I met a man 5 years ago.
We had a great relationship for about 2 years.
After that, he started talking about marriage but insisted I get pregnant before marriage.
I didn't like the Idea but I got pregnant.
That's the greatest mistake I've ever made.
After that, he began dragging his feet and was no longer forthcoming.
After some time, he became unreachable even by telephone.
My elder sister became suspicious of him and asked me for his real name.
I gave them to her and she searched for him on Google with that name.
I was shocked that other social media accounts that I didn't know about popped up.
She clicked on the Facebook account with the names I gave her, which I didn't have and I was shocked that he was married.
His wife had just even given birth to their 4th child.
I found out that he blocked me on it.
I scanned through the photos and saw the beautiful family he had, so what did he want with me?
Why pretend to be single and ask me to get pregnant with his baby and even promise me marriage, asking to meet my family, when his wife was even pregnant at the time?
What was the point?
He even created another Facebook account which he added me on.
Did he know me from somewhere?
Was he out for me?
These were all the questions that occupied my mind.
My life suddenly took an unbelievable turn and had no meaning.
I was heartbroken and wished I wasn't pregnant because it was never my plan to have a child that way.
My sister was so offended and threatened to contact his wife on Facebook.
I pleaded with her not to because I didn't want to break his family but she rolled her eyes at me and did anyway.
His wife reached out to her calling her a liar because her husband had denied all allegations.
She even made cryptic posts on Facebook criticizing loose, desperate women like me, according to her.
A man I had dated for over 2 years denied ever knowing me.
He said he had never seen me in his life.
He accused me of being loose and wanted to pin a pregnancy on him.
My sister insisted on DNA once the child was born.
His wife said it was irrelevant because her husband had never seen me before.
All the evidence my sister provided, her husband said was photoshopped and faked.
I couldn't believe it but that was my reality.
My family advised me to let go because they'd take care of me, but I felt disappointed in myself.
I pushed through pregnancy with my family's support and had a set of twins, a boy and a girl.
It was an emotional rollercoaster but I survived it.
When the twins turned 2 years old, I summoned the courage to post their photos on their birthday on Facebook.
That was my first post in over 2 years.
Once my ex denied me I felt de.press.ed and left social media.
Many people congratulated me asking when I got married and why I didn't invite them.
I laughed off the questions because I didn't want to have those conversations.
By evening a woman sent a DM with the photo of my twins asking why they looked exactly like her husband.
I wanted to ignore her because I didn't recognize the name.
These days, people change their names, so I couldn't tell who she was.
I asked her who her husband was because my mind never went to the Father of my children.
She asked if I didn't recognize her.
I said I didn't, then she introduced herself as the wife of my children's Father.
She said she had been keeping tabs on me.
She said her mind told her that her husband was lying but what was my business?
She asked me questions but I told her to leave me alone.
Her husband had ruined my life and left me a single Mother of twins.
This was not the life I planned for myself.
I told her to ask her husband any questions she had because I had nothing to say to her.
My sister presented all the evidence, and she doubted them all, so what did she want me to say?
Her husband claimed he was single when he met me and wanted to get married.
If not I would have never gotten involved because I don't date married men.
I'm sure she confronted her husband because I woke up to a barrage of angry messages in my DM.
He accused me of wanting to end his marriage because of a fling we had.
He asked why I couldn't disappear since I had gotten what I wanted.
Did I tell him I wanted children before marriage?
He denied ever promising me marriage or asking me to get pregnant.
He asked me why I would upload the pictures of my children and that's when I lost my temper.
I went off on him, asking him why I should hide my children.
So because he denied me, I should deny them, too?
He said his wife was now insisting on DNA, and if the children were ever his, the marriage was over.
He thre.atened to come after me if his marriage ever ended.
I told him to go to hell.
Besides, he has never seen me before or knows me.
I'm just trying to pin a pregnancy on him, so why is he worried?
I told him that I'd keep posting my children on social media, and if he didn't like it, he could delete his
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