs…Her parents are very nice people,just that they are facing some hardship.she told me how she suffered long distance going to school and most times their dad gave her and her sis 50 # for lunch so I promised to give this girl a good life,I relate with her so well that she tells me stuffs that happened in her school…I buy beautiful clothes for her but whenever I do something for my sisters kids and the boys she gets jealous …there was a day I bought clothes for some girl in my husbands village,her countenance changed and she went into her room…whenever I buy stuffs for people she starts acting weird…when she came newly I enrolled her in a school ,after some time I didn’t like the standard of her school so I changed her to a new school but the day I did her registration,I noticed she wasn’t happy..she just said thank you and went inside but she told my nephew she taught she was going to the same school with the boys…note that my boys school have just Nur/Pri but I don’t think I owed her any explanation so I let it slide but with time she later told me she liked her new school than the previous one…last term break I sent her on holidays to her parents place,the next day 9am she was back to the house that she can’t stay there that her cousins are now treating her somehow because she looks better and fresher according to her….she has other bad behaviors like being dirty and forgetful but I try my best to teach her bcos after all if she was my blood I wouldn’t abandon her,I am someone who is very hardworking and neat…I love to cook even though I eat very small but I let her decide what we should cook since she loves food,i do the dishes because I can’t leave my plates in the sink,we have a washing machine,I bath and prepare my kids for school ,but u see jealousy I detest it bcos I’m someone who loves and treats people well …The boys are having a carol today and they asked them to wear a particular T-shirt’s so I went to the market 3 days ago and got it for them,immediately I brought out the T-shirt’s she became moody,this was someone that ran to hug me when I came back ooo,I gave her the sweets I brought for them but she said she was okay…believe you me this girl enjoy more than my boys and myself in this house,this minute I’m angry and scolding her,the next minute I’m gisting and laughing with her…I called her this morning to my room and was cautioning her ,she didn’t deny it and was saying sorry…same yesterday I went to the market and bought clothes and shoes for her but I’m yet to show her,Infact my sister do ask me if the girl is using charm on me but I believe it’s just my nature to be nice …please is that enough reason to take her back or I should give her sometime.

Copied from Rant HQ




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