Ndeshi & Jakes E-Comic

Ndeshi & Jakes E-Comic A complimentary, monthly digital comic offering insightful concepts to stimulate your intellect.

Everything in life has an expiration date. Relationships will fade, cars will break down, and even bonds of kinship can ...

Everything in life has an expiration date. Relationships will fade, cars will break down, and even bonds of kinship can sometimes dissolve. Eventually, life itself comes to an end. This impermanence is part of the human experience.

When a relationship is filled with constant arguments, unresolved disagreements, and bitterness, it may be better to let it go. The end often begins when you find more peace in solitude than in the presence of your partner.

It is important not to enter a relationship out of loneliness. Embrace solitude and the peace that comes with it, rather than settling for a connection that brings misery. Do not start something with the awareness that it is destined to end soon. Instead, wait for a relationship that nurtures growth, respect, and harmony, one that can stand the test of time.

The cartoon strip Ndeshi and Jakes made its grand debut at The Namibian newspaper exactly 25 years ago today, on Septemb...

The cartoon strip Ndeshi and Jakes made its grand debut at The Namibian newspaper exactly 25 years ago today, on September 3, 1999. Since then, I’ve been in a committed relationship with this strip...loyal, married, and utterly devoted for a quarter of a century.

Over the years, Kandeshi and I have been through thick and thin, for better or worse. I’ve drawn her in some of the strangest places...once, while hooked up to a drip in the hospital. Another time, I was sketching in my car, waiting for an animal auction to kick off. You could say we’ve shared some unconventional moments together!

This lady has also dragged me into some pretty ridiculous situations. I still chuckle at the time I found myself face-to-face with an angry g***a dealer who accused me of being a terrible human being simply because I didn’t support the “g***a is not a drug” movement. But hey, with the trouble she’s caused me, she’s also brought me countless blessings.

From the humble beginnings of doodling cartoons in bed to now juggling two kids and a few businesses, Ndeshi has been there through it all. So here’s to you, Ndeshi and Jakes, happy 25th birthday! Here’s to many more years of laughs, chaos, and the occasional mess!

I gave my nephew enough money to cover his first year of university...tuition, accommodation, living expenses, the whole...

I gave my nephew enough money to cover his first year of university...tuition, accommodation, living expenses, the whole package. But instead of hitting the books, the little entrepreneur decided to invest all of it into various businesses. And he didn’t do this on a whim, he actually consulted with his mother, my sister, and they agreed to use the money differently.

At first, when I found out, I was fuming. I mean, who skips out on uni and gambles away their education fund? But now that a year has passed and I’ve discovered that he’s somehow managed to double that money, I’m starting to think I should be asking this kid for investment advice!

I’ve never been a fan of trust fund kids. Sure, they can hang out and have a blast, but when the party’s over, they retr...

I’ve never been a fan of trust fund kids. Sure, they can hang out and have a blast, but when the party’s over, they retreat to their cushy lives. Meanwhile, you're left wondering if the next meal is going to be a gourmet dish or just wishful thinking!

You can often gauge how someone, a market, or a company might be performing by their current achievements. But trying to...

You can often gauge how someone, a market, or a company might be performing by their current achievements. But trying to predict the future based solely on their present situation? Well, that's like trying to forecast the weather by how sunny it is today...it’s a gamble.

Take, for example, a family reunion where everyone’s gathered, sharing stories, and maybe indulging in a bit too much food. Amidst the laughter, one sober uncle, stone-cold sober, mind you...drops a cryptic warning, “Something bad’s going to happen today.” Most folks shrug it off as one of those oddball statements he’s known for. But later that day, his nephew gets into a car accident.

Now, this is where things get interesting. The nephew’s mom, the uncle’s sister, is outraged. “You cursed my son because you’re jealous! Just because you don’t have a car doesn’t mean you should wish bad on others!” she exclaims, convinced her brother has a side hustle in witchcraft.

But let's clear the air here, this uncle isn't a witch. He's just a seasoned observer of life’s little patterns. Years of watching people mix alcohol, fast cars, and questionable decisions have taught him that the outcome is often as predictable as a toddler with a permanent marker near a white wall. Sometimes, experience is just a sneak peek into the future, not a spell from a jealous brother!

"Lüderitz Property Values Surge by 30% in One Year." This headline from The Namibian newspaper on August 22, 2024, highl...

"Lüderitz Property Values Surge by 30% in One Year." This headline from The Namibian newspaper on August 22, 2024, highlights a remarkable increase in property values in Lüderitz, driven primarily by the recent discovery of oil in Namibia. The discovery has spurred economic growth, created jobs, and attracted people to the area, which in turn has boosted demand for real estate.

This phenomenon is not unique to Lüderitz; it's a common trend seen in regions experiencing economic booms due to resource discoveries or industrial developments. The influx of workers and businesses seeking to capitalize on new opportunities leads to increased demand for housing, driving up property prices.

However, this economic boom can be a double-edged sword. Namibia has a history of ghost towns, where once-thriving communities have dwindled after mines closed down. This serves as a cautionary tale for investors, who must be mindful of the sustainability of the economic activities driving property values.

The phrase "location, location, location" is a well-known mantra among property investors. It emphasizes that the value of real estate is heavily dependent on its location, particularly in areas with robust job markets. Savvy investors strategically purchase properties in regions where people are moving. These areas typically offer a higher quality of life and, most importantly, jobs, which are crucial for sustaining property values.

In contrast, properties in small towns with limited job opportunities are less likely to appreciate in value. In fact, these properties are more prone to depreciation due to high unemployment rates. Jobs are the lifeblood of a community, and without them, even the best-located properties can lose value over time.

I bumped into an old lady friend on Independence Avenue in Windhoek, and of course, the first thing she asked was, "So, ...

I bumped into an old lady friend on Independence Avenue in Windhoek, and of course, the first thing she asked was, "So, what are you up to these days?" Naturally, I tailored my response to highlight my qualifications...she’d recently graduated, so I knew it would hit the right note.

Right after that, I was off to Katutura to catch up with another old friend. I ditched my formal attire, threw on some Havaianas, jeans, and a well-worn t-shirt. After a bit of reminiscing, he too asked, "So, what are you doing nowadays?" I simply replied, "Oh, I’m unemployed, same as you."

You see, I’ve mastered the art of giving people the answer they want to hear. Life’s a lot simpler that way. Take Namasiku’s husband, Kennedy, for instance. When they met six years ago, he downplayed his financial situation because all she wanted was a straightforward 8-to-5 partner to build a life with. "I don’t like rich men...they cheat too much," she once said.

Funny how a little white lie can keep the peace, isn’t it?

Beware of the quiet, calm person who says little. They’re hard to read, and likely wise. Keep your distance...they're sm...

Beware of the quiet, calm person who says little. They’re hard to read, and likely wise. Keep your distance...they're smart, and you never know what's brewing behind those calm eyes.

Why do you keep drinking when you know it always lands you in trouble? If you can’t handle your liquor, maybe it's time ...

Why do you keep drinking when you know it always lands you in trouble? If you can’t handle your liquor, maybe it's time to retire the bottle. It’s like the same story with bad relationships...you either have a talent for picking the wrong people or maybe, just maybe, you were meant to be the star of your own show, without the drama of a supporting cast.

An average person with an IQ of around 120 is likely to change careers every 10 years. It's not just about getting bored...

An average person with an IQ of around 120 is likely to change careers every 10 years. It's not just about getting bored...it's about growth. Experience and exposure can transform anyone, especially if you're smart and have an appetite for something better. But as you level up, not everyone around you will be ready to join you on the next stage of your journey.

A fuller figure is a timeless symbol of wealth and status. After all, a woman who’s well-fed and healthy is bound to hav...

A fuller figure is a timeless symbol of wealth and status. After all, a woman who’s well-fed and healthy is bound to have some glorious matakos! Big matako and wide hips? That’s nature’s way of saying, "This woman can bear you healthy offspring and look fabulous while doing it!" I’m talking about my black queens...strong, curvaceous, and the epitome of beauty. God bless every curve on these queens, and God bless Africa for gifting the world with such divine artistry!

Hate is the younger brother of Envy, the sibling who won’t hesitate to hurt you without a second thought. But while Hate...

Hate is the younger brother of Envy, the sibling who won’t hesitate to hurt you without a second thought. But while Hate is obvious and in-your-face, Envy is the sneaky one. He’s like a ninja in camouflage, blending in so well that you won’t even know he’s there until he’s ready to strike.

Envy is the master of disguise, often dressing up as a smile or a friendly laugh. You might think he’s just a supportive friend, but oh no...he’s secretly plotting your downfall. I was lucky (or maybe unlucky) enough to catch a glimpse of his true colors. The moment he realized I was better than him, he plastered on that fake smile of his, acting all happy for me. But as soon as he got home, I’m pretty sure he started smashing plates and kicking the furniture out of sheer rage.

It's not true that men speak fewer words per day than women. The number of words someone uses depends more on personalit...

It's not true that men speak fewer words per day than women. The number of words someone uses depends more on personality than on gender. But it's often joked that the typical male, with high testosterone levels, tends to keep it short and sweet compared to the opposite.

Kandeshi found herself in a position of power. She holds something that Jakes desperately needs, and she knows it. At th...

Kandeshi found herself in a position of power. She holds something that Jakes desperately needs, and she knows it. At this moment, she could ask for almost anything, and there's a strong chance Jakes would comply. As John D. Rockefeller once remarked, "Control is better than ownership," a sentiment he famously applied to the advantages of using trusts.

The world is a stage, and each of us plays our part, entering and exiting as life unfolds. On this stage, we have the ch...

The world is a stage, and each of us plays our part, entering and exiting as life unfolds. On this stage, we have the chance to assume different roles, adapting to the circumstances and people around us. This echoes Jaques’ reflection in Shakespeare’s As You Like It on the seven stages of human life.

People who lose money to forex traders or pyramid schemes have themselves partly to blame. Believing you can get a 50% r...

People who lose money to forex traders or pyramid schemes have themselves partly to blame. Believing you can get a 50% return on your money in one month is, frankly, naive. Confiscating the property, cars, and bank accounts of these scam artists might seem fair, but maybe the investors deserve a bit of punishment too...for believing in the financial equivalent of fairy tales.

"How to escape poverty" is one of the most searched topics on the web. But Kandeshi is taking it quite literally. Upon s...

"How to escape poverty" is one of the most searched topics on the web. But Kandeshi is taking it quite literally. Upon seeing her cousin, who is currently struggling financially, instead of greeting him or offering any help, she took off running. Apparently, she thought the best way to escape poverty was to outrun it...quite literally!

To avoid divorce, it may be better not to marry solely for love. Many arranged marriages last because the union is based...

To avoid divorce, it may be better not to marry solely for love. Many arranged marriages last because the union is based on factors other than love. Here are some tips on how to choose your future partner:

1. Ensure you have the same goals in life.
2. Look for someone with a similar level of intelligence.
3. Having a similar level of income and education can help.

It's also beneficial to create a written agreement (prenuptial agreement) to guide your marriage. This agreement can include details such as the number of children you both desire.

You can learn to appreciate a partner who works and sacrifices towards similar goals. It's possible to miss someone you live with every day and to develop tolerance and respect for the father or mother of your children. This, in essence, is love.

True wealth lies not in amassing great possessions, but in harboring few desires.

True wealth lies not in amassing great possessions, but in harboring few desires.

There's no scientific proof that foot size hints at p***s size...it's just an urban myth. Jakes even bought shoes four s...

There's no scientific proof that foot size hints at p***s size...it's just an urban myth. Jakes even bought shoes four sizes too big, hoping to step up his dating game!

What is a woman like you doing in a place like this?

What is a woman like you doing in a place like this?

Online relationships and online degrees are the same... they are just useless.

Online relationships and online degrees are the same... they are just useless.

I saw a post on Twitter where someone asked, "Why do guys ask for numbers and then never call?" Lots of people replied, ...

I saw a post on Twitter where someone asked, "Why do guys ask for numbers and then never call?" Lots of people replied, but one answer really stood out. To paraphrase: "It's in men's nature to hunt, so they'll ask a bunch of ladies for their numbers and see which one is worth calling back. Generally, they avoid the toxic ones. So, if you didn't get a call, maybe you're the toxic one."

And on the flip side, if a lady thinks you're toxic, she'll give you a fake number. Once, a woman at the airport gave me the number of an undertaker. Talk about a dead end!

Your ex is my brother.

Your ex is my brother.

Marriage is one of the longest and most significant contracts a person can enter, but it is also one that can be entirel...

Marriage is one of the longest and most significant contracts a person can enter, but it is also one that can be entirely avoided. Throughout life, individuals encounter various contracts and agreements, such as lease agreements, mortgage agreements, and shareholder agreements. However, the marriage contract stands out as one that can profoundly impact one's life, for better or worse.

Marriage involves legal, financial, and emotional commitments that often surpass those of other agreements. Unlike business contracts, which typically focus on specific transactions or obligations, a marriage contract encompasses various aspects of life, including property rights, inheritance, and the well-being of any children involved. The repercussions of entering or dissolving a marriage can be far-reaching, affecting personal happiness, financial stability, and social standing.

While other contracts might be limited in scope and duration, the marriage contract is unique in its potential to influence every facet of an individual's life. Consequently, the decision to marry requires careful consideration and a deep understanding of the potential implications, both positive and negative.

Some phone calls are so complicated that when you see the caller ID, you just stare at the phone, wondering if you shoul...

Some phone calls are so complicated that when you see the caller ID, you just stare at the phone, wondering if you should answer. You know, the "What now? Who died?" kind of calls. Then there's the "I can't hang out with you because we always end up in trouble" call, which is another classic.

But the call that always gets me down is from my friend Jerry. Jerry's calls are a festival of complaints, condemnation, and wild exaggerations. After a call with Jerry, I need painkillers just to recover. That guy is a walking headache!

"Keep your private life private" sounds like a cliché from a social media guru, but there's truth in it. Think of it thi...

"Keep your private life private" sounds like a cliché from a social media guru, but there's truth in it. Think of it this way: a thief isn't going to break into your house to steal your book collection; they want the big TV, the cellphones, and the flashy jewelry you flaunted online.

Having a private life can act as a shield against fake friends and gold diggers. When people don't know your personal details, they often make up their own stories.

Another Kwambi

Another Kwambi

Red tomatoes produce ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process in green tomatoes. By placing a red tomato wit...

Red tomatoes produce ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process in green tomatoes. By placing a red tomato with a green tomato, the green tomato will eventually ripen and become ready to be consumed.

However, placing a rotten tomato next to healthy tomatoes will cause the decay to spread. This is due to fungal or bacterial pathogens present in the rotten tomato, which can infect the other tomatoes.

Much like red tomatoes that promote ripening and readiness, some people spread truth and love, while others, akin to rotten tomatoes, spread toxicity.

The only soul I’d share my kidneys with is you, my wife, Kandeshi. Our bond transcends mere wealth; my money is your mon...

The only soul I’d share my kidneys with is you, my wife, Kandeshi. Our bond transcends mere wealth; my money is your money. My very existence is indebted to you. Through the darkest times, you were my constant.

When I lost my job and ventured into the uncertain world of business, you stood unwavering. Not once did you lament being the main breadwinner for five long years. You never sought help from relatives, nor whispered to friends that I was a failure. Instead, you rose, worked tirelessly, and became my beacon.

In my moments of despair, you were both therapist and guide. You are my hero. Today, as I receive my first significant earnings, I promise to become the man you truly deserve.


Barella Street


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