Media/Editorial TAC Obantoko

Media/Editorial TAC Obantoko May Almighty God help us as we progress in this task. AMEN For information and other things relating to news publication purposes.

This page is for publicity purposes and other relevant things that has to do with publication be it inform of; Church News, Birthday Events and Marriage Publicity, among other things.

Good News!!!We are super excited to announce admission into Crèche, Nursery, Primary and Secondary section. Pick up the ...

Good News!!!
We are super excited to announce admission into Crèche, Nursery, Primary and Secondary section.

Pick up the registration form at the school administrative offices.

We are located at 1 Safejo street, Ifelere-Adun Community Arokoje Obantoko Abeokuta Ogun State.



The Apostolic Church Nigeria Obantoko Area, LAWNA TerritoryInvites you to the ORDINATION SERVICE of PASTOR EMMANUEL SOND...

The Apostolic Church Nigeria Obantoko Area, LAWNA Territory


Date: Sunday, 11th December, 2022

Time: 1:00pm

Venue: TACN Obantoko Area Headquarters, Ibadan Express Way, Opposite Moroumbo House, Alogi, Obantoko, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

Congratulations Sir....More Anointing in Jesus name. Amen

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, an upbraideth not; and it shall be giv...

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, an upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5

TACN Obantoko Area Presents OBANTOKO AREA GENERAL VIGIL, with the Theme: ITS  YOUR TIME TO LAUGH (Genesis 21:6).Every 3r...

TACN Obantoko Area Presents OBANTOKO AREA GENERAL VIGIL, with the Theme: ITS YOUR TIME TO LAUGH (Genesis 21:6).

Every 3rd FRIDAY of the Month.

Featuring: Healing, Salvation, Deliverance, Breakthrough, Victory

Ministering: Anointed Men of God

"I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments" - Psalms 119:7

"I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments" - Psalms 119:7

Congratulations Sir on your Graduation.

Congratulations Sir on your Graduation.

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" - Revelation 2...

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" - Revelation 22:12

Saturday, October 1st, 2022 THINGS TO KNOW, FOLLOW AND OBEYThe authorities have declared the date (October 1st) as Evang...

Saturday, October 1st, 2022

The authorities have declared the date (October 1st) as Evangelism Day in the Church throughout the territory.

TACN Obantoko Area Presents OBANTOKO AREA GENERAL VIGIL, with the Theme: ITS  YOUR TIME TO LAUGH (Genesis 21:6).Every 3r...

TACN Obantoko Area Presents OBANTOKO AREA GENERAL VIGIL, with the Theme: ITS YOUR TIME TO LAUGH (Genesis 21:6).

Every 3rd FRIDAY of the Month.

Featuring: Healing, Salvation, Deliverance, Breakthrough, Victory

Ministering: Anointed Men of God

Members of the TACN Obantoko Area rejoicing and praising God during the Area Combined/Mega Thanksgiving Service held tod...

Members of the TACN Obantoko Area rejoicing and praising God during the Area Combined/Mega Thanksgiving Service held today (Sunday) at the Area Headquarter.

TACN Obantoko Area Ministers of God at the Area Combined/Mega Thanksgiving Service held today at the Area Headquarter.

TACN Obantoko Area Ministers of God at the Area Combined/Mega Thanksgiving Service held today at the Area Headquarter.





Date: Wed. 7th - Sat. 10th, Sept; 2022

Venue: The Apostolic Church Nigeria
International Convention Grounds, Olorunda - Ketu, Lagos

For Enquiries, Call: 08023040186, 08034714436

You are all invited to the monthly area vigil of TACN Obantoko Area, happening every last Friday of the month.Time: 11:0...

You are all invited to the monthly area vigil of TACN Obantoko Area, happening every last Friday of the month.

Time: 11:00pm

Venue: TACN, Opposite Morohunmubo House, Alogi, Obantoko, Abeokuta.

TACN Obantoko Assembly felicitates with our undisputed and undiluted fathers  as we celebrate this year's HAPPY FATHER'S...

TACN Obantoko Assembly felicitates with our undisputed and undiluted fathers as we celebrate this year's HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.

Wishing you all Happy Father’s Day! Your contribution towards the progress of the Church of God is in place and every great job of yours have it's rewards in Jesus Christ name...Amen.

Have a blessed and prosperous Father's Day Celebration today and forever.

It is happening today as, Jesus await you to meet with your needs and fight your battle for you because our God is stron...

It is happening today as, Jesus await you to meet with your needs and fight your battle for you because our God is strong and mighty come and be delivered



1. Message

2. Mandate

3. Messenger

4. Means

5. Multitude

1. Message: is the Minister staff of office. It is the tool with which the Minister or Messenger execute his or her ministry.
1 Corith. 14:8.

2. Mandate: is God's call upon the messenger or minister to preach the Gospel of Christ. Mandate is the assignment bestowed by one on another, not that which is seized or stolen.
2 Tim 1:9, Heb 5:4

3. Messenger: this refer to the carrier or the vessel of the message; the one who conveys the Truth of the Gospel to Gods people, in the name of the lord. He or she is the holder of the staff of office. The Minister is the messenger.
Titus 1:15-16, 1 Tim 4:16

4. Means: refers to the ability or power which the messenger uses to preach the word and carry out other ministry work.

5. Multitude: refers to the people that receives the ministry of the messenger, the people to whom the messenger us sent to preach the Gospel of Christ.

S/Pastor M.T Raji

The Apostolic Church, Nigeria (TACN), Obantoko Assembly cordially invites you to her 2022 Annual Thanksgiving Service. T...

The Apostolic Church, Nigeria (TACN), Obantoko Assembly cordially invites you to her 2022 Annual Thanksgiving Service.

The Thanksgiving Service is with the theme: "Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord" - Psalm 100:1, and it will hold as scheduled below:

Date: May, 22nd 2022.

Time: 12:00 Noon

Venue: TACN, Opposite Morohunmubo House, Alogi, Obantoko, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

Recall that, Obantoko Assembly/District is now an Area Headquarter, and as a result, the thanksgiving service must really connote with the promotion to being an Area Council.

And among those to be present at the thanksgiving service, are: Presiding Elder. S.O Davis, Assembly Secretary, Asst.Pastor. I.O Olusanya, Assembly Pastor and Pastor S.O Ojewande, JP, Obantoko Area Suprintendent, among other Men of God.

BETWEEN BEING RELIGIOUS AND A CHRISTIAN, WHICH ONE DO YOU BELONG?Today, many people don't have the understanding of the ...


Today, many people don't have the understanding of the bearing being called a Christian, many believed that in as much they are going to places of worship (Churches), they now to be seen or confirmed as a Christian. As this doesn't really make up the way, as we often see it, and doesn't create a wider knowledge about what Christianity is all about.

For the purpose of this write-up, and also to make it brief, we will go straight to the point and to make us understand and also have knowledge about what being a Christian is about and not being religious, and to be seeing it as a being a Christian, whereas we are not.

Now, let's have the basic meaning of what a CHRISTIAN is: it means to be based on or believing the teachings of Jesus Christ, also it means showing the qualities that are thought of as typical of a Christian; good and kind.

What is CHRISTIANITY: the religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God.

What's meaning of RELIGION: it is the belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them; while RELIGIOUS means, what is connected with religion or with a particular religion, also it means believing strongly in the existence of a god or gods.

Without deceiving ourselves, the meaning of these terms have already brought to our notice what they means, and how they should be make use of (its meaning), and not for it to be turned otherwise and directing it where it doesn't make it to look at.

As a Christian, what are the basic doctrines or teachings instituted by Jesus Christ, that we are supposed to be following up with? These teachings are numerous but as stated, I will only mention few of them, which are; Forgive anyone who sin against you (Matthew 6:14-15), Love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22:39), Have faith in God (Mark 11:22), Be a cheerful giver unto others (Matthew 19:21) and Do not judge one another (Matthew 7:1), among others teachings.

For we so-called "Christians", how many follow up with these teachings?. Therefore, practicing these doctrines make you a Christian and not when you haven't put one teaching into place, and yet want to be called or known as a Christian.

However, many are so religious, yet they believe they are Christians. To be a religious person, have to first doing with not following up with the teachings and basic doctrines of Jesus Christ, rather it will be otherwise.

Firstly, such person is not born-again, that is, have Jesus Christ has his own personal saviour and will not have anything to do with sins again in life, also, he strongly believe in the existence of a god or gods, hereby making activities related with such religion so paramount in his/her life.

It is when we do good to our neighbours, and do as our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us during his days on earth, that we can be ascribed as being a Christian, not only when one goes to Church, pray, sing, that you believe that you are now a Christian. Such person is not right, however such person is religious. There are some religious activities that one needs to get him/herself away from, and rather input into oneself the teachings of Jesus Christ, as to make us a true and real CHRISTIAN.

The way we even advocate religion activities in our country today is even more than the way those who brought it to us in those days are even advocating it. These are part of we being so religious, yet we see it as being a Christian, which is totally wrong.

Now, choose between the two; are you a Christian or a Religious personnel?


THOSE WHO MOCKED GOD"Be not Deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man sows, that shall He also reap" - Galatians...


"Be not Deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man sows, that shall He also reap" - Galatians 6:7

Below are very interesting true life stories of men and women, please read on to the end.

1. John Lennon (Beatles Singer, 1966): Some years before, during his intervi w with an American magazine, he said: "Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that I am certain, Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him" (1966).

Lennon, after saying that the "Beatles" were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.

2. Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil): During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.

3. Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet): During a show in Canecio (Rio de Janeiro), while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said: "God, that's for you".
He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horror manner.

4. The man who built the Titanic: After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be. With an ironic tone he said: "Not Even God can sink it". The Result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic, it never made it to its destination, it sank in the sea.

5. Marilyn Monroe (Actress): She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.
After hearing what the preacher had to say, she said: "I don't need your Jesus". A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.

6. Bon Scott (Singer and ex-vocalist of the AC/DC): On one of his 1979 songs, he sang: "Don't stop me; I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell".
On the 19th of February, 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.

7. Campinas (In 2005): In Campinas, Brazil, a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend. The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter, holding her hand, who was already seated in the car; "My Daughter, go with God and may He protect you".
She responded: "Only if He (God) travels in the Trunk, because inside here........ it's already full".

Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, and the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but suprisingly, the trunk was intact.

The Police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, not one piece was broken.

8. Christine Hewitt (Jamaican Journalist and Entertainer): said, "the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written". In June 2006, she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.



Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy Easter Monday!
Enjoy your holiday!

Cutting of the 80th Birthday Thanksgiving Service cake of our Daddy, Pastor Emmanuel Inugbo Ogunbiyi, Rtd, held at TACN ...

Cutting of the 80th Birthday Thanksgiving Service cake of our Daddy, Pastor Emmanuel Inugbo Ogunbiyi, Rtd, held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter, on Sunday, 17th April, 2022

At the Retirement and 80th Birthday Thanksgiving Service for our Pastor Emmanuel Inugbo Ogunbiyi, Rtd held at TACN Obant...

At the Retirement and 80th Birthday Thanksgiving Service for our Pastor Emmanuel Inugbo Ogunbiyi, Rtd held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter, on 17th April, 2022.

1. The Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, during the sermon at the Area Combined/Introduction Service for...

1. The Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, during the sermon at the Area Combined/Introduction Service for the Area Suprintendent.

2. Cross section of the Area Combined Choir at the Area Combined/Introduction Service for the New Area TACN Obantoko Suprintendent.

3. The Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, during the sermon at the Area Combined/Introduction Service for the Area Suprintendent.

4. The Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, during the sermon at the Area Combined/Introduction Service for the Area Suprintendent.

5. Cross section of the Area Combined Choir at the Area Combined/Introduction Service for the New Area TACN Obantoko Suprintendent.

6. Cross sections of the male members at the Area Combined/Introduction Service of the New Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter.

7. Cross sections of the female members at the Area Combined/Introduction Service of the New Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter.

8. Cross sections of the female members at the Area Combined/Introduction Service of the New Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter.

9. Cross sections of the female members at the Area Combined/Introduction Service of the New Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter.

10. Cross sections of the female members at the Area Combined/Introduction Service of the New Obantoko Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande, held at TACN Obantoko Area Headquarter.


The Combined Service of TACN Obantoko Area, also commemorating the first Combined/Introduction Service of Our new Area S...

The Combined Service of TACN Obantoko Area, also commemorating the first Combined/Introduction Service of Our new Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande held on 17th April, 2022 at the Area Headquarter, Obantoko.

Photos: 1. Obantoko Area Choir (Male) during the Area Combined/Introduction Sevice ministration.

2. Pastor Olanlokun reading the word of God (The Holy Bible) during the Obantoko Area Combined/Introduction Service.

3. Our New Area Suprintendent, Pastor S.O Ojewande at the Area Combined/Introduction Service.

4. The male section of the Area Council during the Area Combined/Introduction Service.

5. The female section of the Area Council during the Area Combined/Introduction Service.

6. The female section of the Area Council during the Area Combined/Introduction Service.

7. Cross section of our Area Pastors during the TACN Obantoko Area Combined/Introduction Service.


Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed durin...

Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary.

It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday (also Holy and Great Friday), and Black Friday.

May we all be blessed with the goodness of GOOD FRIDAY on this auspicious day and forever. AMEN








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