Edhyla - Knowledge for Change

Edhyla - Knowledge for Change Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de Edhyla - Knowledge for Change, Avenida 24 de Julho, 3486, Maputo.

Edhyla is a company that provide services of consultancy, projects, technical assistance and research in the fields of education, culture, gender studies, politics, communication and development.

Congratulations Mr. Cacinda for being in the Mia Couto Literary Prize 2024 shortlist. This is an important achievement t...

Congratulations Mr. Cacinda for being in the Mia Couto Literary Prize 2024 shortlist. This is an important achievement to enhance your criativity. We wish you all the best

Kwashala Blues, de Jessemusse Cacinda, é uma das obras finalistas do Prémio Literário Mia Couto. O autor, como qualquer outro finalista, tem possibilidades de vencer o prémio. Mas, segundo o escritor, chegar até esta fase já é uma grande vitória.

Cornelder de Moçambique

Our team conducted a training session on Environmental Children Rights in the Context of Extractive Industry in Jangamo,...

Our team conducted a training session on Environmental Children Rights in the Context of Extractive Industry in Jangamo, Inhambane province, south of Mozambique. In the final evaluation, the participants say they have learnt about how to protect children's rights in the context of extractive industry and thought about some activities to mitigate the climate effects of the industry. Edhyla is committed to using knowledge to generate social change that’s why is partnering with Ethale Publishing to execute projects for its clients.

"The freedom of opinion and expression implies having ideas and thoughts to be shared, and the existence of channels whe...

"The freedom of opinion and expression implies having ideas and thoughts to be shared, and the existence of channels where the ideas and thoughts could be shared. The first implication refers to the importance of creating platforms to help people in developing critical thinking and the second implication refers to the importance of developing platforms to circulate ideas and information" - Jessemusse Cacinda writes about his journey into publishing and activism for reading.

The Indian economist Amartya Sen[1] defines democracy as governance through debate, that’s why it is necessary to improve the information availability and the feasibility of interactive discussions. According to him, democracy must be judged not only through the existing institutions but through ...

The American scholar Farah Jasmine Griffin advocates for the action through her work and that’s one of our values as Edh...

The American scholar Farah Jasmine Griffin advocates for the action through her work and that’s one of our values as Edhyla, because we need knowledge that changes people's lives and the society. In a certain part of the interview by Mellon Foundation we are sharing she says: “I’ve been working for years with a social justice organization in Harlem called The Brotherhood Sister Sol. We provide holistic services for Harlem youth and train them to be organizers. My other personal call to action is to share the knowledge that I’ve learned, and helped to produce, with as broad a swath of people as possible in ways that might inform social movements. And that‘s one of the things I try to do in this book. This isn’t just to put forward an academic theory: I’m speaking to organizers, but also to writers and artists”.

Credit: Ann Blake Mellon Fellow in Residence Farah Jasmine Griffin has dedicated her life to understanding the brilliance of Black thinkers and artists. Through her own writing and teaching, she’s helping others do the same.When Farah Jasmine Griffin was in third grade, her father gave her a paper...

“Para a minha avó, o sucesso se resume em 1) aprender 2) ganhar e 3) partilhar. O trabalho de um gestor se resume em pre...

“Para a minha avó, o sucesso se resume em 1) aprender 2) ganhar e 3) partilhar. O trabalho de um gestor se resume em preocupar-se com as pessoas, isto significa preocupar-se com os clientes, preocupar-se com os colaboradores, preocupar-se com os fornecedores e acima de tudo, preocupar-se com o tipo de soluções que o teu negócio apresenta para a tua comunidade. O negócio não pode ser uma ilha de prosperidade num oceano de pobreza. Uma empresa não pode focar-se apenas em fazer dinheiro, porque dinheiro não é tudo, uma empresa tem primeiro e acima de tudo uma finalidade social, empresa sem pessoas não funciona. A humanidade perdeu confiança nas empresas que trabalham sem o mínimo de ética. E porque a confiança importa? Porque se não há confiança não há negócio” – Bonang Mohale.

A group of writers decided to recreate stories that happen in a city as a way of rethink the urban lifestyle in Mozambiq...

A group of writers decided to recreate stories that happen in a city as a way of rethink the urban lifestyle in Mozambique. The book is now available.

Um grupo de escritores decidiu recriar as história de uma cidade como forma de ajudar a repensar o estilo de vida urbano moçambicano. O livro está agora disponível.

The Ubuntu philosophy assumption that “I am because we are '' resumes the idea of how we are as a human being, that is w...

The Ubuntu philosophy assumption that “I am because we are '' resumes the idea of how we are as a human being, that is why it is important to teach students at schools and universities about cultural diversity to prepare them to deal with differences. That’s the main idea defended by Rayma Rajá when she was invited to the show at Mozambique's Television (TVM).

A filosofia Ubuntu expressa através da frase “sou porque nós somos” resume a ideia do que somos enquanto humanos, por isso é importante ensinar os estudantes nas escolas e universidades sobre a diversidade cultural para prepará-los para lidar com as diferenças. Esta é a principal ideia defendida por Rayma Rajá quando convidada para uma entrevista na Televisão de Moçambique.

“The claims to knowledge we make about Africa are not accounts of what Africa is… It is a critical inquiry into how theo...

“The claims to knowledge we make about Africa are not accounts of what Africa is… It is a critical inquiry into how theoretical frameworks, conceptual categories and methodological procedures may fool us into believing that the worlds we are after are to be found outside of the bounds set by these intellectual resources” – Macamo, E. (2016). Before we start - science and power in the constitution of Africa, in The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa edited by Maano Ramutsindela, Giorgio Miescher, Melanie Boehi and published by BASLER AFRIKA.

Note: The photo illustrates the field work by our team with a group of teachers at primary school in the rural north of Mozambique

Happy Africa Day

Happy Africa Day



Avenida 24 De Julho, 3486



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