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I have the pleasure to extend to you a warm and heartfelt welcome to the 12th Matriculation Ceremony of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State. I am pleased to welcome the freshmen to one of the most serious public universities in Nigeria and a rapidly emerging top education brand in the African continent. I am also thrilled that these bright new faces have been admitted to study in our beloved institution in the 2023/2024 academic session.

Today marks a momentous occasion as we gather here to formally welcome our freshmen into the esteemed fold of our university family. By their admission into Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, they are privileged to be in an unusual institution, where excellence, integrity and hard work are critical to academic success. With their cooperation, we intend to groom them to become the best in their chosen fields, under the guidance of our highly cerebral, competent and committed members of staff.

As Vice-Chancellor, it is both an honour and a privilege to stand before you, amidst the backdrop of hope, ambition, and boundless potential, with the wellbeing of our students at the core of my administration The University Management will continue to work assiduously to ensure that their academic journey in AE-FUNAI will be rewarding and memorable. Nevertheless, they have a major role to play to turn this expectation into a tangible reality – by abiding by the rules and regulations guiding their academic activities and respecting all constituted authorities of the university, and showing regard to the staff and fellow students as well as the culture of the host community.
In this 2023/2024 academic year, 5,139 freshmen from different parts of the country are joining our rapidly emerging University. Out of this number, 2,364 are males while 2, 775 are females. They earned a place at today’s ceremony because of their outstanding performances at both the Universal Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and the Senior Secondary School Examination. They should, therefore be proud of their accomplishments. However, they should also be humbled by the fact that only a little over 5, 000 of them have been offered this opportunity out of over 10,000 candidates that competed for places at AE-FUNAI. Hence, they must have to justify it with good behaviour and good grades throughout their time in this university.

AE-FUNAI is on the right path in its drive to becoming a world-class university and a vibrant centre of learning and research because of the seriousness of our academic activities. We also emphasize digital literacy, for all staff and students at all levels, because in the present information age, no individual can maximize his/her full potential without ICT. We have a broadband internet network access on campus, well-equipped ICT Centre and a digital University library where our students can easily source and access lecture materials, e-books and e-journals in different fields and disciplines, to enhance their learning experience.

This University is not only interested in turning out qualified graduates that would make positive impact on the society after graduation but also men and women of character that will be a beacon of hope for the next generation. Evidences from industries and external assessors show that our graduates and students are actually acquiring the right knowledge mix to positively impact their environment and contribute to national development. For instance, our Students’ Debating Team is presently ranked first among all universities in Nigeria and currently sits 4th in the entire African continent. Some of our students have also benefitted from the Students’ Mobility Programme in foreign universities like University of Galve, Sweden through the sponsorship of the Erasmus + project of the European Union. These underscore the quality of our academic activities.
AE- FUNAI is irreversibly committed to doing things differently in order to shape a better future for our students. To our freshmen, I say: you are embarking on a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation, and we stand ready to guide and support you, every step of the way. You have come to the University to study, therefore shun anything that could distract you from reaching your goals. We do not condone any form of cultism, examination malpractice, drug abuse, campus prostitution, s*x or money-for-grades, indecent/improper dressing and unruly behavior on campus. The consequences of such acts are rustication or outright expulsion of the culprits from the university.

I also charge our students to report any form of s*xual abuse, intimidation and extortion from staff. *My personal phone number is 08032686617*. Send text messages and WhatsApp chats to me on any issue affecting your life on campus. I assure you of prompt response and action. Your fellow students who are ahead of you in the university can attest to the fact that we have successfully solved many problems through this means, and I am committed to do more.

As a university, we are not oblivious of some challenges that you may be facing in the areas of hostel accommodation, lecture halls and security. But we are on top of the situation. Management remains committed to students’ welfare and would continue to improve the conditions in the hostels and the entire campus. We are putting the necessary infrastructure in place to make sure your stay on campus is peaceful, comfortable and worthwhile.
We are constructing more faculty buildings, lecture halls and theatres, laboratories and staff offices to enhance teaching and learning. The University is also working with security agencies to ensure that our campus remains safe and secure for academic activities. In fact, we have established a Security Committee consisting of staff, students and representatives of security agencies and the host community to deal with security issues within and around our campus. We have also established the AE-FUNAI Microfinance Bank, situated in the ICT block and the Agency Bank at the Zenith Bank building, to take care of your banking needs. Thus, instead of travelling over 20 kilometers to Abakaliki with its attendant risks, I strongly advise our students, to open account with the bank and make use of the facility on campus for their banking needs.

My ‘sons and daughters’, as your in-loco parentis, I urge you to imbibe the ethics of hard work, good study habits and committed attendance to lectures and carrying out of your course assignments, for they are necessary for academic success. You will definitely encounter some obstacles on your road to success, but stay focused. Don’t shy away from asking questions from the right quarters whenever you are confused or at crossroad. The University Counselling Centre, SERVICOM office, Students’ Affairs office and Public Relations Office are available and ready to attend to your questions. The University Management assures you of all the necessary support, as long as you remain dedicated to your studies and law abiding as a student of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State.

At this occasion, you will take an oath of loyalty to this University, followed by a pledge to abide by its rules and regulations, and also vow to appreciate and cherish its ideals and culture. I therefore, charge you to live by those dictates because bad behaviour will not be condoned. At the end of today’s ceremony, each of you will sign the matriculation register, which would signify your formal registration as a student of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State.

To the parents and guardians who have entrusted us with the education and well-being of their cherished ones, I offer my sincere gratitude and assurance that we will spare no effort in nurturing and shaping these young minds into the leaders of tomorrow. May I equally use this opportunity to thank the AE-FUNAI Parents’ Forum for their sustained support in bridging the infrastructural gaps in the university. For our information, before the commencement of today’s event, I commissioned some of the buildings the Forum erected at the University Staff Quarters.
And to our distinguished guests, thank you for gracing us with your presence and for your unwavering commitment to the advancement of education. Together, let us embark on this journey of learning, exploration, and excellence, as we continue to uphold the values and legacy of our esteemed institution. Welcome to Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State – the Centre of Excellence and Integrity.
Thank you.

Prof. Sunday Oge Elom
Vice - Chancellor
10th May, 2024



A team of five interdisciplinary researchers from Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State, who represented the institution at the 27th edition of the Research for Impact (R4I) Initiative held at Innov8 Hub, Abuja, has invented a CompoXter machine that can help in improving soil fertility, and cassava yield in Ebonyi State.

Research for Impact (R4I) Initiative represents the unwavering commitment of Innov8 Hub and Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) to reshape Nigeria’s research landscape and unlock the nation’s vast potential for sustainable progress. It envisions a future where innovation and research coverage, unlocking opportunities and fostering sustainable development becomes the societal order.

The 2-week immersive programme which commenced on Monday, 25th March, 2024, was specifically designed to foster research, development and innovation within the Nigerian academics, to instil a culture of innovation, empower demand-driven research, and facilitates the commercialization of research findings through the application of design thinking principles, interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as create problem-solving techniques that will inspire researchers to transcend conventional boundaries.

While presenting their research report to the Vice-Chancellor, on Thursday, 2nd May, 2024, at the VC’s conference room, a member of the research team, Dr. Robert Onyeneke stated that the concept of the Research for Impact (R4I) Initiative was to support the tertiary institution lecturers with the needed skills and modern technologies to translate their ideas into commercially viable products and services as well as strengthen the Triple Helix (Head-on, Heart-on and Hands-on) synergy among the government, academia and industry.

He noted that the R4I Initiative subjects lecturers from Nigerian Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education through the critical process of accelerated innovation while investigating the necessary procedures of translating ideas into innovation and solutions in line with global best practices.

Onyeneke, reiterated that the impact of the Initiative transcends the creation of prototypes, adding that it paves way for venture creation and ignites societal transformation, starting with the academia. He stressed that the initiative stands as a testament to the fact that unlocking the potential of great ideas and transforming them into tangible solutions is a journey that often remains within the boundaries of imagination.

He also noted that the strategic objective of the programme is to create a mind-shift for academics on how to translate ideas into research and projects; then into prototypes and products for commercialization, championing the cause of creating formidable platform for Nigerian academics, researchers, innovators and inventors to become patent owners and venture creators via Research for Impact (R4I) Initiative and TETFUND.

He added that the program is also meant to improve research and development capabilities of Nigerian academics, support their ideas and monitor their effort in translational research, as well as to instigate Nigerian academics to dig deeper into the field of researching for solutions and creation of proof of concept that can translate into commercialized products or solutions through Research for Impact (R4I) Initiative.

Speaking further, Onyeneke maintained that In the course of the training, the different institutions’ teams were subjected to problem identification strategies, where a research problem was identified, adding that the AE-FUNAI team identified a major problem experienced by cassava farmers in Ebonyi State, as low cassava yield largely caused by declining and low soil fertility in the State.

He mentioned that the team, based on the result obtained from the interviewees, went through different screening and evaluation criteria to identify 99 solutions to the problem identified. He stated that in the attempt to solve the declining soil fertility and low cassava yield problem in the State, the team developed a machine (prototype) and named it ‘‘CompoXter”, a solar-powered organic waste composting machine which converts organic wastes into high-nutrient organic fertilizer, which the team called “Fertil-compost”.

He further stated that the CompoXter works as a microbial conversion of organic waste material into a very high rich organic fertilizer (Fertil-compost), stressing that with the CompoXter, fertilizer producers will produce high-nutrient, low-income and environmentally-friendly fertilizer with greater efficiency.
Onyeneke recommended that in order to sustain the move, the management of AE-FUNAI should liaise with the Tetfund for the establishment of Innov8 Hub extension in the University to facilitate the Research for Impact (R4I) Initiative programme in the Institution, Encourage lecturers of the University to adopt the innovative methodologies of research which deploys the application of technology for problem solving, Lecturers to encourage the developmental capabilities of students, support their ideas and monitor their effort towards translational research.

Continuing, he urged the Centre of Extension and Community Service of the University to be more active and take up the responsibility of extending the research products/findings of AE-FUNAI researchers to the industry and government, adding that commercialization of research products and solutions should be the priority of the University.

He further stressed that the Centre can work with the Directorate of Research and Development and School of Postgraduate Studies, and advocated that the University’s Intellectual Property (IP) Policy should be reviewed to encourage research and innovation among the staff and students.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Elom while receiving the researchers, commended them for their invention, noting that their work will help to revolutionize agriculture in Ebonyi State by providing workable solutions to the challenges facing farmers especially in boosting soil fertility for increased Cassava yields.

He assured that their findings will be communicated to the relevant authorities in the State and the farmers at the local level, adding that the members of the University host community who are mostly farmers will also benefit from the findings and recommendations of the research work. He further assured of his continuous support to research and development in the University.

The AE-FUNAI Interdisciplinary Research Team that invented the CompoXter machine include: Dr. Robert. U. Onyeneke, Dr. Ndubuisi Onwa, Dr. Ikechukwu Onwe, Engr. Victor Ibeabuchi and Mr. Cletus Ngele Ezeoke

DISCLAIMER The University community and the students body should please disregard the trending rumour saying that the 20...


The University community and the students body should please disregard the trending rumour saying that the 2023/2024 Matriculation scheduled for 10th May 2024 has been postponed to 25th May 2024.
Please be informed that the 2023/2024 Matriculation will still hold on 10th May, 2024.
The Registrar will release an official disclaimer to the fake news immediately.
Students and parents are advised to take note of this information and prepare for the Matriculation.

Dr Charles Nkem Okolie



- Uchenna Chinwendu emerges the overall best in Public Speaking

As Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State continues to dominate the world of Public Speaking in the African continent, the institution has won the public speaking category of the recently concluded All Nigerian Youths Debating Championship held from 19th to 23rd, 2024, at Awka, Anambra state.

The University was represented by three: talented students Nwele Stanley Chiemerie, a 400 level student of Law; Obum Somkelechi, a 300 level student of Biochemistry and Uchenna Chinwendu, a 300 Level student of Agriculture. At the end of proceedings, Uchenna emerged as the overall best public speaker of the youth championship.

Also at the championship, in the category of debate, the university through Nwele Stanley made it to the top 6 in the tournament. The university was also represented in the category of debate by 4 novice speakers, Afam Martius, 300 level student of
Civil Engineering, Ogbonna Godsfavour, 300 level student of Anatomy, Ngene Comfort, 300 level student of Psychology, and Nduh Hephzibah, 300 level student of Law. Three of the students made it to the semifinals – occupying the op 8 novice speakers in the tournament, while two proceeded to the novice finals.

During the award ceremony, the organizers highlighted and commended Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, for the extraordinary performances of its students across board, and named the institution the Public Speaking champion, defeating numerous other universities that participated in the competition.

It is also instructive to noted that two students of the university: Nkwuda Martha, 300 level student of Law and Egwu Gold, 100 level student of Nursing Science, served as adjudicators all through the 7 preliminary rounds of the tournament and performed exceptionally well.

The team was led by Mr. Nwabunne Igweadiani, a lecturer in the Department of English and Literary Studies of the university.

While commending the team for making the university proud at the tourney, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Sunday Elom, noted that his administration will continue to give the students of the university the necessary support and exposure to excel in their academic activities and other aspects of life to ensure they contribute meaningfully to national development on graduation.

He commended the impact of the Language Enhancement Programme of the university in improving the spoken and written English of the students and their capacity for logical reasoning, and further applauded the staff adviser to the Debate team, Igweadiani, for his resourcefulness in training the team.



Comrade Lawrence Ogba, a 200 level Political Science student of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State has emerged the President of the National Association of Nigerian Students, Joint Campus Council [JCC], Ebonyi chapter.
Ogba is the first student of the University to occupy such a position since the establishment of the institution in 2011.

Speaking during his inauguration ceremony held at the mini auditorium, Needs Assessment Building of the University, Ogba noted that NANS is a body that represents students in all the tertiary institutions in Nigeria, adding that it is the mouthpiece and link between students, school management and the government.

He stated that the association is involved in advocacy , welfare and protection of rights of students.
Continuing, he promised to prioritize the interests of students and foster unity and collaborations among students of tertiary institutions Ebonyi State and beyond .
While speaking at the event, the Special Assistant to the Ebonyi Stste Governor on Students’ Matters, Hon. Joshua Nwafor who was represented by Comrade Nwite Chigbo Martins advised the JCC president to ensure peace and harmony during his tenure, by working and collaborating with all stakeholders in the State.

Barrister Chinedu Nwizu, the Chairman of Senior Comrades Forum, a critical stakeholder in NANS, Ebonyi state chapter, commended the Executive Governor of Ebonyi State, Rt. Hon. Ogbonnaya Nwifuru for the 20% and 10% increase in the salaries of teaching and non teaching staff respectively as well as the 10% reduction in the school fees of Ebonyi State University, noting that it was a strategic move that will raise the moral of staff and students of the university for greater productivity.

He urged the new JCC president to show good leadership by carrying all the students along. He also reminded him of the need to collaborate with the various stakeholders in the course of his assignment.

The immediate past President of National Association of Nigerian Students Joint Campus Ccouncil [ JCC] Ebonyi state chapter, Comrade Maxwell Okeye in his valedictory speech thanked the Nigerian Students, at home and in diaspora for the opportunity they availed him to serve, noting that he was able to record great success during his tenure because he worked closely with his executive and other stakeholders.

He urged the new president to always adhere to the established channels of communication in any matter to avoid discord.

Enlarged Programme of Events for the 7th and 8th combined convocation ceremony of AE-FUNAI.

Enlarged Programme of Events for the 7th and 8th combined convocation ceremony of AE-FUNAI.



RESPECT ALL CONSTITUTED AUTHORITIES, AE-FUNAI VC CHARGES NEW STUDENTSIn line with the serious academic culture the unive...


In line with the serious academic culture the university is reputed for and to officially welcome, introduce and inculcate into the newly admitted students the principles and standards guiding their studies, Alex EKwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State, has held a one-day orientation program for the 2023/2024 academic session new intakes.

While declaring the program open, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sunday Elom, noted that students were the main reason for establishing a university, adding that the orientation Program was necessary to enlighten them on the culture, philosophy, core values, and rules and regulations guiding the University and its environment. He therefore, charged them to respect all constituted authorities in order to go through the university without hitches.

The Vice-Chancellor, who was represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, Prof. Abel Ezeoha, advised the students to take their studies seriously, as the University is reputed as one of the most serious universities in the country, and urged them to shun cultism, truancy, examination malpractices, indecent dressing and other vices that would paint the towering image of the University in bad light.

Prof Elom also encouraged the freshmen to respect the culture and values of the university’s host community to avoid having problems with the indigenes, assuring them of their security while on campus.
He further noted that the university has a team of well-trained staff and professionals, and facilities to guide them through learning, while encouraging the students to feel free to seek for advice and assistance when confused as the staff are on ground to help them succeed.

Contributing, the Registrar, Barr. Ifeanyi Igwe, rolled out the Codes of Conduct as it affects students, admonishing the freshmen to abstain from criminal activities and social vices like theft, violence, examination malpractice, cultism, intimidation, assault amongst many others. He warned that breaching any of the rules and regulations as contained in the Students’ Handbook would attract appropriate and sanction.

In the same vein, the University Librarian, Dr. Juliana Akidi educated the newly admitted students on the Use of the Library and its importance in achieving academic excellence, adding that “readers are leaders”.
She enjoined the students to always make use of the University Library because it is well stocked with soft and hard copies of current texts, and important databases in different fields that are expected of a modern standard university Library with appropriate professionals to attend to them at all times.

Similarly, the University Bursar, Dr. Kingsley Oyekezie, who was represented by Clementine Uzoije, informed the freshmen that the only way they could be regarded as bonafide students is through the payment of all the approved charges, adding that without it they would not be able to complete their registration, and thus, are not ‘ real students’.
He further took them through the modes of payments and the consequences of not paying the approved charges on their studentship.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Ag. Dean, Students’ Affairs, Dr. Charles Okolie congratulated the new students for securing admission into the University despite the large number of candidates that applied to study in the institution, reminding them that the university is for serious- minded students.
He stated that the university environment offers the students the opportunity to be self-reliant and to take responsibility for what they do, stressing that if they do not measure up to the required standard, they will be shown the way out.

Dr. okolie further advised the students to have a settled mind and seek for help when needed, strike a balance between social and academic programs, shun cultism and gangsterism and strive for a good grades by setting some goals for themselves and make sure they work hard to achieve them, adding that extracurricular activities were also linked to high student engagement and success.

On the issue of Security Matters and Security Consciousness, the Chief Security officer of the University, Emeka Ogayi who was represented by Mr. Kelechi Nwali, enjoined the students to be security conscious in the face of threat, enumerating a number of counter measures to be used in a situation of danger with the purpose of ensuring safety. He affirmed that the university has put in place measures to prevent and arrest any threatening situation on the campus for their safety, urging them to avoid any behavior that could lead to crisis.

Other speakers at the event were; Prof. Amobi Ekwe (DAP), who spoke on Academic Issues: Probation/withdrawal/rustication/expulsion, Mr. Ohaekelem Godson talked on SERVICOM (Service Delivery), Mr. Mathew Eze spoke on ICT Management, Barr. Ogochukwu Onuora talked on Prevention of Sexual Violence/Harassment , Arch. Ifeanyi Chukwu spoke on Green Initiative/Campus in a Garden, Prof.

Friday Nwalo talked on Ikwo and its environs, Nwakpu Kelechi spoke on Health Management: The Youth and Drug Abuse; Prevention and Control, Dr. Williams Osatuyi talked on Anti-Corruption and Campus cultism, Dr. Arua Oko talked on Good Moral Conduct/Proper Dressing and Dr. Eunice Eze dwelt on the Need for Counseling in the university, all advocating towards the wellbeing of the new students on campus.



The Faculty of Law, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ebonyi State, has donated 500 tree seedlings in support of the 2024 tree planting campaign, geared towards promoting the Campus-Green Initiative of the university.
While kicking- off the 2024 tree planting campaign in the Faculty, the Acting Dean, Faculty of Law, Dr. Eseni Azu Udu, noted that the main goal of the campaign was to support the Campus-Green Initiative of the University, which is meant to build one of the most beautiful and eco-friendly campuses in Nigeria.

He maintained that the purpose of the tree planting was also to create a better environment for the university in the future, adding that the establishment of the Campus -Green Initiative has led to the preservation and promotion of the natural ecosystem of the campus.
Udu further commended the efforts of the Directorate of Campus-Green Initiative in ensuring a yearly tree planting campaign in the university and encouraged staff and students to support the Initiative in order to secure the environment of the Faculty through planting of tree, adding that in the next 5 years, people will start to see the benefits of the trees.

He further commended some students that contributed money in support of the tree planting exercise in the Faculty and urged others to support the initiative for the sake of posterity.
Acting Director, Campus-Green Initiative, Arc. Ifeanyi Chukwu, noted that the greening initiative of the university is the first of its kind in southeast, Nigeria, adding that in the nearest future the University will serve and become a tourist center for people because of the magnitude and different shades of trees that were being planted in the campus. He further urged the students to continue to donate in support of the initiative.

Also speaking at the event, the President of the Law Students Association, AE-FUNAI chapter, Mr. Chukwujieze Wisdom thanked the Management for initiating the idea to change the University environment through tree planting, and applauded the students that donated trees for the exercise. He also urged others to partner with the Directorate of Campus-Green Initiative to ensure that the purpose of the initiative was achieved.

Highlight of the event was the planting of trees by students to improve the environment of their faculty.


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