Voters at the Auspannplatz in the Windhoek East constituency have raised concerns about the portable toilet provided by the ECN, which is currently full. They are urging the commission to coordinate with the City of Windhoek to address the issue and ensure the public toilets at the site are properly maintained.
By: Josia Shigwedha
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#NamibiaVotes #Election2024 #ElectionDay #NamibianElection #electionoverview
A heavy police presence at the Okuryangava Disability Resources Center in the Tobias Hainyeko Constituency after chaos broke out. The disturbance was caused by members of the public pushing others, cutting the queue, and jumping the wall to get to the front.
News on One spoke to presiding officer Elia Kamati, who confirmed that peace and order have since been restored after law enforcement was called to the scene.
Visit for live election updates.
Erongo Regional Governor, Neville André-Itope, shared that he has seen strong enthusiasm among residents to exercise their democratic right to vote at various polling stations in Swakopmund.
He made these remarks after casting his vote earlier today in the coastal town.
Video: Adolf Kaure
Visit for live election updates.
After casting his vote, President Nangolo Mbumba highlighted the importance of allowing Namibian citizens the freedom to choose their leaders.
By: Finna Kahili
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#NamibiaVotes #Election2024 #ElectionDay #NamibianElection #electionoverview
Inmates at the Windhoek Correctional Facility were given the opportunity to exercise their democratic right to vote shortly after Namibian Correctional Service Commissioner General Raphael Hamunyela cast his vote.
Among the 500 inmates expected to vote, Johannes Neuaka shared that he hopes his vote will bring change and lead to the consideration of inmates serving long sentences.
By: Selma Taapopi
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#NamibiaVotes #Election2024 #ElectionDay #NamibianElection #electionoverview
Information Minister Emma Theofelus casting her vote this morning at the Samora Machel Constituency. 🗳️
For more action visit:
🎥 Video: Contributed #ElectionDay
Over 100 people showed up to cast their votes at Emma Hoogenhout in the Windhoek West constituency! 🗳️ The first voter shared that she started her day as early as 5 AM to make her mark.
Stay informed! For LIVE election updates, visit:
#ElectionDay #StayUpdated #LiveCoverage
📸 By: Josia Shigwedha
🎉 Drum Roll please! 🎉
Namibia, here are the 10 finalists of the @JSBBetting Try&Win Competition! 🏆🎉
These contenders are going head-to-head over the next few weeks in 10 exciting challenges, all for the chance to watch the Springboks take on the All Blacks live in Cape Town on 7 July! 🏉🇳🇦
Challenges kick off next Monday—stay tuned and cheer on your favourites! 🎊
Good luck to:
Taryn Paulse
Osvaldo Willemse
Abraham de Klerk
Chanelle Claasen
Ernest Waterboer
Authea Clarke
Dihlen Daries
Peter-Jac De Klerk
Shaun Duncker
Sharlene Bezuidenhout
#TryAndWin #JSBBetting #SpringboksVsAllBlacks #Rugby #Namibia
⛳Look at all the fun we had at the Future Media & Sanlam Namibia Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf Day! 🏌️
The day was enhanced by Metro Namibia , Butcher Block Namibia , Galito's Namibia , Torga Optical Namibia , Pupkewitz Megabuild , DZ Golf , Windhoek Golf and Country club , Promobasket , CRVW and AB InBev Namibia
We hope to see YOU next year!
There are only 2 weeks left to register a team for the Future Media & Sanlam Namibia Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf Day! Social players welcome! Email [email protected] for more info.
The Side by Side- Early Intervention Centre has been a beneficiary of the event since 2022, and will be supported again this year, to support the wonderful work they do for children living with disabilities.
#golf #charity #education #namibia
Funds raised through the Future Media & Sanlam Namibia Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf Day will support the LearnOnOneNam. They provide free extra school lessons to students through OneAfrica Television and Streaming. They also activate at schools across the country, elevating education in Namibia.
Enter your team for the Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf Day, and support this great foundation! Email [email protected] to enter.